Produse pentru alimente (3063)

Pita Congelată cu Brânză Albă și Kashkaval Făcută Manual Dalya

Pita Congelată cu Brânză Albă și Kashkaval Făcută Manual Dalya

Dalya Handmade Frozen White and Kashkaval Cheese Pita: Practical Enjoyment of Traditional Flavors Inspired by traditional Turkish cuisine, the Hunkar brand now offers its handmade pitas in frozen form. Enriched with feta cheese and plenty of cheddar cheese, this pita is prepared 100% faithfully to the original Turkish recipe and packaged frozen. Now, you can quickly prepare this peerless flavor with ease whenever you want. This flavor, where thin dough is covered with delicious feta cheese and plenty of cheddar cheese and baked in the oven, leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate. Dalya's frozen pita brings together practicality and traditional flavor. Prepared with the skill of experienced hands, this pita offers a practical solution for your flavorful moments.
Snack Sacha Inchi - Nuci Inca prăjite bogate în omega 3

Snack Sacha Inchi - Nuci Inca prăjite bogate în omega 3

Produit alimentaire élaboré à partir des graines de Sacha Inchi décortiquées et toastés. Naturel Salé Épicé Caramélisé Origine : Pérou NOM BOTANIQUE:Plukenetia volubilis, L. Origine:Plukenetia volubilis L:Pérou Produit:Graines de Sacha Inchi pelées Couleur:Doré ODEUR:Caractéristique Goût:Caractéristique Apparence:Solide, solide, croustillant Humidité g / 100g:≤3.0 Protéines g / 100 g:≥27.5 Graisse g / 100 g:≥43.0 Indice de peroxyde mEq O² / kg:≤3.2 Acidité libre exprimée en acide oléique mg KOH / g:≤1.0 Levure UFC / g:<10² UFC / g:<10² Escherichia coli NMP / g:<10 Coliformes totaux NMP / g:<10 Salmonelle UFC:Absence / 25 g Aerobes Mésophiles CFU / g:<10⁴ Acide oléique (w / C 18:1):≥4.93 Acide linoléique (w 6 C 18:2):≥17.52 Acide linolénique (w3 C 18:3):≥20.15
Falafel - Calitate, Sustenabilitate și Serviciu Excelent

Falafel - Calitate, Sustenabilitate și Serviciu Excelent

Trockene Hülsenfrüchte, insbesondere für die Hummus- und Falafel-Produktion - Falafel, wir sind Lieferant für trockene Hülsenfrüchte, insbesondere für die Hummus- und Falafel-Produktion, sowie weiteren kulinarischen Genüssen suchen, Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und super Service. Falafel, sind eine köstliche Bereicherung unserer vielfältigen Produktpalette bei SoleilFOOD, Ihrem zuverlässigen Partner für hochwertige Hülsenfrüchte, Saaten, Tahini und mehr. Unser Familienunternehmen mit IFS Broker Zertifizierung ist darauf spezialisiert, die Lebensmittelindustrie, den Großhandel und die Gastronomie mit erstklassigen Produkten zu beliefern. Unsere Hülsenfrüchte, darunter Bohnen, Erbsen, Linsen und Kichererbsen, sind reich an Protein, Ballaststoffen und essenziellen Nährstoffen, die eine gesunde Ernährung unterstützen. Als Anbieter orientalischer Köstlichkeiten legen wir besonderen Fokus auf Produkte wie Falafel, Hummus und weitere Spezialitäten aus der vegetarischen Küche, die in Deutschland und europaweit großen Anklang finden.
Somon și Orez Premium

Somon și Orez Premium

Champ Salmon and Rice is a complete, balanced premium food specially developed for adult dogs prone to digestive problems or nutrition-related allergic reactions. Champ Salmon and Rice is uniquely formulated with top-quality ingredients: salmon as a source of protein, along with rice and corn, thus guaranteeing an optimal condition for adult dogs. The presence of fructooligosaccharides in the feed ensures a well-balanced intestinal flora and optimal bowel function. High-Quality ingredients such as salmon and rice are very easy to digest and keep your dog in good health. Dogs who often struggle with intestinal problems will greatly benefit from this feed. Champ Salmon and Rice contain high-quality fats, such as salmon oil rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for a beautiful, shiny coat. The feed also includes natural sources of omega-9 fatty acids. Thanks to the use of salmon, these chunks are a particularly tasty treat which wins even the pickiest dogs
Arome pentru Alimente - Gust Convingător pentru Ideile Tale

Arome pentru Alimente - Gust Convingător pentru Ideile Tale

Egal, ob Backware, Süßigkeit, Fitnessriegel oder Fertiggericht – unsere Aromen verleihen Ihren Pro­dukt­en die gewün­schte geschmackliche Note. Als Ihr Partner be­glei­ten wir den Pro­zess von Ihr­er Produkt­idee bis hin zum markt­reifen End­produkt und stehen Ihnen gerne be­ra­tend mit unse­rer aromen- und anwendungstechnischen sowie regulatorischen Kompetenz zur Seite. Diverse Aromen, Extrakte, Compunds und Seasonings in flüssiger, viskoser oder trockener Form erfüllen sowohl die individuellen Marktbedürfnisse als auch die technischen Anforderungen Ihrer individuellen Anwendungsgebiete. Da der Aspekt Natürlichkeit für Verbraucher immer weiter in den Fokus rückt, haben wir unser Portfolio um eine Vielzahl an biotauglichen Aromen erweitert, die der aktuellen Verordnung entsprechen.
Snack de porumb Samyang - Snack nutrițional moale și dulce care se topește în gură ca zăpada.

Snack de porumb Samyang - Snack nutrițional moale și dulce care se topește în gură ca zăpada.

Samyang Satobab is a soft corn snack. Satobap snack that melts in your mouth. It is even better to eat with milk or yogurt. Suitable for Halal, vegans ! 67 :grammes
Pudră de ficat de vită premium (calitate alimentară)

Pudră de ficat de vită premium (calitate alimentară)

We have been asked over and over again for a pure beef liver powder, ask no more. We have sourced yet again another premium quality product. This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months. Recommended inclusion level is up to 100g per kg base mix, depending on other solubles being used within your mix. Great multi-range product, useful for feed applications/ spod/stick/base/pellet mixes etc. Moisture 5% Protein 67% Ash 6% Fat 20%
Mese gătite congelate și gata de consum

Mese gătite congelate și gata de consum

Cooked frozen and ready-to-eat meals offer a convenient and delicious solution for busy individuals and families. These meals are carefully prepared and frozen to lock in their flavor and nutrients, providing a quick and easy option for those on the go. With a wide variety of options available, from hearty stews and casseroles to light and flavorful stir-fries, there is something to suit every taste and dietary preference. These meals are perfect for those who want to enjoy a home-cooked meal without the hassle of cooking from scratch. In addition to their convenience, cooked frozen meals are also a great way to maintain a balanced diet. They are often made with high-quality ingredients and carefully portioned to provide a nutritious and satisfying meal. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a hearty dinner, cooked frozen and ready-to-eat meals are a delicious and convenient option.
Sunny Dates

Sunny Dates

Sunny Dates
Cârnați Salmo salar 1 kg - Cârnați Salmo salar 1 fierți sau nefierți

Cârnați Salmo salar 1 kg - Cârnați Salmo salar 1 fierți sau nefierți

Our Salmo salar sausages are cooked or Non-cooked, packing can be 1 kg & 2,5 kg Sausages.
Deliciu Starburst

Deliciu Starburst

Starburst Treat
Cutter de carne continuu

Cutter de carne continuu

The Velati continuous meat cutter, completely made of stainless steel, has been designed to transform a whole block of meat in meat pieces with a blades system expressly designed to avoid meat damages and smashing. A structure of combined blades composed by a swinging guillotine knife and a set of circular knives, allows working the product at different temperatures, cutting both fat and meat, and reaching a hourly production till 8-10 tons per hour. There are three kinds of meat cutters depending on the working temperature and production needs. Each Velati’s meat cutter feeding is provided by conveyor belts, its speed being regulated by a speed variator allows to control the hourly production and the cut pieces thickness. Each Velati’s meat cutter is provided with an inverter for the conveyor belts regulation. F3 and F4 models are also equipped with touch screen controls and PLC with the possibility of shaping and memorizing different work programs. Each machine also has an alarm system controlled by a specialelectrical equipment.
Amidon de cartofi

Amidon de cartofi

Wir sind der beste Großhändler für Kartoffelstärke in Deutschland. Wir exportieren Kartoffelstärke aller Art und können dieses Produkt innerhalb Europas und Amerikas liefern. Unsere Kartoffelstärke wird aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Kartoffeln hergestellt, um höchste Qualität zu gewährleisten. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt unter strengen Qualitätskontrollen, um sicherzustellen, dass keine Verunreinigungen die Reinheit der Stärke beeinträchtigen. Unsere Kunden schätzen die gleichbleibend hohe Qualität und die schnelle Lieferung unserer Produkte.
Pasta Rigatoni Ruvidi

Pasta Rigatoni Ruvidi

Acqua, uova e semola di grano duro creano la miscela perfetta per questo tipo di pasta, caratterizzato dalla sua forma tubolare e dalla superficie ruvida e rigata. Questa texture è progettata per catturare e trattenere le salse, rendendola un abbinamento ideale per un ricco ragù (salsa di carne).
Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

I chewing gum funzionali in blister offrono un modo innovativo e piacevole per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi chewing gum sono progettati per rilasciare gradualmente i nutrienti mentre vengono masticati, offrendo un'integrazione continua e discreta. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e pratica alle tradizionali pillole, i chewing gum in blister sono una scelta popolare tra adulti e bambini.
CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

Unsere braunen Pizza-Boxen bestehen aus hochwertigem, recyceltem, biologisch abbaubarem und recycelbarem Karton. Diese umweltfreundlichen Boxen sind ideal für jede Art von Pizza und tragen dazu bei, die Umwelt zu schützen. Highlights: Material: Hergestellt aus 100 % recyceltem und biologisch abbaubarem Karton Druck: Individuell bedruckbar, um Ihre Marke hervorzuheben Größen: Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen von 18 cm bis 60 cm, ideal für jede Pizza Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützen Sie nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen, die die Umwelt schonen Profitieren Sie von unseren umweltfreundlichen braunen Pizza-Boxen, um Ihren Kunden eine nachhaltige Verpackungslösung anzubieten, die sowohl funktional als auch umweltbewusst ist. Heben Sie Ihr Geschäft auf ein neues Level mit Verpackungen, die sowohl ansprechend als auch ökologisch sind!


Lecitină de soia lichidă non-GMO - distribuitor de alimente, ingredient alimentar

Lecitină de soia lichidă non-GMO - distribuitor de alimente, ingredient alimentar

Soya Lecithin, the by-product of Refined Soya Oil, is manufactured from the gums which are obtained during the degumming process of the crude soybean oil (to produce refined soya oil). During the degumming process gums are extracted and dehydrated at controlled conditions to obtain crude Soya Lecithin. This crude Soya Lecithin is further refined and standardized in different grades, to serve as a raw material in different applications. Soya Lecithin has a characteristic golden yellow colour, it is viscous in nature and has a characteristic soybean odour.


Deliziosi spuntini con Parmigiano Reggiano fresco, fatto con DOP. 5 barette da 20g di formaggio stagionato per una deliziosa esperienza di gusto. Sano, ricco di calcio, proteine ​​e gusto. Perfetto come spuntino veloce o per un'aggiunta salutare al tuo pasto.
Zahăr din sfeclă

Zahăr din sfeclă

Sucre de betterave
Ulei de argan pentru delicatese - Ulei de argan pentru retaileri

Ulei de argan pentru delicatese - Ulei de argan pentru retaileri

Safran & Co. est un acteur majeur dans la distribution d'huile d'argan bio et de safran bio, des produits authentiques et d'excellence provenant directement du Maroc. En tant que grossiste, nous nous engageons à fournir des matières premières naturelles de grande qualité, issues de l’agriculture biologique et du commerce équitable, destinées à une clientèle exigeante, qu’elle soit issue du secteur cosmétique, alimentaire ou pharmaceutique. Avec un savoir-faire ancestral et un réseau de producteurs locaux, Safran & Co. met un point d'honneur à garantir une traçabilité exemplaire et un respect des standards internationaux. Offrez à vos clients le meilleur du Maroc avec Safran & Co. : une huile d'argan bio aux vertus nourrissantes exceptionnelles et un safran bio de qualité supérieure, cultivés dans le respect des traditions et de l’environnement.
Făină de gluten de porumb

Făină de gluten de porumb

Corn gluten meal Bag:25 kg Big Bag:700 kg / 1000 kg Incoterms:FCA, DAP
KC LEMON - Mâncare

KC LEMON - Mâncare

Lemon-scented detergent for hand washing all types of dishes. Biodegradable product. FEATURES Formulated with biodegradable and water-soluble surfactants, with a high concentration of active material. Neutral product, with good degreasing, dispersing and foaming power, leaves dishes clean and shiny. Does not attack the skin of the hands nor is it corrosive. FIELDS OF APPLICATION The product is recommended for manual washing of all kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery, boxes, containers, among others). HOW TO USE The product can be diluted in the washing water or used directly on a damp sponge. Recommended dosage: 2.5 ml of product per litre of water. If necessary, adjust the dosage until a generous amount of foam is obtained. Wash the utensils by scrubbing with a sponge. Then rinse thoroughly with water. Attention: It is not suitable for use in dishwashers. REF:CL3127.1
Dispozitiv de vid și sigilare STARCREST VS-6016, 110W, Control tactil, 5 Funcții - Mașină de vidat alimente

Dispozitiv de vid și sigilare STARCREST VS-6016, 110W, Control tactil, 5 Funcții - Mașină de vidat alimente

Vacuum and sealing device STARCREST VS-6016, 110W, Touch Control, 5 Functions, Casserole vacuum hose, Built-in cutter, Black/Stainless steel STARCREST VS-6016 is the ideal device that keeps meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and chips fresh longer long time. TOUCH CONTROL PANEL Thanks to the touch control panel, sealing and vacuuming the products is much easier and pleasant. EMPTYING AND SEALING The device perfectly seals the food, immediately after the vacuuming process has been completed. In this way, the contact of the products with oxygen is avoided, which can trigger reactions that lead to the alteration of the product. Due to the lack of oxygen, microorganisms can no longer multiply and the food spoilage process is delayed and in this way, food products are kept in safe conditions. PULSE FUNCTION The PULSE function allows manual control of the air extraction, giving the user the opportunity to decide how much air he wants to extract. Product Code:VS-6016 Warranty:24 months Color:Black Power:110 W Color:Stainless steel / Black Width:13.3 Weight:1 KG
Făină de Sânge Mixată 90 - Furaje pentru Animale

Făină de Sânge Mixată 90 - Furaje pentru Animale

Mixed Blood Meal is obtained from fresh blood collected both from poultry animals and swine. The blood is preserved on-site to avoid coagulation and later transported to the processing plant. It is then centrifuged to remove any foreign particles and spray dried. Such a process enables the preservation of higher lysine content.
Pulbere de fructe CAMU-CAMU bio pur în calitate de raw

Pulbere de fructe CAMU-CAMU bio pur în calitate de raw

Camu Camu zählt neben Acerola zu den Vitamin C reichsten Früchten. Unser Bio Camu-Camu Fruchtpulver ist 100% pur, mit 12% natürlichem Vitamin C, ohne Zusätze, als lose Ware, Bulk erhältlich Bio Camu-Camu eigent sich hervorragend als Zutat für Smoothies oder sonstigen Mischungen. Um den etwas bitteren Geschmack zu neutralisieren ist das Yaconpulver zu empfehlen, das als natürliche Süße sehr geschätzt wird. Unser Lieferant / Partner in Peru spezialisierte sich auf 100% reine Fruchtpulver. Vom Anbau bis zum Endprodukt liegt alles in seiner Hand. Nur so kann er die hohe Qualität seiner Fruchtpulver garantieren. Fundiertes Wissen und langjährige Erfahrung sind wichtige Voraussetzungen um den richtigen Erntezeitpunkt, optimale Verarbeitung und schonende Behandlung der Früchte zu garantieren. Das Beste aus der Natur zu bewahren ist seine Philosophie. Das Ergebnis ist ein reines hochwertiges Fruchtpulver ohne jegliche Zusatzstoffe in Rohkostqualität. Gebinde: 5 kg
Salsa de Trufă Albă - Conservas

Salsa de Trufă Albă - Conservas

The Bianchetto truffle sauce is a gourmet blend made from Bianchetto truffles combined with select ingredients such as mushrooms, olive oil, and sometimes cream or cheese. This sauce is known for its creamy texture and intense flavor, highlighting the unmistakable aroma and delicate taste of white truffles. This sauce is perfect for those looking to add a touch of luxury and sophistication to their meals, making the most of the unique flavor of Bianchetto truffles.
Produse alimentare - Angrosist de produse alimentare

Produse alimentare - Angrosist de produse alimentare

Découvrez l'Epicerie de qualité chez S.M services ! Explorez notre sélection soigneusement choisie d'épicerie salée, allant de la farine aux conserves de la mer, des huiles aux vinaigres, et des pâtes au riz. Plongez également dans notre épicerie sucrée avec des délices tels que miels, pâtisseries, fruits secs, sirops, sucre, thés, cafés, biscottes, et bien plus encore. Nous vous offrons une expérience gastronomique complète avec des produits d'épicerie de première qualité. Faites de chaque repas une expérience délicieusement mémorable.
Cutie pentru pizza

Cutie pentru pizza

Boîte à pizza classique de différentes tailles.