... the shop drawings and all Specifications, BOQ, As build projects. We are a company specialized in computer aided design of complex structures in civil engineering and industrial field, such as:High-rise office and residential buildings, pavilions, exhibitions, auto showrooms,plane hangars, car parkings, warehouses using following materials:High resistance concrete;Concrete with rigid reinforcement;Steel, Aluminum , Timber, Glass, Masonry etc.We have experience in designing also:- foundations for equipments and machines for rolling mill stands, electric melting furnace- technological galleries - c...
România, Cluj-Napoca
...Floor planning software that greatly fits any project that starts with a floor plan, from the simplest to the most complex. Our easy to use 3D floor planner is usually addressing to furniture and gym retailers, real estate companies which want to integrate into their website an intuitive space planner, so they engage better with their website visitors and transform them into customers. By giving...
România, Ramnicu Valcea
ACTIVITY The metallurgical company TURBONEF S.R.L. was set up as a state-of-the-art unit of complex and high exploitation of all non-ferrous metals recovered, having technologies to manufacture cast products in temporary forms (structures with moulding mixture for batch dosing) and metal ones (closed moulding dies). The casting is achieved freely by pouring. We cooperate with other companies that...
România, Bucuresti
... profiles; they can be perforated or non-perforated and can be cut to desired length customers. 2. TRUMPF punching machines - Punching machines can run different perforations, from the round, square or oval perforations to complex architectural. 3. Sheet bending machines - Sheet bending machines (abkant) equipped with numerical control, ensure high precision of the various requests. 4. Hydraulic presses 5. Drilling equipment 6. Sheet metal cutting machines 7. Lathes, grinders, milling machines,etc. 8. Machinery and equipment for welding...
România, Bucharest
SBP is a software development company headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, with an office in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We work with companies from various verticals, to provide them with software development services, and strategic advice for product development. We have a consistent experience with various technologies, and we help our customers to develop complex software solutions, redesign and...
România, Resita
- production of wood structures for roof framing, attic framing, wood framing houses, industrial halls, sport halls, bridges, complex wood framing and interior wood staircases according to the European Quality Standards using the latest related production technology.Registered Brands: INTEKWOOD, STAIRS-EXPERT- a modern production capacity with last generation woodworking machinery- wood dyeing...
România, Bucuresti
We are a complex and competent team of architects, planners, interior designers, structural engineers and installation engineers who provide design solutions and high quality execution.
România, Bucharest
...Prophylactic Technology is an innovative company that develops markets and manufactures herbal complex extracts with medical applications. The product formulations are based on ingredients approved by FDA and in accordance with EU directive no. 76/768. The products are already registered at the Romanian Ministry of Health and under registration procedures at the Bulgarian Ministry of health...
România, Bucharest
...Prokuria is a procurement automation platform that enables procurement departments and top management to organize all their RFPs and e-Auctions with suppliers in one place. It's designed for the companies who need to better control over the procurement process and achieve major cost savings.Unlike traditional never-ending emails and frustrating excels or on the other hand very complex and...
România, Fagaras/brasov
...natural gas transport, warm and cold water distribution systems. The production is entirely fitted in, the company having steel and iron foundry, machining and heat treatment workshops and also laboratories for determinations of physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials. Treatment workshops and laboratories: mechanical, physical and chemical properties, corrosion, metallographic and toxicological determinations. The laboratory is equipped and allows complex and multiple determinations, for raw materials and finished products also.
România, Braila
PROMEX manufactures different parts of equipment based on clients drawings, mainly consisting of cast parts, welded steel structures, simple and complex machining, heat treatment, sandblasting and painting, assembly and tests (including hydraulic, grease, pneumatic systems).
România, Sibiu
 LEWO HUMAN GROW is a young company in Romania, founded on the principles of sustainable action with a complex managerial board with an organizational structure determined to act by implementing a win-win national and international partnerships.Priority actions to protect life, environment and property is the goal of all international organizations. However what is important is that what you use...
România, Bucuresti
... & Automation Engineering- Equipment delivery, installation, commissioning - Software application development - Information Technology & ComunicationSYSCOM PROCESS CONTROL is a Romanian private company, acting like system integrator, specialized in systems development for monitoring and controlling the process parameters. Based on a performant engineering team with valuable engineers specialized in electronics, electrical, automation and energetical fields of activity, SYSCOM PROCESS CONTROL develops turn-key projects from the simple to the most complex ones.
România, Bucharest
Fan Logistic Group is a young and dynamic organization with an experience of over 20 years in the business of the road transport, maritime, air freight, complex logistics systems, storage and distribution activities, customs clearance and cargo specific projects.The most important aspect is to the crowd all clients through professionalism, promptness and inter-human relationship that is created...
Estonia, Tallinn
... unique region.":"Compania internațională Vitaforest este un grup de experți în producția și furnizarea de pulberi și extracte uscate din plante sălbatice, fructe de pădure, fructe și ciuperci. Colectăm cu grijă materii prime din regiuni ecologice sigure din Siberia pentru a păstra cel mai puternic complex de substanțe biologic active și pentru a împărtăși cu voi puterea neîmblânzită a naturii...
România, Botosani
Complexul hotelier Europa este o locatie moderna ce ofera clientilor sai 20 de camere clasificate la 4*, 3 restaurante pentru diferite evenimente din viata oricarei persoane dar sio terasa in stil mediteranean care capteaza atentia oricui prin design, unicitate si grandoare. Hotelul este gandit pentru a corespunde tuturor tipurilor de turisti intrucat ofera camere personalizate, cu amenajari inter...
...DENICAR EXPRESS& LOGISTICS deals with national and international freight transport. We guarantee individual transport and logistic services at the highest level, very competitive rates and a quality service to meet your expectations. Automotive We have been assisting our clients, as carriers, in meeting their complex and urgent international transport needs for over 7years, in automotive industry...
...brochures, posters, etc. ..). I can impress my clients by using my knowledge on the latest coding techniques and by creating simple, elegant and complex websites. In my free time I stock my knowledge by studying the new trends in web design, in order to be efficient and to satisfy my clients.
România, Stefanestii De Jos
Eltrix Solutions is a company which provides efficient solutions to its clients’ simple or complex signage needs from designing idea to its implementation. Purpose We deliver solutions in keeping with our clients’ performance, time and value for money requirements, which ensure a profit that allows us to have operational continuity and the investment we need in order to be competitive. The...
România, Focsani-Bucharest
...efectuând orice lucrare conform standardelor. Transportul – manipularea – montajul mobilierului este un serviciu complet și complex pe care Elephant Moving îl desfășoară cu un succes și o profesionalitate deosebite în cadrul teritoriului european, atât pentru magazine și fabrici, cât și pentru persoane fizice. Acest serviciu răspunde nevoilor revânzătorului/producătorului de mobilier de a avea la...
România, Bucharest
KonceptiKo is shorthand for “generating business solutions”. We design, transform, and run intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. The result is advanced operating models that foster growth and manage cost, risk, and compliance across a range of functions such as Distribution, sales and procurement and industrial asset...
... creat oportunități de a se alătura activ segmentului de servicii industriale. Compania are posibilități enorme în domeniul prelucrării mecanice, producției de roți dințate, sudării, vopsirii sau asamblării finale a mașinilor și echipamentelor. Datorită acestui fapt, JAFO are posibilitatea de a realiza profesional și complex diverse tipuri de mașini de lucru, precum și revizii capitale ale...
Italia, Maida
... entirely handmade : garden fountains ,barbecues and ovens , to be more complex garden decorations such as gazebos , Street lamps , flower pots , vases , Wells . Located in the province of Catanzaro , the company offers a service that Leaves from conception until the implementation of the product. At the base of the processing there is a manual intervention , precious and accurate , that characterizes...
Austria, Schrems
... amestecurile de ceai pentru a crea un gust complex și bine echilibrat. În plus, procesăm plantele noastre și în perne parfumate din plante, condimente, creme și multe altele. Experiența îndelungată cu plantele ne oferă o cunoaștere vastă în acest domeniu. Experiența și simțul necesar pentru a planta răsadurile, a le transplanta pe câmpul de plante, combaterea mecanică a ierburilor, măsurile de...
Țările de Jos, Deventer
... afaceri navighează acest teren complex cu încredere și succes. În peisajul MENA, unde oportunitățile abunda, KEYS to MENA se prezintă ca agentul dumneavoastră dedicat de comerț, angajat să sprijine succesele dumneavoastră în afaceri. Echipa noastră de consultanți pricepuți are o familiaritate intimă cu nuanțele culturale, economice și de reglementare care definesc regiunea. Această expertiză...
Franța, Paris
... la încetinirea îmbătrânirii cutanate, calmează, cicatrizează și stimulează formarea și menținerea unui epiderm sănătos. Produsele Thermanence sunt naturale, elaborate și fabricate în Franța, folosind resurse auto-regeneratoare. Thermanence este singurul laborator care oferă tratamente termale ce combină apă termală și plancton termal într-un complex brevetat, integrând în același timp producția de plancton termal intern pentru a controla întreaga sa lanț de producție.
Italia, Capaccio Paestum
E-Power Italia produce și comercializează biciclete electrice. Proiectul E-Power a fost creat cu intenția de a face vehiculele electrice accesibile tuturor. Produsele noastre sunt rezultatul unui proces complex de producție, care îmbină atenția artizanală cu tehnicile industriale. Unul dintre avantajele E-Power Italia este posibilitatea de a-ți personaliza complet bicicleta electrică, având o caroserie și un departament grafic interne. Personalizarea este inclusă în prețul E-Bike-urilor. Un serviciu care îți va îndeplini dorințele, livrându-ți un produs care reflectă cât mai bine identitatea ta.
... turnare trece printr-un control complex al calității, cerând astfel cele mai bune lingouri. Comercializăm diverse aliaje de alamă, în special aliajul CB754S (60/40), CB753S și CC757S. Suntem o companie specializată în producția de lingouri de alamă de mai bine de 30 de ani, având astfel o bază de mare experiență care se transformă în calitatea produsului nostru. Comercializăm plăci de zinc pur (99,9%). --------- Turnare de metale neferoase...
Bulgaria, Ruse
... timpul clienților noștri și să le oferim un serviciu complex la cel mai bun preț și cu o calitate înaltă. Iar pentru iubitorii călătoriilor individuale, suntem întotdeauna pregătiți să reacționăm cu o soluție eficientă și un abordare specială, precum și o atenție personalizată la cerințele lor specifice.
Austria, Wien
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