România, Timisoara
S.C. BERG-BANAT, founded in 1991, is a Romanian-German company with fully private capital. Since its founding, the company experienced a continuous growth and has at present two plants in Timişoara and one in Făgăraş. The facility in Făgăraş was put into operation since May 2009, is fitted with German high-performance equipment and machines and is one of the most modern thermal galvanizing plants...
România, Timisoara
AVR Texatrade SRL este o companie cu capital integral românesc fondată în anul 2011, cu sediul în vestul României, în Timișoara, este furnizor de soluții inteligente și sigure pentru asigurarea și administrarea locurilor de parcare. Gama de blocatoare de parcare marca aVr acoperă în totalitate atât parcarile on-street, cât și cele off-street și inglobeaza ultimele tehnologii în domeniu. Soluțiile...
România, Brasov
LIMEX TOTAL GROUP is a private capital metalworking Romanian based company, providing services in the field of metal processing. We supply our local and European customers with the following steel processing services: Sheet Laser cutting; Sheet bending (folding); Automatic welding; Surface treatment: Painting, Zinc Electroplating, Sand Blasting, Shot Blasting. The five factors that define the...
România, Bacau
...REM Machine Tools is a Romanian top provider of heavy CNC machine tools that uses the latest technology. REM Machine Tools is a privately owned company with 100% Romanian capital, top provider of machine tools and peformance solutions for metal working industry around the world. We produce CNC machine tools like vertical turning lathes, horizontal lathes, horizontal boring mills, rotary tables, plano-milling machines and other heavy machine tools. The company REM Machine tools has 4 division: Machine Tools, Cutting & Welding, Machining, Foundry.
România, Cluj Napoca
Firma GD MAȘINI de Ridicat SRL este o societate românească cu capital privat, înființată în anul 2005 și este membră al unui grup de firme specializate în tehnică de ridicat și manipulare a mărfurilor. Oferim soluții standard si speciale, principalul nostru domeniu de activitate este proiectarea, fabricarea, montajul si service-ul de poduri rulante, macarale industriale, platforme de ridicare...
România, Bucuresti
Divino Studio is a professional video studio chat in Bucharest, which shows through the site for employment opportunities in a comfortable job with substantial gains. You can visit to learn more about videochat.
România, Hunedoara
ICSH (Construction Steel Company Hunedoara) is a joint stock company with entirely private capital, operating on the Romanian construction market since 1950. Starting with 1989, ICSH became present also on European market, exporting steel structures. The main target of our activity is to meet all our client`s requirements, taking into account the best quality-price rate and compliance with the...
România, Bucuresti
...Home Tech Safes - guard your values About Tech Safes Ltd is a company with Romanian capital. Areas in which it operates are:safes, electronic and mechanical security systems (design, supply, installation, service on / after warranty), archiving, distribution of hardware, control accessories...
România, Bucuresti
...S.C. CRISDAN '95 SRL a fost creata în anul 1995 cu capital integral românesc, având drept scop distribuția de materiale din industria lemnului și aprovizionarea atelierelor de tâmplărie cu acestea. In 1998 am început sa producem uși interior si exterior la comanda confecționate din lemn natural, la început într-un spațiu închiriat, apoi în noua fabrică cu o suprafața de peste 800 mp. Lucram cu...
SC Electroprecizia Automotive Equipment SRL a fost infiintata in anul 2009 ca societate comerciala cu raspundere limitata cu capital integral privat romanesc, face parte din Grupul ELECTROPRECIZIA S.A. (fondat in 1936) si ofera o gama larga de produse si servicii. Activitatile de baza ale companiei au pornit de la echipament electric şi electronic pentru o variata gama de automobile, tractoare şi...
România, Ploiesti - Prahova
The company ANDAVA CONSTRUCT SRL has sole shareholder and entirely private capital. Its main activity is in the field of industrial and civil constructions.Our goal is to build a partnership based on trust with each of our customers by offering exceptional quality for a competitive price‚ while complying with the agreed time lines of our contract.Andava Construct currently activates on the market...
România, Buzau
FORJA ROTEC S.R.L. involve the complete capacity of forging, cutting-off and heat treatment of ROTEC Holding. The share capital is entirely private. From start to now we have been a manufacturer of distinction, producing high quality products for all types of industries. The main activities that are carried out include the manufacture of metallic products by plastic deformation (i.e. forging...
România, Bucuresti
BAUMASCHINEN TOMI SRL este o firma cu capital privat, avand ca principal obiect de activitate importul si comercializarea echipamentelor si utilajelor de constructii, precum si dezvoltarea unui puternic centru de furnizare multi-brand a Pieselor de schimb de origine si aftermarket in domeniu, Material marunt de cale ferata, Piese pompe beton. BAUMASCHINEN TOMI SRL is a privately-owned company...
România, Oradea
Itacrom S.R.L is a company with private capital, with activity in the metallurgy sector. The company is actve nationaly and internationaly starting from 2003 in processing and treatment through electrochemical coateing of metal and nonmetal parts. The company has two lines for metal treatment with different types of coating, a industrial water treatment station and coating measuring station. As...
România, Iasi
S.C. TEHNOTERM S.R.L. is an entirely private-capital company founded in 1994 and its main activity is the design and execution of plumbing, central heating, ventilation and air conditioning facilities, electrical installations, public water networks for civilian and industrial constructions.
România, Cluj-Napoca
...trape de fum, porti industriale, porti de acces metalice, bariere acces auto si altele. doorTECK®ESTE un nramd reconscut de catre clienti, respectand normele europene, intr-un raport calitate - pret competitiv. Suntem o firma dinamica cu capital integral romanesc, ocupand o pozitie de marca atat in plan extern cat si intern. Serviciile noastre se remarca prin calitate, eficiente si flexibilitate...
România, Bucharest
...dar pe langa calcule si cifre, cel mai important capital al modelului de business este cel uman. Angajatii care lucreaza in compania noastra alcatuiesc o familie, dinamica, pragmatica si mereu atenta la cerintele, planurile si nevoile clientilor si partenerilor nostri.La, clientii nostri pot alege articole si materiale pentru amenajari interioare, accesorii si produse...
România, Craiova
- Compania PINTEXIM este o societate cu capital integral romanesc, infiintata în 1994, avand ca obiect principal de activitate fabricarea articolelor de papetarie si birotica a produselor si ambalajelor din hartie si carton, editarea cartilor, brosurilor si altor publicatii, toate dupa modele de conceptie proprie. - Inca de la infiintare PINTEXIM a urmarit sa ofere produse si servicii de...
România, Craiova
Cassia deposits, located in the capital of Oltenia, Craiova, is one of the best choices we can make in terms of storage if you want to find or develop business in the south of the country.With a strategic position near the main walkway from the city of Craiova, and while being located only 7 km from the city center Park Logistic Cassia is the newest private logistics park in Craiova.The hall is...
România, Bucuresti
Construim pentru viitor. Construim bazandu-ne pe profesionalismul angajatilor nostri, pe calitatea materialelor si solutiilor alese si pe corectitudinea viziunii noastre de afaceri. Compania Stil Home Design a pornit la drum asezand la baza activitatii sale setul propriu de principii de conducere a afacerilor. Suntem o societate comerciala cu capital privat care are ca obiectiv de baza...
România, Bucharest
If you have been looking for a casino experience to remember, then there is no doubt that Palace Casino in Bucharest is the perfect place for you! Located in the heart of the Romanian capital- Bucharest, within the historical monument “Casa Vernescu”, Palace Casino attracts the cognoscenti who appreciate consummate quality, exceptional service and a luxury ambiance.
...SC.BUILDINGNEPTUN.SRL este implicata in constructia navelor noi dar si in reparatii:-Productie otel -Out fittings -Mecanica -Sudura(CO2) Proiecte: CAPITAL (4096,4098), EMM(5012),ANANGEL(10061,10059,),MARAN(5019)(5020),TSAKOS(5016,5017,5018), În cadrul DMHI - Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industry, CSM BUILDING NEPTUN execută lucrări de constructii noi, lăcătuşerie şi sudură la o calitate superioara cu o echipa bine...
România, Cluj Napoca
...Our company has been set up in 2005, as a private capital company, with the Headquarter in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, having the following contact data: C.R.: J12/605/2005, F.I.C.: RO17263044, and a turnover of 2 million €/year. The managerial staff has a long experience in marketing different industrial products. Our company is ISO certificated with quality management system - ISO9001. an important...
România, 071
If you have been looking for a casino experience to remember, then there is no doubt that Palace Casino in Bucharest is the perfect place for you! Located in the heart of the Romanian capital- Bucharest, within the historical monument “Casa Vernescu”, Palace Casino attracts the cognoscenti who appreciate consummate quality, exceptional service and a luxury ambiance.
România, Seini
Our company, SC ROMAVIS SRL was founded in 2001 and we are specialist in poultry farming, with the main activity:- Raising chickens for eggs and meat- Manufacture of birds feedWith a 100% private capital, our company is led by manager eng. Ioan Balan with over 30 years experience in poultry raising.Our company holds two warehouses for growing chickens for eggs equipped with the latest equipment for the welfare of birds and hence the quality of egg productsProduction capacity is currently 400.000 first class eggs per week...
România, Floresti, Cluj
România, Timisoara
Societatea noastră a fost înfiinţată în anul 1997 ca şi societate cu răspundere limitată, având capital social integral românesc , depus de către asociatul unic dl. OPRAN GHEORGHE. Activitatea de bază a societaţii este comerţul cu ridicata al fructelor şi legumelor. Un segment important al activităţii este comercializarea cartofilor de samânţă, cepei de samânţă (arpagic) şi a seminţelor de lucernă.
România, Bucharest
...-ISCIR installation and assembly projects for hot water boilers and technological steam power units;-documentation for modernizations, capital reparations for steam and hot water boilers;-Assembly projects and heating installations with high energy efficiency, for civilian and Industrial buildings;- maintenance for industrial& domestic boilers-thermal, electrical and sanitary installation projects for afferent civilian and industrial buildings;-energy audits of existing buildings and of heating and hot water alimentation systems.
România, Bucharest
Development of professional services in insurance, analyzing customer needs and giving them the best insurance solution.The Green Insurance Company, you have access to all available insurance market in Romania: auto liability insurance, motor hull, housing requirements, voluntary housing, civil liability, professional liability, life, capital accumulation, private health, accident, ships and maritime and rail boats, aircraft, financial liability, loans and guarantees, etc.
România, Bucharest
ADRIA group represents a group of companies with Romanian capital which offers professional cleaning services, corporate events, tourism and not only ...For 13 years, every day, we assist our clients through complete, prompt and high quality solutions.Established in 2002, the company began work on cleaning services for property maintenance and landscaping.Since inception, the company has been...

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