Germania, Plauen
ILUMINATIE PRECISA DIN GERMANIA De peste 75 de ani, ne dedicăm perfecționării luminii. Ceea ce dezvoltăm este personalizat pentru aplicații provocatoare. Ceea ce fabricăm semnăm cu mândria preciziei meșteșugărești. Pe scurt, ceea ce facem pentru piața internațională este: German Precision Lighting. Produse de marcă și lămpi speciale pentru piața globală și industrii exigente, cum ar fi industria...
Franța, St-Étienne-Rouvray
BORFLEX este specialistul în conceperea, prototiparea și fabricarea pieselor din elastomer (cauciuc, silicon, TPE și poliuretan), a profilurilor compozite pultrudate și a pieselor compozite turnate. În calitate de creatori de soluții, BORFLEX pune inovația în centrul strategiei sale. De la design până la o gestionare globală a lanțului logistic, sprijinim cele mai mari grupuri industriale și furn...
Germania, Hermsdorf
MICRO-HYBRID Electronic GmbH este o companie de dimensiuni medii, lider în soluții electronice personalizate de înaltă calitate. De peste 30 de ani, dezvoltăm și producem electronică inovatoare. Clienții noștri beneficiază de soluții fără egal pentru sarcini de control și reglare în condiții de mediu dificile. Portofoliul nostru variază de la substraturi ceramice și carcase pentru module electroni...
Croația, Slavonski Brod
Đuro Đaković Strojna obrada d.o.o. a fost fondată în 2002 ca membru al Grupului Đuro Đaković. Activitățile Đuro Đaković Strojna obrada d.o.o. se bazează pe servicii de prelucrare, iar compania este specializată în construcții sudate prelucrate și producția de diferite componente, cum ar fi inelele de rotire și diverse componente pentru transmisia mecanică a puterii, cum ar fi reductoarele, roțile ...
Turcia, Istanbul
MUCCO Sinyalteknik a reușit să devină una dintre companiile de frunte în sectorul luminilor de avertizare audio-vizuale încă din 2010. Oferind soluții orientate către client și găsind soluții prin utilizarea celor mai bune materii prime, oferim o oportunitate excelentă pentru clienți. A patra revoluție industrială, pe care o cunoaștem sub numele de Industria 4.0, se apropie! Prima revoluție indust...
România, Bucuresti
We are supplier of cargo protections products. , if you are dealing with container shipping, then our product is especially for you, because it protects the cargo from moisture damage ,moisture absorbent (desiccant bags) for containers, railway hoppers and trucks – the Absorbent Vdry Bag One - up to 200% moisture absorption, EPG INDUSTRIES. It is effectively protecting goods from damage caused...
România, Botosani
... power converter cabinets) Railway vehicles (traction and energy storage cabinets, EMU/DMU/ HVAC cabinets) E-mobility (ultra-fast charging stations, high-power enclosures) Machine building (including plastic injection, milling, tower cranes) Telecommunications (network trackside and signal cabinets). A wide variety of processes, tools and equipment that can satisfy the needs of the most demanding...
România, Braila
... ( 24.27) mm and non-slip plywood, also large. The company uses high performance equipment and guarantees the compliance of the products with the quality standards. This, together with a complete transport infrastructure (road, naval and railway) helps us to be able to use to our advantage the rich poplar forests along the Danube.
România, Brasov
...We design and manufacture heat exchangers and cooling systems for engines and other specialized applications, as well as a broad range of metal components and assemblies.Our products serve the needs of worldwide customers operating in a diverse range of industries, such as: automotive, agriculture, forestry & construction machinery, railway, power generation and co-generation, hydraulic equipment manufacturing, residential and commercial heating, oil & gas extraction, marine, or defense.
... products are for the following industries:-automotive: light and heavy trucks- construction: cranes, bulldozers- railway and marine- forklift trucks-machine tools- different hydraulic presses- industrial application.History The company was established in 1937; the production of the hydraulic equipment began after 1960. Starting with 1970, new products were developed under different licenses: axial...
România, Brasov
...SC IMSAT CUADRIPOL SA develops since 1992: general enterprise activities, electric installations' design and execution, automation, communications and intercom systems, fire and burglary detection and warning systems, access control and intercom systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, sanitary and hydro-technical installations, technological and railway automation systems ,quickly...
România, Bucuresti
...with its main object of activity being the import and trading of construction equipment and machines as well as the development of a powerful multi-brand supply centre of origin spare parts and aftermarket in the field, railway superstructure accessories – railway fasteners, parts for concrete pumps. Firma specializata, de incredere, in comercializarea si furnizarea de utilaje constructii...
Investing in Galati Free Zone has a series of advantages:- Galati Free Zone is practically the sole multi-modal center in South-East part of Romania that can offer access to multiple communication ways:-road transport -railway connection ( both with Russian gauge and European gauge)-naval transport on Danube ( both river size ships and maritime size ships )- Galati Free Zone has a geo-strategic...
România, Constanta
... can provide the following services: Road cargo transport from Romania to European countries, Turkey and reverse Maritime cargo transport Railway cargo transport Customs representation in Constanta port Storage and cargo handling services in Constanta port Lashing and packing...
România, Cluj Napoca
...Regular bus routes from Turda or Cluj-Napoca to Budapest offered by Huben ( the railway station and the airport) and returns having high standards, seriosity and comfort placed our company in one of the most wanted and required .company of the area. At this moment the arrival hours at Budapest synchronize perfectly with the schedule of a lot of flights to different destinations in this world from the Hungarian airport, the complete schedule of the bus routes with the stations and the appropriate hours can be found
..." webpage. LOGISTICS & STORAGE We own a modern warehouse, equipped with all the necessary equipments needed for handling the cargos arrived either by road or railway freights. Our warehouse is under special...
România, Bucharest
Transport Autocar offer private and shared airport transfers.All over the Europe we organize pickups from airports, hotels, railway stations, private adresses, for tourist or companies mobility needs.We make inter city transfers, city to city transportation or airport transfers with our own or subcontractors cars.We offer airport transfers and bus rentals from several countries and Airports. Austria, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, France, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey and Malta.
România, Bucharest
PremiumAt Coach offer private and shared airport transfers. All over the Europe we organize pickups from airports, hotels, railway stations, private adresses, for tourist or companies mobility needs. We make inter city transfers, city to city transportation or airport transfers with our own or subcontractors cars. We have a hugh network of international shuttle buses all over Europe. Shuttle bus service operate in Romania, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Andora, Slovenia, Czech Republich, Slovakia.
România, Sibiu
We have over 30 years of experience in processing metal sheets from different materials through different technological processes: - Punching - Laser cutting - Bending - Deburring - Painting - Welding simple or complex subassemblies - Assembly We are also specialized in making simple or complex wiring. Our main production line is specialised in railway industry ( wagon components, electrical...
România, Craiova
... also energy and railway industries. The present equipment allow us to work small and medium sized parts in small and medium batches. We own CNC machining centers with working capacity of 950 X 500 X 500 mm, CNC turning machine with working capacity max. diam. 150 X 300 mm, universal milling and turning machines. The company is expanding continuously, the owners wanting to grow the productive capacity and the diversification of the machining capabilities.
România, Iasi
... (buil-in ovens and hobs, gas cookers, semi automatic washing machines)- Railway equipment (track magnets in non-metallic enclosures, non metallic casing simple coil joints, plastic dowel for reparations, signal transformer, electrical transformer, separation transformer for switch heating)- Thin metal sheets products;- Tools, devices, verifiers;- Industrial electronics (building intercoms with multiple functions and proximity readers, tracking and control systems with proximity readers, etc.)...
România, Caransebes
... plates, cofferdams, embedded parts, racks Welded assemblies- Steel structures- Casings, gas ducts, lifting devices- Railway and road bridges. A strategic location of the Company, i.e.:- the South-East of Europe and South-West of Romania,- at a 100 km to the nearest airport, that is Timisoara International Airport,- at about 100 - 150 km to the Danube Ports, that are Moldova Noua, Orsova and Drobeta Turnu Severin- nearby the railway; nearby the highway• Skilled and experienced personnel;• A large hall equipped with cranes up to 23 to...
România, Bucharest
We are providing air, sea, railway and road transportation.Recently we are trading a wide range of goods having high demands.
Italia, Nola
La Railway Windows Srl este o companie specializată în proiectarea și producția de feronerie, uși și mobilier interior pentru vagoanele feroviare și, în general, pentru sectorul transportului feroviar. Certificată ISO 9001:2008, IRIS, ISO 15085-2, OHSAS 18001:2007. Clienți: Trenitalia, Trenord, Alstom, AnsaldoBreda, Ente Autonomo Volturno.
Franța, Fondettes
... Interfața Om-Mașină, cum ar fi senzori, ecrane, controlere, joystick-uri ...","Agriculture - Building and public works - Airport - Logistics - Roads Intervention vehicles - Railway - Electric vehicles - Industry":"Agricultură - Construcții și lucrări publice - Aeroport - Logistică - Vehicule de intervenție pe drumuri - Căi ferate - Vehicule electrice - Industrie","Production / integration...
Regatul Unit, Corby
La avem cea mai cuprinzătoare gamă de produse de calitate din lemn de cale ferată din Marea Britanie, pentru livrare la nivel național. Produsele noastre din lemn de cale ferată includ traverse de cale ferată recuperate, atât creosotate, cât și netratate, traverse de cale ferată noi din materiale de esență tare, cum ar fi stejarul, și lemn moale tratat, o gamă de traverse co...
Regatul Unit, Preston
Descoperiți Cel Mai Bun Tren de Model! Cel Mai Bun Tren de Model este un nou retailer online revoluționar de trenuri de model pe care îl veți adora. Ambiția sa uriașă este de a fi în fruntea experienței online imersive de trenuri de model. Ce Este Cel Mai Bun Tren de Model? Cel Mai Bun Tren de Model este un magazin online de trenuri de model de vârf, care este în dezvoltare. Experiența de cumpărar...
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