Germania, Ebersbach-Neugersdorf
...Practically all drawn wires can be processed into wire bending parts. The variety of shapes of these parts is only limited by the physical laws of materials and the universality of machines and their working areas. Often, one or more additional bends can avoid expensive tools or processing for parts of the overall assembly. We are happy to assist you in the development of wire bending parts and...
România, Bucharest
... international quality certifications and equipped with the best engines in the world and with known alternators for the performance it offers, so that to satisfy the requirements of all projects for different production ranges and offering technical assistance services. All production activities are carried out in accordance with ISO criteria, as well as laws and principles regarding working conditions related to environment and health. Based on a team of professional and well-trained people, we aim to be competitive in terms of providing professional products and high quality services.
România, Tulcea
...Gathering For Jobs was founded in 2019 and is registered at the Trade Register Tulcea under no J36/28/2019, fiscal identification code RO 24092117. Romanian laws requires for work abroad placement agencies the notice of the Labour Inspectorate, so, we obtained the necessary accreditation: nr.2227/CRRM/11.03.2019. Our company has struggled to meet the most demanding needs of our clients so far...
România, Bucharest
...Sit back and let us color your eyes impression when looking into your bedroom, playroom, attic, living, even garage, you just name it... First step, put us to trial and pick a sketch, draft, picture (attn., copyright protection laws), even pick the handset up and express only a thought. We'll take it from there and next second this small and flexible company is at work for you, developing your idea into options and facts. It is as easy as it sounds. We print paintings; we convert your garage door into art.
România, Oradeea Bihor
...painters and welders. Our company rigorously follows applicable European laws on temporary employment. We are highly flexible and able to recruit staff for many specific sectors for long- or short-term full-time missions, leaving you free to choose the precise geographical region. We simplify your paperwork, at a uniform low price. Our quality services have gained us the trust of many clients over the past 7 years.
România, Constanta
...We, S.C.QUEEN LIZ S.R.L., a company duly organized and acting in accordance with laws of Romania and acting according to the statute of the above mentioned company, having registered office address: 9 Primaverii Street, , Constanta, Romania, VAT No. RO8981657, we kindly propose a prosperous collaboration with your good company, and following you can find our agency's policy: We have a number of...
România, Ploiesti
...Pancuantic is a Romanian company that studies the physical interaction fields. The prefix "pan" means total global universal and "quantic" level where the laws of thermodynamics are emphasized, the fundamental characteristic of matter to change permanently discontinued, the exact size, but the movement continues as discontinuous shape existential existence. We are a Romanian company that creates...
România, Bucuresti
... authorized staff by national authority are our strengths. Thorough experts of national laws, we provide non-bonded and reliable consultancy for potential clients. Based on the staff's experience and knowledge and supported by our state-of-the-art topographic equipments, we are able to contract and finalize successfully any specific request, starting from land register documentation to urban equipment work. We are looking forward to receiving your collaboration applications.
România, Tulcea
...RENTACRED ALI SRL was founded in 2008 and is registered at the Trade Register Tulcea under no J36/347/2008, fiscal identification code RO 24092117. Romanian laws requires for work abroad placement agencies the notice of the Labour Inspectorate,so, we obtained the necessary accreditation: nr.10/06.05.2009. Our company has struggled to meet the most demanding needs of our clients so far have...
România, Constanta and we are driven by a saying: “Why should be to much for us when anyway never is enough for nothing?”Laws and public details:Ascertaining Certificate:Issued on the grounds of art. 17, paragraph (1), item b of Low no. 359/2004, regarding simplifying formalities upon trade registry entry of individuals and legal entities, their tax registration, as well as authorization of legal entities with subsequent alterations and additions, issued on the statement on own responsibility registered under no. 10853 of February 18, 2008.
... Consultanții noștri sunt juriști cu o calificare suplimentară în tehnologia informației, printre care se numără avocați cu doctorat, Master of Laws, avocați specializați în dreptul IT și media, experți IT forensici certificați și o comisară de poliție. Tocmai combinația dintre specializare, schimbul de cunoștințe și experiență în întreaga echipă de consultanți face ca serviciul nostru să fie atât de bine...
ACȚIUNEA DE DEZVOLTARE I.K.E. (ACT DEVELOPMENT P.C.) este o companie de consultanță, complet specializată și cu o experiență îndelungată și de succes în domeniul furnizării de servicii orientate către nevoile moderne ale întreprinderilor, dar și ale persoanelor fizice. Serviciile de bază pe care le oferă clienților săi sunt: • Servicii de consultanță pentru afaceri • Servicii de consultanță pentr...
Regatul Unit, Lincoln
Servicii de transport rutier, alte activități de transport terestru de suport...
Regatul Unit, Hitchin
Avocați, Activități legale...
Regatul Unit, Hitchin
Contabili, Contabilitate, activități de contabilitate și audit, consultanță fiscală...
Regatul Unit, Norwich
Agricultură - Mixtă, Cultivarea culturilor combinată cu creșterea animalelor (agricultură mixtă)...
Regatul Unit, Bridgend
Servicii de garaj, Întreținere și reparare a vehiculelor cu motor...
Regatul Unit, Aylesbury
Produse ecologice, agenți specializați în vânzarea unor produse sau game de produse care nu sunt clasificate în altă parte.
Regatul Unit, Leeds
Pardoseli - Lemn și Laminat, Alte vânzări cu amănuntul în magazine specializate...
Regatul Unit, Norwich
Regatul Unit, Reading
Regatul Unit, Keighley
Regatul Unit, Doncaster
Regatul Unit, Hartlepool
Regatul Unit, Maryport
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