... culture friendly, motivated and customer-oriented. Building for the future and we do it with professionalism and responsibility. For beneficiaries, employees and the environment.Reputation is built over time. Therefore, we have developed a company's own ethics. This is based on fairness and transparency in contracting and implementation work, relationships with partners and competitors. We believe in respect and weight word.
România, Bucharest
... group's "oldest" and largest company. We combine business-oriented frameworks, IT-driven solutions, development tools and deployment techniques to fulfill our promise to our clients in all areas we have expertise. We have grown in scope to include market research, statistics, marketing and communication services as well as software-as-a-service to help our clients maximize their process efficiency and stay ahead of the game. Our services: • Recruitment • Temporary Staffing • Outsourcing • Personnel Admin • Outplacement • Career Counseling •Internal Communication •HRMS •Team Building Programs...
România, Iassy
... solutions for every client. Our team includes experienced electricians and mechanics fully capable to work with machineries from a wide variety of industries: textile, pharmaceutical, woodworking, metal processing, etc. Are you moving your production into a new location? We are at your dispossal with planning, dismantling, moving and proffesional relocation of your machineries and industrial equipment. If you are selling industrial equipments and you need a range of services like instalation maintenance and repairing we are offering these types of operation on your behalf.
România, Bucharest
...Sit back and let us color your eyes impression when looking into your bedroom, playroom, attic, living, even garage, you just name it... First step, put us to trial and pick a sketch, draft, picture (attn., copyright protection laws), even pick the handset up and express only a thought. We'll take it from there and next second this small and flexible company is at work for you, developing your idea into options and facts. It is as easy as it sounds. We print paintings; we convert your garage door into art.
România, Bucharest
...In time, it grew and turned into a full service company, able to create any type of stands. We design, organize and build any type of trade fair stand, according to the customer's demand. We design custom-made trade fair stands, starting from 20 square meters, as well as presentation compartments. Our team designs the stand project after we analyze the whole concept of communication; our target is to transmit efficiently the correct message to the clients.
România, Craiova
It has never been easier to work with a sock factory. Every sock production project is a chance for us to deliver great socks to the world. We are one of the few sock manufacturers obsessed with every detail of the product, every stitch, every pixel, the quality of the packaging and even the molecular structure of the yarn. We refuse to deliver anything less than a top quality sock with a well...
România, Cluj-Napoca
... maintenance, online marketing, SEO and web design support but more than that ERP and accounting software integration was never a challenge for us. We create a long lasting friendship between the front-end and back-end of your online store so it will function at its best. Our project management minimums are always work based on the customers insights, ask for feedback and be on time with every task.
România, Slobozia
...evaluate individuals, see how they may perform at work, get that clear picture of who you hire. Test and match candidate's potential for business results; find their abilities and give them the most valuable position. Even more, candidates are ranked against an idea profile that you establish in advance as well as among each others. In this way you can hire the bes...
România, Arad
Impressa 2M it’s a Romanian company and it’s active for 6 years now on the exhibition branch collaborating with companies from Italy, Germany and Romania. We assemble and dismantle stands with 4 specialized teams continuously improved. Our men work with machines, tools and all the endowment required for exhibitions (vacuum cleaners, hand tools, pallet truck, etc.). In our teams are carpenters...
România, Baraolt
We at BUDA FREIGHT constantly work hard to provide a wide range of transportation services as like: sea, air and road to our most precious Clients. We also provide expedited import and export documentation management, so you don`t have to worry about nothing regarding your shipment to get it from the collection point to the destination safely and cost effectively. Our aim is to save for our...
România, Ovidiu
...surrounded by forest, in an ecological environment, with indigenous varieties of Sea Buckthorn shrubs, our plantation is organic, certified by an Organic Certification Company. We are environmentally friendly, our energy sources are a wind generator and solar panels and our plantation is irrigated by drip irrigation system. We do everything carefully to preserve the healing qualities of berries, the maintenance work and harvesting is done by hand, and seedlings are produced in a certified organic breeding ground, everything done by our team consists of specialists in horticulture.
România, Curtisoara
SC Industrial Log GS SRL it’s a company located in Romania , Curtisoara , jud. OLT 5 km far from Slatina. The main activity is to produce:1. Wooden packaging goods , wooden drums for cable industry, boxes for bullets and non STANDARD pallets . The peoples who manage the activity work in this field since 2001. With 30 qualified workers , the company has been maintained on this difficult market...
România, Constanta
...SC GALYNOAV SRL, is a Romanian enterprise who activate in making agencies of work placements.This business idea is quite simple but good appointed in the same time. If you need workers for anything can we give you the best Romanian workers in any domain at the most lowest prices. Because we are a young company the business is not to big so it is not to much to tell yet, but we've got resources...
Țările de Jos, Sint-Michielsgestel
... disponibil 24/7, clientul nostru beneficiază de o îngrijire totală. În plus, ICS Cool Energy poate gestiona întreținerea completă a tuturor instalațiilor noastre. Indiferent de provocarea în domeniul controlului temperaturii, we make it work!
... energy, automotive suppliers and manufacturers, aerospace, and contract and operational hardening benefit from the continuous developments and modifications aimed at performance enhancement of the respective systems. Naturally, customer satisfaction and orientation towards the specific needs of individual customers are always at the forefront of our work.
Turcia, Adanalioglu Mah.
... operations are performed at the packaging facility within our company. FDC Ltd. it packs lemon, tangerine, orange and grapefruit fruits and vegetables and offers them to the world market. It has an average packing capacity of 25-30 tons per hour and an average of 300 tons per day according to the diameter and weight of the fruit. Annual production capacity is 40,000 tonnes. It has developed and...
Turcia, Konya
... product for the person who needs it":"Alegem cel mai bun moment pentru a oferi produsul potrivit persoanei care are nevoie de el.","Our belief is that the success of each project depends on a series of steps, the most prominent of which are:":"Credința noastră este că succesul fiecărui proiect depinde de o serie de pași, cei mai proeminenți fiind:","OUR VISION.":"VIZIUNEA NOASTRĂ.","Our goal is to...
Țările de Jos, Amstelveen
...VBA, construirea bazelor de date Access, Windows, Google Apps for Work, SAP, Prezi, Apple, iPad, Tablete, Adobe, ITIL®, PRINCE2®, BiSL®, ASL, Managementul aplicațiilor, informațiilor și testării. Vă ajutăm să lucrați mai eficient cu programele software și să le utilizați la maximum. 100% personalizat Desigur, doriți să obțineți un randament maxim din cursurile și formările dumneavoastră ICT. De aceea, ascultăm întotdeauna mai întâi situația și nevoile organizației dumneavoastră. Pe baza acestora, vă oferim cursuri și soluții personalizate care se aliniază cerințelor dumneavoastră.
Spania, Madrid
... strategic consultancy, our comprehensive portfolio of services enable our clients to define WHO they are, WHAT they want to communicate and HOW to communicate it best to attract their audience’s attention via tailored storytelling strategies, original PR actions and events’ organization that create unique experiences. We are a tight-knit team of creative, talented professionals, passionate about our work and how to make your story known.
Spania, O Temple
... commercial service, but rather other more important nuances prevail than in other Funeral Homes in Coruña, as a good funeral service company must work with all the human and emotional components that come with the passing of a loved one. In our viewing rooms, over all these years of work, thousands of families have been present. The spaces in our Funeral Home in A Coruña are equipped with all the necessary components to ensure that the mourning process of saying goodbye to someone takes place with complete comfort.
Polonia, Gliwice
...• Sisteme ERP și HR: implementăm sisteme ERP de la Comarch și le extindem cu module noi, inclusiv online • Sisteme de gestionare a documentelor și colaborare • Sisteme de automatizare și control • Optimizarea producției și a altor procese • Aplicații mobile (sistem Android) și sisteme încorporate (case de marcat) • Limbaje și tehnici de programare, precum și gestionarea proiectelor IT Ne concentrăm pe furnizarea de servicii de programare și training pentru afaceri. Vă invităm să ne contactați!
Germania, Alsdorf
... resurse umane se poate poziționa ca un motor al transformării digitale în companii și se poate dezvolta într-un factor de productivitate în ceea ce privește accelerarea și eficiența. Prin această conturare a noului său rol, precum și prin soluțiile IT corespunzătoare, contribuie la crearea condițiilor pentru ageritate, acces la cunoștințe și activarea potențialelor. În cele din urmă, construiește astfel punți pentru colaborare și comunicare în companii și creează baza pentru o gestionare viabilă și orientată spre valori.
Franța, Paris
... obținut această etichetă de excelență acordată de primul actor în servicii intelectuale IT, Inop's. * Eticheta Expert în Gestionarea documentelor acordată de organismul independent ScoreFact după auditul clienților noștri în 2017, apoi reînnoită în 2018. * Eticheta Happy@work după auditul colaboratorilor noștri realizat de compania independentă ChoosemyCompany. * Eticheta French Tech. Avem agenții în Paris și Lyon și intervenim în toată Franța și în străinătate.
Turcia, Denizli
... experienced and modernist attitude, our goal is to keep the best quality for our precious customers as M DOOR Wooden Composite series.":"De-a lungul timpului, cu atitudinea noastră experimentată și modernistă, scopul nostru este să menținem cea mai bună calitate pentru clienții noștri prețioși, prin seria de uși compozite din lemn M DOOR.","About Us":"Despre Noi","We work with self devotion in the...
Franța, Marseille
Statele Unite ale Americii, San Francisco
Regatul Unit, London
Asistență și servicii IT, consultanță și furnizare software...
Regatul Unit, Exeter
Consultanți IT, consultanță hardware...
Filozofia noastră de bază: întotdeauna, natural, cu orice preț! Acesta este primul principiu care ne-a motivat să căutăm soluții inovatoare și practice, chiar și atunci când limitele operaționale evidente ne împiedicau să atingem obiectivul dorit. La acesta am adăugat un altul: Trebuie să funcționeze! It must work! Consecința care decurge este, prin urmare, o căutare constantă de actualizare și îmbunătățire, atât în domeniul tehnic și de producție, cât și în cel informativ și didactic.
Germania, Garching b. München
... informației. În domeniul Experts@work, sprijinim clienții noștri din industria IT în implementarea activităților lor de vânzări și marketing prin know-how și personal la fața locului. În domeniul Business Security, competențele noastre de bază se concentrează pe managementul securității informației conform ISO 27001 / ITIL, evaluări de securitate inclusiv inginerie socială, coaching individual pentru responsabilii de securitate, sensibilizarea angajaților prin campanii de conștientizare a securității, precum și analize IT-forensice.
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