Regatul Unit, Halifax
... de până la 2.000 de tone. Planificăm, comandăm și supraveghem toate macaralele mobile necesare, de la ridicări simple unice și multiple, până la operațiuni complexe în tandem. Echipa noastră de Heavy Lift are cunoștințele și experiența necesare în toate aspectele operațiunilor de ridicare, permițându-ne să desfășurăm aceste activități conform Codului de Practică BS7121 pentru Utilizarea în...
România, Galati
... (coking plants, sintering plants, blast furnaces, steel converters, BOF, EAF, LF plants, continuous casting machines for slabs/blooms, heavy plate rolling mills, hot rolling mills, cold rolling mills, pipe mills, steel strip processing lines, lifting & handling equipments, pressure vessels, ovens for heat treatment, dedusting and environment protection plants etc.).We drawn up engineering for equipment belonging to steel converters, EAF, LF, casters, rolling mills, strip processing lines, furnaces and ovens, dedusting equipment and plants, etc.
România, Baia Mare
SoftSite is a creative company that was born from the passion for building something awesome! We want our customers to love us for the success we bring them, and we strive to bring value and high quality. Everyone has the right to become successfull, we do the heavy lifting for you, we help you get the tools you need and how to use them SoftSite is Romanian IT company with high skills in web...
Țările de Jos, Zoetermeer

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