România, Bucharest is a technology solutions company that draws on the Engineering Excellence principle, knowledge-based capabilities, and robust R&D to future-proof emerging technologies. We specialize in custom enterprise application development, IoT/embedded system development, robotics and automotive solutions, and provide a range of b2b services, from tech staff augmentation and managed offshore...
România, Csíkcsicsó / Ciceu
... that we work with a great team, experienced in the field of wood processing industry. To process the wood logged in Transylvania is considered very important, and in order to keep our place on the market we continuously develop the production lines. Due to these values, we had the opportunity to work with our partners for more than 25 years, and for our future and present clients, the name “Ezüstfenyõ” (Silver Fir) will always be the trademark of the high quality.
România, Hemeius
...We develop as main activity mobile applications for B2C or B2B customers at realy low prices. Check our platform at We are looking to develop a new line of business as a green investment in the local area within automotive sector. Having a patent into industrial design for a disruptive innovation of future cars, we are looking for financial partners (VC's...
România, Targu Mures
... number of listed companies in Europe.We have an extensive database with companies from Europe and Russia. We use this when we are launching, developing, enhancing or strengthening business for our partners.East European Enterprise worked out agreements with several European governments, received funding for future projects and it has the ability to do background credit check on buyers.This way we can guaranty success for our partners.
România, Chiajna
...); pellet injector burner (20 - 750 kw); pellet burners with radiant tubs (20 - 75 kw); pellet and agro-pellet based hot air generator (20 - 750 kw).The process on, all of these equipments is fully automated and designed to operate with very low levels of emisions. Therefor we obtain the most inexpensive and clean thermic energy, as well as electrical energy trough cogeneration, a new energetical hope for us and most important, for future generations.
România, Cristuru Secuiesc
SINCE 1999 WE HAVE MANAGED TO KEEP OUR PROMISE OF PROVIDING THE BEST VALUE FOR MONEY. A DECENT COST FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, THE BEST QUALITY FOR OUR WINDOWS AND DOORS AND ALWAYS LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE! OUR FACTORY Surrounded by medieval churches and fortresses, the area enclosing the factory is at the heart of Transylvania’s Carpathian mountains where our skilled craftsman and women...
... the region. The Chamber is headquartered in Bacau and has Mr. Doru Simovici as its President and Mr. Mihai Tulbure as its Director General. To further its mission, CCIAB organizes over 30 fairs annually through its Fairs and Exhibitions Department. Having the experience of successfully organizing more than 300 events till date including very popular one’s like “Confintexpo” and “Kid’s Expo”, it is yet to present a host of events in near future, “Salon Auto Bacau” and “Mob Expo” being a few.
România, Cluj-Napoca
...Apuseni Mountain Club is an association founded in 1997, who's aim is to protect and preserve endangered wildlife species in the Apuseni Mountains, for present and future generations, through implementing sustainable development programs in partnership with local communities. Starting 2007 we prepared a tourist offer in order to offer to local communities a way of sustainable development.For the...
România, Comanesti, Judet Bacau
... known company, our services are provided in various languages, as English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Greek, Portugheese. We promote the idea of passive houses, our company history being able to prove that this houses are the future of what a sustaibable building means. We respect our parteners and clients's demands and our gallery shows that here at ERGIO we can turn a house into a home.
...We believe in a future based on technology development and effective ways to ease the workload to achieve the best performance. The slogan "The future is here" reflects the concern and commitment of our team to ensure better management of information technology use. We are sustaining performance and we're always available to our clients through a program of dedicated support available.
România, Cluj Napoca
...At the intersection of manufacturing, art and technology, we want to bring wood and furniture to live using colour and creativity. We strongly believe that the future in Home&Decor is Self Printed Furniture. Every one of us is an artist with the proper tools. We just make your dreams happen. If you are a parent, making furniture for kids is almost impossible. It is very easy to become paranoid...
... security and everything in between: - the conduct and the public morality of a person - the solvency and the responsibleness if a physical or juridical person, a potential partner in business - missing person (from home) - the identification of a addresses - the social-economic condition of a person, of your employees and your future employees- the certain moral-ethical and social-juridical...
... culture friendly, motivated and customer-oriented. Building for the future and we do it with professionalism and responsibility. For beneficiaries, employees and the environment.Reputation is built over time. Therefore, we have developed a company's own ethics. This is based on fairness and transparency in contracting and implementation work, relationships with partners and competitors. We believe in respect and weight word.
România, Galati
Metaldesign is one of the best romanian companies producing wrought iron components and unique wrought iron furniture, decoration and more. We can virtualy manufacture anything from iron and we look into the future for new chalenges. Our goal is to share with the world the beauty and luxury of our wrought iron products, made with passion, combining the old ways with modern technology.
România, Ploiesti
... professionalism we show in finding the perfect compatibility between the candidates' professional profiles and the best employment opportunities received from the collaborating companies.Our role is the fastest and most efficient settlement of the future employees' requests, on the one hand and supplying the companies with the requested work force, according to their needs, on the other hand. We support and promote the present and future values in a continuously changing world of work.
‘’We try not to become a company of success but rather a company of value”How an internet connection redirecting you to an apparently insignificant home page can make you, our future client, understand who we are and why our services exceed many patterns and can very easily be defined in a single word: quality.Specifically to exceed the online barrier, we shall outline in the easiest way possible...
România, Buzau
... free to contact LAVIPROD FOREST team, to answer all your question. Thank you for the interest you showed us by browsing our site: and we are waiting to get in touch with us to DEVELOP GOOD BUSINESS in the future. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: ...
România, arad
We are an international firm based in arad,romania that deals with the acquisition,processing,industrialization, commercialization and distribution of walnuts in many countries of Europe.Considerig your field of activity we thought that you would be interested in buying walnuts kernel given our excellent prices. In the hope of future collaboration,we are waiting for your answer .Thanks,TEAM WALNUTROM...
Franța, Illkirch
... Îngrijorați de obținerea celor mai bune rezultate, ne străduim să propunem produse eficiente, asigurând în același timp un control strict al calității și siguranței produselor. Mărci și game de cosmetice partenere: - Nature is Future: cosmetice certificate Bio destinate profesioniștilor din domeniul frumuseții (esteticieni, institute și saloane de frumusețe,…). - L’Esperluète: săpunuri și cosmetice...
România, Ramnicu Sarat
Our company produces a wide range of blouses, dresses, skirts, shirts and pants. With the services we provide, we want to satisfy the needs of our customers from Western Europe so as to become a reliable partner in future collaborations. We try to bring new services and our efforts are reflected in the success of our customers. The company S.C. SUPERMOD MANUFACTURING S.R.L put very much emphasis...
International Partnership The basic principle of this incubator consists in the fact that here can take shape any problem, intent, or initiative of business people. This is the place where if you want to develop your own business using your own idea you can do it. You can materialize your ideas realizing some business proposal which can generate in the future new partnerships. - Optimize Your Processes for Improvement - Support for building partnerships - Development and consolidation business...
Franța, Saint Angeau-Val De Bonnieure
... mastery of the flow from A to Z makes our company a pillar on which our clients and future clients can rely for the supply of carbonic ice. SUBLIGEL is part of a "LEAN" process to achieve the best efficiency in terms of cost and feasibility. Carbonic ice refers to carbon dioxide when it is in solid state at a temperature of -78.5 °C. It is also called "dry" ice because carbonic ice has the property of transitioning directly to the gaseous state under the action of heat.
Spania, Elche
... comercializarea produselor fitosanitare, atât convenționale, cât și bio-raționale. Dezvoltăm și comercializăm toate tipurile de produse fitosanitare chimice și ecologice. În paralel, dezvoltăm proiecte împreună cu agenți din lumea agriculturii (fermieri, producători, specialiști...) cu scopul de a oferi întotdeauna cele mai competitive produse: - Proiectul Growing For The Future - Proiectul...
Turcia, Gebze
...{"whatsapp":"+00905416248409","Phone":"+00905307683048","contact":"","A wedding gown is the most important piece of clothing that a woman will wear in her lifetime. It is a symbol of love, commitment, and hope for the future. As a boutique owner, you want to offer your customers the very best options when it comes to their special day. That's where wholesale bridal gowns come in.":"O rochie de...
România, Alba Iulia
Belgia, Roeselare
Suntem un distribuitor tânăr și dinamic pentru SISTEMELE DUMNEAVOASTRĂ DE ENERGIE SOLARĂ. Solar-Future este o companie care colaborează cu dumneavoastră pe parcursul întregului proiect. Vă oferim sisteme complete, de la panouri solare la invertoare, întreaga cablare și sisteme de montaj extrem de robuste, până la cele mai mici șuruburi și conectori. Suntem mereu alături de dumneavoastră. Vă...
Giving for a Better Future este o mică ONG al cărei scop principal este să ajute cei mai nevoiași refugiați din Europa. În Grecia, aceștia includ mii de familii și indivizi care nu sunt îngrijiți de autoritățile guvernamentale sau organizații. Oferim ajutoare imediate, cum ar fi alimente și produse de igienă, pentru peste 2.000 de refugiați din Atena și am creat, de asemenea, un centru...
Regatul Unit, Coventry
Future House Store este o companie independentă de iluminat, cu sediul în Coventry (West Midlands, Regatul Unit), specializată în o gamă largă de produse pentru iluminat, alimentare, cabluri și accesorii LED. Dacă ești nou la Future House Store, sper că te vei alătura celor mii de clienți care ne încredințează livrarea de produse LED de cea mai bună calitate, care pot ajuta la transformarea casei...
Polonia, Gliwice
Suntem experți în dezvoltarea de software, cu experiență în lucrul de la distanță, care valorificăm tehnologia și punem întrebările potrivite pentru a aduce rezultate tangibile sub formă de software fiabil și sustenabil livrat la timp. Suntem flexibili, ne adaptăm rapid la nevoile clienților și la situația de pe piață, concentrându-ne pe calitatea înaltă a serviciilor oferite. Construim parteneria...
Germania, Brühl
... aprovizionări cu materiale, control și siguranță. Suntem prezenți nu doar la nivel național în Germania, ci și în Europa, având filiale proprii în România, Polonia și Ungaria. În showroom-ul nostru premiat „Procurement Future” din Brühl, Rheinland, puteți testa procesele dumneavoastră logistice la fața locului.
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