Produse pentru alimente (3065)

Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în borcan

Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în borcan

I chewing gum funzionali in barattolo offrono un modo pratico e conveniente per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi barattoli contengono una quantità generosa di chewing gum, garantendo un'integrazione continua e a lungo termine. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e facile da assumere, i chewing gum in barattolo sono una scelta popolare per chi desidera un'integrazione discreta e piacevole.
Cutie de pizza - Cutie de pizza imprimată pentru microunde

Cutie de pizza - Cutie de pizza imprimată pentru microunde

Scatola pizza in cartone microonda marrone-marrone, bianco-bianco, marrone-bianco o bianco-marrone. altamente resistente al calore e all'umidità stampato a 6 colori. Può essere personalizzato con il tuo logo e design Disponibile : In tutte le taglie da 18 cm a 60 cm. Stampa digitale o offset fino a 6 colori.
Făină de carne și oase

Făină de carne și oase

Meat & Bone Meal
Năut Întreg Organic

Năut Întreg Organic

"Origin and history of chickpeas The chickpea is also known as the garbanzo bean. The chickpea is very popular, especially around the Mediterranean, where it is used in various dishes. Many Anatolian dishes can be made with chickpeas such as humus, falafel, chips and Chips. Today there are still many chickpeas grown in Turkey, but 70% of the world production is in the hands of India. Chickpea cultivation The peas are picked when the pods crack and then laid out to dry. If there is a chance of rain, chickpeas are brought into a ventilated room to complete the drying process Healthy properties Chickpeas and uses Chickpeas are high in protein, fiber and minerals and cause less flatulence than other beans. They have a slight sweet taste. Chickpeas are known as the main ingredient in Hummus and Falafel but can also serve as a vegetable with a hot meal or as a base in a salad. In India, it is often used in curry"
20 capace translucide de unică folosință pentru microunde 400 / 600 ml - Containere / cutii / borcane alimentare

20 capace translucide de unică folosință pentru microunde 400 / 600 ml - Containere / cutii / borcane alimentare

La boite traiteur noir COOKIPACK est privilégié pour les traiteurs, mais aussi par les professionnels de la vente à emporter, snack, elle permet de mettre un petit plat cuisiné. La boite traiteur permet de mettre des plats chauds comme de la paella, couscous ou autres... La barquette traiteur comporte plusieurs avantages : Elle permet le transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par double jonc mais aussi la résistance, facilitée d'utilisation, la qualité, une large gamme de ces barquettes. Existe au en 400 ml / 600 ml / 800 ml / 1000 ml / 1250 ml 2 compartiments / 1250 ml 3 compartiments Code:COVCOOK600TP Température d'utilisation:-20°C/+120°C Dimensions:195 x 140 x 20 (L x l x H en mm) Matière:Polypropylène clarifié


Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

Maisglutenmehl ist ein Nebenprodukt der Maisstärkeherstellung durch Nassmahlen von Mais. Das Endprodukt ist ein homogenes, feines Pulver von gelb-oranger Farbe. Es hat einen frischen Getreidegeruch. Maisglutenschrot hat einen hohen Proteingehalt und einen recht guten Methioningehalt, der für Legehennen wertvoll ist. Der relativ hohe Gehalt an gelbem Xanthophyll macht Maisklebermehl zu einer beliebten Wahl zum Färben von Geflügel.


Frunze de Molokhia

Frunze de Molokhia

Purity: 100% pure leaves no stems, crushed machine cleaned with no foreign substances Packaging: 5 kg carton box for the leaves (200gr 400gr retail carton boxes) – 20 kg polypropylene bags for crushed leaves Molokhia, also known as jute leaves, is a popular leafy green vegetable in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. It is often used in soups and stews, providing a unique, slightly slimy texture and a rich, earthy flavor. At Caliph Trade, we offer high-quality molokhia that is carefully dried to preserve its nutritional value and flavor. Our molokhia is perfect for adding a touch of authenticity to your traditional dishes. Beyond its culinary uses, molokhia is packed with nutrients, including vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron. It is known for its health benefits, such as supporting immune function and promoting healthy digestion. Our molokhia is sourced from reputable farms, ensuring that you receive a product that is both nutritious and flavorful. Trust Caliph Trade for your molokhia needs and enjoy the taste and health benefits it brings to your meals.
Thon Di Angela NATuRE

Thon Di Angela NATuRE

Nous vous proposons aussi dans ce nouveau catalogue du Thon nature origine Equateur en poche 1000 gr.


Chlorella is a single-celled green algae that thrives in freshwater environments. It is highly regarded for its dense nutritional composition. Chlorella is particularly notable for its high chlorophyll content, which gives it its vibrant green color and contributes to its detoxifying properties. As a nutritional supplement, chlorella is often consumed in powdered or tablet form. It is commonly used to support detoxification, boost immune function, and promote overall health and well-being. EC number:234-933-1 Molecular Formula:Al(OH)x(Cl)(3-x) CAS No:12042-91-0
serviciu de import și export

serviciu de import și export

service import export
TESSUTO Primitivo del Salento IGT 6 sticle 75 cl

TESSUTO Primitivo del Salento IGT 6 sticle 75 cl

Questo vino TESSUTO Primitivo del Salento IGT è una scelta eccellente per gli amanti del vino. Confezionato in bottiglie da 75 cl, è il perfetto equilibrio tra aroma e gusto delizioso. Gusta questo vino rosso con carne alla griglia o formaggi stagionati per una serata indimenticabile. Acquista ora il tuo pacchetto da 6 bottiglie.
Gluten de grâu

Gluten de grâu

Wheat gluten CODE:D00401 Bag:25 kg Big Bag:700 kg / 1000 kg Incoterms:FCA, DAP
Churros goale

Churros goale

Churros fritos congelados huecos tradicionales para relleno (5 y 10 cms) a granel.
Ulei de Salată 5l sticlă PET (EVOO și ulei de floarea-soarelui)

Ulei de Salată 5l sticlă PET (EVOO și ulei de floarea-soarelui)

Welcome to ELLADIA's Salad Elixir – your VIP pass to flavor town! Elevate your salads with our premium oil, a symphony of taste awaits. We're here to cater to all your needs, ensuring a personalized and delightful experience. Explore our range for a sensational journey.
Făină de Konjac Bio

Făină de Konjac Bio

Epaissir ou faire gélifier vos produits (à faible dosage et sans contraintes de températures). Apporter des fibres solubles dans vos recettes tout en réduisant leur apport calorique et leur réponse glycémique. Bénéficier des 2 allégations santé associées au glucomannane : satiété et gestion du cholestérol.
Făină de Secară T170

Făină de Secară T170

La farine de seigle T170 est une farine intégrale, qui conserve l’intégralité du grain de seigle, y compris le son et le germe. Elle est caractérisée par sa couleur très sombre, presque brune, et sa texture granuleuse. Le « T170 » reflète son taux de cendres très élevé, ce qui signifie une teneur maximale en minéraux. Cette farine est réputée pour son goût puissant et rustique, ainsi que pour ses excellentes qualités nutritionnelles.
Pudră de cacao alcalinizată 10/12% - Maro deschis

Pudră de cacao alcalinizată 10/12% - Maro deschis

Cocoa powder is a nutritious food which contains at the same time high-calorie fat, rich protein and carbohydrate. Cocoa powder also contains certain amount of alkaloid, theobromine and theine. Their function is to dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation. Cocoa products is very beneficial to human health. Product Ref:AMKOS-25011-AP Color:Light Brown Fat content %:10 – 12 PH:6.8 – 7.2 Fineness:99.5 min Moisture (%):5.0 max
Capsule de ulei de chimen negru presat la rece, en-gros + ambalate

Capsule de ulei de chimen negru presat la rece, en-gros + ambalate

Schwarzkümmel, lat. nigella sativa, ist eine Gewürzpflanze aus der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse, die nicht mit Kümmel oder Kreuzkümmel verwandt ist. Nach der Blüte entwickelt diese kultivierte Pflanze Kapseln, die den Mohnsamen ähneln, in denen die Samen des sogenannten Schwarzkümmels zu finden sind. Schwarzkümmel wird hauptsächlich in asiatischen und orientalischen Regionen angebaut, wo er genügend Sonne findet, um zu gedeihen. Schwarzkümmel gilt an vielen Orten als das erfolgreichste natürliche Heilmittel der letzten zehn Jahre. Im Orient wird das Öl seit über 3000 Jahren als Gewürz und Naturheilmittel hoch geschätzt. Der islamische Prophet Mohammed schrieb in seinem symbolisch gemeinten Buch "Hadith": "Schwarzkümmel ist das Heilmittel für alle Krankheiten außer dem Tod". Wirkungen: Laborstudien haben gezeigt, dass die ungesättigten Fettsäuren in den mohnähnlichen Schwarzkümmelsamen als Vorstufe für die Synthese unserer Körperstoffe Prostaglandin E1 und E2 dienen und somit einen direkten Einfluss auf unser Immunsystem haben. Kapseln à 680 mg jeweils mit 500 mg kaltgepresstem Schwarzkümmelöl: 12500 Kapseln Bio-Öl gefiltert aus kaltgepresstem ägyptischen Schwarzkümmel: 5 Liter Bio-Samen in Premiumqualität aus Ägypten (98% rein): 5 kg / 20 kg / 25 kg Herkunft: Ägypten
Inimă din piele brută

Inimă din piele brută

Composition: chicken 40%, beef skin 45.7%, starch 5%, glycerine 3%, salt 0.1%, sorbitol 2%, potassium sorbate 0.2% Analytical components: Crude protein: 55%, fat content: 4.5 %, crude fiber: 3%, crude ash: 4%, moisture 18%.
Alfalfa - Furaje pentru Animale

Alfalfa - Furaje pentru Animale

Crude Protein (min) 12.0 % Crude Fat min. 1.5 % Crude Fiber max. 30.0 % Moisture max. 12.0% Ingredients: 100% Alfalfa Hay Feeding Instructions: 80% of your friend’s diet should be great hay. Small animals need a constant supply of fiber to keep them healthy, so never let them run out. Ever. To keep the hay smelling nice (which makes it yummier and more enticing), make sure they get a fresh supply at least once a day. Crude Protein (min):12.0 % Crude Fat min:1.5 % Crude Fiber max:30.0 % Moisture max:12.0 %
Înghețată de Căpșuni Hunkar Maraslim

Înghețată de Căpșuni Hunkar Maraslim

Journey to the Peaks of Flavor: Hunkar Maraslim Strawberry Ice Cream Discover the most special version of ice cream, one of the indispensable flavors of dessert lovers: Hunkar Maraslim's unique strawberry ice cream! Hunkar Maraslim, as a brand that has been the address of taste and quality for years, enchants the palates by blending the freshest form of milk with the natural salep plant. This unique combination meets the refreshing taste of strawberries, allowing you to reach the peaks of flavor. The natural salep plant, one of the most important components of ice cream, is one of the elements that make Hunkar Maraslim's products unique. While salep adds a unique consistency and flavor to ice cream, it is also beneficial for your health.
Pasta de susan - Pasta de susan prăjită (Tahini) - Pasta de susan prăjită (Tahini)

Pasta de susan - Pasta de susan prăjită (Tahini) - Pasta de susan prăjită (Tahini)

Sesampasten, unser Großhandel bietet nicht nur erstklassige Tahina, sondern auch eine breite Palette an Hülsenfrüchten, Saaten und weiteren orientalischen Köstlichkeiten wie Falafel und Hummus. Sesampasten, Entdecken Sie die reine und geröstete Sesampaste (Tahina) von SoleilFOOD – Ihre ideale Begleitung für eine vitaminreiche und vielseitige Küche! Unsere Tahina wird in der orientalischen Küche hochgeschätzt und ist eine Schlüsselzutat für die Zubereitung von Hummus (Kichererbsenmus) sowie eine köstliche Beilage zu Fleisch-, Fischgerichten und Salaten. Tahina ist nicht nur ein Dip, sondern auch ein leckerer Brotaufstrich, Dressing und Sauce. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Geschmack und den zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bereichert sie Ihre kulinarischen Kreationen.
Feli de trufă - Conserve

Feli de trufă - Conserve

Las rodajas de trufa en conserva son un producto gourmet que captura la esencia y el intenso sabor de las trufas frescas en un formato práctico y duradero. Estas conservas contienen finas rodajas de trufas, cuidadosamente seleccionadas y preservadas en su punto máximo para mantener su aroma y sabor únicos. Este producto es perfecto para los entusiastas de la cocina que desean tener el exquisito sabor de las trufas fácilmente disponible para realzar cualquier plato.
Plită cu inducție IK 3342 - Cod Nr. 105858

Plită cu inducție IK 3342 - Cod Nr. 105858

Induction cooker with 3 hobs for individual use. Depending on the type of food preparation, 3400 Watt can be distributed over 3 or 2 hobs. Material hob:Glass Number of hobs:3 Control unit:Touch Width:510 mm Depth:485 mm Height:65 mm
Cutie pentru Tacos

Cutie pentru Tacos

Boîte d'emballage en carton pour tacos.
BRC Saci Mari

BRC Saci Mari

Big Bags in Lebensmittelqualität werden in BRC-zertifizierten Anlagen hergestellt, die die Anforderungen sowohl der GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) als auch von Unternehmen im Lebensmittel- und Pharmasektor erfüllen. Alle unsere Big Bags in Lebensmittelqualität werden aus 100 % reinem Polypropylenmaterial hergestellt, das den FDA-Anforderungen für Lebensmittelqualität entspricht. Maße:Auf Anfrage Sichere Arbeitslast (SWL):Bis zu 3000 kg Drucken:Bis zu 4 Farben, bis zu 4 Seiten
Creatină Monohidrat 80 Mesh - Seria Creatină

Creatină Monohidrat 80 Mesh - Seria Creatină

Creatine monohydrate is a special form of creatine that is particularly suitable for use as a dietary supplement. ♦ SRS Nutrition Express Superiority: It have ready stock, and high quality from premium B***** factory. It can do FCA NL and DDP. (door to door) Other name:Methylguanidine-acetic Acid Monohydrate Spec./ Purity:80mesh/99.5%~102% ( Other specifications can be customized) CAS Number:57-00-1 Appearance:White powder Main function:Improves athletic performance and increases muscle mass. Test Method:USP; Liquid Chromatogram; TITRATION
Tuber Melanosporum - Trufă de iarnă proaspătă, Tuber Melanosporum

Tuber Melanosporum - Trufă de iarnă proaspătă, Tuber Melanosporum

Distribuidor de Trufas frescas, Tuber Melanosporum, Tuber Aestivum, Tuber Uncinatum y Tuber Magnatum.