Produse pentru alimente (6747)

Muesli Nestlé

Muesli Nestlé

Nestle Muesli Cereal
600 cutii de prospețime cu capac cu balama, 250 ml plastic - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

600 cutii de prospețime cu capac cu balama, 250 ml plastic - Tăvi / cutii / recipiente alimentare

La boite traiteur cristal est utilisée principalement par les traiteurs, restauration rapide de vente à emporter mais aussi les particuliers La boite avec son couvercle rattaché vous permet de mettre vos salades, paella, couscous ou autres petits plats cuisinés. La boite permet un transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par jonc, La boite traiteur ergonomique fraîcheur est appréciée pour ses propriétés qui sont la résistance, la qualité, la sécurité des produits dedans mais aussi son prix très attractif. Code:M250C Volume:250 ml Dimension:126 x 106 x 41 (L x l x H en mm) Matière:Polyéthylène
Samyang Buldak Ramen Carbonara Bol Mare - Ramen Carbonara cu aromă picantă și cremoasă de pui FIERBINTE.

Samyang Buldak Ramen Carbonara Bol Mare - Ramen Carbonara cu aromă picantă și cremoasă de pui FIERBINTE.

This delicious Buldak Chicken Carbonara Big Bowl from Samyang is sure to cure your ramen cravings! This halal Big Bowl provides the perfect balance of flavors and spiciness to tantalize your taste buds. It contains succulent chicken chunks and a coated smooth sweet sauce - creating an irresistible fusion that you won't be able to resist. 105:grammes
Cutie pentru Tacos și Burger - Cutie rectangulară folosită pentru ambalarea Tacos, sandvișuri și hamburgeri

Cutie pentru Tacos și Burger - Cutie rectangulară folosită pentru ambalarea Tacos, sandvișuri și hamburgeri

Boite en carton cannelé totalement ecologique sans aucun point de colle. Trés pratique, livrée totalement à plat, Montage trés simple (coome une boite à pizza) İmprimable CMYK. Trés belle qualité à petit prix!
Semințe de susan decorticate prăjite organice

Semințe de susan decorticate prăjite organice

"Oorsprong Sesamzaad Sesamzaad (sesamum indicum) komt van de sesam plant, deze komt oorsponkelijk uit Afrika. Sesamzaad wordt veel gebruikt bij het verfijnen van brood, koekjes en gebak. Ook worden sesamzaden gebruikt als basisingrediënt voor Tahin, een kruidige saus. Deze saus wordt bijvoorbeeld gebruikt om Humus te kruiden. Productieproces Sesamzaad Sesamzaden worden ongepeld geroosterd waardoor de nootsmaak wordt versterkt. Geroosterde sesamzaden hebben een sterke smaak. Gezonde eigenschappen Sesamzaden Sesamzaden bevatten vetten, eiwitten, vitamines en mineralen. Het zit ook boordevol antioxidanten."
Făină de mazăre

Făină de mazăre

Pea flour Incoterms:FCA, DAP
CHIMAY Bere roșie vap 12 sticle cl 33

CHIMAY Bere roșie vap 12 sticle cl 33

La Birra rossa CHIMAY è una pregiata bevanda belga, prodotta secondo antiche tecniche monastiche e una lunga storia di fermentazione e affinamento in bottiglia. Con la sua ricca miscela di malto e luppolo, questa birra rossa dal volume alcolico del 12% offre un gusto unico e complesso che accontenterà i palati più esigenti. Da gustare in bottiglia da 33 cl per un'esperienza autentica di alta qualità.


Stability and less sweetness. Product developers can use it either to improve existing products or to create innovative new products. Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules linked α,α –1,1. It has excellent process and finished product stability. Trehalose is a mostly know as a moisturising agent. Its mild sweetness (45% sucrose), low carcinogenicity, low hygroscopicity, high freezing-point depression, high glass transition temperature and protein protection properties are all of immense benefit to food technologists. Trehalose is fully caloric, has no laxative effects and after ingestion is broken down in the body to glucose. It has a moderate glycemic index with low insulin emic response. EC number:612-140-5 Molecular Formula:C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ CAS No:6138-23-4
Oțet Alb 2l

Oțet Alb 2l

White Vinegar can be used for cooking, baking, cleaning and weed control. It is believed to contribute to weight loss and lower blood sugar and cholesterol. ingredients: 6% acidity, contains sulfites.
Creatină Anhidrată - Seria de Creatină

Creatină Anhidrată - Seria de Creatină

Anhydrous Creatine can increase the water content of muscle cells, help muscle cells store energy, increase protein synthesis and other basic functions. ♦ SRS Nutrition Express Superiority: It have ready stock, and high quality from CHENGXIN, Baoma, Baosui factory. It can do FCA NL and DDP. (door to door) Other name:Anhydrous Creatine Monohydrate Spec./ Purity:≥99% ( Other specifications can be customized) CAS Number:57-00-1 Appearance:White powder Main function:Enhancing Skeletal Muscle Adaptation to Intense Exercise Test Method:USP; Liquid Chromatogram; TITRATION
Cățel de Rasă Premium

Cățel de Rasă Premium

In the first phase of your dog's life, everything revolves around a good, energy-rich diet. Thorough research ensures that Premium Breed Pup meets the specific nutritional requirements of your puppy and helps it to grow in a balanced and responsible way. It contains everything to raise a healthy pup with strong bones. Scientific research has shown that reduced calcium and phosphorus content can help to reduce the occurrence of growing pains. The energy enriched composition and the size of the biscuits also make it ideal for smaller breeds of active dogs. It is a perfect food for pregnant and suckling bitches, as well as dogs recovering from illness
Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim

Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim

The Flavor that Warms Us: Hunkar Maraslim Cocoa Ice Cream The intense aroma of cocoa and the white flavor of milk come together with the unique touches of Hunkar Maraslim! Enriched with natural sahlep plant, this delicious cocoa ice cream leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate. Our cocoa ice cream is prepared with an intense cocoa mixture obtained from the highest quality cocoa beans. This way, you feel the deep and satisfying taste of cocoa in every bite. The sahlep plant adds a unique consistency and flavor to the ice cream and offers a healthy alternative. Hunkar Maraslim's use of natural sahlep makes our ice cream unique.
ULEI DE CIMBRU NEGRU BIO, presat la rece din Egipt în sticle de 100ml + 250ml + 1000ml.

ULEI DE CIMBRU NEGRU BIO, presat la rece din Egipt în sticle de 100ml + 250ml + 1000ml.

Bio SCHWARZKÜMMEL ÖL – kaltgepresst aus Ägypten, das hochwirksame Antiallergikum. Das aus ihm gewonnene Öl überzeugt durch einen angenehm milden Geschmack. Unsere Schwarzkümmelsamen stammen aus der größten Oase Ägyptens – „El Fayoum“, was „Gemüsegarten Kairos“ bedeutet. Früher war dieses Gebiet westlich des Nils eine Sumpflandschaft. Heute gilt es als ideales Anbaugebiet, in dem besonders hochwertige Pflanzen gedeihen, u.a. auch unser Schwarzkümmel. Die Ölgewinnung erfolgt durch eine besonders schonende Stempelpressung, damit alle wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe erhalten bleiben. AMAZONAS Bio Schwarzkümmelöl ist ein 100 % reines Öl aus Erstpressung und enthält einen hohen Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren und natürlichem Vitamin E. Schwarzkümmel-Produkte: Reines kaltgepresstes Schwarzkümmelöl aus ägyptischen Schwarzkümmelsamen. Darreichungsform: Öl in Flaschen oder Kapseln
Picioare anterioare de porc congelate

Picioare anterioare de porc congelate

Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle, die nach einer nahrhaften und schmackhaften Zutat suchen. Sie sind reich an Kollagen und anderen Nährstoffen, die für eine gesunde Ernährung unerlässlich sind. Unsere Produkte werden unter strengen Hygienebedingungen verarbeitet, um höchste Qualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind ideal für die Zubereitung von Suppen und Eintöpfen, die reich an Geschmack und Nährstoffen sind. Sie sind in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unserer Produkte, um Ihre Gerichte zu bereichern.
Ulei de cuișoare

Ulei de cuișoare

Clove oil can be used to treat hernias, it also relieves symptoms of diarrhoea, and is most commonly used against bad breath and toothaches. Common Uses For toothaches, one can take a clove and add it between the gums and inner mouth. Its strong element may even cause some numbness. Clove oil is known to improve blood circulation so by adding some drops of Clove essential oil to a cup of tea per day, it is a healthy addition. It is also a quick fix for stomach pains and the added benefit is to add some clove oil and other spices to water on the stovetop to create a lovely aroma. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Integratori Alimentari Liquidi – Gocce

Integratori Alimentari Liquidi – Gocce

Le gocce orali rappresentano una forma farmaceutica versatile e altamente assorbibile, ideale per chi cerca un dosaggio personalizzabile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti. Questa tipologia di integratori è particolarmente adatta per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole, offrendo un'alternativa pratica e efficace. Le gocce sono prodotte in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, tra 5 e 30 ml, in materiale PET o vetro, garantendo una scelta flessibile del packaging. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori. Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti vegetali fluidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che le gocce siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in forma di gocce sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un dosaggio flessibile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti.


Matcha - ceaiuri din plante organice, superaliment, Ceai

Matcha - ceaiuri din plante organice, superaliment, Ceai

La matcha è un tipo di tè verde giapponese che viene coltivato e lavorato in modo particolare. La matcha è noto per il suo sapore caratteristico, leggermente dolce e umami, e per i suoi benefici per la salute, tra cui un alto contenuto di antiossidanti e la capacità di aumentare la concentrazione e la calma, grazie alla presenza di L-teanina e caffeina.
grâu saracenos decorticat și prăjit

grâu saracenos decorticat și prăjit

Buckwheat hulled & roasted (trigo sarraceno descascarillado y tostado), también conocido como kasha, se refiere a los granos de trigo sarraceno a los que se les ha quitado la cáscara exterior y luego se han tostado. El proceso de tostado le da a los granos un color más oscuro y un sabor distintivo, más profundo y ligeramente a nuez, que mejora sus cualidades culinarias.


Porras tradicionales
Făină de porumb T130

Făină de porumb T130

La farine de maïs T130 est une farine intégrale, obtenue à partir du grain de maïs avec une mouture qui conserve une grande partie du son et du germe. Cela lui confère une couleur jaune foncé, presque dorée, et une texture plus granuleuse. Le « T130 » indique un taux de cendres élevé, signe d’une richesse en minéraux et en fibres. Cette farine est connue pour son goût prononcé de maïs, légèrement sucré et terreux, ainsi que pour ses excellentes propriétés nutritionnelles. L’un des principaux avantages de cette farine est qu’elle est naturellement sans gluten, ce qui en fait une option idéale pour les personnes souffrant de la maladie cœliaque ou celles cherchant à réduire leur consommation de gluten. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : sac en papier kraft de 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg. Palettisation : 750-950kg.
extract de pulbere de valeriană 4:1; - Chem2Market GmbH

extract de pulbere de valeriană 4:1; - Chem2Market GmbH

"Quality: for food Processed plant part: Root Extracting agent: water Carrier: maltodextrin Valerian, also known as Valeriana officinalis, is a Medicinal plant, which is used due to its calming and relaxing properties in traditional medicine. It can also be taken as a dietary supplement. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip ORGANIC Blueberry ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard
Fosfat monocalcic (MCP)

Fosfat monocalcic (MCP)

Monocalcium phosphate is a substance formed by the reaction of phosphoric acid and calcium carbonate. This essential mineral plays a vital role in various biochemical reactions in the body and is an essential component of bones. The product is available in a powdered or granular form that is easy to mix with other ingredients. Its shelf life is 24 months, and it should be stored in a cool, dry place. Monocalcium Phosphate is available in 25 kg bags. This mineral is commonly added to animal feeds, including pet foods, to support the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth. It is also used in the manufacture of fertilizers. In the food industry, Monocalcium Phosphate plays several roles - it is an ingredient in baking powder, helping baked goods to rise. It also serves as an emulsifier in processed foods and can be used as a preservative in cheese and sausages.
Mașină de Sigilare a Tavilor TSS126-OVERSKIN - Sigilatoare Pneumatică Semi-Automatică

Mașină de Sigilare a Tavilor TSS126-OVERSKIN - Sigilatoare Pneumatică Semi-Automatică

Dank der OVERSKIN-Technologie ermöglicht der halbautomatische pneumatische Schalensiegler TSS126 nicht nur die traditionelle Versiegelung in der Schale, sondern auch das Verpacken von besonderen Produkten, wie z.B. feines Fleisch oder Krustentiere, mit großen Volumina und bis zu 40 mm Überstand. Die technologische Effizienz der TSS126 kann mit dem neuen Kartonverpackungssystem mit individuell gestaltbaren Grafiken kombiniert werden, um eine innovative Versiegelung mit großer ästhetischer Wirkung zu erzielen. Maße: 590 mm x 750 mm x 1.640 mm Gewicht: Ca. 190 kg Maximale Höhe der Schalen: 100 (optional 150) mm Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs: 420 mm x 280 mm Maximale Filmgröße: Ø 250 mm x 470 mm Zyklen pro Minute: 3 - 8 Luftverbrauch: 13 Nl/c Pneumatische Versorgung: 6 - 8 bar Gasversorgung: 3 bar Leistung: Ca. 3,5 kW Stromversorgung: 380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A Maße :590 mm x 750 mm x 1.640 mm Gewicht :ca. 190 kg Maximale Höhe der Schalen :100 (optional 150) mm Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs :420 mm x 280 mm Maximale Filmgröße :Ø 250 mm x 470 mm Zyklen pro Minute :3 - 8 Luftverbrauch :13 Nl/c Pneumatische Versorgung :6 - 8 bar Gasversorgung :3 bar Leistung :ca. 3,5 kW Stromversorgung :380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A
Trufă Tuber Aestivum deshidratată - Trufă de vară uscată

Trufă Tuber Aestivum deshidratată - Trufă de vară uscată

Wild Summer Truffle (Tuber Melanosporum Vitt) for food industry professionals dedicated to truffle products.
Ajo Blanco, Ajo Violeta, Ajo Morado

Ajo Blanco, Ajo Violeta, Ajo Morado

Ajo fresco de España: calidad y versatilidad. Ofrecemos una selección de ajos frescos en diversas presentaciones y embalajes, adaptados a sus necesidades. Disponemos de ajo blanco, ajo violeta y ajo morado, todos cultivados con esmero en las mejores tierras españolas. Perfecto para mercados nacionales e internacionales, garantizando frescura y calidad en cada entrega.
Ulei esențial de mușețel roman

Ulei esențial de mușețel roman

Roman Chamomile essential oil, derived from the Chamaemelum nobile plant, is known for its sweet and fruity aroma, as well as its numerous health benefits. This essential oil is prized for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, making it a natural remedy for relieving stress, anxiety, and skin irritation. Additionally, Roman Chamomile is widely used in aromatherapy for its relaxing effects, helping to induce sleep and relieve insomnia. It is also beneficial for the digestive system, relieving problems such as indigestion and colic. Its softness makes it suitable for use in babies and children, being a valuable resource for the emotional and physical well-being of the entire family. Also available essential oil of Blue Chamomile and Santolina Chamomile. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil CAS:8015-92-7 / 84649-86-5 EINECS:283-467-5
Borcan de sticlă 320 ml

Borcan de sticlă 320 ml

We offer high-quality glass jars of various capacities at the best prices on the market. Minimal order: • Full truck quantities Price (includes delivery costs to the customer in Poland): • Jar 320 ml - 0.101 eur/pcs. Method of packaging: • Bulk - 4,096 pieces per pallet, 26 pallets per truck; • Shrink-wrapped. The jars can be mixed, you can get the full product offer from us, just ask! Certificates: •Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety. VAT: •We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction. We cordially invite you to cooperate! Minimal order:26 pallets VAT Invoice:We issue a VAT invoice for your company, ensuring full transparency of the transaction Certificates:Our products have appropriate quality certificates, guaranteeing high quality and safety
Scaun înalt pliabil Kiwi Cupcakes

Scaun înalt pliabil Kiwi Cupcakes

Kiwi is a lifting highchair for those children who can recuperate on their own, aged from 6 months to 3 years approximately (maximum weight 15 kg). You can place it in a regular dining room chair and fix it with the use of special zones. Features: Adjusting the height to 4 positions. 3rd point seat belt. Soft mat. Glass case on the tray. Easy folding system. Product weight:1.8 kg Dimensions:30x35x50 сm Manufacturer:Kangaroo Age:6-3.5 years old
Lămâie - Fructe

Lămâie - Fructe

With its characteristic ovoid shape and its skin that can vary from smooth to ridged, it is an inexhaustible source of culinary possibilities. Its juicy yellowish pulp is divided into segments, and although it is recognized for its acidic flavor, it is also a carrier of multiple health benefits, including a considerable dose of vitamin C. In addition, Zayma is committed to ensuring that its lemon is harvested under sustainable practices. , respecting natural cycles to maintain quality without compromising the future. On the other hand, Zayma understands that this fruit is not only part of cuisine, but also of a culture of well-being. It is used not only as a culinary ingredient but also in home remedies, enhancing its value beyond the kitchen. Because the distributor values ​​tradition and innovation, she makes sure to provide lemons that meet the expectations of the most demanding chefs and modern homes.