Produse pentru alimente (11622)

Pita cu Carne Măcinată și Kashkaval Congelată Făcută Manual de Dalya

Pita cu Carne Măcinată și Kashkaval Congelată Făcută Manual de Dalya

Dalya Handmade Frozen Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita: Frozen Traditional Flavors Hunkar brand now offers its handmade pita bread inspired by traditional Turkish cuisine in frozen form. Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita is carefully prepared and packaged frozen, 100% faithful to the original Turkish recipe. Now, you can quickly prepare this unique flavor whenever you want and make your table festive. The thin dough is covered with delicious minced meat and plenty of cheddar cheese and baked in the oven, leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate. Hunkar's frozen pita brings together practicality and traditional flavor. Prepared with the skill of experienced hands, this pita will add joy to your tables.
Crochete - Mese gata

Crochete - Mese gata

Three different tastes 1. Tomato paste with olives and pesto 2. Walnut paste 3. Pasta with garlic and parsley Available cuts: 12 pcs. package 60 pcs. package Raw materials used: Meat of snails Helix Aspersa Maxima, crispy wafer shells in the shape of a snail, Cow butter (86% fat) tomato paste, olives, walnuts, onion, garlic, spices, white wine Method of preparation: ready for direct consumption. Heat in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for 12 minutes. Serve warm. Storage: – 18 ° С
Tocăniță de Vită Quana cu 100% Vită - Tocăniță Pură de Vită Quana, o plăcere culinară pură din carne de vită pură

Tocăniță de Vită Quana cu 100% Vită - Tocăniță Pură de Vită Quana, o plăcere culinară pură din carne de vită pură

Quana’s Rindstopf Pur, ein pures Essvergnügen aus reinem Rindfleisch für Deinen vierbeinigen Hausgenossen. Er wird es Dir danken, mit Lebensfreude und einem gesunden Aussehen. Die klassische Delikatesse in einer praktischen Dose. Rindfleisch ist nahrhaft für unsere vierbeinigen Freund aller Rassen. Wir verarbeiten unser Rindfleisch ohne Zusätze zu einem schmackhaften Nassfutter, damit Du Deinen vierbeinigen Liebling artgerecht ernähren kannst. Feinstes Fleisch vom Rind in einem nahrhaften, artgerechten Hundenassfutter Dein Hund nimmt mit Aufnahme unserer Rindfleisch-Dose sehr viel Vitamin B12, Biotin und Niacin auf, diese Nährstoffkonstellation hat einen positiven Einfluss auf Stoffwechsel, Fell- und Hautgesundheit und stärkt die Nerven Deines Vierbeiners. Gesundes Hundefutter aus der Dose - endlich ist artgerechte Ernährung einfach und schmackhaft. Wichtige Information: Wir stellen unsere Super-Premium Dosen unter regelmäßigen veterinärmedizinischen Kontrollen her ...
INTERCALARE ALIMENTARĂ - Protecție pentru felii de alimente, pește, carne, mezeluri..

INTERCALARE ALIMENTARĂ - Protecție pentru felii de alimente, pește, carne, mezeluri..

Feuille intercalaire lisse, permettant de séparer les aliments coupés finement de façon à éviter que les tranches ne collent entre elles. Garantie contact alimentaire.
Fructe liofilizate, Amestec Tropical - Amestec de fructe liofilizate

Fructe liofilizate, Amestec Tropical - Amestec de fructe liofilizate

Der Tropic Mix ist unglaublich flexibel einsetzbar. Er eignet sich ideal als leckerer Snack und natürliche Ergänzung im Müsli, Smoothie, Porridge, Shake, Joghurt, Eis, Tee oder was Dir sonst noch so einfällt! Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
Cipsuri de banană 500g vivio

Cipsuri de banană 500g vivio

Banana chips, prepared from bananas, which contain a lot of potassium, are a great snack at home, on a trip, school or work. They perfectly replace sweets, are tasty and crunchy. Like their raw counterparts, banana chips are a rich source of such vitamins as: A, B, D, E and K. Thanks to such a composition, banana chips have a positive effect on blood pressure, fight bothersome cramps muscles and improve our mood and well -being. Dried bananas also contain serotonin, a substance that positively affects our humor and ensures well -being. Serotonin also affects the nervous system, helps fight stress and makes it easier to fall asleep. Therefore, it is worth recommending banana chips to people who suffer from insomnia and generally deal with stress poorly. Strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 2225KJ/533kcal - 26%RWS*Fat 31g - 44%including saturated fatty acids 13g - 65%carbohydrates 1.8g - 4%including sugars 0g - 0%protein 1 , 8g - 4%fiber 3.


Our empanadas are elaborated with the best quality fresh ingredients, totally natural and without additives, colorants or preservatives. They are a wonderful option to taste as a part of a menu or as an appetizer, since they are available in different sizes and flavors. CATEGORY:Empanadas
cireșe uscate

cireșe uscate

ciliegie secche
Aromă de Ananas

Aromă de Ananas

L’arôme ananas est le must have des saveurs tropicales. Sa douceur et ses notes légèrement acidulées évoquent les îles ensoleillées. Son parfum exotique en fait un Ingrédient de choix pour les cocktails et les boissons rafraîchissantes.
Masă din oțel inoxidabil pentru prepararea cărnii

Masă din oțel inoxidabil pentru prepararea cărnii

Preparation table made of AISI304 satin stainless steel; Table dimensions: Length: 1200mm – 1800mm; Width: 700 mm; Height: 850 mm; Polyethylene top, non-absorbent, along the length of the table; Exhaust hole; Drain grate with collection tank; Rim height; 100 mm; Cover panels; Legs made of rectangular stainless steel tube: 40*40*1.5mm, adjustable in height; Argon welded joints.
Kibbled ceapă și pulbere de ceapă

Kibbled ceapă și pulbere de ceapă

Kibbled onion and onion powder are essential ingredients in many culinary applications. Kibbled onions are finely sliced and dried, while onion powder is made from dehydrated, ground onions. Both forms are used in seasoning, spice mixes, and meat rubs. Kibbled onion adds a sweet flavor to soups, stews, and casseroles, while onion powder is versatile in almost all savory dishes. To maintain their potency, both should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.
Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

Integratori alimentari funcționali în gumă de mestecat în blister

I chewing gum funzionali in blister offrono un modo innovativo e piacevole per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi chewing gum sono progettati per rilasciare gradualmente i nutrienti mentre vengono masticati, offrendo un'integrazione continua e discreta. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e pratica alle tradizionali pillole, i chewing gum in blister sono una scelta popolare tra adulti e bambini.
Cutii de Patiserie

Cutii de Patiserie

A caixa de pastelaria tradicional em cartolina branca é a solução perfeita para o transporte e apresentação de deliciosos doces e salgados. Com um design clássico e elegante, esta embalagem combina funcionalidade e estética, garantindo que os bolos chegam ao destino em perfeitas condições.
CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

CUTIE PIZZA MARRON - Cutii de pizza maronii din material reciclat

Unsere braunen Pizza-Boxen bestehen aus hochwertigem, recyceltem, biologisch abbaubarem und recycelbarem Karton. Diese umweltfreundlichen Boxen sind ideal für jede Art von Pizza und tragen dazu bei, die Umwelt zu schützen. Highlights: Material: Hergestellt aus 100 % recyceltem und biologisch abbaubarem Karton Druck: Individuell bedruckbar, um Ihre Marke hervorzuheben Größen: Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen von 18 cm bis 60 cm, ideal für jede Pizza Umweltfreundlich: Unterstützen Sie nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen, die die Umwelt schonen Profitieren Sie von unseren umweltfreundlichen braunen Pizza-Boxen, um Ihren Kunden eine nachhaltige Verpackungslösung anzubieten, die sowohl funktional als auch umweltbewusst ist. Heben Sie Ihr Geschäft auf ein neues Level mit Verpackungen, die sowohl ansprechend als auch ökologisch sind!
Tăvițe din folie pentru alimente

Tăvițe din folie pentru alimente

The ultimate solution for all your culinary masterpieces! These versatile and spacious trays are the secret ingredient to elevating your food presentation, ensuring that every meal is not just a feast for the taste buds but a feast for the eyes as well. Elevate your cooking and simplify your hosting with our food trays. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, these trays are the ultimate kitchen essential for serving, storing, and showcasing your culinary creations. Make every meal a memorable experience with our food trays. Options:Square Sizes [w x g x h]:127mm x 125mm x 40mm Material:Aluminium Colour:Sliver Quantity:1200 pieces per case
Trufă neagră (Tuber Melanosporum) en-gros

Trufă neagră (Tuber Melanosporum) en-gros

Segortrufa vende trufa negra, también conocida como Tuber Melanosporum, se trata de un hongo que se encuentra bajo el suelo (hipogeo), posee un aspecto exterior negruzco o gris con tonos violáceos. Tiene forma irregular, la piel es muy fina y está recubierta de verrugas. Mide de 3 a 12 cm de diámetro y un peso entre 20 y 200 gramos, aunque excepcionalmente pueden superar los 600 gramos. Su cuerpo es carnoso y compacto, al principio es gris – violácea y en la madurez pardonegruzca recorrida por venaciones estériles blanquecinas, de tonalidades rosadas al contacto con el aire. Disponemos de gran cantidad semanal de Trufa para abastecer tanto a proveedores, restaurantes y cliente final. Exportamos trufa fresca de gran calidad a Europa, Asia y América.
Extract, pulbere și capsule de Agaricus Subrufescens - Ca supliment alimentar sau aliment funcțional

Extract, pulbere și capsule de Agaricus Subrufescens - Ca supliment alimentar sau aliment funcțional

Extrakt in Bio- und konventioneller Qualität verfügbar. Reiner Extrakt, standardisiert auf 30% Polysaccharide. Die Extraktion der Polysaccharide aus dem Chitinpanzer des Pilzes erfolgt mit Heißwasser. Gegenüber dem Pulver verfügt das Extrakt über eine etwa 10fache Konzentration der Polysaccharide. Unsere Pulver werden aus dem schonend getrockneten Fruchtkörper des Pilzes durch feinste Vermahlung gewonnen. Ein Qualitätsmerkmal ist die Korngröße von < 0,125 mm. Alle Rohstoffe werden auf 250 Parameter und aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe geprüft. Die entsprechenden Laboranalysen und Zertifikate erhalten Sie mit jeder Charge geliefert. Extrakt MOQ:1 kg Pulver MOQ:5 kg Kapseln MOQ:2000 Stk.
Pudră de stevia bio - Industria alimentară

Pudră de stevia bio - Industria alimentară

La poudre de stevia bio est un édulcorant naturel extrait des feuilles de la plante Stevia rebaudiana, cultivée sans l'utilisation de pesticides ou d'engrais chimiques. Elle est destinée à remplacer le sucre traditionnel dans divers produits alimentaires et boissons tout en offrant une alternative plus saine et sans calories. Notre poudre de stevia bio représente la solution idéale pour les industriels de l'agroalimentaire cherchant à offrir des produits plus sains sans compromettre le goût sucré apprécié des consommateurs.
Agent de injecție pentru carne și pește

Agent de injecție pentru carne și pește

TenderFox® TenderFox® has been developed to combat production and storage losses in meat and fish and to give a greater yield. TenderFox® is strongly effective when injected as a spray brine into meat and fish. In order to permit reliable and simple processing, TenderFox® is also available as a liquid product for high-concentration brines. In the case of high-volume injection (from 30% injection volume), it is solely available in powder form, including brine stabilisation. Starting from the versatile basic seasoning, TenderFox® is also available in the aroma variants Roast, Smoked and cured and Boiled ham and in the flavours poultry, pork and beef. In combination with TopFox® dry seasoning, TenderFox® can be further used in many other ways, e.g. in the flavours lamb, herbs, chili or smoke. TenderFox® gives you optimum value creation combined with a tiptop flavour – a unique solution. Benefits at a glance: Flexible increase in value creation Simple to use
Ambalaj pentru alimente

Ambalaj pentru alimente

Advantages and Environmentally Friendly Alternatives.
Tuburi de carton personalizate pentru industria alimentară - Tuburi de carton personalizate

Tuburi de carton personalizate pentru industria alimentară - Tuburi de carton personalizate

Personalised cardboard tubes for all kinds of areas. Cardboard tubes for the food industry.
Industria Alimentară - Vane Electromagnetice pentru Sisteme Industriale

Industria Alimentară - Vane Electromagnetice pentru Sisteme Industriale

Einsatzgebiete beim Kunden Einbau in Backanlagen, Dosieranlagen für Flüssigkeit, Anlagen zur Essigherstellung, Milch- und Joghurtherstellung Merkmale unsere Ventile Geeignet für aggressive Medien Abgedichteter Ankerraum Unempfindlich gegen Ablagerungen Lebensmittelgeeignete Dichtungsmaterialen IP 67
Paste din semolă de grâu dur Bocche di rana 500g

Paste din semolă de grâu dur Bocche di rana 500g

Bocche di rana durum wheat semolina pasta 500g
Granola Proteică Bio cu Bucăți de Ciocolată Neagră - Gamă Proteică

Granola Proteică Bio cu Bucăți de Ciocolată Neagră - Gamă Proteică

Riche en protéines (25%) Riche en fibres Croquant et gourmand Chocolat noir de qualité couverture (cacao : 57% min.), fèves de cacao origine République Dominicaine Recette vegan Au sucre de coco Liste d’ingrédients courte Mode d’emploi Pour un petit-déjeuner ou un goûter protéiné, à savourer en mélangeant avec du lait/boisson végétale dans un bol, ou en topping sur du fromage blanc. Ingrédients Ingrédients : Flocons de soja*, flocons d’avoine*, flocons de seigle*, éclats de chocolat noir *8% (masse de cacao*, sucre pure canne*, beurre de cacao*, vanille en poudre*), sucre de coco*, graines de tournesol*, huile de coco*. *Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture bio. Peut contenir des traces de fruits à coque, lait. Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g Energie : 1784 kJ / 428 kcal Matières grasses : 21 g (dont acides gras saturés : 7,5 g) Glucides : 28 g (donc sucres : 12 g) Fibres alimentaires : 14 g Protéines : 25 g Sel : 0,05 g Poids:325g Bio:Oui Vegan:Oui
Pungi cu sigiliu pe fund și pungi plate - Produse farmaceutice, alimente, materiale de construcție, electronice - ambalate în siguranță

Pungi cu sigiliu pe fund și pungi plate - Produse farmaceutice, alimente, materiale de construcție, electronice - ambalate în siguranță

High-quality blown film forms the basis for Dürrbeck’s tailor-made packaging solutions. Depending on the size, weight and volume of the goods to be packaged, the bottom seal bag and the flat bag are among the most popular types of packaging. Universal plastic bags for various purposes, they are ideal for storing and protecting pharmaceuticals, food, small electrical parts or building materials and textiles against dust, dirt or the elements. Our bottom seal bags are made for smaller-sized contents, flat bags for bulky and heavy items (from 400 x 600 mm). Bottom seal bags and flat plastic bags are easily manufactured plastic bags made of polyethylene (LDPE, HDPE, MDPE) – without side gussets, closures or the like. This type of packaging offers excellent protection and is an attractive, effective way to present your products.
Animație Industrie Alimentară - Explicație Animație Sistemul Industrie Alimentară Reinasan

Animație Industrie Alimentară - Explicație Animație Sistemul Industrie Alimentară Reinasan

Middels deze animatie proberen we op een speelse manier in het kort een duidelijke uitleg te geven over ons systeem voor voedingsmiddelen industrie. Meer details over dit en eventueel andere Reinasan systemen zijn terug te vinden hier op Europages, onze website en op ons YouTube kanaal. We waarderen feedback! Zend ons gerust via dit platform een bericht. Veel kijkplezier!
Pui (Congelat) - Puiul FlevoTrade este un ingredient folosit frecvent în preparatele din întreaga lume

Pui (Congelat) - Puiul FlevoTrade este un ingredient folosit frecvent în preparatele din întreaga lume

Our offer includes whole chickens and chicken drumsticks in different sizes. What sets us apart is a global network of suppliers who deliver high-quality chicken. Thanks to our strong partnerships and knowledge of the product, we can select the right quality chicken products for a competitive price.
Folie alimentară 30 cm x 8 µm - cu cutie și cutter integrate - Ambalaj din folie plastică PLUS

Folie alimentară 30 cm x 8 µm - cu cutie și cutter integrate - Ambalaj din folie plastică PLUS

Le film étirable alimentaire est un matériau d'emballage largement utilisé dans l'industrie alimentaire. Grâce à sa structure souple et transparente, il vise à préserver la fraîcheur et l'hygiène des aliments. Le film étirable alimentaire empêche les aliments d'être exposés à l'oxygène, à l'humidité et aux influences extérieures, prolongeant ainsi la durée de conservation des produits
Nutriție Sportivă - Nutriție Sportivă cu Marcă Privată

Nutriție Sportivă - Nutriție Sportivă cu Marcă Privată

Develop a product line of sports nutrition with us, specifically tailored to the needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. From protein powders and energy bars to isotonic drinks – we offer everything you need to establish a successful brand in the sports industry.
Recipient pentru alimente Zweikell Infinity Portocalie fără BPA de 700 ml

Recipient pentru alimente Zweikell Infinity Portocalie fără BPA de 700 ml

Bpa Free Material 3 200 ml Liquid and Solid Food Areas 100 ml Solid Food Area Possibility of providing more food space thanks to the addon chambers Builtin Fork Spoon Gel Does Not Contain Toxic Substances Microwave Oven, Oven and Dishwasher Not Suitable For. To prevent possible liquid leaks, keep your product upright when there is liquid inside. Do not keep milk and easily perishable liquids inside the product for a long time. Keep your product away from impacts and do not drop it. Hand Wash Only. PRODUCT CODE:11176 Product:8682118171340