Suntem firma autorizata in domeniul Energiei. Avem Autorizatie de la Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei, ce atesta siguranta lucrarilor efectuate de echipele noastre. Asiguram servicii electrice, non-stop in toata Timisoara. Pentru interventii la instalatiile electrice, avem pentru tine un electrician autorizat gata de lucru oricand! Echipa noastra de electricieni autorizat...
Produse corespunzătoare
Corp iluminat stradal LED - 30W
Corp iluminat stradal LED - 30W
România, Bodesti
... clienții și furnizorii noștri. Lucrând împreună, putem reduce semnificativ costurile și, prin optimizarea soluțiilor, putem contribui direct la dezvoltarea companiilor. SC ARTEM Ferme SRL, activă în agricultură, compania produce seminte de ricin roșu si alte seminte agricole. Plantele de ricin pot produce până la 1700 kg / ha. Vă putem asigura aprovizionarea cu materii prime în cantități adaptate nevoilor companiei dumneavoastră. Plata punctuală poate fi acordată pentru anumite sume. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să ne contactați prin număr de telefon sau e-mail.
Our company, SC TUBET INTERNATIONAL SRL is pleased to offer you TUBET, vinyl tube used to bind vines and trees, produced by our company. What is TUBET? TUBET is an environmentally friendly, used to bound the hub and vine shoots. Advantages of TUBET: - Easy to use thanks to good adhesion with the support - Firmly anchors hub tutor - High resistance to high temperature differences - Low power...
România, Sigghet
In anul 1992, se constituie societatea SC MIMO SRL ca prima societate romaneasca care promoveaza si produce pe piata interna sistemele SCHÜCO - Germania de pereti-cortina, tamplarie aluminiu si PVC, luminatoare, cu vitrajele aferente. Principalul domeniu de activitate este productia si montarea de fatade de aluminiu, sticla, otel, diverse tipuri de placari si lucrari speciale. Pentru a asigura...
AVINCI construction company Avinci teams specialize in the design, construction, and assembly of metal or precast concrete structures, metal cladding and metal enclosures. The importance of roles The projects are implemented under the guidance of the Project Managers, according to a scenario well established by the Seller, thus achieving more efficient execution costs by involving the Bidding, P...
România, Salonta
We are a sorghum broom and wooden handles manufacturers.Our factory has started it`s activity in 1994 in Romania, Salonta. Nowadays, we have in production a wide range of sorghum brooms and wooden handles for different tools that are finely manufactured. Since 2008 we`ve been developing an import/export center with products in the household and cleaning field, such as brushes, bamboo brooms, bucke...
România, Iasi
... Moldova. Succesul SC EVER TRADE SRL se bazează pe profesionalism, tradiție și o colaborare îndelungată cu cele mai prestigioase mori și fabrici din Republica Moldova. Clienții noștri beneficiază de avantaje unice, precum: Calitate excepțională garantată de respectarea riguroasă a standardelor internaționale. Prețuri competitive pentru toate categoriile de produse. Termene scurte de livrare, asigurând...
România, Falticeni
SC PLEXI-MET SRL Falticeni a fost infiintata ca societate cu capital integral privat in anul 1998 avand ca obiect principal de activitate producerea placilor de polimetacrilat de metil, cunoscute sub denumirea comerciala de PLEXIGLAS, STIPLEX sau PLEXIC. Principalele categorii de produse pe care le realizam in prezent prin prelucrarea plexiglasului sunt : - Suporti acrilici pentru: etichete...
România, Bucharest
SC MetalScrap Invest SRL, targeted and succeeded to be a major player of metallic and non-metallic scrap recycling.The industrial development is creating economic welfare, but uses limited resources and generates pollution.The mission of SC MetalScrap Invest SRL is to take over and efficiently process the scrap in order to protect the environment.Radioactivity is verified for all scrap deliveries with performing equipments.Thus is ensured the reintroduction in the manufacturing process of high quality secondary raw materials...
SC GALATEX OIL IMPORT SRL is a Romanian company, having as main domain activity the production of refined sunflower oil with own brand Galatipex and additionally we are selling a wide range of products like: Feta cheese and other types of cheese, eggs, fresh FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.
România, Bucuresti
SC ART DECO ZONE SRL offers interior design services such as project planning with 2D and 3D electrical plan, plan to colors in the second phase goes to finishing and interior constructions which are executed in accordance with project team fitting closely with the architect who was in charge of the project from the beginning.
România, Nicolae Balcescu
...SC KETOS PRODUCTION SRL este o companie infiintata in Iunie 2009 ce are ca obiect principal de activitate ambalarea produselor de bacanie in doua directii : brand ul propriu COLONIAL si marci propri pentru alti clienti internationali si nationali : cash & carry ( Metro , Selgros ) , retail ( Carrefour , Auchan , Lidl , Penny ) , furnizori de cafea ( Tchibo , Mazio , Darboven , Jacobs , 5 to Go...
România, Suceava
Societatea Dr. GUTT SRL, fiinţează din anul 1991 şi colaborează cu Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava în domeniul inventicii. În cadrul societăţii noastre au fost concepute, proiectate şi construite mașini speciale, după 22 brevete proprii, şi două brevete Europatent. Cu maşinile construite de noi producem în condiţii de inaltă productivitate şi calitate elemente auxiliare pentru industria...
România, Babeni, Ramnicu Valcea
The principle domain of activity of SC HATY SRL is the production of beechwood timber. Our quality and pricing is constantly studied and upgraded to provide the best services and to best satisfy our clients’ needs. As such, maintaining the highest number of collaborations and quality transactions.
România, Tulcea
... regarding quality and timing. SC STEEL MARCONSTRUCT SRL has equipment, specific to shipbuilding, and means of transport, and has an infrastructure that allows its activities to be carried out in conformity with its requirements. The industrial production base has the capabilities and facilities necessary for the construction of the vessel-specific tubular installations. Our Company has 160 employees...
România, Baicoi
SC FORJA NEPTUN S.R.L. was established in 2002 as a private company with 100% Romanian capital and is specialised in producing quality forgings. One of our priorities is to promptly meet customers’ requirements, as expected. Rapidly developing offers and delivering products on or before set deadlines are Permanent Goals for Forja Neptun. Team and resources The company has modern and advanced...
We offer intra-community transport services for general goods in FTL (Full Truck Load) and group (LTL) mode. Our goal is to gain the trust of our customers, due to the quality and punctuality of services, which are our strong point. Freight transport in FTL - Full Truck Load mode This service is intended for companies that want to transport large volumes of goods. Freight transport in LTL mode - L...
România, Blejoi
...mănuși, măști, dezinfectanți, combinezoane, halate etc. SC CASEM EXPERT SRL s-a dezvoltat constant, extinzând gama de produse oferite, având în prezent parteneriate durabile cu Ducati Energia România SA, Jungheinrich România, Timbark România, Toro Manufacturing and Sales, Electrica Furnizare SA, Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică, Inspectoratele de Poliție județene etc. Suntem o echipă tânără...
România, Iasi
How do we create your product? Whether it's creating a simple presentation site or a complex application, the process is the same. We attach great importance to planning and design, processes that establish success on the market.The development part is not foreign to us. The responsibility for this step lies entirely with us. We achieve what you want using our strengths, programming. When carrying...
România, Bucharest
Logimarkt Engineering is a system integrator of intralogistic equipments, automations, conveyors and machinery for industrial applications.
România, Galati
Market leaders in the design, manufacture and supply of mobile hydraulic solutions. Hydraulic-units is specialized in the construction and delivery of hydraulic installations, components and drives. We operate in different industry sectors like agriculture, shipping and mining. Hydraulic-Units is a hydraulic engineering company that has been meeting the needs of its customers in various industry s...
România, Brasov
Buna ziua, Numele meu este Severina Stroe, sunt farmacist cu 18 ani experienta si reprezint brand-ul MADUGALI. Am dezvoltat o linie de produse naturale handmade curate si de calitate, cu ingrediente certificate organic si eficacitate dovedita clinic. Colectia de frumusete naturala a marcii inseamna: - 98-99% ingrediente de origine naturala -fara parabeni -fara sulfati -fara etanol -fara coloranti ...
România, Paulesti
SC Rogri Impex S.R.L. is a privately owned company and was established in 2005 and for 7 years has as main activity the sale of packages for online expeditions through the store
România, Cluj Napoca
Societatea SC PLASTTECHNIK SRL a fost fondată în 1997 și este o companie specializată în producția de feronerie și uși termoizolante. La nivel internațional, avem deja parteneriate cu companii din Germania, Belgia, Spania și Italia, și preconizăm să stabilim noi colaborări cu alte companii din UE. Profiluri: fabricate în Germania sub marca VEKA Clasa A cu 5 straturi izolante. Acestea sunt...
România, Sebes is website of SC MARBIS SRL that produces and sells linens, tablecloths, quilts, pillows, towels and blankets.
România, Sebes
SC HOLZER TECHNICAL SRL is a Romanian private company, producing wood joinery, founded in 1994. Are feature rich and vast experience in the carpentry firm ply wood glass windows with German technology. The emphasis on quality, modern design and shape a refined style are priority issues for us. Always attentive to market demands, we find the best solutions, adapted to the different needs of your...
România, Teius
D’une ancienneté considérable, SC PIUS SRL, créée en 1992, a réussi le long des années à se consolider une place sur le marché de la menuiserie PVC ayant à ses côtés des partenaires de niveau européen et une équipe de spécialistes du domaine.Issus de notre souhait de respecter et protéger nos clients et leurs intérêts, nos produits correspondent aux dernières normes de la Commission européenne...
Oradea, the capital of Bihor County, is 250 km from Budapest (Hungary) and serves as a major transportation gateway into Romania. Oradea is located 10 km from the Romanian - Hungarian Border and modern border crossing facilities and road networks that provide access to markets in Romania and the European Union. Our company has as a field the collection and recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous wast...
România, Popesti-Leordeni
Echipa Nera Caroserii, infiintata in 2003, este raspunsul nevoii manifestate pe piata globala in privinta solutiilor de inalta tehnologie in productia de autospeciale. Modul in care am inteles acest lucru ne-a adus in pozitia de lider in Europa Centrala si de Est, ca partener competent si de incredere, cu oferte flexibile de produse si servicii orientate pe nevoia clientului. Investitia initiala...
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