Germania, Mönchengladbach
... tensiune de intrare: 400 V ± 15% Puterea nominală de intrare: 17.1 kVA, 15.1 kW Curentul de intrare nominal: - Curentul de ieșire nominal: 380 A Tensiunea de sarcină nominală: 34.0 V Intervalul de curent de ieșire nominal: 30-380 A Intervalul de tensiune de ieșire nominal: 12-36 V Tensiunea maximă fără sarcină: 58 V Ciclul de lucru nominal: 50 % Gradul de protecție: IP 21 Pașii de comutare: fără pași Numărul de condiții de sudare: 30 Intervalul de temperatură de funcționare: -10 - +40 °C Sistem de răcire: F Dimensiuni externe (LxDxH) în mm: 250 x 640 x 430 (fără mânerul de transport) Masa: 30 kg...
Germania, Magdeburg
... laser comune. Caracteristici ale produsului: - Conector de 5/8 inch - 3 segmente de picior - Capacitate de încărcare: 25 kg - Înălțime maximă utilizabilă: aprox. 1,48 m - Înălțime minimă utilizabilă: aprox. 0,16 m - Material: fibră de carbon 9X - Nivel cu bulă - Lungime de transport: aprox. 0,57 m În pachet sunt incluse: - 1 stativ din carbon pentru scanner laser, inclusiv cu vârfuri și o geantă de stativ de înaltă calitate cu curea de transport...
...MMPS reduce timpul de manipulare a pulberii pentru materialele SLS cu 50% și reduce contactul direct cu materialul. MMPS simplifică gestionarea pulberii. Sistemul de transport cu vacuum este complet „fabricat de LSS” și rezultă din peste 15 ani de experiență cu instalațiile de sinterizare cu laser. Sistemul MMPS permite clienților noștri umplerea rapidă, eficientă și sigură a instalației lor de...
Germania, Darmstadt
... protecție, cântare industriale, cărucioare de transport, podele industriale, scaune industriale, echipamente ESD, pereți de protecție împotriva zgomotului și pereți de izolare fonică. La noi găsiți și necesități de depozitare și tehnologie de depozitare pentru depozite la sol, depozite pe bloc, paleți și zone de congelare. Ca furnizor de frunte de necesități industriale în Elveția și Austria, vă...
România, Otopeni
... activities, to or from Romania or in cross trade shipments. * Our services include: Air Freight / Ocean Freight / Truck & Rail transport / Project Cargo / Cross Trade Shipments / Factory Re-locations / Consolidations / Chartering...
România, Suceava , Comuna Moara
...LOAD&GO LOGISTIC Company is a Romanian transport company , established in 2018 by Iulian Zelezneac , who has an 14 years experience in the freight transport domain , our company soon become a reliable partner to companies from all across Europe. With a fleet composed of 7 EURO 6 trucks that we dispatch an a daily basis , all monitored 24/7 by a satellite tracking system , our company guarantees...
Belgia, Dottignies
HTP Europe este o companie cu sediul în Dottignies, Belgia, specializată din 1954 în injecția plastică, fabricarea matrițelor, a moldurilor și a uneltelor. Am devenit, în peste 60 de ani de experiență, un lider în acest domeniu. Activitatea noastră se concentrează pe injecția de piese tehnice, injecția prin suflare (IBM) de flacoane din materiale plastice sau materiale compozite în sală curată...
...Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, France, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Turkey. Selling/Buying Building Equipment - Another area , that involve transport, selling and buying building equipments, trucks, trailers, tugs, cars, parts. Equipments For Rent - Rent equipments that are in stock in Romania...
... investiții. În acest sens, dezvoltăm și fabricăm sisteme de transport și echipamente de manipulare pentru depozite automate cu rafturi înalte și alte proiecte de logistică de depozitare. De asemenea, programăm și testăm software-ul necesar pentru gestionarea depozitelor în cadrul companiei. Din 1971, producem direct la sediul nostru din Borgholzhausen, în Ostwestfalen. Astfel, ne asigurăm că promisiunea...
România, Timisoara
... services provided by our company are of the highest standard possible in the field. This has brought us customers from all over Europe and they always contact us for special deliveries. We are looking to expand and grow our business even more, to deliver great customer service on the entire continent through our transportation services.
Germania, Steinhagen
...Dynatect-MFB se numără printre cei mai importanți furnizori de produse pentru protecția mașinilor și oferă o gamă cuprinzătoare de soluții personalizate pentru protecția echipamentelor industriale în toate domeniile de activitate. Compania mamă DYNATECT Manufacturing Inc. (fostă A&A Manufacturing Co. Inc.) este un lider în America de Nord în fabricarea protecției dinamice a echipamentelor și are...
România, Dumbrava Rosie
Express transport services in Europe...
România, Cluj Napoca
Huben company, limited in 2000 started offering good quality services in the international transport and succeeded in transporting safely thousands of passangers. Being serious and using performant vehicles, we became one of the well- known companies in Europe. Our car park is in a continuous Enlargement and has vehicles that assure a high safety and comfort according to the European standards...
... shippers in the USA and Romania. Our niche markets are based first on shipments from US to Romania, Romania to US, Far East to Romania, especially from China, also in the former USSR and the rest of the East and West Europe. In addition to standard container shipments IFT provides the following services: - Project Management- Intermodal Transport by Rail and Truck- Air cargo and Ocean Freight- Customs Clearance- Bonded Warehousing- LCL / Consolidated Services.
...Logistics & Forwarding Services: Dedicated professionals specialised in FTL/LTL as well as FCL/LCL, rail or air deliveries throughout Romania and Europe. Services: Domestic and International FTL & LTL Solutions, Airfreight Solutions, FCL & LCL Seafreight Services, Freight forwarding services. The company has been founded in 2011 and is certified as a member of the WPA logistics network since 2012. ...
...INTERNATIONAL ROAD FREIGHT We offer our clients international freights, made with our own or our collaborators' trucks, for full truck loads or less than full truck loads anywhere in Europe. For more information, you are welcome to ask us for a quotation. You can find all our contact details on our "contact" page. EXPEDITIONS The activity of expeditions begun in 2004, when our company was...
România, Bucharest
PremiumAt Coach offer private and shared airport transfers. All over the Europe we organize pickups from airports, hotels, railway stations, private adresses, for tourist or companies mobility needs. We make inter city transfers, city to city transportation or airport transfers with our own or subcontractors cars. We have a hugh network of international shuttle buses all over Europe. Shuttle bus service operate in Romania, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Andora, Slovenia, Czech Republich, Slovakia.
România, Brasov
...Our company was founded in 2006 with the main activity of metallic constructions and component parts. We mainly build: stillages for goods' transport and storage, racking systems, shelving, metallic furniture, urban furniture, trolleys, ramps and platforms. We also sell all over Europe industrial wheels and castors made from polyurethane, polyamide, plastic, rubber, polypropylene, etc and we can also supply our customers with spare parts for all the wheels and castors purchased as well as technical advice for choosing the right products.
România, Vaslui
... charge, and it allows its members to post their free trucks or loads in the system, while also actively searching for matching transport offers based on some advanced filters. The freight exchange offers access to both local and international routes, covering all European continent. Once registered in the system, its members can search contact each other using an integrated system of communication from regular phone calls to online chat. Members can also participate in the rating certification which lets them rate their business partners based on the freights booked through the platform.
InMove is a firm with over 20 years of experience in transport from Bucuresti to all over city of Europe. We are very profesionals with our clients and we are glad to help our costumers.
România, Bucuresti
... outside, and from a technical point of view we ensure when contracting a collaborator that fulfills all the technical details, as well as a very good look by sending pictures of the van that is to be presented at loading.Sea Freight OperationsWe are a shipping company that offers to its clients maritime transport services to and from Constanta port. The goods can be transported in complete or grouped...
...We are Forwarding Romsped International. For the road segment, we own a self-contained fleet consisting of several types of cargo vehicles that are currently engaged in a Europe-wide distribution project. Any collaborator agreed to by us goes through a rigorous selection of compatibility of our standards to provide first of all SAFETY! By definition, this is the role of an expedition house, to find the optimal transport variant vi-à-vis the price / quality ratio, in our case the transit time / budget of the related solution Freight Forwarding Activity - Transport by Land , Sea and Air...
România, Cluj Napoca
România, Ramnicu Valcea
...freezer, bulk, garments, large size), organize transport in groups, exclusively or in an emergency 24-48 hours in all Europe). We are at your disposal without stopping. To offer you a shipping quote, you can contact us by phone or by repeating this email. In the hope of a good collaboration we are waiting for your requests. Sincerely , CERES by RGD - ANYWHERE ANYTIME FOR YOU .
România, Sibiu
We are a international transport company from Romania that transports freight anywhere in Romania and Europe. Zeugma Logistic is a part of a bigger group Metropolitan Business Solution, all the companies of the group being involved in the international transport or commerce. Nothing is difficult, nothing is impossible because we are the bridge between the problem and the solution! For further information and recomandations please do not hesitate to contact me!!!
România, Bucharest
... automatically when the first signs firm order is transportation.Road segments we have a own car park consists of several types of vehicles for goods that are currently engaged in a project of Europe-wide distribution.Any employee agreed by us goes through a rigorous selection compatibility standards to give our Safety first!By definition it is the role of a dispatch office to find the best option for transport opposite the price / quality ratio, in our case for transit / budgeting related solutions.We have an additional insurance company as 100,000 EUR 000, which emphasizes that we are a growing...
... frigorific transport with controlled temperature from and to any destination from Europe or other continents.Our partnership relations with experienced companies and organizations activating in international transport and the network of agents enable us to perform and develop transports in optimal conditions, starting with collections and deliveries of merchandise, customs formalities, and any other services related to transport (packing, wrapping, sealing, manipulating, storing, dispatching).Insuring merchandise during transport comprised between EUR 40,000-150,000, as the case may be, can be supplemen...
... specific location), design, financing, maintenance, service, location and transport equipment in their implementation operation. BILANCIA offer customers the best value investment and also solutions for all price ranges and quality. BILANCIA customers are companies operating in the catering, from small family businesses to 5 star hotels. We offer equipment for hotels, restaurants, caterers, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, butchers, butcher, grocery stores, laundries etc.
... asigurării răspunderii pentru produse conform legislației germane. Calea de transport a plăcilor de circuit imprimat se face cu toate documentele originale aferente, cum ar fi rapoartele de testare etc., în funcție de programare, fie pe cale aeriană, fie maritimă, direct către client. Controlul suplimentar în Europa înainte de livrare nu este o practică pentru noi și nici necesar.
Belgia, Essen
AVT Europe NV este specializată în automatizarea industrială, robotică și sisteme de transport intern pentru încărcături grele. Gama de sisteme de transport acoperă sistemele standard cu perne de aer, vehicule cu perne de aer realizate la comandă, sisteme de transport pe roți sau pe șine, AGV, macarale portal, mese de ridicare, transportoare de bobine și autoclave, unelte de schimb pentru matrițe etc. Suntem activi la nivel mondial în diferite segmente de piață și colaborăm cu o rețea de distribuitori internaționali.

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