România, Oradea
...We are a company specialized in manufacturing leather goods. Our factory has the necessary equipment for a full technological process (cutting, stitching, finishing) and uses as raw materials natural leather of Italian origin, as well as other materials : cordura, canvas, denim, etc)Our products can be seen here : can produce our own articles under our own brand, as well as the customers' articles under their brand, at request, based on samples. For details, please contact us at
România, Bucharest
... tonnes / year of secondary aluminum alloys cast in ingots and hemispheres as well and about 2000 tonnes / year of secondary aluminum and iron raw materials in accordance with Regulation (EU) 333/2011 establishing criteria determining when certain types of scrap metal cease to be waste under Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
România, ARAD
We collect raw salted hides from bovine in Romania. Also we could buy this material in other Country nearly . We export everything in Europe and Asia.
România, Fagaras/brasov
...natural gas transport, warm and cold water distribution systems. The production is entirely fitted in, the company having steel and iron foundry, machining and heat treatment workshops and also laboratories for determinations of physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials. Treatment workshops and laboratories: mechanical, physical and chemical properties, corrosion, metallographic and toxicological determinations. The laboratory is equipped and allows complex and multiple determinations, for raw materials and finished products also.
România, Gara Rosiesti
... product. The Factory includes silos of raw and finished materials, specialized laboratory for the total control of the cereals used, as well as of the resulted product and holds the own machinery for specialized transport. As it completes the integrated production chain of SAFIR Group, this investment aims a better quality control of the finished product, the chicken meat made under the brand Deliciosul de Vaslui.
România, Iasi
- The business activity consists in placing of the garments orders all over Romania and near-by, followed out by technical and quality supervision in all levels of manufacturing: starting with the designing of the sample or sketch (Ready made products) and reception of raw-materials (lohn) up to the delivery of finished goods.- We offer technical advising to the clients and moreover to...
România, Comuna Oteleni
Zorian Romania is production company of natural oil, obtained using the cold extraction technique. The aim of our activity is to manufacture organic vegetable oils. We mainly operate in the production of sunflower seed oil, collected from the first pressing of the raw seeds. The cold pressed oil in one stage is a mechanical process that ensures, first of all, the preservation of the natural antioxidants and of others nutrients extracted from the seeds. Our capacity is 300 tones monthly with the possibility of delivering in labelled bottles (0,25l, 0,5l, 1l, 5l) or bulked.
România, Cluj Napoca
... part in our company takes the production of hookit tipe abrasives with 3M, Sunmight and Deerfos raw material (various shapes and sizes), crimping pneumatic hoses, water and oil hoses (low, medium and high pressure), warranty and post warranty service for electric and pneumatic tools.
The Eucarpet with years of experience in the design and production of various types of machine-made carpets continued its activities by setting up a manufacturing plant and trying to produce a variety of products with high-quality raw materials (fibers, yarns, and dyes). Among our products, we can mention classic rugs, children’s rugs, fancy rugs, patina rugs, forty-piece rugs, tablecloths, etc...
We have a farm of Saane and Alpine goats.We sell goat cheese, raw milk and also young males.
România, Arad
...painters, electricians, locksmiths and cleaning personnel. We assemble stands after the projects of the companies we are collaborating with, producing them in our carpentry workshop. The materials that we are using are raw or melaminated pal, octanorm, mezzo or other types used in exhibitions, we laminate and apply graphics on any material and we give life to our clients projects. In our qualified personnel are colleagues speaking English, French, Hungarian and German. Shortly we are an exceptional team for exceptional situations.
Estonia, Tallinn
... sălbatice din această regiune unică.","We do not stimulate growth of raw materials anyhow and do not cultivate any non-organic products, instead we benefit from natural environment and wild nature.":"Nu stimulăm în niciun fel creșterea materiilor prime și nu cultivăm produse neorganice, ci ne bucurăm de mediul natural și de natura sălbatică.","What can we do for you?":"Ce putem face pentru tine?","We...
România, Buburesti
Clothing production company and creative women on the Romanian market since 1992. Our permanent concern for quality and care for detail, we brought a deserved success in the marketplace. We had and we still and contacts with world-famous brands in performance in several collections lohn. We are interested in contacting several partners on the European market to expand sales in the same market purchase of raw material, respectively fabrics.
România, Zlatna
SC IRILAV PLUS SRL is a seller of venom collected from diffrent species of snakes, spiders, scorpions, bees.venom is ready for use as raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
România, Braila
Company Emiria is specialising in overall deliveries of wood and plywood plancks from following species: beech, okoume, cedar, pine, albasia, birch and poplar plywood. Years of experience and careful selection of suppliers guarantee the highest quality of offered products at competitive prices. Offered plywood meets Polish, Romanian and European highest standards, which are confirmed by certificates. We have available Plywood, OSB, massif wood, raw chipboard, chipboard veneerd, mdf and veneered mdf.
România, Sibiu
We produce paper cutting machines and execute mechanical processing since 1997.We design and manufacture each piece of the machines that are totally processed, (machined) powder coated, treated and assembled in all their phases in our factory based in Sibiu, Romania, with raw materials, electric and hydraulic components all made in Europe.
Importing, exportingand distribuiting raw materials for the food industry: oils and fats, cocoa powder.
Franța, Saint Angeau-Val De Bonnieure
... from production to delivery of the product. This way, we provide our clients with a single point of contact, allowing them to know at any time the status of their orders. Each production site has at least two different suppliers of raw materials, several production machines to ensure continuity of production, as well as numerous 3.5 T and 19 T heavy vehicles, all owned by the company. This...
Franța, Châtillon-Sur-Chalaronne
Specialist in custom formulation, the laboratory SPLP supports you in the development of your dietary supplements in soft capsules and gummies. It is a dynamic and experienced team that conducts all your projects with you at 360°. We expertly follow the entire process of creating your product and advise you on sourcing raw materials, using claims, regulatory framework, manufacturing, proposing...
Germania, Bad Nauheim
... profile requests through our own toolmaking. Our experience - your advantages: - Only first-class materials from renowned manufacturers in Germany are used for our plastic profiles. - Continuous inspections from the incoming goods of raw materials, through production, to shipping ensure high quality. - Our self-adhesive strips are equipped exclusively with wide, high-quality adhesive tapes with...
Germania, Klötze
... artificiali, arome, zahăr, lactoză, gluten și alte lucruri inutile. Privind spre viitor, transparența și dorința noastră de a aduce lucruri bune în lume ne motivează. Sprijină-ne în avansarea viziunii noastre, în împărtășirea acesteia și în oferirea de lucruri bune lumii. Suntem o companie dinamică, condusă de proprietari, și oferim acum peste 240 de produse alimentare raw-vegan și alte produse, toate selectate personal și adesea prelucrate cu grijă manual.
Spania, Badalona
...{"RAW MATERIAL":"MATERIA PRIMĂ\nMateriile noastre prime principale, Paulownia, joacă un rol fundamental în economia circulară, deoarece este o resursă regenerabilă, reciclabilă, durabilă și biodegradabilă.\n\nSUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION\nGreemap are un model de producție responsabil și eficient, axat pe sustenabilitate.\n\nQUALITY\nToate plăcile noastre respectă standardele europene de calitate...
Turcia, Bursa
Ca Gulsenoglu baklava, suntem în principal o companie de export de baklava congelată, dar avem și alte linii de producție pentru baklava uscată, baklava congelată raw etc. Afirmăm că produsele noastre nu conțin niciun sirop de porumb modificat genetic, folosind doar zahăr de înaltă calitate obținut din sfeclă turcească. Nu folosim niciodată aditivi. Toate exporturile sunt congelate sau uscate...
Belgia, Sint Martens Latem
Royal Gulf Chocolates s-a născut din dragostea pentru ciocolata raw excepțională și din dorința de a consuma doar alimente pure și integrale. Ciocolata noastră delicioasă este creată cu pasiune în loturi mici, folosind doar cele mai fine boabe de cacao pentru a face butoane de ciocolată semi-finisată care se topesc ușor. Ne face o mare plăcere să aducem fericire clienților noștri. Gustă-o doar o...
Portofoliul de produse include: - LCD-uri monocrome pentru caractere și grafică - Ecrane TFT cu și fără touchscreen - Touchscreen-uri rezistive și capacitive - Touchscreen-uri RAW (touchscreen-uri acustice) - Touchscreen-uri IR (touchscreen-uri cu infraroșu) - Folii tactile capacitive de până la 180 de inci - PC-uri panel cu sau fără touchscreen - Unități Media Player ca sistem complet sau doar placa Media Player - Sticlă de ecranare EMV pentru display-uri - Filtre optice - Comutatoare termice ca limitatoare de temperatură - Termoregulatori...
Germania, Mühlheim
... within the Rhine-Main area, Righetti Teigwaren was established in 1972 in Mühlheim am Main. Quality begins in our house already with the selection of raw products. That’s why we always pay attention to natural and fresh ingredients for dough and filling, and for coloring, we rely entirely on the properties of natural raw materials. Our production process is subject to permanent and comprehensive...
Spania, Madrid
Gama de produse oferită de Geslipe Int, S.L. este largă și variată. Colaborăm cu mărci de top și recunoscute (OCB, Smoking, Rizla, Raw, Clipper, Bic...), selectate pentru calitatea și inovația lor continuă, pentru a satisface așteptările clienților. Pentru a menține întotdeauna un nivel ridicat al calității, echipa noastră menține contact direct și o linie de comunicare fluidă cu toți furnizorii...
Franța, Varetz
...Piața B2B 'True Raw Food' 'Produse alimentare sustenabile' Servicii pentru companii în domeniile profesioniștilor din industria alimentară, patiseri - ciocolatieri, brutari, confecționeri de dulciuri, înghețată, catering, toți bucătarii din gastronomie și toți actorii din domeniul alimentelor, agricultori, producători de materii prime, cultivatori, crescători, implicați în alimentație...
... Variopan Raw, MDF Variolam cu față melaminată, uși MDF Variodor, profile MDF Varioprofile, skin-uri pentru uși Variopanel, panouri MDF cu luciu înalt, plăci de chipboard MFC cu față melaminată și pardoseli laminate Varioclic, deservim întreaga lume cu cea mai bună calitate, prețuri competitive și livrare rapidă... Suntem pregătiți să vă servim...
Belgia, Sint-Agathe Berchem
... calitate. Tutun: Filtre, Tuburi cu Filtru, Tutun de Mestecat, Hârtie de Rulat, Brichete Confectie: Produse de Marcă, Jucării din Dulciuri, Produse Licențiate, Dulciuri Popping și multe altele Câteva dintre brandurile internaționale cu care colaborăm: Rizla, Smoking, RAW, Gizeh, Makla, Thunder, BIC, Clipper, Belflam, Cricket, GRAB, Mars, Ferrero, Nestlé, Mondelez International Dacă aveți nevoie de informații suplimentare, nu ezitați să ne contactați sau să vizitați site-ul nostru. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să colaborăm cu dumneavoastră!!
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