Produse pentru alimente (171)

Broccoli Proaspăt - Aliment cu Calorii Reduse

Broccoli Proaspăt - Aliment cu Calorii Reduse

Broccoli is known for being rich in nutrients while being low in calories. They are a source of beta carotene, vitamin C, B6, folic acid and lutein. In addition, they contain many minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is worth introducing this valuable vegetable to your diet, especially if you have vision problems or do a lot of sports, because it is also a great source of protein. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin K, thanks to which it has a good effect on bones and joint cartilage. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is believed to be a cancer-fighting substance
Legume proaspete - Conopidă proaspătă

Legume proaspete - Conopidă proaspătă

Cauliflower is a low-calorie vegetable. It contains mineral salts (e.g. sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc), carotenes, vitamins (mainly C, but also K, B1, B2, B6), organic acids. Like other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower also contains sulfur compounds.
Alimente cu calorii reduse - Conopidă, legumă cu calorii reduse.

Alimente cu calorii reduse - Conopidă, legumă cu calorii reduse.

Fresh cauliflower Cauliflower is a low-calorie vegetable. It contains mineral salts (e.g. sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc), carotenes, vitamins (mainly C, but also K, B1, B2, B6), organic acids. Like other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower also contains sulfur compounds.
Făină de Pește 71%

Făină de Pește 71%

Mączka Rybna 71% otrzymywana jest z ryb surowych lub skrawków rybnych – produktów ubocznych z przygotowania do spożycia przez ludzi. Surowiec gotuje się w temperaturze ok. 80-90°C, sprasowuje w placek, a następnie suszy i grubo mieli. Oferowana przez Foodcom mączka rybna produkowana jest z ryb takich jak śledź i szprot hodowanych w Morzu Bałtyckim. Produkt końcowy ma postać sypkiej, brązowej mąki. Oferujemy również mączkę rybną 60% i 65%.
Materii prime pentru industria alimentară

Materii prime pentru industria alimentară

- Activated charcoal - Crushed rosehip - Date honey - Date juice concentrate - Date liquid sugar - Date syrup - Dried arnica flower - Dried black mallow flower - Dried blackberry fruit - Dried licorice root - Dried linden blossom - Dried mullein flower - Dried red rose petals - Dried sunflower petals - Gamma oryzanol - Granulated honey - Green tea extract - Hibiscus flower - High fructose date sugar - Probiotics - Sodium phosphate - Stevia - Steviol glycosides 95 REB-A 80 and REB-A 60 (Stevia) - Sweet blackberry leaf
Uleiuri alimentare și cosmetice

Uleiuri alimentare și cosmetice

Huile d’amande Huile d’amarante Huile d’argousier Huile d’avocat huile d’olive Huile d’onagre Huile d’argan Huile d’origan Huile de bourrache Huile de canola huile de castor Huile de chardon-Marie Huile de cèdre Huile de figue de barbarie Huile de fruits des bois huile de graines d’açaï Huile de graines d’argousier Huile de graines d’épinards Huile de graines de baobab Huile de graines de basilic Huile de graines de betterave Huile de graines de brocoli Huile de graines de Buriti Huile de graines de camélia Huile de graines de carotte Huile de graines de carthame Huile de graines de chanvre huile de graines de chia Huile de graines de citron Huile de graines de citron vert Huile de graines de citrouille Huile de graines de coing Huile de graines de concombre Huile de graines de coriandre Huile de graines de fenouil Huile de graines de fenugrec
Făină de Pește 71%

Făină de Pește 71%

Fish Meal 71% is derived from raw fish or fish trimmings, typically leftover from the preparation of fish for human consumption. The raw material undergoes a cooking process at 80-90°C, after which it is pressed into a cake, dried, and coarsely ground to form a brown, loose flour with a protein content of 71.5%, fat content of 13.3%, and Lysine content of approximately 5.83%. Herring and Sprats from the Baltic Sea are the primary fish used in Foodcom S.A.'s Fish Meal. The product has a shelf life of 12 months and should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry warehouse. Foodcom S.A. offers packaging Fish Meal in bags or Big Bags. Fish Meal is a highly nutritious component of animal feed and is commonly used in aquaculture, as well as for pigs, poultry, and pets. Foodcom S.A. also offers Fish Meal 60% and 65%.
Mazare Proteica 80% - Pentru Utilizare Alimentară

Mazare Proteica 80% - Pentru Utilizare Alimentară

La proteina dei piselli è ottenuta dal pisello dorato o giallo mediante processi secchi e liquidi. Nella fase secca, il guscio del pisello viene rimosso meccanicamente e macinato. Successivamente si ottiene la farina di piselli e grazie alle sue proprietà di idrosolubilità le proteine ​​vengono separate e raccolte per centrifugazione. Il prodotto finale a base di proteine ​​dei piselli è una polvere beige, dal gusto pulito.
Proteină de mazăre 80% - Calitate alimentară

Proteină de mazăre 80% - Calitate alimentară

La proteína de guisante se utiliza en muchos productos vegetarianos y veganos, así como en la nutrición deportiva. Se puede utilizar en productos como batidos y mezclas de batidos, sustitutos de la carne de origen vegetal, helados veganos y alternativas al yogur. La proteína de guisante también es popular en el sector de la panadería y como componente de comidas preparadas. Se puede texturizar para hacer análogos de la carne y aumentar el contenido de proteínas de los sustitutos de la carne.
Făină de Pește 71%

Făină de Pește 71%

La farina di pesce 71% è ottenuta da pesce crudo o ritagli di pesce – sottoprodotti della preparazione per il consumo umano. La materia prima viene cotta a circa 80-90°C, pressata in una torta, e successivamente essiccata e macinata grossolanamente. La farina di pesce offerta da Foodcom è prodotta da pesci come aringhe e spratti coltivati nel Mar Baltico. Il prodotto finale si presenta sotto forma di farina sfusa e marrone. Forniamo anche farina di pesce 60% e 65%. La farina di pesce offerta da Foodcom è prodotta da pesci come aringhe e spratti coltivati ​​nel Mar Baltico. Il prodotto finale si presenta sotto forma di farina integrale sfusa.
Vitamine - Produse pentru industria alimentară, cosmetică și farmaceutică

Vitamine - Produse pentru industria alimentară, cosmetică și farmaceutică

- Beta carotene (100% natural) - Biotin - Cyanocobalamin USP - D-biotin - D-Ribose - Methylcobalamin (B12 Coenzyme) - Natural vitamin E succinate - Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (P5P) - Sulbutiamine - Thiamine disulfide - Vitamin B12 - Vitamin E - Vitamin E Natural Powder 30%
Proteină de mazăre 80% - Calitate alimentară

Proteină de mazăre 80% - Calitate alimentară

Pea Protein is obtained from yellow or golden peas by dry and liquid methods. In the dry method, the shell of the peas is removed mechanically, they are ground to obtain pea flour, and the proteins are separated and collected by centrifugation. Pea Protein contains a high concentration of protein, iron and amino acids, which makes it a popular ingredient in various diets due to its non-allergenic properties and easy digestibility. Pea Protein also has functional properties such as water binding capacity, foaming, emulsification and stable gelation. It appears as a beige powder with a clean taste. Its shelf life can be up to 24 months if kept in cool and dry storage away from light. Pea Protein is available in 20 or 25 kg bags or Big Bags. Pea Protein is commonly used in vegetarian and vegan products, sports nutrition, baked goods, and as an ingredient in prepared foods. It can also be texturized to make meat analogs and increase the protein content of meat substitutes.
Făină de floarea-soarelui în SAC MARE cu livrare

Făină de floarea-soarelui în SAC MARE cu livrare

Granulated sunflower meal in a Big Bag weighing 1 ton. Product parameters: • Protein: 39% • Humidity: up to 10.4% • Fat: 1.4% • Fiber: 22.8% Minimum order of 22 tons - full truckload quantities, payment after delivery of the goods. Additional information: • Downloadable certificates and more product photos can be found on our website:; • The offer comes from a Polish company; • Possibility to issue a VAT invoice. Minimal order:23 tones
Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

La farina di glutine di mais è un sottoprodotto ottenuto da un processo di macinazione a umido del mais durante la produzione dell'amido di mais. Il prodotto finale è una polvere omogenea e fine di colore giallo-arancio. Ha un fresco odore di cereali. La farina di glutine di mais è ricca di proteine e abbastanza buona in metionina, che è preziosa per le galline ovaiole. Il contenuto relativamente alto di xantofille gialle rende la farina di mais senza glutine una scelta popolare per la pigmentazione del pollame.
Proteină de Mazăre 80% - Calitate Alimentară

Proteină de Mazăre 80% - Calitate Alimentară

La protéine de pois est obtenue à partir de pois dorés ou jaunes par voie sèche et liquide. Au stade du séchage, la coque des pois est retirée à la machine et broyée. Plus tard, la farine de pois est récupérée et, grâce à ses propriétés hydrosolubles, les protéines sont séparées par centrifugation et collectées. Le produit final de protéines de pois est une poudre beige au goût pur.
Făină de floarea-soarelui în BIG BAG cu livrare

Făină de floarea-soarelui în BIG BAG cu livrare

Farina di girasole granulata in Big Bag da 1 tonnellata. Parametri del prodotto: • Proteine: 39% • Umidità: fino al 10,4% • Grassi: 1,4% • Fibra: 22,8% Prezzo: • PLN 1.250 per un Big Bag, con consegna in provincia. Mazowiecki o la zona intorno a Biała Podlaska. Ordine minimo 22 tonnellate - quantità a camion completo, pagamento alla consegna della merce. Informazioni aggiuntive: • Certificati scaricabili e altre foto dei prodotti sono disponibili sul nostro sito Web:; • L'offerta proviene da un'azienda polacca; • Possibilità di emettere fattura IVA. Vi preghiamo di contattarci: 503#577#909 Chiamaci e fornisci il luogo di consegna e calcoleremo il prezzo. Garantiamo tempi di consegna brevi e un servizio professionale. ordine minimo:23 tonnellate
Făină de Pește 71%

Făină de Pește 71%

La farine de poisson 71% est obtenue à partir de poisson cru ou de parures de poisson – des sous-produits de la préparation pour la consommation humaine. La matière première est cuite à environ 80-90°C, pressée en un gâteau, puis séchée et grossièrement broyée. La farine de poisson proposée par Foodcom est produite à partir de poissons tels que le hareng et les sprats cultivés dans la mer Baltique. Le produit final se présente sous la forme de farine brune en vrac.
Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

La harina de gluten de maíz es un subproducto obtenido de un proceso de molienda húmeda de maíz durante la fabricación de almidón de maíz. El producto final es un polvo fino homogéneo de color amarillo-naranja. Tiene un olor a cereal fresco. La harina de gluten de maíz es rica en proteínas y bastante rica en metionina, que es valiosa para las gallinas ponedoras. El contenido relativamente alto de xantofilas amarillas hace que la harina de maíz con gluten sea una opción popular para la pigmentación de las aves.
Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

Maisglutenmehl ist ein Nebenprodukt der Maisstärkeherstellung durch Nassmahlen von Mais. Das Endprodukt ist ein homogenes, feines Pulver von gelb-oranger Farbe. Es hat einen frischen Getreidegeruch. Maisglutenschrot hat einen hohen Proteingehalt und einen recht guten Methioningehalt, der für Legehennen wertvoll ist. Der relativ hohe Gehalt an gelbem Xanthophyll macht Maisklebermehl zu einer beliebten Wahl zum Färben von Geflügel.
Grăsime de Lapte Anhidrată (AMF)

Grăsime de Lapte Anhidrată (AMF)

La matière grasse laitière anhydre (AMF) peut être fabriquée à partir de beurre ou de crème 35 % à 45 %, selon la saison. Le processus de production consiste à éliminer presque toute l'eau et les solides non gras à l'aide de centrifugeuses. Grâce à cela, le produit est plus facile à conserver et à stocker car il contient moins d'eau.
Proteine vegetale texturate (TVP)

Proteine vegetale texturate (TVP)

Textured Vegetable Proteins (TVP) are an innovative solution for those seeking high-quality plant-based protein alternatives. Produced without soy and from GMO-free raw materials, TVP offers a sustainable and nutritious option for vegan and vegetarian diets. These proteins are crafted using a unique modular extruder technology, ensuring a high protein and fiber content, along with essential bioactive compounds. The versatility of TVP allows it to be used in various culinary applications, making it an ideal choice for food manufacturers looking to create meatless products that cater to modern dietary preferences. The production process of TVP emphasizes ecological responsibility by minimizing environmental impact and reducing production waste. By utilizing Polish plant varieties with high protein content, TVP not only supports local agriculture but also aligns with global sustainability trends. This product is perfect for wholesale customers and producers of vegan and vegetarian food, ready meals, and convenient foods, offering a reliable and nutritious ingredient for meat-like products in the B2B business model.
Borcan de sticlă de 190 ml cu transport inclus

Borcan de sticlă de 190 ml cu transport inclus

Oferujemy słoiki szklane wysokiej jakości o różnych pojemnościach w najlepszych cenach na rynku. Minimalne Zamówienie: • Ilości całosamochodowe Cena (zawiera koszty dostawy do klienta w Polsce): • Słoik 190 ml - 0,32 zł/szt. Sposób pakowania: • Luzem - 6498 szt na palecie, na aucie 26 palet; Słoiki można miksować, pełną ofertę produktową uzyskasz u nas, wystarczy zapytać! Zapraszamy do kontaktu: 503#577#909 Certyfikaty: • Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo. Faktura VAT: • Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji. Serdecznie zapraszamy do współpracy! Minimalne zamówienie:26 palet Faktura VAT:Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji Certyfikaty:Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo
Extracte din plante

Extracte din plante

Acai extract Acerola extract Andrographis paniculata extract Belladonna extract Barberry extract Blueberry extract Boswellia serrata extract Hop extract Black pepper extract Uncaria extract Red caviar extract Cistus extract Damiana (Turnera diffusa) extract Dong Quai (Angelica sinesis) extract Drosera extract Tea tree extract Tea tree extract 20% saponins St. John’s wort (Hypericum) extract Codonopsis extract Garcinia Cambogia Extrakt Ginkgo biloba extract (maidenhair tree) Hawthorn extract Gentian extract Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) extract Bitter orange extract Graviola extract Buckwheat extract Guarana extract Guggul extract Gynostemma extract Apple extract Cocoa extract Artichoke extract Primrose cup extract Butcher’s broom rhizome extract Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) extract Pine bark extract Angelica root extract Black radish root extract Ginger root extract Dandelion root extract
Aditivi pentru suplimente alimentare

Aditivi pentru suplimente alimentare

Products for the pharmaceutical and medical industry: - 5-methyl-7-methoxyisoflavone - Acetyl-L-carnitine - Activated charcoal - Ascorbyl palmitate BP/EP/USP - Banaba leaf exctract- - Beta carotene - Betaine, hydrochloride - Caffeine - Calcium pyruvate - Chicken type II collagen - Chitosan - Chlorella - Choline citrate - Choline tartrate - Chromium - Chrysin - Coenzyme Q10 - Creatine ethyl ester, HCL - Creatine phosphate - Creatine pyruvate - D-Glucosamine hydrochloride - D-Ribose - Diatomaceous earth (diatomite) - DL-phenylalanine - Evodiamine - Gamma oryzanol - Garcinia cambogia extract - Glucoraphanin and Sulforaphane - Guggul extract - Hexylene glycol - Indole-3-carbinol - Ipriflavone - L-carnitine - L-carnitine fumarate - Magnesium pyruvate - Melatonin - MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - N-acetylglucosamine - Potassium pyruvate - Primrose cup extract - Probiotics
Borcan de sticlă de 720 ml cu transport inclus

Borcan de sticlă de 720 ml cu transport inclus

Oferujemy słoiki szklane wysokiej jakości o różnych pojemnościach w najlepszych cenach na rynku. Minimalne Zamówienie: - Ilości całosamochodowe Cena (zawiera koszty dostawy do klienta w Polsce): - Słoik 720 ml - 0,63 zł/szt. Sposób pakowania: - Luzem - 2304 szt na palecie, na aucie 26 palet. Słoiki można miksować, pełną ofertę produktową uzyskasz u nas, wystarczy zapytać! Certyfikaty: •Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo. Faktura VAT: •Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji. Serdecznie zapraszamy do współpracy! Minimalne zamówienie:26 palet Faktura VAT:Wystawiamy fakturę VAT dla Twojej firmy, zapewniając pełną transparentność transakcji Certyfikaty:Nasze produkty posiadają odpowiednie certyfikaty jakości, gwarantując wysoką jakość i bezpieczeństwo
Protein de Mazăre 80%

Protein de Mazăre 80%

Białko grochu otrzymuje się z grochu złocistego lub żółtego w procesach suchych i płynnych. Na etapie suszenia łuska grochu jest usuwana maszynowo i mielona. Później mąka grochowa jest odzyskiwana i dzięki właściwościom rozpuszczalności w wodzie białka są oddzielane przez wirowanie i zbierane. Końcowym produktem z białka grochu jest beżowy proszek o czystym smaku.
Acoperire de vânzare în aer liber - unitate dublă

Acoperire de vânzare în aer liber - unitate dublă

- effective protection against weather conditions – ventilation and insulation systems, - suitable for different types of vending machines, - modern and attractive appearance, - modular construction – easy to add extra segments, - solid construction – made of aluminium and powder coated steel with zinc protection, - suitable for uneven surfaces – equipped with adjustable feet, - easy self-assembly, - quick and easy installation of vending machine, - equipped with electrical system and switchboard – sockets to power up the vending machines, - illuminated with external LED lighting with twilight sensor, - customizable – wide choice of powder coating colours, printed films,
Proteina de mazăre texturată VG Titans P65-L

Proteina de mazăre texturată VG Titans P65-L

Textured Pea Protein VG Titans P65-L is a dry product obtained through extrusion, suitable for hydrating and using in plant-based products like burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. With a minimum of 65% pea protein, this product comes in large chunks and has a water absorption ratio of 1:2, with a recommended hydration time of 45 minutes. It is packaged in an 8kg PE bag and is ideal for creating plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Proteina de mazăre texturată VG Titans P65-M

Proteina de mazăre texturată VG Titans P65-M

The Textured Pea Protein VG Titans P65-M is a dry, extruded product that can be rehydrated for use in plant-based items such as burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. It contains a minimum of 65% pea protein, available in medium chunks, and has a water absorption ratio of 1:3 with a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, this product is perfect for crafting plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-L

Proteina de trigo texturizada VG Titans W65-L

Textured Wheat Protein VG Titans W65-L is a dry product created through extrusion, suitable for hydration and use in plant-based products like burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. Made from wheat protein and wheat flour, it contains a minimum of 65% protein, available in large chunks, with a water absorption ratio of 1:3 and a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in a 6kg PE bag, this product is ideal for making plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.