România, Bucharest
... working on our own in-house applications in the mean time. In our client interactions we emphasize on creating a good social bond above all, while offering professional services at the same time. We’re not only implementing clients’ requirements and ideas, but also offering consultancy in development to make the most out of the final product, for the client, and the users. We provide the technical back...
România, Calarasi
... are based on the opportunities discovered. We are committed to helping small companies with valuable products evolve and become more than just a local business. We offer design consulting to improve the visual identity of your business or product, software development for companies that need customized solutions and digital marketing to increase product sales.
România, Campina
...HOFAG ENGINEERING are a CAD/CAM company which provides a complete design services for the engineering development and design community. Our company have a dedicated team of highly skilled engineers and designers who are equipped with the latest software and hardware systems. We offer the services like as :* Conceptual design * Simulation FEA * Sheetmetal design* Steel structure design* Tooling...
România, Cluj Napoca
... support starting with cloud, servers, mobile devices, and robots as well. Our clients are located mainly in production, distribution, transportation, and medical areas, developing solutions for industry horizontals and verticals. Our products are targeting the process of gathering orders, production planning, sales, warehousing, and logistics, recurrent processes, fluxes improvement, and automation. We are on the market since 2000, our clients being national and international entities acting in the above mentioned areas...
România, Sibiu
... optimised for smartphones and tablets. We can perform ongoing maintenance services to keep your site running at its peak efficiency. We will help you get the updated contents, social media management, upgrading latests software, tweaking plugins. Getting to that number one spot on Google is a tough task however, there are various techniques you can use to help get closer to the top. Eight Eight concentrate on the improvement of organic search rankings on the most popular search engines, using a number of Search Engine Optimization methods.
România, Brasov
... for the offset and flexo printing industry, iCtP plate setters and automation equipment. also provide exposure units, dryers, light finishers, mounting tables, conveyor equipment, stackers and software for monitoring and controlling complete prepress processes. --...
România, Arad
... technologies: meters and electronic heat costs allocators endorsed with radio emitters, portable receivers and data concentrators, GPRS/GSM communication equipments, specific software applications. ENHANCED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: test benches for water meters, brass die casting parts, CNCs mechanical processing, precision plastic injection parts, electrostatic powder coatings, plastic injection molds & tooling, nonferrous casting dies & tooling, metrological testing & calibration, meters maintenance & refurbishing. Certification: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 14001, ISO/IEC 17025, 75/33/EC, 2004/22/EC.
România, Resita
... machines- lumber treatment against insects, moisture, decay fungi and fire protection- Mitek manufacturing equipment for wood structures- specialized design software- quality and warranty certificates-ISO9001 Certificate- transport vehicles and crane- searching for partners to develop the production and the sales on the European markets...
România, Bucharest
... group's "oldest" and largest company. We combine business-oriented frameworks, IT-driven solutions, development tools and deployment techniques to fulfill our promise to our clients in all areas we have expertise. We have grown in scope to include market research, statistics, marketing and communication services as well as software-as-a-service to help our clients maximize their process efficiency and stay ahead of the game. Our services: • Recruitment • Temporary Staffing • Outsourcing • Personnel Admin • Outplacement • Career Counseling •Internal Communication •HRMS •Team Building Programs...
România, Iasi
... presses. Selective list of Thagora's clients: Wollsdorf, Germany, Natuzzi, Italy, Rolf Benz, Germany, ROM AG, Belgium, Palliser, Canada, Polodivani, Italy. Gemini CAD Systems is a leading global supplier of technology for industries working with soft flexible materials such as leather or textile and composites. Our activity includes research, development and implementation of software, equipment...
... of data models and applications we call BI 4 ALL. These are the most sophisticated data models that are available today. We would be pleased to explain why this is the case.IBI was founded in 2005 by Peter Nolan who is a world renowned figure in the Data Warehousing industry. IBI was founded specifically to bring to the market software tools that Peter had developed on projects for clients.
România, Lancram
Genius Facturare is a billing program extremely easy to use by anyone. It can be downloaded for free and the site contains useful information for configuration of an invoice.
România, Bucharest
As your supplier of software solutions, we will work together to develop the business by providing the best solutions right when you need them. We offer: -Project Management; -Analyze, design and implementation; -Software Development; -Testing and quality assurance. Skills: Software Projects: CRM Sharepoint Applications on the mobile devices Web applications E-commerce. Technologies C...
România, Bucuresti, Sector 3
Robotic Process Automation Readysoft is software developing branch of Producton Group, one of the largest Romanian IT group of companies. •20 years of expertise in process automation •Robotic Process Automation cutting edge software •RPA for documents: invoices, purchase orders, bank statements, etc. •other RPA applications, specific to your business, can be developed upon request...
România, Bucuresti
Our company offers complete repair laptops. Any problems software or hardware can be solved in our serviceing Fix24. We can resolve any defect in the motherboard of the laptop.Once in service FIX24 laptop, your laptop is half the problem solved!Whether you need to repair your laptop for an emergency hardware of a complete virus removal or reinstalling the operating system, our team of specialists...
România, Bucuresti
... & Automation Engineering- Equipment delivery, installation, commissioning - Software application development - Information Technology & ComunicationSYSCOM PROCESS CONTROL is a Romanian private company, acting like system integrator, specialized in systems development for monitoring and controlling the process parameters. Based on a performant engineering team with valuable engineers specialized in electronics, electrical, automation and energetical fields of activity, SYSCOM PROCESS CONTROL develops turn-key projects from the simple to the most complex ones.
România, Bucuresti
... Work In Your Company Through the supply and integration of all the necessary resources to achieve the objectives. We take care of all your resources :Hardware, Software, Back Office Department, Quality Sevice, Reports and Advice on Adaptation and Correction Plan.
România, Slobozia
...evaluate individuals, see how they may perform at work, get that clear picture of who you hire. Test and match candidate's potential for business results; find their abilities and give them the most valuable position. Even more, candidates are ranked against an idea profile that you establish in advance as well as among each others. In this way you can hire the bes...
România, Billericay
...A software solution to improve your travel business by automating bookings, payments and enquiry process Travitude is a travel booking engine & website platform that automates the selling process, developed specifically for travel agencies and OTAs. This travel software will grow the daily number of reservations, so is your income.
România, Magurele
... inspection of OLED displays and Thin films by high-resolution X-ray technique Non-Destructive inspection Green and Sintered parts in real-time by an X-ray conveyor-based sistem Non-Destructive inspection of PCB's and IC's for counterfeit components fast detection Development of X-ray NDT system for mechanical parts in Aerospace Industry FP7 and National R&D Projects management Dual-energy X-ray Flat Panel detector for NDT and lost baggage security application...
...PCB assembly, conformal coating, cable assembly, functional testing and rework, while at the same time having the capacity and experience for turning your ideas into actual technical solutions, through our services providing product development: prototyping, schematic designing & layouting, software applications development for microcontrollers. In close collaboration with our customers and...
România, Piatra-neamt
... another: sizing and calculation of the system, EPLAN project, software development, commissioning, testing, training and servicing.Our advantage is a high quality as a Siemens integrator and a small price for work comparing to the west european competitors. Please try us!
Italia, Marina Di Montemarciano
... eficiența operațională. Printre soluțiile cele mai inovatoare propuse de Re.Ca. Systems se numără registratoarele telematice, esențiale pentru conformitatea fiscală și digitalizarea datelor de vânzare. Sistemele PC touch și dispozitivele POS (Point of Sale) sunt concepute pentru o interfață utilizator intuitivă și o gestionare rapidă a tranzacțiilor. Ecosustenabilitate: Introducerea Etichetelor...
România, Suceava
WELCOME IN ROMANIA Romania, in recent years has known some development in what means foreign investment. But for most foreign companies, Romania is an unknown, because the lack of international promotion, what it makes unattractive for foreign investors. Financial resources which can be invested in Romania will have a beneficial impact for both you and your company for the Romanian business environment. Due to the geographical position of Romania and mineral and human resources, certain sectors (industry, agriculture, tourism) could bring huge revenue to foreign companies investing in Romania!
Franța, La Chapelle Sur Erdre
Editor de referință pentru industria agroalimentară, VIF concepe de mai bine de 30 de ani soluții software create exclusiv pentru industriile agroalimentare, de la ERP-uri până la software-uri de tip best of breed cu valoare adăugată ridicată. Aceste companii sunt caracterizate prin constrângeri puternice: dezansamblare și asamblare, trasabilitate, echilibru între fluxurile „împinse” de...
Germania, Billerbeck
Prognoza emisiilor sonore Biroul de expertiză Power of Nature elaborează pentru birourile de planificare, persoane fizice, precum și pentru comunități prognoze de emisie sonoră independente și la prețuri accesibile pentru instalațiile de energie eoliană (WEA). Pentru aceasta, se utilizează un software specializat recunoscut. În acest proces, se iau în considerare și se aplică normele și...
Germania, Ratingen
... produse Altitude uCITM este o soluție software „out-of-the-box” independentă de infrastructură, care oferă suport complet pentru portaluri vocale (Inbound și Outbound), e-mailuri, colaborare pe web și mesagerie instantanee. Altitude uCITM permite companiilor de toate dimensiunile – mici, mijlocii și mari organizații multisite – să gestioneze și să îmbunătățească relațiile cu clienții în centrele lor de contact. De asemenea, Altitude Software este bine cunoscut în industrie și a câștigat în ultimii 12 ani mai mult de 50 de premii internaționale pentru produse.
Franța, Lyon
Aprodix este un editor și integrator francez de ERP dedicat activităților specifice: Gestionarea pe proiect, Mașini speciale .. Soluția noastră acoperă următoarele domenii: CRM Gestionare comercială (Circuit Lung - Circuit Scurt - SAV - Facturare) Pilotare de proiect (Nomenclatură, Planificare, Buget) Gestionare achiziții (OA), Stoc (OT) și Fabricare (OF) Gestionare SAV (tichete, cereri de...
Franța, Argenteuil
... vârf în jurul datelor, dezvoltării IT și managementului de proiect. Tehnic * Dezvoltator front-end * Dezvoltator back-end * Dezvoltator full stack * Inginer de date, Analiză de date, Știința datelor, AI & Învățare automată * IoT (Internet of Things) * Dezvoltator principal Unele stack-uri: React, Python, Java, NodeJs, C#, C++, Flutter, IOS, Android, JavaScript, Laravel, PHP, Hadoop, SQL...
Grecia, Ag.elefterios-Athens
... rezultatele dorite prin experiența și cunoștințele noastre în aceste domenii. Vă oferim soluția pentru a ieși învingători în competiția acerbă a globalizării. Serviciile noastre includ, printre altele: • Integrarea sistemelor - Servicii IT • Soluții de marketing și vânzări - Servicii de promovare • Dezvoltarea exporturilor - Internaționalizarea afacerilor • Soluții fiscale pentru afaceri, standarde contabile și fiscale interne și internaționale • POSDRU 2014-2020 și alte programe de dezvoltare finanțate • Sisteme de management al calității de la ISO la EFQM • Dezvoltare web & IoT (Internet of Things)...

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