Produse pentru alimente (6801)

Pita cu Carne Măcinată și Kashkaval Congelată Făcută Manual de Dalya

Pita cu Carne Măcinată și Kashkaval Congelată Făcută Manual de Dalya

Dalya Handmade Frozen Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita: Frozen Traditional Flavors Hunkar brand now offers its handmade pita bread inspired by traditional Turkish cuisine in frozen form. Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita is carefully prepared and packaged frozen, 100% faithful to the original Turkish recipe. Now, you can quickly prepare this unique flavor whenever you want and make your table festive. The thin dough is covered with delicious minced meat and plenty of cheddar cheese and baked in the oven, leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate. Hunkar's frozen pita brings together practicality and traditional flavor. Prepared with the skill of experienced hands, this pita will add joy to your tables.
Arome pentru Alimente - Gust Convingător pentru Ideile Tale

Arome pentru Alimente - Gust Convingător pentru Ideile Tale

Egal, ob Backware, Süßigkeit, Fitnessriegel oder Fertiggericht – unsere Aromen verleihen Ihren Pro­dukt­en die gewün­schte geschmackliche Note. Als Ihr Partner be­glei­ten wir den Pro­zess von Ihr­er Produkt­idee bis hin zum markt­reifen End­produkt und stehen Ihnen gerne be­ra­tend mit unse­rer aromen- und anwendungstechnischen sowie regulatorischen Kompetenz zur Seite. Diverse Aromen, Extrakte, Compunds und Seasonings in flüssiger, viskoser oder trockener Form erfüllen sowohl die individuellen Marktbedürfnisse als auch die technischen Anforderungen Ihrer individuellen Anwendungsgebiete. Da der Aspekt Natürlichkeit für Verbraucher immer weiter in den Fokus rückt, haben wir unser Portfolio um eine Vielzahl an biotauglichen Aromen erweitert, die der aktuellen Verordnung entsprechen.
Pudră de ficat de vită premium (calitate alimentară)

Pudră de ficat de vită premium (calitate alimentară)

We have been asked over and over again for a pure beef liver powder, ask no more. We have sourced yet again another premium quality product. This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months. Recommended inclusion level is up to 100g per kg base mix, depending on other solubles being used within your mix. Great multi-range product, useful for feed applications/ spod/stick/base/pellet mixes etc. Moisture 5% Protein 67% Ash 6% Fat 20%
Bucătăria Noastră

Bucătăria Noastră

Our Kitchen
Amidon de cartofi

Amidon de cartofi

Wir sind der beste Großhändler für Kartoffelstärke in Deutschland. Wir exportieren Kartoffelstärke aller Art und können dieses Produkt innerhalb Europas und Amerikas liefern. Unsere Kartoffelstärke wird aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Kartoffeln hergestellt, um höchste Qualität zu gewährleisten. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt unter strengen Qualitätskontrollen, um sicherzustellen, dass keine Verunreinigungen die Reinheit der Stärke beeinträchtigen. Unsere Kunden schätzen die gleichbleibend hohe Qualität und die schnelle Lieferung unserer Produkte.
Gnocchi Proaspete de Cartofi

Gnocchi Proaspete de Cartofi

Ogni paese può avere la propria ricetta tradizionale di gnocchi, con dimensioni, forme e ingredienti diversi. Ma in Italia, dove gli 'gnocchi' sono stati creati per la prima volta, è una pasta semplice e deliziosa fatta con patate, perfetta per sughi rossi e fondute di formaggio. Un primo piatto ricco e sostanzioso, una tradizione per tutte le stagioni. I nostri gnocchi hanno una morbidezza e consistenza che li rendono adatti a tutti i palati, anche i più delicati. Ideali per preparazioni vegane.
Kibbled ceapă și pulbere de ceapă

Kibbled ceapă și pulbere de ceapă

Kibbled onion and onion powder are essential ingredients in many culinary applications. Kibbled onions are finely sliced and dried, while onion powder is made from dehydrated, ground onions. Both forms are used in seasoning, spice mixes, and meat rubs. Kibbled onion adds a sweet flavor to soups, stews, and casseroles, while onion powder is versatile in almost all savory dishes. To maintain their potency, both should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.
Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

I chewing gum funzionali in blister offrono un modo innovativo e piacevole per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi chewing gum sono progettati per rilasciare gradualmente i nutrienti mentre vengono masticati, offrendo un'integrazione continua e discreta. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e pratica alle tradizionali pillole, i chewing gum in blister sono una scelta popolare tra adulti e bambini.
CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

Unsere braunen Pizza-Boxen bestehen aus hochwertigem, recyceltem, biologisch abbaubarem und recycelbarem Karton. Diese umweltfreundlichen Boxen sind ideal für jede Art von Pizza und tragen dazu bei, die Umwelt zu schützen. Highlights: Material: Hergestellt aus 100 % recyceltem und biologisch abbaubarem Karton Druck: Individuell bedruckbar, um Ihre Marke hervorzuheben Größen: Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen von 18 cm bis 60 cm, ideal für jede Pizza Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützen Sie nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen, die die Umwelt schonen Profitieren Sie von unseren umweltfreundlichen braunen Pizza-Boxen, um Ihren Kunden eine nachhaltige Verpackungslösung anzubieten, die sowohl funktional als auch umweltbewusst ist. Heben Sie Ihr Geschäft auf ein neues Level mit Verpackungen, die sowohl ansprechend als auch ökologisch sind!
Lecitină de soia lichidă non-GMO - distribuitor de alimente, ingredient alimentar

Lecitină de soia lichidă non-GMO - distribuitor de alimente, ingredient alimentar

Soya Lecithin, the by-product of Refined Soya Oil, is manufactured from the gums which are obtained during the degumming process of the crude soybean oil (to produce refined soya oil). During the degumming process gums are extracted and dehydrated at controlled conditions to obtain crude Soya Lecithin. This crude Soya Lecithin is further refined and standardized in different grades, to serve as a raw material in different applications. Soya Lecithin has a characteristic golden yellow colour, it is viscous in nature and has a characteristic soybean odour.




Deliziosi spuntini con Parmigiano Reggiano fresco, fatto con DOP. 5 barette da 20g di formaggio stagionato per una deliziosa esperienza di gusto. Sano, ricco di calcio, proteine ​​e gusto. Perfetto come spuntino veloce o per un'aggiunta salutare al tuo pasto.
Import-export de făină

Import-export de făină

Import-export de farine
Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

Corn gluten meal Bag:25 kg Big Bag:700 kg / 1000 kg Incoterms:FCA, DAP
Sandviș cu Pui

Sandviș cu Pui

Composition: chicken 46.7%, fish 20%, rice flour 9%, vegetable protein 10%, starch 8%, glycerine 6%, salt 0.2%, potassium sorbate 0.1%. Analysis: crude protein 20%, crude oils and fats 3.5%, crude ash 1.5%, crude fiber 3.5%, moisture 18%.
Făină de Sânge Mixată 90 - Furaje pentru Animale

Făină de Sânge Mixată 90 - Furaje pentru Animale

Mixed Blood Meal is obtained from fresh blood collected both from poultry animals and swine. The blood is preserved on-site to avoid coagulation and later transported to the processing plant. It is then centrifuged to remove any foreign particles and spray dried. Such a process enables the preservation of higher lysine content.
Pulbere de fructe CAMU-CAMU bio pur în calitate de raw

Pulbere de fructe CAMU-CAMU bio pur în calitate de raw

Camu Camu zählt neben Acerola zu den Vitamin C reichsten Früchten. Unser Bio Camu-Camu Fruchtpulver ist 100% pur, mit 12% natürlichem Vitamin C, ohne Zusätze, als lose Ware, Bulk erhältlich Bio Camu-Camu eigent sich hervorragend als Zutat für Smoothies oder sonstigen Mischungen. Um den etwas bitteren Geschmack zu neutralisieren ist das Yaconpulver zu empfehlen, das als natürliche Süße sehr geschätzt wird. Unser Lieferant / Partner in Peru spezialisierte sich auf 100% reine Fruchtpulver. Vom Anbau bis zum Endprodukt liegt alles in seiner Hand. Nur so kann er die hohe Qualität seiner Fruchtpulver garantieren. Fundiertes Wissen und langjährige Erfahrung sind wichtige Voraussetzungen um den richtigen Erntezeitpunkt, optimale Verarbeitung und schonende Behandlung der Früchte zu garantieren. Das Beste aus der Natur zu bewahren ist seine Philosophie. Das Ergebnis ist ein reines hochwertiges Fruchtpulver ohne jegliche Zusatzstoffe in Rohkostqualität. Gebinde: 5 kg
Cutie pentru pizza

Cutie pentru pizza

Boîte à pizza classique de différentes tailles.
Dips - O Varietate de Arome Mediteraneene și Orientale - Ideal ca Dip pentru Bețișoare de Legume

Dips - O Varietate de Arome Mediteraneene și Orientale - Ideal ca Dip pentru Bețișoare de Legume

Dips,Sesampaste, Tahini, Tahin, Tahina, Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, werden zu einer nährstoffreichen und gesunden Paste verarbeitet. Dips, Genießen Sie die Vielfalt der mediterranen und orientalischen Aromen mit unseren exquisiten Dips von SoleilFOOD! Unsere geröstete Auberginenpaste fängt den authentischen Geschmack der mediterranen Küche ein. Auberginen, reich an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, werden zu einer nährstoffreichen und gesunden Paste verarbeitet. Ideal als Dip für Gemüsesticks oder als schmackhafte Zutat in zahlreichen Gerichten. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der orientalischen Köstlichkeiten mit unserer Sesampaste (Tahina). Aus reinem und geröstetem Sesam hergestellt, ist Tahina nicht nur vitaminreich, sondern auch eine geschätzte Hauptzutat für Hummus und eine delikate Beilage zu Fleisch-, Fischgerichten und Salaten. Die Vielseitigkeit von Tahina zeigt sich auch als Dip, Dressing oder leckerer Brotaufstrich.
Colostru bovin de calitate alimentară cu 20% IgG

Colostru bovin de calitate alimentară cu 20% IgG

Bovine colostrum freeze dried Pre-milk Powder that contains high level Amino Acids and Immunoglobulins. Yellowish powder from first and second milking of the cow, non-organic or organic quality available. BSE and IBR free, produced in Germany. The bovine colostrum powder is water soluble and can be added to liquid foods, drinks and cosmetics as well encapsulated or tableted. IgG:20 Protein:69,5 Lactose:18,5 Fat:0,5 Multilayer bag in export carton:20 Kilogram
Boabe de cafea prăjite - Boabe de cafea Arabica

Boabe de cafea prăjite - Boabe de cafea Arabica

Arabica beans are known to be the best coffee beans that have a superior taste and texture when compared to other coffee beans like robusta. Arabica coffee conventional or organic cultivated in Chiapas, Mexico is located in the Sierra Madre Mountains and receives the perfect combination of rainfall and sunshine to create this strictly high grown bean. Different range of roasted and bulk packing. Ask for more information. roasted coffee:bulk bags Arabica grown in highlands:Differents roasted style
Uleiuri alimentare și cosmetice

Uleiuri alimentare și cosmetice

Argan oil Siberian pine oil Golden jojoba oil Coconut oil Almond oil Palm oil Pistachio oil Rose oil Baobab seed oil Basil Seed Oil Broccoli seed oil Buriti seed oil Onion seed oil Chia seed oil Chili seed oil Lemon seed oil Elderberry seed oil Black cumin seed oil (black caraway) Black chokeberry seed oil Blackcurrant seed oil Pumpkin seed oil Cold-pressed wild rose seed oil Mustard seed oil Blueberry seed oil Blackberry seed oil Camellia seed (tsubaki) oil Coriander seed oil Hemp seed oil Safflower oil Poppy seed oil Raspberry seed oil Carrot seed oil Moringa leaf extract Neem seed oil Cucumber seed oil Papaya seed oil Parsley seed oil Tomato seed oil Sea ​​buckthorn seed oil Musk rose seed oil Sesame seed oil Strawberry seed oil Prickly pear oil Walnut oil Milk thistle oil Rosehip oil Sea buckthorn oil
Trufă Proaspătă Tuber Aestivum - Trufă de Vară

Trufă Proaspătă Tuber Aestivum - Trufă de Vară

Fresh Tuber Aestivum or Summer Truffle, has a light cream or hazelnut colour inside, in its optimum maturity. Seasonal truffle from May to September.Tuber Aestivum or Summer Truffle, has a light cream or hazelnut colour inside, in its optimum maturity. Seasonal truffle from May to September.
Acai - Alimentație Sănătoasă, Superaliment, Antioxidant

Acai - Alimentație Sănătoasă, Superaliment, Antioxidant

L’Acai è una bacca originaria delle foreste pluviali dell’Amazzonia, particolarmente diffusa in Brasile. Scientificamente denominata Euterpe oleracea, ha guadagnato una notevole popolarità a livello globale grazie alle sue straordinarie proprietà nutrizionali e ai benefici per la salute.
Extracte din Plante Extracte din Ierburi Organice - Cosmetice și Îngrijire Personală Suplimente Alimentare, Nutraceuticale, Sănătate

Extracte din Plante Extracte din Ierburi Organice - Cosmetice și Îngrijire Personală Suplimente Alimentare, Nutraceuticale, Sănătate

The natural plant extracts are supplied in various dosage forms and concentrations. They can be used to manufacture products such as shampoos, soaps, oils, powders and tonics. Depending on customer needs and product requirements, individual formulations are developed in order to generate optimal results for customers and users.
Portocale - Fructe Proaspete

Portocale - Fructe Proaspete

”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service. Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Salsa Tartufata - Conserve

Salsa Tartufata - Conserve

Salsa Tartufata Almacenamiento: Conservar a temperatura ambiente, alejado de la luz solar directa y el calor. Una vez abierto, mantener refrigerado y consumir en 5 días. Vida útil: 36 meses
Aromă de Pui

Aromă de Pui

Also available fried chicken flavor CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
Profil pentru Industria Alimentară

Profil pentru Industria Alimentară

Wurstlattenprofil (Selchstab) P1354, langlebig Standardprofile und Spezialprofile In unserem bestens sortiertem Programm an Standardprofile aus Aluminium (FLUTZ Profile) in der Legierung EN AW 6060 finden auch Sie garantiert die passende Abmessung. Egal ob Rundrohr, Winkel, U-Profil, T-Profil, Z-Profil, Formrohre (quadratisch, mit Steg oder Radius) und Rechteckrohre, Dreieckrohre, Ovalrohre, C-Profile, H-Profile und I-Trägern, wir haben alles prompt aus Lagervorrat. Aber auch Spezialprofile für den Fahrzeugbau, Bau von Werbedisplays, Photovoltaik, Insektenschutz, Volierenbau und dergleichen finden Sie bei uns. Auch lagern wir Rundstangen, Vierkantstangen, Flachstangen und Sechskantstangen in den Aluminium Legierungen EN AW 2007, EN AW 6082, EN AW 6060, EN AW 5083 und EN AW 1050. Somit sind alle Stangen für Sie jederzeit verfügbar.