Austria, Wien
... privire asupra istoriei și filozofiei companiei noastre. "professional solutions on a personal level" - ne vedem clienții la același nivel și aspirăm la parteneriate deschise, de lungă durată și complete. Spațiile noastre de depozitare din Viena oferă disponibilitate corespunzătoare - chiar și în vremuri dinamice. La noi, SERVICIUL este foarte important: participări la târguri, vizite la clienți...
România, Bucharest
Whatever you’re looking for, Rustikhaus is there for you! Besides being an online furniture store, our web shop is also the place where you can find parasols, garden furniture, home décor and all what you need for your house and garden. Our aim is to have our products accessible for everyone by keeping our prices to a normal level and a perfect customer service. That way, everyone can experience that Rustikhaus feeling. Make your first step in our world and enjoy. We offer special discount for B2B and Wholesale orders.
România, Otopeni
... warranty for domestic appliances -Our company is ISO 9001:2015 certified, in order to guarantee a high-level standard to all of those customers which require above-average quality standards and to comply with specific norms. - Our network is constantly growing and we are proud of the creativity and diversity of our talented people, who lead us on an upward trend. We would love to welcome you with us on this journey, as our partners will always benefit from our assistance in both sales and marketing. OUR VALUES -Trust -Professionalism -Dynamism -Perseverance -Long-term vision ...
România, Brasov
...-export, transportation over the sea, air or truck, so please ask for quotes if needed. Our prices will be better than any other suppliers, as we are specialized and working since 1997 with the best companies all over the world, who have also resisted over the economical crisis, and they are offering a best level of support. ANY NEED YOU MAY HAVE, PLEASE CONTACT US !@ROLLING BALLS SINCE 1997...
România, Bucharest
We do export original spare parts for trucks and trailers at b2b level. Volvo Renault Scania Daf Man Mercedes Iveco brands full range of genuine parts are available under very short delivery leading time and unbeattable prices Aftermarket products like Wabco Knorr-bremse Bosch Delphi Fte Elring Luk Ina Fag are provided for partners worldwide. Air , sea , train transport services included in our services...
România, Romania
... decades, because we deal in quality & price conscious products with the motto "Honesty - The Best". Right with the selection of raw material up to the finishing touch & packing, the entire operation is conducted by highly qualified and trained hands. The company is fully equipped with modern technologies & machineries along with a group of highly qualified & skilled specialists to monitor production at every level of order processing & to ensure timely execution at each & every stage of its production at very competitive prices.
România, Bucuresti
... pericardium and the horse, cartilage suture threads, mesh and hernia laparocel, aspiration and surgical drainage, surgical instrumentation. Our work is carried out at national level by working with all health insurance offices, State and Private Hospitals, private clinics, medical offices, doctors and patients. Our team consists of professionals with extensive experience in the field, who can provide the necessary support for the medical activity. Working with BAZMED you have the guarantee of quality and reliability! For more details please visit our website
...S & D DESIGN COMPANY SRL is available to give your home modern touch in lower price. Our 10 years experience makes your home beautiful and stylish. We have unique collection of Shutters ,Blinds, Rolls ,Roller ,Roll screen ,Awnings ,Insect net,Foil rolls and Roman shade .Our customers' needs are able to diversify the range of products, offering products and services at the highest quality level...
România, Bucharest
... all kinds of waste paper as we move towards a process of selective recycling.At the national level, we want to remain the leading company in the metal recycling. We are among the five largest providers in this segment. We are constantly developing our services for complete management of waste in order to provide the best solutions to our partners.We eliminate at great rates and with respect for the environment all the waste generated by your business. Our professionals will advise you for free and develop a comprehensive recycling concept including collection, logistics and recycling.
România, Bucuresti
... market.The constant innovation and evolution of computer and electronics industries requires us to always be very careful and possibly ahead of time given the continued transformation of this market.Trade & Technology is presented as a distribution and brokerage operator for all Import & Export at the European level of technological materials as hardware and software.Our work is focused on the leading brands that the market demands, our mission is to meet our customers requirements without losing the interest of great service and care for them.
România, Iasi
Windows note 10 3 points - raw material1 point - Profile . Used in manufacturing Salamander profiles , extruded and foiled in Germany in the heart of Bavaria . Galvanized steel reinforcement minimum 1,5 - 3 mm.1 point - hardware . Maco Multimatic , made ​​exclusively in Austria, set to fereastra1 a trim level with all optionals included : lifting the sash , erroneous drive parts , micro...
România, Oradea
...dar si copiilor! Principalele ingrediente naturale active utilizate in realizarea produselor noastre sunt: trandafirii, aloe vera, miere de albine, castravete, masline, musetel, galbenele.Vanzarea produselor noastre se face prin reprezetanti, in sistem Multi Level Marketing, dar si prin intemediul site-ului nostru:
România, Bucharest
... offer to all of our clients a very good quality products. Through their exoticism, Made in Romania Canned Meat attract quality clients, hence generate significant traffic. We have a very long shelf life and expiration dates. We have European level standards of quality and control and we can produce any taste and any label by our clients.We export a large range as: Canned Meat: Canned liver paté in cans – pork/ poultry/ beef/game–spreadable paste / sliceable with/ without additions;Vegetable Patés -standard or with additions;Canned meat in own juice - pork/ beef/ turkey and luncheon typ...
România, Bucharest
...Procer is a Romanian company specialized in COMPLETE SELES SERVICES in the entire market (including traditional plus Key Accounts) (taking orders, prompt deliveries – in maximum 48 hours on national level, maintaining the direct relations with the buyers / shop department responsibles, and also with PROCER providers.The experience gained in the supermarket Romanian network, the promptnes...
Spania, Colmenar
Ibida Black Level SL (iBlevel) este o companie cu sediul în Malaga, dedicată gestionării stocurilor. || Cumpărăm loturi de lichidări de produse noi, suprastocuri, supraproducții, produse scoase din catalog etc. și le distribuim prin rețelele noastre proprii: online, offline, B2B, B2C, național și internațional. || În prezent, lucrăm cu unelte electrice, unelte de grădină, iluminat, mobilier...
Germania, Berlin
MK-Fleisch GmbH este un importator și exportator certificat IFS Higher Level, QS și Bio pentru carne proaspătă și congelată de vită, vițel, miel și păsări de curte. Printre clienții noștri se numără producători de mezeluri și carne, unități de dezosare, distribuitori en-gros, comercianți de servicii gastro, piețe de ridicare C+C, precum și mari unități de măcelărie și industria produselor...
Italia, Rho
... platforme aeriene pentru detectarea poziției, vitezei și înclinării. Gama noastră largă de inclinometre statice și dinamice, encodere incrementale, encodere absolute, encodere cu fir cu Omologare E1 și senzori siguri pentru utilizări până la Performance Level d (PLd) și diverse interfețe precum CANopen, CANopen Safety și SAE J1939, sau interfețele analogice clasice de curent și tensiune, ne permit să...
Grecia, Heraklion
...) Seca Germania (Cântare medicale) MORETTI Italia (Dispozitive medicale) Littmann 3M (Stetoscopuri Littmann & consumabile medicale) Spencer Italia (Sisteme de transport - Imobilizare) WEELKO Spania (Echipamente de estetică - mobilier pentru cabinetul medicului) Beurer Germania (Dispozitive electrice) GLOBUS Italia (Echipamente de fizioterapie) ResMed Australia (Dispozitive pentru tratamentul apneei în somn & Ventilatoare) Lowenstein Medical (Ventilatoare & Dispozitive Bi-Level) Shculke & Meyer (Dezinfectanți chirurgicali)...
Italia, Druento
... că a găsit 3 puncte importante: - Produse excelente, de la entry-level la profesional - Raport excelent calitate-preț - Toată cunoștința și asistența noastră pentru pre și post-vânzare. Organizare internă: - Asistență tehnică (Deschiderea de ticket) - Call-Center (Număr verde 800.039.755) - Magazin și logistică - Birou administrativ - Dezvoltare web - Puncte de vânzare...
Elveția, Grono
Spania, Arenys De Mar
Conectăm cele mai bune produse și mărci de cosmetică și coafură din întreaga lume. Reprezentăm mărci din țări precum Spania, Italia și Elveția. Strategia noastră ajută la impulsionarea afacerilor de import și distribuție a produselor din sectorul profesional în orice țară. Conectăm companii care doresc să ajute la îndrăgostirea clienților cu produse cu adevărat profesionale și de calitate, și care...
Elveția, Kreuzlingen
Italia, Giuliano Di Roma
Germania, Darmstadt
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