România, Apahida
...personalized calendars,business cards, cutting, binding,personalized window coating,labels for digital printing and more!Our advertising agency has been established in 2001 in Cluj-Napoca city. The company's main activity is the manufacture of promotional materials/ products, visual identity, outdoor and indoor products...almost everything that advertising includes nowadays. C&B Romania wishes to become a...
România, Bucharest
... with relevant experience of providing services for large and very large events. The equipment we provide meets and exceeds the international standards ISO 22259:2019 and ISO 4043:2016 for equipment and services. Since 2013 we are, as well, member of Congress Rental Network (CRN).
România, Craiova
S.C. OLEMEX SERV S.R.L. provides comprehensive services to all applicants in order to obtain financing from European funds.Also offers as a secondary activity objective DIGITAL PRINTING SERVICES, Archiving, IT sales and services. The company IS LOOKING to START business relationships with foreign companies as a distributor in Romania of goods and services for that company.
România, Bucuresti
Agrafa Print Services is a company specialized in digital printing, with vast experience in advertising production.We execute on a wide range of professional equipment printed advertising (brochures, folders, certificates, letterheads, notebook sites, business cards, greeting cards, invitations, envelopes, etc..) as well as printing on special media (CD’s, mouse pads, etc.), foil printing...
România, Bucharest
... are artistic services. A digital image such obtained can be printed on canvas and creates a long-lived piece of artwork. Computer generated imagery (CGI) service is useful to create virtual objects, photorealistic textures, realistic visual effects, dynamic or static two-dimensional or three-dimensional scenes. This may help in the design process of various products: components of industrial...
România, Iasi
... customization services such as pad printing, screen printing, digital printing, textile printing, sublimation, heat transfer, embroidery, laser and mechanical engraving. We work with our current customers and potential customers to provide the best solutions in choosing promotional items and customization services. We can adapt to any marketing project desired by them. What makes us different are the timeliness, quality products and printing, orientation for customer needs. You will also get free consultition for your marketing projects. ...
România, Constanta
... more than just a company. Sian Image is a team of people with experience in web design, digital and offset printing, indoor and outdoor printing. In short - absolutely anything to do with your image. The services we provide guarantee that your business, products, services or website will not be overlooked by customers. Expanding your business means choosing a team that will turn what you want into...
România, Iasi
...We’re an IT tech company, specialized in providing services, solutions and custom products to small-medium businesses.We think that SMBs have IT needs that are different from the ones that large enterprises or corporations require. Yet, SMBs still need highly skilled resources and well developed solutions in order to compete in any market, especially now, when almost any business is transforming/shifting to digital and encountering a new world, with new advantages and challenges. One of our goals is to provide SMBs with the same competitive advantages that larger organizations have.
România, Iasi
... stamina while we work to bring our customers one step forward in the digital world. ✓ Ownership: We bring our thought leadership into every simple task or major project and proactively enable a smooth transition from scoping to delivery. Services: Production - List Management and Segmentation, HTML Asset Build, Campaign Production and Deployment, Testing and Quality Assurance, Campaign Management and Process Optimization, Platform Migration, Platform implementation and support, Custom Tools development and integration Consulting, Reporting and Dashboards, Marketing Automation Training and Mentoring...
România, Bucuresti
We are ART BAZAR – an all-inclusive advertising company. Here, you will find that we are able to offer a full range of services based on your needs by artfully blending together information and inspiration. These services vary from visual identity, digital and offline graphic designs, as well as the production of promotional elements. Ever since 2004, ART BAZAR – the all-inclusive advertising...
România, Cristesti
...Choose the perfect solution from our portfolio!We offer quality products and services or counseling in analogue tachographs, digital tachographs, speed limiters, CB radio stations, Webasto and Eberspächer stationary heater systems and tracking systems and fuel metering systems through GPS and GPRS services.Main Activity domains / products (sales, install and service):- speed limiters (Romatic...
România, Cluj Napoca
...UNY WEB DESIGN is a web design team from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) that will make sure your business will have a strategic position in the online jungle and that you. Our services is: Digital Strategy Brand Strategy Digital Strategy Marketing Campaign Strategy Content Strategy Creative Design Logo Design & Branding UX for Web/Mobile/Game Interfaces Character Design & Illustrations Print Graphic...
România, Salonta
... investments" with our value featuring services. Similarly for buyers, Tradeguide24 provides one single platform where they can pursue all of their sourcing needs from suppliers globally with ease, security and with competitive prices. Suppliers, manufacturers, exporters can post and promote their products and selling leads. Buyers, importers can search and contact suppliers easily by B2B categories and...
România, Voluntari
... consulting services on a much larger territory, including the entirety of the Balkan region, Serbia and former Yugoslavian countries. Our strong areas of expertise are: business matchmaking, market entry strategy, business agent, services, business optimization, key account management, private label development, digital marketing strategy, omni channel strategy and e-commerce, training services.
România, Baia Mare
Professional services for weddings and events in Baia Mare, Sighet, Moisei, Borsa, Targu Lapus, Seini: DJ, sound, videos, photography, digital scrapbooks, decorations and room arrangements.
România, Bucharest
... consult our clients about B2B. Army of Me Agency sales strategy involves interactive marketing, public relations and creative consultation for each market. We provide our clients with the expertise to give each brand a competitive advantage. We furthermore offer visual merchandising and manages after sales services as far as digital marketing merchandising. In addition, Select offers retailers advice, ideas and inspiration.
... solutions for their security and protection. Through the proposed solutions, business efficiency in track, Your goal leading to produce income.Additional guarantee that a good investment Structured which apparently seems to be very expensive It actually means an incalculable "for now" economy by eliminating losses through theft or fire. Design and implementation of systems is based on planning solutions Complete security S.C.COM ELECTRO SRL advising, risk analysis, design, installation for a full range of services.
România, Targu-Mures
... service is completely free. Web Hosting Services - Do you need a website? Register an original domain here, renew it if you already have it, choose the hosting package that suits you or, if you have one, transfer it without hassle if you want better hosting. Shared Web Hosting on Linux servers in Romania - 2x Hexa-Core Intel Xeon X5650 (24-Threads 24MB Cache 2.67/3.06GHz - 4x 8GB ECC REG RAM - 1x 1Gbit available port - DDoS Protection Included (1Tbit+)...
România, Bucharest
România, Suceava
... Parteneri Google, expertii nostri avand certificari de Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, Ecommerce, Content Writting si multe alele. Suntem certificati ca si Parteneri Google, expertii nostri avand certificari de Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, Ecommerce, Content Writting si multe alele. Viziunea noastra: Sa fim cea mai intuitiva, eficienta si inovatoare companie de Digital Marketing din...
România, Cisnadie
Our services: Electronics and automation design Microcontroller and embedded systems Industrial automation Home automation Custom software application Web applications Firmware Digital signal processing Electrical motors control and applications Sensors and actuators Communications tools and protocols Linear and switch mode power supplies Wireless technologies User- friendly applications Data logging and data acquisition systems Access control systems...
Regatul Unit, Godalming
... toate tipurile de vehicule, mari sau mici, ceea ce ne permite să stocăm bunuri indiferent de volum. La Quantum Marketing Services, putem sprijini, de asemenea, dezvoltarea dumneavoastră online prin echipa noastră de marketing digital expertă. Ne mândrim că putem să vă creștem vizibilitatea digitală prin mai multe canale, cum ar fi: rețelele sociale, optimizarea pentru motoarele de căutare, publicitate plătită, marketing prin e-mail și design web.
Statele Unite ale Americii, Knoxville
...Kreston GCG Digital Services este una dintre companiile de consultanță de frunte în strategie, soluții digitale și tehnologice, și o entitate inovatoare în cadrul rețelei globale Kreston International. Serviciile noastre: - Studiu de Fezabilitate & Planificare a AfaceriiDatorită înțelegerii noastre fundamentale a cerințelor instituțiilor financiare, știm cum să adaptăm proiectul dumneavoastră...
Spania, A Coruña
...Amazon Web Services, Google, Coremedia, New Relic și Splunk sunt doar câțiva dintre partenerii noștri. Echipa noastră este formată din specialiști care lucrează în 5 limbi, având clienți din întreaga lume. Consiliem mari companii de e-commerce în obiectivul lor de a rămâne cu un pas înaintea concurenței, toate acestea într-un mediu în continuă schimbare și evoluție. Dispunem în cadrul companiei de...
Germania, Hamburg
... echipelor de proiect bine pregătite sau a unor consultanți individuali de la companiile noastre de consultanță asociate în domeniile Advisory-Services Consulting, Technology, Auditing sau Engineering. Fie că este vorba de formare, concepție generală, serie de workshop-uri sau proiecte mari; doar White Label Advisory oferă intermedierea și facturarea a patru expertize centrale în consultanță dintr-o...
... află substanță. Cu peste 100 de ani de experiență pe piață, avem o înțelegere cuprinzătoare și profundă a tehnologiei și, prin urmare, suntem capabili să oferim clienților noștri o transformare durabilă și valoroasă către viitorul digital.
Regatul Unit, Manchester
...Acreditarea Kagool ca Partener Microsoft Gold înseamnă că clienții pot beneficia de un set unic de servicii Sitecore, de la designul și dezvoltarea web, până la suport 24/7 și găzduire gestionată pe cloud-ul lor privat, Amazon Web Services sau MS Azure. Colaborăm cu întreprinderi de frunte dintr-o gamă largă de industrii din Marea Britanie, SUA, Europa și Australia. Unele dintre brandurile pentru...
Misiunea noastră este să oferim servicii profesionale de grafică și marketing digital, adaptate nevoilor și capacităților fiecărei afaceri. Creăm conținut vizual captivant care nu doar că întărește brandurile, dar lasă și un impact pozitiv asupra comunităților. Nu suntem doar graficieni. Suntem oameni creativi cu o profundă empatie pentru afacerile care se confruntă cu dificultăți în a fi...
Spania, Valencia
... canalul YouTube). - Marketing Digital (Campanii Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Taboola și Outbrain). - Campanii de comunicare (campanii în mass-media la nivel național). - Traduceri (Traducerea paginilor web, texte tehnice, în toate limbile). - Identitate corporativă și merchandising (Tipărirea de afișe, caiete, pixuri și carduri personalizate, cadouri publicitare etc). Toate acestea și multe altele cu cele mai competitive tarife de pe piață. Dacă vrei să îți duci afacerea la nivelul următor, nu ezita să ne contactezi. Sună-ne fără obligații, te vom ajuta cu plăcere!
Regatul Unit, Newent
... de producție audio, inginer de înregistrare a sunetului, colaborând cu mulți artiști/labeluri consacrate: White Out, Primal Scream, David Gedge, Polosterine și DJ Sly. Creation Records, Cooking Vinyl, BMG, BMC. Vega Mastering Services UK aduce o înțelegere a tehnologiei muzicale care va duce muzica dumneavoastră de la etapa de proiect la un standard profesional și comercial. Studiou complet...
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