... solutions for their security and protection. Through the proposed solutions, business efficiency in track, Your goal leading to produce income.Additional guarantee that a good investment Structured which apparently seems to be very expensive It actually means an incalculable "for now" economy by eliminating losses through theft or fire. Design and implementation of systems is based on planning solutions Complete security S.C.COM ELECTRO SRL advising, risk analysis, design, installation for a full range of services.
... activity fields, being reliable professionals who can cope both with challenges and the most intransigent requirements in order to deliver the best quality translations.If you request a price estimation for our services, we shall provide it within 30 minutes, without any cost on your part.
România, Timisoara
We are an advertising, marketing, web design and graphic design agency that offers creative solutions for online and offline businesses. We create, develop and promote personalized solutions for business and career development. We identify and maximize the added value that accentuate a company on the market, the particularities that differentiate it from the competition.
România, Cluj-Napoca
...telecommunications, logistics and engineering sector for creating tailor-made solutions for its clients. Intertrust Consulting provides its clients professional and expert services in a wide range of services related to M &A, Real Estate, Investments and Management services, just to mention a few. Intertrust Consulting is now recognized as one of the well established consulting firms in the region. Intertrust Consulting has also developed services and products for the advertising industry and in the e-commerce sector.
România, Cluj Napoca
... Software Development, IT Services Outsourcing, IT Consultancy and more. We currently work with industry leaders in the United States, Canada and Europe, and we look forward to being your business partners. We provide efficient, productive and intuitive software solutions for businesses of all sizes at competitive prices.As a company and as individuals, we value honesty, integrity, continual self-improvement and mutual respect. Always striving for excellence, we hold ourselves accountable to our customers and provide them with valuable results.
România, Cluj Napoca
... guarantees for each type of service separately, such as guaranteeing security for websites and web applications developed by us. As for the company name, it reflects the most important human value for its founders and the value that guides the company entirely, namely trust and everything revolves around it or builds it. In closing, I tell you that we want to be your partners in the matter of IT solutions. ...
România, Bucharest
... group's "oldest" and largest company. We combine business-oriented frameworks, IT-driven solutions, development tools and deployment techniques to fulfill our promise to our clients in all areas we have expertise. We have grown in scope to include market research, statistics, marketing and communication services as well as software-as-a-service to help our clients maximize their process efficiency and stay ahead of the game. Our services: • Recruitment • Temporary Staffing • Outsourcing • Personnel Admin • Outplacement • Career Counseling •Internal Communication •HRMS •Team Building Programs...
România, Iasi
... and workflow solutions for furniture, automotive and apparel, applied in the cutting room. Gemini’s advanced technologies automate the manufacturing process from design to cutting for more than 20.000 customers across 38 countries, providing reliable services and technical support throughout...
România, Iassy
... solutions for every client. Our team includes experienced electricians and mechanics fully capable to work with machineries from a wide variety of industries: textile, pharmaceutical, woodworking, metal processing, etc. Are you moving your production into a new location? We are at your dispossal with planning, dismantling, moving and proffesional relocation of your machineries and industrial equipment. If you are selling industrial equipments and you need a range of services like instalation maintenance and repairing we are offering these types of operation on your behalf.
România, Bucharest
... we deliver best for the first time. Instead, we like to measure the impact of our actions upon our client’s businesses.We call ourselves Insight360 – Revenue Factory because we capture the core of a business, we develop creative solutions and deliver results. We are here to get the right ideas and turn them, through a thorough process, into effective actions.
BC Internationally Trading was founded in 2007 in Germany. The enterprise moved in result of the economic chances in Romania 2012 to Bucharest.Our enterprise works for over 5 yearsin the telecommunication branch, and offers you the whole spectrum of the modern telecommunication service.BC International Trading offers your Company IT-business, data security, data backup and communication solutions...
Regatul Unit, London
... de produse alimentare și agricole sub propria dumneavoastră marcă. ABM IT Solutions pentru afaceri se referă la o gamă de servicii și produse bazate pe tehnologie, concepute pentru a ajuta companiile să funcționeze mai eficient, în siguranță și eficace. IT fără cod este o abordare revoluționară a dezvoltării software-ului care împuternicește afacerile să creeze aplicații fără a scrie un singur rând de cod.
România, Constanta
...perseverance and flexibility;Accessibility, efficiency and creativity;Adaptability to customer requirements and identification, together with the customer, of the best solutions for the benefit of the customer;Cultivating a climate of mutual understanding and trust;Emphasis on communication, close and relaxed relationships with customers;Focus on the common interests of both parties;Pursuing profit and...
România, Bucharest
We produce eyeglass cleaning solution, screen cleaning solution, mobile phone and remote control celaning solution...
România, Baia Mare
... development, design and programming. Softsite is one-stop it service provider that will take care of best-in-class technology & having a highly technology skilled team of developers, we develop custom websites and simple PHP-based websites and apps to advanced domain-specific solutions, we are capable of doing it all. We comprehend the absolute need of our clients and have proven excellence in delivering CMS Development, E-commerce websites, Social networking site, Web calendars, Payment gateways, and, etc., based on PHP.
România, Bucharest
... shown that a complete digital strategy is obtained only when designers, developers and marketing people working together. We try to fill it with expertise in all areas and removing the boundaries between these areas, so our the solutions are simple and efficient to highlight customers in their markets. Our design, aesthetically speaking, is adaptable and focused on content. Our solution changes...
Recycling Business Solution it's recently established in Romania but we came up with 20 years of experience on the French market. Our specialization is consulting in trading the plastic materials in large quantities, in import-export, with more than 5000 contacts (customers and suppliers) in Europe and Asia. We can help you with the selling the materials more difficult for you. (plastic, plastic w...
România, Iasi
... electric machines for other special applications such as automotive, aeronautics, traction, etc.GeDereX can help the partners successfully contribute to developing the right solutions to problems in the Electrical Engineering field and also bringing together colleagues from other fields of activity...
Solutions for small business. It Equipment and supplies, local area networks, servers.Maintenance of it equipment.
Simple Marketing Solutions acts as a company agent providing the commitment of an internal marketing or office management department and the capabilities of a full-service agency without the operating costs for small or medium sized marketing and corporate projects or specific tasks. Pay only for what you need, when you need it! And since you don’t need major redesigns every month, you can save a lot of money - without skimping on quality. Smart, Simple, Integrated and Flexible Solutions...
România, Timisoara
... mounting of KONE equipment is an advantage too because the elevators are based on the technology called MONOSPACE. This technology imply miss of engine room and in this way it's saving space, materials, energy and the architecture is beneficing of more freedom and transparency. As result the KONE equipment is distinguishing in technical advantages and cost. For your building we offer the following solutions on the conditioning: •EVAPCO Cooling towers •WOLF Air handling units •Refrigeration units •Compressors and aggregates •Heat Exchangers •Air conditioning...
Belgia, Eupen
ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS. O companie de servicii IT, animată de un singur scop: să oferim clienților, colegilor și partenerilor noștri, cea mai confortabilă experiență IT posibilă. Cu alte cuvinte: vă însoțim în proiectele dumneavoastră și vă ajutăm să trăiți, să lucrați și să progresați cu ușurință într-un spațiu IT ideal. Gestionăm infrastructura dumneavoastră IT, selectăm experții care vă susțin...
...Die common solutions GmbH & Co. KG oferă de peste 30 de ani concepte tehnologice inteligente pentru mediul de afaceri de nivel înalt. Peste 40 de companii din Germania și Europa sunt asistate de common solutions. Produsele noastre includ, printre altele, sistemul de management al depozitelor storelogix și pachetul IT Full Service Levitaio. Toate soluțiile IT sunt complet independente de locație și rapid disponibile datorită operării interne în centrul de date din Germania – transparente din punct de vedere al costurilor și sigure.
Germania, Taunusstein
... hardware IT, cu un accent pe tehnologia rețelelor în întreaga Europă. Suntem parteneri certificați ai diferitelor mărci, de la AEG Power Solutions (sisteme UPS) la Cisco (switch-uri, routere) și TP-Link (switch-uri, Powerline, mediaconvertoare) și multe altele. Sortimentul de produse cuprinde acum peste 8.000 de articole, atât pentru rețelele de date profesionale ale companiilor, cât și pentru acces...
Germania, Ditzingen
Software-ul independent de industrie ZEP - Înregistrarea timpului pentru proiecte este utilizat de peste 9.000 de colaboratori de proiect în mai mult de 450 de companii din Germania, Austria și Elveția, printre care agenții, instituții de cercetare, birouri de inginerie, consultanți de afaceri și companii din domeniul IT.
Germania, Unterföhring
Cu straight solutions GmbH aveți un partener IT competent alături de dumneavoastră, care de peste 10 ani consiliază cu succes companiile și le susține în mod durabil. Datorită experienței îndelungate, realizăm pentru clienții noștri soluții IT economice și viabile, personalizate, și suntem un partener de încredere pentru infrastructura lor IT și după finalizarea proiectului. Cu consultanții...
Regatul Unit, Northampton
Bluebell este o echipă dinamică de experți în IT și telecomunicații, cu o bogată experiență în industrie. Serviciul și satisfacția clienților se află în centrul valorilor noastre. Nu angajăm un centru de apeluri și nu subcontractăm niciunul dintre serviciile noastre. Toți angajații noștri lucrează sub același acoperiș și ne ocupăm personal de fiecare cont al clienților. Creșterea noastră continuă...
Nexial Business Solutions a fost înființată în 2014 și este situată în Madrid. Suntem o echipă tânără, dedicată vânzării de echipamente IT noi și second-hand (calculatoare, laptopuri, monitoare și componente), repararea calculatoarelor, telefoanelor mobile și tabletelor, instalarea camerelor de videovigilență etc. Echipamentele noastre, întotdeauna de mărci de top, provin de la mari companii...
Belgia, Visé
Compania de servicii IT, CSD Solutions vă ajută să definiți așteptările și nevoile dumneavoastră în materie de infrastructură IT. Ei vă ajută să alegeți, să implementați și să susțineți soluții IT mai avantajoase, mai eficiente și mai fiabile. Soluții gândite să crească odată cu dumneavoastră, la fiecare etapă a dezvoltării afacerii. Pentru aceasta, ei propun: migrarea serverelor, integrarea de...
... serviciu personalizat. Serviciile noastre variază de la suport IT 24/7, soluții Cloud (Azure, Office 365), voce găzduită, infrastructură și rețelistică, prevenirea și recuperarea în caz de dezastru, până la securitate. Obțineți toate serviciile IT gestionate în Cambridge de la Bluecube Technology Solutions.

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