România, Oradea
...SC SIROMVALVES SRL - ROMANIA is member of the group SIRCA INTERNATIONAL SPA ITALY. We manufacture for over than 30 years, butterfly valves, ball valves, check valves, pneumatic actuators, limit switch boxes and supply other type of accessories for these products. If you are interested in getting more info about our products please contacts us !Kind Regards !Sebastian Moraru Sales RepresentativeS.C. Siromvalves S.R.L. Calea Borsului Nr. 38 / M410605 Oradea - RomaniaTel.: +40 359 404.431 Fax: +40 359 199.998Mobil: +40 736 334.877e-mail:
România, Bucharest
... the company group and a total sales revenue of 15.8 million Euro in 2016, we supply our clients with premium quality products at very competitive prices, having more than 30 years of international experience in manufacturing and supplying the most famous bakeries and confectioneries through our group partners in EMEA and Dubai. We look forward to establish a successful partnership with your company...
România, Bacau
...We are a sales agency company, a consultancy & management company based in Romania - Europe. We are acting and representing world leader producers and distributors of building construction materials, chemicals - raw materials, feed-stocks, plastic polymers, etc. and steel products.
România, Otopeni
We are a part of MEDICA GROUP, that is producing and marketing a broad set of nutritional supplements, and is holding over 50 registered trade marks. Our products are intended to sustain body and mind health, also for fortification and improve resistance against external agents. Our products are presented as capsules, powders, tablets, syrups (sweetened with honey only), solutions, tinctures.
România, Supuru De Jos, Satu Mare
...The group includes 6 chicken farms and one slaughterhouse which has the capacity of slaughtering 30.000 pieces per day. Our modern slaughterhouse, built according to all EU standards was opened in January 2016. We process the chicken meat daily to the highest quality and hygiene standards. We have the possibility to slaughter in the HALAL for Arab communities. We meet the requirements for the...
România, Bucharest
... our clients are in Turkey but we are also in contact with some other parts of the world. Mr. Ercan – the CEO of the group, is the vice president of the recycling association in Turkey (, from this position he can come with a great access to a pool of connections worldwide and with a significant influence over the Turkish customers too. We are classifying our waste papers according to EN643 standard.
România, Ploiesti
AMEL INTERNATIONAL GROUP Portofoliul nostru de produse mai cuprinde in plus, accesorii si alte produse necesare echiparii imobilelor: glafuri, plase insecte, rulouri, usi furniruite, obloane, usi garaj, ferestre mansarda, etc.Compania are in acest moment 20 de specialisti cu norma intreaga, majoritatea avand experienta peste 5 ani in tehnica vitrajelor performante.Avem echipe proprii de montaj in...
România, Botosani
... European Union and all World. We are ready to organize at your request supply chanel of goods from Republic of Moldova, and soon as the free trade agreement will get on you and your companies will get oportunity to have very good "green" products at very good prices.
... services tailored to meet your specific requirements. We are able to provide a complete logistical service for Export, Import and Cross Trade Cargo wherever the destination and whatever the nature of the shipment. As an independent company, 1 LINE are not restricted to using any particular carrier for your goods. We have built up valuable relationships with numerous freight partners throughout the world. This assures that your goods are forwarded using the most suitable and reliable carrier at all times to ensure they reach their destination safely and on time. ...
România, Bucharest
... automatically when the first signs firm order is transportation.Road segments we have a own car park consists of several types of vehicles for goods that are currently engaged in a project of Europe-wide distribution.Any employee agreed by us goes through a rigorous selection compatibility standards to give our Safety first!By definition it is the role of a dispatch office to find the best option for transport opposite the price / quality ratio, in our case for transit / budgeting related solutions.We have an additional insurance company as 100,000 EUR 000, which emphasizes that we are a growing...
Franța, VANNES Cedex
... numerică. Întreținere industrială, întreținere pentru prelucrarea metalelor, aeronautică, armament, spațial, agroalimentar, auto, chimie și petrochimie, electronică. ASERTI Group are ca scop reunirea și consolidarea tuturor competențelor care răspund nevoilor clienților, în cadrul întreținerii electronice a mașinilor și echipamentelor lor.
Estonia, Tallinn
... uman.","The international company Vitaforest is the group of experts in the production and supplying of powders and dry extracts from wild plants, berries, fruits and mushrooms. We carefully collect raw materials in ecologically save regions of Siberia to preserve the most powerful complex of biologically active substances and share with you the pristine unbridled power of the wild nature of this...
IntexWorld Business Group a fost înființată în 1951 ca un producător și exportator de frunte de șosete, ciorapi, colanți și lenjerie intimă. Astăzi, compania are joint ventures internaționale pentru a produce calitate la prețuri rezonabile. Lista completă a produselor este următoarea : +Șosete - toate tipurile +Lenjerie intimă - clasică, termică și fără cusături +Sutiene pentru dame +Îmbrăcăminte...
România, Lugoj
... program with new product ranges including ready to use creams and cocoa based products for pastry and confectionery and through knowledge sharing through recipes, technological flow and practical tips. We are looking to have a presence on the global market with a full range of top quality ingredients for pastry and confectionery products through Eurocas partners in every country. We want customers who share our passion about quality and give them the best value money can buy.
România, Braila
Company Emiria is specialising in overall deliveries of wood and plywood plancks from following species: beech, okoume, cedar, pine, albasia, birch and poplar plywood. Years of experience and careful selection of suppliers guarantee the highest quality of offered products at competitive prices. Offered plywood meets Polish, Romanian and European highest standards, which are confirmed by certificates. We have available Plywood, OSB, massif wood, raw chipboard, chipboard veneerd, mdf and veneered mdf.
... . One of this departments remanufactures turbochargers, it is equipped with the SCHENCK technology and it meets the demands of SCHENCK school workshops. Also, through the Marketing department, we are supplying a network of over 90 partners with the remanufactured injection systems and turbochargers . We have a stock of common remanufactured items in order to lower the time of delivery to our partners. We wish to begin a collaboration with new companies and to find the best business opportunities.
România, Iasi
Tehnoton, member of OMEGA-TEHNOTON GROUP since 2000, means tradition, experience and being dedicated to elaborating products that are mainly conceived by taking into account the wishes of our customers. Founded in 1972, Tehnoton Company has always relied on committed, self-sacrificing and passionate people who created a history that is more than 40 years old. FIELDS OF ACTIVITY- Home appliances...
România, Carcea
...Our company established in 1993, produces a variety of sun protection system. We produce products for the in door but also for out door. The products are: roller blinds, venetian blinds, vertical blinds, day&night ,fantasy, roller shutter, garage doors, awnings, vertical awnings, garage doors, chess. We can help you reaching your decorative goals by helping you choose the most suitable system and fabric for you. We are also a window producer; we are working with TROCAL profiles member of Profine Group Germany. If want to see our products please
România, Sibiu
We are a international transport company from Romania that transports freight anywhere in Romania and Europe. Zeugma Logistic is a part of a bigger group Metropolitan Business Solution, all the companies of the group being involved in the international transport or commerce. Nothing is difficult, nothing is impossible because we are the bridge between the problem and the solution! For further information and recomandations please do not hesitate to contact me!!!
România, Timisoara
...starting from several hours to several days (Romanian wine and/or beer tasting with traditional Romanian dishes, Transylvania, Maramures or Bucovina tours, major Romanian city breaks - Bucuresti, Sibiu, Cluj Napoca, Iasi)*Events organizer - family, group or corporate.Every customer will receive a free gift package with Romanian traditional products: food&beverage (marmalade, cookies, plum palinca and brandy) and ceramic and wooden (pottery bowl, spoon, tray).Even if our headquarter is located in Timisoara, we have reliable partners all over the country.Promptitude, seriousness,flexibility, comfort...
Regatul Unit, Edinburgh
... Grupului Blake este formată dintr-o echipă de specialiști în fabricarea oțelului și meșteșugari în lucrări de oțel. Aceștia oferă instalații de calitate în proiecte de construcții comerciale și rezidențiale. Au colaborat cu companii naționale precum Miller Group și Taylor Wimpey și la proiecte de nișă, cum ar fi piesa de rezistență pentru Our Dynamic Earth. Vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați pentru mai multe informații despre serviciile noastre sau pentru a discuta cerințele dumneavoastră.
România, Targu Mures
WESSLING Romania SRL is a Romanian company since 2003, member of the Group WESSLING Germany. The group is recognized in Europe for consultancy services and physical-chemical laboratory analytics services for environmental protection and products (food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals). Now WESSLING group services are available directly and in Romania. The group brings together over 900...
România, Sectorul 6
We are the Eastern European representatives for MPT Group a leading producer of mattress machinery for the mattress industry. MPT Group offers a wide range of mattress equipment allowing us to meet all of your mattress machine requirements. Today MPT Group is a leading mattress machinery supplier of mattress equipment around the world and exports its machinery to over 80 countries. It operates...
România, Sector 1
We sell seablackthurn, rosehip medicinal plants in small or big quantities. We sell frozen, dried or fresh products. Our products are harvest from Buzau. Products are exported every year in countries such as Germnay, Austria, Hungary, Italy. We handle products carefully to preserve fruits quality. Work is done mostly manually.
... cunoștințe în comerțul internațional, ne extindem constant activitatea de comerț cu șuruburi, piulițe și elemente de conexiune. INT Cıvata Somun și Elemente de Conexiune are o prezență internațională în domeniul producției, furnizării și marketingului. INT Cıvata Somun și Elemente de Conexiune plănuiește să lucreze mai mult pentru a atinge viziunea și obiectivele noastre. INT Cıvata Somun și Elemente de...
... creat oportunități de a se alătura activ segmentului de servicii industriale. Compania are posibilități enorme în domeniul prelucrării mecanice, producției de roți dințate, sudării, vopsirii sau asamblării finale a mașinilor și echipamentelor. Datorită acestui fapt, JAFO are posibilitatea de a realiza profesional și complex diverse tipuri de mașini de lucru, precum și revizii capitale ale...
Turcia, Istanbul
Grupul industrial Yildiz, care produce scutece pentru bebeluși și adulți, șervețele umede și hârtie igienică folosind cele mai recente tehnologii internaționale. Grupul industrial are o cotă de piață în 43 de țări din întreaga lume. Mărci: Mama Care, CleaniX, Berry, bluefix, Sensi B.
Turcia, Istanbul
... are o temperatură de aproximativ 68oC, se combină cu solul nisipos-argilos, ajungând la o temperatură de aproximativ 40-45oC și devine disponibil pentru utilizare în băile de nămol. Facilitățile de producție YAKAZA GROUP, situate în regiunea unde se află aceste resurse termale bogate, sunt aprobate cu certificat GMP (Bune Practici de Producție) și sunt inspectate periodic de autorități oficiale...
Inprocess este o companie independentă de servicii de simulare a proceselor și consultanță, înființată în 2006. Cu sediul în Barcelona, compania are birouri de reprezentare în Statele Unite (Houston), Orientul Mijlociu (Dubai) și America de Sud (Argentina). Oferim clienților noștri servicii și soluții pentru proiectarea și operarea plantelor. Echipa noastră, formată din peste cincizeci de...
Regatul Unit, London
... noastră. COUNT Energy Distribution are peste 21 de ani de relații cu furnizorii din Europa și din afara acesteia. Distribuim substanțe chimice din hub-ul nostru de stocare din regiunea Benelux. De asemenea, operăm din depozite ale terților din întreaga Marea Britanie și Europa. Distribuim acetati, acrilați, aromatice, glicoli și solvenți în întreaga Europă. Am tranzacționat peste 70,0KT în întreaga noastră portofoliu în 2021.
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