România, Bucharest
Innovative solutions to ally quality. About EUROSTATUS GOLD – EUROSTATUS LIGHTING is a leader in lighting and electrical equipment in Greece and the wider Balkan region and Eastern Europe. The EUROSTATUS Lighting has a long tradition, experience and expertise in the industry. Basic principles of the company since the establishment of a flexible, consistent and long-term development of bonds with...
România, Piatra Neamt
...S&B Comp SRL was founded in 1994, as a result of the associates’ desire to creatively capitalize on the opportunities of a region with a rich tradition in the knitting industry.For over 20 year we have invested in modern and efficient equipment. One of our priorities is the continuous development and training of our employees.For our products we take into account our clients’ demands as well as...
România, Neamţ County
... Timber “Abies”; Ash Sawn Timber “Fraxinus”. Our products are well-known for their high level of quality at an excellent price, both domestically and internationally. The work of our team is supported by the fact that we are located in a county rich with coniferous forests, and a recognized tradition in wood processing. Wood treatment for long-term protection against rotting and insects attack with...
România, Stancesti
Gold Primelech is simply passion, results-oriented and high quality for our clients and partners. Our company was founded based on the principles of good faith and personal values that have brought the long-term success in our business. It’s been more than 50 years since we operate sucessfully the walnut kernel. We are the third generation taking over our family tradition of growing and...
România, Lugoj
House of European tradition and knowledge in the confectionery and pastry products, the Eurocas group of companies produces, distributes and exports high quality ingredients for the pastry and confectionery producers: - non dairy cream - vegetable whipping cream - mini tart shells - pastry margarine - puff pastry margarine - cream margarine - ready to use creams - bake stable creams - cold glazes - fruit fillings - chocolate couverture - compound chocolate - spreadable cocoa creams - Dutch cocoa powder - powder premixes. For more information, please visit our website: ...
România, Brasov
Founded in 1998 by engineers and specialists with years of experience in the field, our company has a long tradition in the thermotechnics and ironworks sectors. From the beginning our main activity has been the assembly, maintenance and repair of industrial boilers and the afferent installations. A very important part being the design and execution of equipment such as pressure vessels, tanks...
România, Bucuresti
...A & D fashion brand does not have a tradition. But instead has some other advantages: ateler creative workshop production, sale in stores. Any woman can be happy wearing fashion A & D products, offering the beauty and native. We have simple cuts for ladies who want "clothing discretion" we lavish outfits for ladies who want to shine, keep the elegance that goes in step with time.
România, Bucharest
A tradition of nuts and dried fruits. The tradition of Malatya Pazari focusing on the Notion “QUALITY COMES FIRST” traces back to 1870 to the region of Malatya and went on in the following century with the launching of shops in Istanbul Spice Bazaar (Grand Bazaar), from where the company also started its first exports. Nowadays, modern plants form the production sites of the selected products...
România, Lugoj
House of European tradition and knowledge in the confectionery and pastry products, the Eurocas group of companies produces, distributes and exports high quality ingredients for the pastry and confectionery producers. Eurocas has been active on the European pastry and confectionery market since 1994. We produce and distribute top quality ingredients to customers who share our passion for great...
România, Bucharest
BEST MANUFACTURING continues the tradition of 100 years of UMUC SA in execution of pressure vessels, heat exchangers (evaporators, coolers, condensers); Trails of technological pipelines; Welded steel structures CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 9001 :2008 ; AD 2000 MERKBLATT HP 0 ; DIN EN ISO 3834-2 ; OHSAS 18001 :2007 ; SR EN ISO 14001 :2005All our equipment is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance...
România, Bucharest
Romaero is an aerospace company that integrates two major activities: aerostructure manufacturing and maintenance and repair for civil and military transport aircrafts. It is the largest company in the Romanian Aerospace Industry with 90 years of tradition in this field. Capabilities:- Extensive sheet metal manufacturing.- High expertise in stretch-forming skins and extrusions.- NC machining: 5...
România, Iasi
Tehnoton, member of OMEGA-TEHNOTON GROUP since 2000, means tradition, experience and being dedicated to elaborating products that are mainly conceived by taking into account the wishes of our customers. Founded in 1972, Tehnoton Company has always relied on committed, self-sacrificing and passionate people who created a history that is more than 40 years old. FIELDS OF ACTIVITY- Home appliances...
România, Buciumeni, Dambovita
Princo Group Company is a company with tradition since 1991 in theproduction of solid beech wood items especially Chopping beech boards orboxes. We export and deliver throughout Europe in large fime as Conforama,Ikea, Tescoma, and to distributors and retailers.
România, Bucharest
...We ofer to our customers highly interior Decorator service. BoConcept is a Danish brand founded in 1952 by 2 friends carpenters. The passion for design and tradition bring them togheter and they raised a small business today in more than 250 Furniture Store in 50countryes.The concept is simple and coordinated: the purpose is to make a balance between the customer's personality and the atmosphere...
România, Arad
... jewelry ( necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, rings, brooches) and home decorations (miniature animals, multicoloured frames, small glasses, paperweight, candle holders, trays, ashtrays, mirrors, personalized gifts). All products are handmade. We have strived to create unique products and jewelries, embedding the tradition of Murano glass technique, the fire of our passion for art and quality togheter with the preciousness of gold and silver.
Belgia, Waterloo
...Producător de foie gras, terine și mezeluri artizanale din 1984. Profesioniști sau particulari: vă oferim o gamă întreagă de produse făcute în casă, pentru a petrece un moment plăcut alături de oaspeții dumneavoastră. La Quality & Tradition veți putea achiziționa o multitudine de produse de bază, cum ar fi foie gras, terine, vânat, piept de rață, precum și numeroase produse complementare.
Belgia, Waterloo
... sălbatic, Caspian Tradition s-a adaptat la piață, oferind alte specii de sturioni din alte regiuni, dar și alte specialități din ouă de pește, cum ar fi ouăle de somon, ouăle de păstrăv și alte delicatese precum crabul King, foie gras, somon și sturion afumat, șofran, trufe etc.
Franța, Geudertheim
Compania ALSACE BISCUITS TRADITION este o afacere de familie, specializată în fabricarea de biscuiți și muesli crocanți. ALSACE BISCUITS TRADITION, având o experiență solidă, un know-how recunoscut și un instrument de producție modern și performant, a devenit lider în domeniul său în produsele la comandă tradiționale, biologice, dietetice. Compania are în portofoliu o gamă largă de produse...
Germania, Wertheim
Strategic all companies in the Kurtz Ersa-Konzern aim to play a significant role in a defined region and to be technologically leading. With their long-term oriented mindset, the owner family, which holds the shareholder stakes, has been managing the affairs of the Kurtz Ersa-Konzern for six generations now. From this tradition arises a personal interest in securing, increasing, and passing on...
Germania, Großröhrsdorf
...In Großröhrsdorf – wo die Kunststofffertigung auf eine jahrzehntelange Tradition zurückblicken kann – entstand zu dieser Zeit auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen VEB Pneumant (Kunststoffverarbeitung) unter Einsatz neuester Produktionstechnik eine moderne Fertigungsstätte für Produkte aus GFK. So startete das Werk Großröhrsdorf als Zulieferbetrieb von GFK-Produkten und Formteilen für die Haase GFK...
Huck Schmiernippel - Qualität Made in Germany Tradition trifft Zukunft Seit der Gründung des Unternehmens 1858 stehen bei der J.A. Huck Metallwaren GmbH Kundentreue, Flexibilität, Qualität und Liefertreue im Mittelpunkt. Bis heute Faktoren für Kundenzufriedenheit und lange Geschäftsbeziehungen weltweit. Traditionell fertigt das Unternehmen J.A.Huck im Herzen Nürnbergs nun in fünfter Generation...
Franța, Saint-André-Le-Puy
O familie de produse realizată în cea mai pură tradiție a mezelurilor de munte. Elaborată din cele mai bune bucăți de carne, gama noastră Grande Tradition este esența măiestriei Batistou. CARNIILE DE PORC Jambonul nostru provine exclusiv din porci francezi riguros selectați și se inspiră din tăierea rotundă numită „Parme”. Moderat sărate și frecate manual cu sare uscată, acestea sunt apoi...
Germania, Lindenberg
... & Marketing) ANGAJATII NOȘTRI Povestea noastră de succes se bazează în principal pe angajații noștri, care, conform principiului „Innovation by tradition.”, aduc un grad ridicat de inițiativă și creativitate și un bun simț pentru nevoile clienților. Ca angajator și partener al universităților și academiilor profesionale regionale, Mayser formează la locațiile Ulm și Lindenberg peste 20 de tineri în diverse profesii comerciale și tehnice.
Germania, Hamburg
Tradition și progres sunt termeni care reprezintă două caracteristici importante ale maleco. Tradiție, deoarece ne ocupăm de fabricarea și distribuția de vopsele de primă clasă și servicii personalizate pentru meseria de zugrav încă din anul 1889. Progres, deoarece gama noastră de produse orientată spre viitor corespunde întotdeauna celor mai recente standarde ale tehnologiei (de aplicare) – sau...
Turcia, Istanbul
...","Who we are":"Cine suntem","Welcome to Kanat Celik, one of the leading Turkish steel providers. Our reputation as experts in the field of long specialty steel products is based on more than 30 years of tradition in the production of alloy and non-alloy steel. Family owned Kanat Celik produces and trades steel bars in different steel groups, in various steel grades and in different steel shapes...
Italia, Tempio Pausania
... markets. The family tradition and the experience gained by brothers Piero and Renzo Mariotti together with Ugo Cartasegna go hand in hand with research and development. The quality of the product is daily contributed by 80 passionate people applying a strict system of production, control, and verification, in order to ensure pure cork stoppers free from abnormal odors. The company has the Systecode Product Certification - C.E.Liège (accreditation system in accordance with the International Code for the Production of Cork Stoppers C.E.Liège).
...La Compagnie Européenne des Parfums, creator, manufacturer, and distributor of French perfumes since 1973. All our perfumes are developed by perfumers from Grasse and made in France, respecting the French tradition of perfumery! Creation under the private label Christine ARBEL and under licenses according to international cosmetic standards: - Men's perfumes - Women's perfumes...
Franța, paris
... mult decât serios. Profitați de toate reducerile și promoțiile atrăgătoare pe parcursul anului. Cumpărăturile dumneavoastră online sunt ușoare și sigure. Livrările noastre sunt întotdeauna gratuite în întreaga lume, fără un minim de achiziții. Comanda dumneavoastră va fi expediată în cel mai scurt timp datorită echipei noastre profesionale, disponibile și de încredere. Pe curând pe Tradition-Bois.
Franța, Avignon
Creată în 1987 și situată în Avignon, Provence Tradition comercializează ierburi de Provence. Plantele și aromatele sunt cultivate, recoltate, uscate și tăiate exclusiv în Provence. Arome subtile ale terroir-ului, aceasta este Provence Tradition. PLANTE CU AROME EXCEPȚIONALE precum busuioc, cimbru, rozmarin, salvie, dafin, măghiran și multe altele. Distribuim în Franța și în străinătate.
Franța, Villers Sur Meuse
...Cu o experiență de peste 15 ani, Tradition Technologie își pune competențele la dispoziția dumneavoastră. Tradition Technologie își investește toată expertiza în: Fabricare conform planului / Mecanică generală / Piese mari de revoluție / Piese unice și prototipuri / Serii mici și medii / Piese de întreținere / Reparații mecanice / Realizarea ansamblurilor mecanice / Mecano-sudură. Ne exprimăm know-how-ul printr-o echipă de profesioniști la dispoziția dumneavoastră, fie că sunteți un particular, o companie sau o colectivitate.
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