Produse pentru alimente (3065)



Matière : Bois de Hêtre, BOIS CERTIFIÉ FSC. Article : Fourchette à frittes Déscription : Couverts en bois de Hêtre très robustes qui ne changent pas le goût des aliments, sans odeur 100% naturel. Utilisations : Idéals pour les pique-niques, les couverts et articles en bois conviendront tout aussi bien à vos événements dans les bureaux, pour toutes vos réceptions ou pour les plats à emporter de votre café/restaurant. Longueur:85 mm Poids:0,6 gr


Fasole Roșie Organică - Fasole Roșie Organică

Fasole Roșie Organică - Fasole Roșie Organică

"Oorsprong Rode Kidneybonen Rode kidneybonen danken hun naam aan hun nierachtige vorm en kleur. Productieproces Rode Kidneybonen Rode kidneybonen worden met de hand geplukt en op 3 verschillende momenten in het productieproces gecontroleerd op kwaliteit. De rode kidneybonen krijgen een grondige reiniging onmiddellijk na de oogst. Eventuele stenen worden verwijderd. Daarna worden de bonen geselecteerd op grootte en vervolgens gepolijst. Gezonde eigenschappen Rode Kidneybonen en toepassingen Rode kidneybonen zijn erg voedzaam omdat ze vol eiwitten, vitaminen, mineralen en vezels zitten. Ze vormen een goede vleesvervanger en zijn ook erg populair onder sporters. Bovendien geeft deze rode kidneyboon langdurig energie en een vol gevoel. Rode kidneybonen kunnen zowel warm als koud gegeten worden. Je gebruikt ze in stoofpotten, bij taco’s, in salades, in soep of bij pastagerechten."


50 capace pentru microunde pentru KP816 la KP825 - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

50 capace pentru microunde pentru KP816 la KP825 - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

Découvrez nos couvercle pour barquettes micro-ondes jetables en plastique Couvercles pour barquettes micro-ondes jetables translucide Code:KP821 Dimensions:185 x 143 ( L x l en mm ) Matière:polypropylène
Ulker Okay

Ulker Okay

Ulker Okay
Grăsime de Lapte Anhidrată (AMF)

Grăsime de Lapte Anhidrată (AMF)

La matière grasse laitière anhydre (AMF) peut être fabriquée à partir de beurre ou de crème 35 % à 45 %, selon la saison. Le processus de production consiste à éliminer presque toute l'eau et les solides non gras à l'aide de centrifugeuses. Grâce à cela, le produit est plus facile à conserver et à stocker car il contient moins d'eau.
Suplimente Alimentare sub formă de Pulbere – în Borcane

Suplimente Alimentare sub formă de Pulbere – în Borcane

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in barattoli, offrono una soluzione pratica e versatile per chi ha difficoltà a inghiottire le compresse. Questi integratori possono essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. I barattoli offrono una capienza maggiore rispetto alle bustine, garantendo un dosaggio personalizzabile e adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione degli integratori in polvere include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo i barattoli, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Thon Di Angela NATuRE

Thon Di Angela NATuRE

Nous vous proposons en vente du Thon nature origine Equateur en poche 1000 gr en gros pour les professionnels.
VERON® enzime

VERON® enzime

VERON® enzymes Incoterms:FCA, DAP
Betaglucan din Ovăz

Betaglucan din Ovăz

Oat Betaglucan is a soluble fiber found in oats known for its various health benefits. Oat Betaglucan forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which helps to slow down the absorption of cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels. Additionally, it supports digestive health by promoting regularity and maintaining a healthy gut microbiota. EC number:618-576-2 Molecular Formula:C18H32O14 CAS No:9004-54-0
STELLA ARTOIS Bere 24 sticle VAP 33 cl

STELLA ARTOIS Bere 24 sticle VAP 33 cl

La birra Stella Artois è una birra premium, dal gusto distintivo e raffinato. Confezionata in pratiche bottiglie da 33cl, è perfetta da gustare in ogni occasione. Scopri il suo sapore leggero e bilanciato, arricchito dalle note di malto e luppolo, con un'aroma fruttato e floreale. Confezione da 24 bottiglie.
Churros drepte scufundate

Churros drepte scufundate

Churros fritos congelados rectos tradicionales bañados con chocolate en diferentes tamaños (5, 10, 15 y 20 cms) a granel.
Import-export de ceapă

Import-export de ceapă

Import-export d'oignons
Ulei de măsline virgin 1l sticlă PET

Ulei de măsline virgin 1l sticlă PET

Step into the Mediterranean allure with our Virgin Olive Oil. Crafted for culinary magic, it turns every meal into a masterpiece. Elevate your dining experience – it's not just oil, it's a taste sensation.
Făină de Secară T85

Făină de Secară T85

Description : La farine de seigle T85 est une farine semi-complète, obtenue par un tamisage modéré du grain de seigle. Elle se situe entre les farines de seigle plus fines, comme la T70, et les farines complètes, offrant un excellent compromis entre goût, texture, et valeurs nutritionnelles. Sa couleur est légèrement plus foncée que celle de la T70, avec une teinte grisâtre plus prononcée. Elle se distingue par un goût riche et légèrement acidulé, typique du seigle, tout en étant suffisamment légère pour des préparations variées. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : sac en papier kraft de 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg. Palettisation : 750-950kg.
Amestec Tris pentru Pisici

Amestec Tris pentru Pisici

Champ Cat food contains a special formula of easily digestible, extruded crisp cat food biscuits in fish, heart and beef flavours. Due to the balanced combination of nutrients, Champ Cat Tris Mix has all the necessary ingredients for a high-quality, full-day cat food. Champ Cat Tris Mix is made of meat and animal by-products, fish and fish by-products, vegetable by-products, cereals, vegetable protein extracts, minerals, oils/fats and yeast. Just like Champ Dogfood, Champ Cat Tris Mix contains a lecithin additive. The lecithin helps your cat to digest the ingredients fats easier and faster. This releases a high concentration of energy and makes your cat's coat shiny and beautiful. Available in packs of 4 kg, 10 kg and 20 kg.
Porumb galben - Furaje pentru animale

Porumb galben - Furaje pentru animale

Corn (Maize) is a food crop that is domesticated in Central America and then spread throughout the Americas. Corn (Maize) spread to the rest of the world after European contact with the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Corn plants (Maize plants) were introduced to Vietnam from China. Corn (Maize) is the second largest agricultural crop in Vietnam after rice. Corn kernels are types of grain with pods uniting with seed coat, a common fruit type in the Poaceae family. It is almost like a structural fruit, except that the individual fruits (corn kernels) never merge into a single mass. The kernels are about the size of peas, and stick in relatively even rows around a white core to produce corn. Each corn is about 10 – 25 cm long (4 – 10 inches), containing about 200 – 400 seeds. The seeds are colored as light black, gray blue, red, white and yellow.
Pulbere de fructe Acai bio fără substanțe de umplutură, 100% pur, en-gros + ambalat

Pulbere de fructe Acai bio fără substanțe de umplutură, 100% pur, en-gros + ambalat

Die Herstellung unseres neuen Premium Acaipulvers erfolgt durch eine neuartige, äußerst schonenden Refractance Window® Trocknung, ohne Einsatz eines Trägerstoffs oder hohe Temperaturen. Somit entsteht ein fertiges hochwertiges, reines Produkt mit all seinen Phyto-Nährstoffen, das weder an Farbe noch an seinem Aroma verliert. Es ist das ideale Fruchtpulver für Smoothies, Müsli, Süßwaren, zum Tablettieren und Verkapseln. Es überzeugt durch seinen Geschmack und seiner intensiven Farbe. Unser Acaipulver stammt aus Bolivien, wo wir ein Projekt vor Ort unterstützen. Die Acaibeeren werden von einheimischen Farmern mit viel Leidenschaft geerntet und sehr sorgsam behandelt. Produkteigenschaften: • Außergewöhnlich hoher Anteil an antioxidativen Polyphenolen, d.h. Schutz unserer Zellen gegen schädliche Umwelteinflüsse. • Verlangsamt die Zellalterung – längere Jugendlichkeit! • Bringt unser Immunsystem auf Höchstleistungsniveau. • Unterstützung bei Diäten, da es den Körper mit wichtigen Mineralstoffen, Vitaminen und Ballaststoffen versorgt. • Acai ist die reichste botanische Quelle enzymatischer Superantioxidantien (SOD). • Nicht zuletzt hilft Acai unserem Körper mit Dauerbelastungen besser umzugehen. Dafür sind die Adaptogene, pfl anzliche Wirkstoffe, verantwortlich, die das Zusammenspiel unserer Organe harmonisiert und den Organismus vor Stress und belastenden Einflüssen schützt. Gebinde: 10 kg
Înghețata mea cu lămâie Sultan Marasli

Înghețata mea cu lămâie Sultan Marasli

A Refreshing Flavor: Hunkar Maraslim Lemon Ice Cream The unique taste of refreshing lemon meets in ice cream with the special recipe of Hunkar Maraslim! Prepared with natural salep and fresh milk, this delicious lemon ice cream offers a feast of flavor that delights the palate. The refreshing taste of lemon makes our Hunkar Maraslim lemon ice cream special. The refreshing effect of lemon is felt in every bite. Consistency and Flavor Balance with Natural Sahlep: The salhep plant adds a unique consistency and flavor to ice cream and offers a healthy alternative. Hunkar Maraslim's use of natural sahlep makes our ice cream unique.
Laminator de trufe

Laminator de trufe

¡Aquí tenemos un laminador o molino de trufas en venta y es fácil de usar! Consigue unas láminas de trufa de grosor ajustable, ideales para cualquier plato.
Lecitină de Soia Lichidă

Lecitină de Soia Lichidă

Soya Lecithin, the by-product of Refined Soya Oil, is manufactured from the gums which are obtained during the degumming process of the crude soybean oil (to produce refined soya oil). During the degumming process gums are extracted and dehydrated at controlled conditions to obtain crude Soya Lecithin. This crude Soya Lecithin is further refined and standardized in different grades, to serve as a raw material in different applications. Soya Lecithin has a characteristic golden yellow colour, it is viscous in nature and has a characteristic soybean odour. The versatility and muti purpose characteristics of Soya Lecithin makes it possible to act as stabilizer, dispersant, emulsifier, wetting agent, antioxidant, anti-spattering agent, release agent, binding agent, viscosity reducer, etc. in a variety of applications. Soya Lecithin Standard is used in various products such as in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and healthcare applications.
Bulgur - Bulgur făcut din semolă de grâu dur

Bulgur - Bulgur făcut din semolă de grâu dur

Bulgur, Verleihen Sie Ihren Gerichten mit Bulgur eine kulinarische Raffinesse – sei es als Hauptzutat in Salaten, Aufläufen oder als delikate Beilage zu Fleisch- und Gemüsegerichten Bulgur, Entdecken Sie die Vielseitigkeit von Bulgur mit SoleilFOOD – Ihrem Spezialisten für hochwertige Getreideprodukte! Unser Bulgur, aus Hartweizengrieß hergestellt, ist ein essentieller Bestandteil der mediterranen und nahöstlichen Küche. Verleihen Sie Ihren Gerichten mit Bulgur eine kulinarische Raffinesse – sei es als Hauptzutat in Salaten, Aufläufen oder als delikate Beilage zu Fleisch- und Gemüsegerichten. Die verschiedenen Arten von Bulgur, von fein über medium bis grob, bieten Ihnen Flexibilität in der Zubereitung und ermöglichen eine perfekte Abstimmung auf Ihre kulinarischen Vorlieben.
Caviar cu Trufe

Caviar cu Trufe

This innovative product combines two products of the best quality, the Siberian caviar and the black truffle from Teruel. This caviar is obtained from Siberian sturgeon bred in Europe and the Iberian Peninsula, treated with more advanced techniques to detect the ideal time for its extraction.
Aromă de Busuioc

Aromă de Busuioc

Basil Aroma CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
Pudră de Maca Premium pentru formulări nutraceutice - Ingrediente funcționale

Pudră de Maca Premium pentru formulări nutraceutice - Ingrediente funcționale

Maca thrives in harsh conditions and is primarily found in the Andes Mountains of Peru in South America, as well as in the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain region of Yunnan, China. Its leaves are elliptical, and its root structure resembles a small turnip, which is edible. The lower tuber of the Maca plant can be golden, light yellow, red, purple, blue, black, or green. Maca has gained significant attention due to its potential health and nutritional benefits: It is rich in nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, and zinc. Maca-Powder-3 Choosing SRS Nutrition Express for our Maca Extract is a smart choice, thanks to its high quality and health benefits. Our rigorous quality control and a wide range of health products ensure we're getting the best. Plus, our excellent customer service provides professional guidance. Other Name:Lepidium meyenii Spec./ Purity:4:1 、10:1 ( Other specifications can be customized) CAS Number:CB82747646 Appearance:Yellow brown fine powder Main function:Enhancing Stamina and Endurance; Balancing Hormones; Improving Sexual Function Test Method:HPTLC Odor&Taste:Characteristic Assay: 4:1 Particle size:95% pass 80 mesh Identification:Positive Loss on drying:≤5.0% Residue on Ignition:≤5.0% Bulk Density:0.3-0.6g/ml Tap Density:0.5-0.9g/ml Solvent residue:Meet EP standard Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm Lead(Pb):NMT3ppm Arsenic (As):NMT2ppm Mercury(Hg):NMT0.1ppm Cadmium(Cd):NMT1ppm
Făinuri Speciale - Natural cu Proprietăți Funcționale

Făinuri Speciale - Natural cu Proprietăți Funcționale

Ursprünglich als Nebenprodukt bei der Ölherstellung, sind unsere Spezialmehle heute nachhaltig produziertes „Superfood“. Durch ihre wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe wie z.B. Proteine, Ballaststoffe, Vitamine und Mineralien, entsprechen sie den heutigen Bedürfnissen nach einer protein­reichen, gluten­freien oder veganen Ernährungs­weise. Die viel­fältigen, positiven techno­logischen Eigen­schaften umfassen u.a. die Binde­fähigkeit von Flüssigkeiten, ermöglichen stabile Emulsionen ohne E-Nummern oder wirken als natürliches Verdickungsmittel.
Gume Tara Kalys

Gume Tara Kalys

Les GOMMES TARA KALYS sont des ingrédients contenant jusqu’à 95% d’une fibre végétale : la Galactomannane de Tara. Les GOMMES TARA KALYS sont des additifs avec des propriétés fonctionnelles et un profil organoleptique intéressantes issues de graines d’une légumineuse. Elles permettent de formuler avec moins de sucres digestibles (remplacent notamment amidons et sirop de glucose).
Produs de vanilie

Produs de vanilie

BOUTIQUE de VANILLE Our brands MONVANILL® and GIVRÉE Selected quality vanilla from all over the world. Our MONVANILL® products cover the entire vanilla portfolio, including pods, ground vanilla, alcoholic and non-alcoholic extracts and pastes.
Lapte praf - Mărfuri

Lapte praf - Mărfuri

Lait en poudre - Commodités