România, Voluntari
... that have over one century of experience and provide know-how and state-of-the-art technology in the production of low, medium and high voltage electrical cables and conductors, data and telecommunication cables, special OGP, nuclear and underwater cables, overhead conductors, conductors for railways, fittings and accessories for overhead lines, catenary and stations, cable management systems...
România, Botosani
...Electroalfa is a Romanian (East European) industrial group that offers design, production and delivery of a wide range of electrical as well as advanced sheet metal products. With a global net of customers, active in a variety of different areas such as: Energy (Low voltage Power Centers &Motor Control Centers, primary and secondary distribution switchgears, prefabricated power stations, wind...
România, Bacau
Electrotehno was founded in 2000, initially for commercial activities, and then were developed production activities so that today the company is known nationally as a reliable supplier of transformer electrical substation, equipped electrical metal containers and Low Voltage distribution boards and panels.The company has about 100 employees covering all productive sectors and office work...
România, Bucharest
UMEB SA, ELECTRICAL MACHINE WORKS BUCHAREST, is a well-known Romanian company manufacturing low voltage rotating electrical machines and generating sets. The products manufactured in UMEB are used in all branches and sub-branches of the Romanian economy, being the unique internal manufacturer of many product groups. So, UMEB manufactures special flameproof motors-for mining industry, explosion...
România, Bucharest
...ENERGO COM. Co. has accredited HIGH VOLTAGE LABORATORY TESTING (Accredited according to EN – ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by RENAR)The main tests that can be performed in our Laboratory are:- Type tests, for power cables, cable accessories and insulators, electrical equipments, according to international standards: IEC, VDE and CENELEC.- A.C. Testing, D.C. Testing, Lighting Impulse, Partial Discharge...
România, Iasi
NECOM is a romanian company that design and manufacture low and medium voltage transformers and chokes since 1992. We can produce instrument transformers for low and medium voltage, power transformers and chokes for low voltage. We can also produce medium voltage transformers for auxiliary services. We would be very interested to start a collaboration with your Company, therefore if you would need some further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
România, Bistrita
Since 1996, Cabtec Prod has produced and sold in Romania low-voltage cables and electric conductors, with plastic insulation.
România, Cluj-Napoca
... 20kV and are rated between 16kVA and 3150kVA. These are suited for both public or industrial applications, as well as renewable power generation projects such as photovoltaic plants. Energobit SA also manufactures a broad range of Air Insulated Metal Clad Medium Voltage Switchgear "Range MOD24MC" for Primary Distribution and Air Insulated Medium Voltage Switchgear "MOD6" for Secondary Distribution...
...În paralel cu dezvoltarea tehnologiei, fiecare echipament electric/electronic pe care îl folosim în viața de zi cu zi are nevoie de energie stabilă și curată. DELTA UPS & Voltage Stabilizers Inc. oferă soluții pentru a face față acestei cerințe. Din 1991, situată în fabrici de producție de ultimă generație în Turcia, pe o suprafață acoperită totală de 10.000 m2, cu peste 150 de angajați, DELTA...
...Suntem furnizori de JIG-uri de asamblare, Fixture, Testere PCB ICT/FCT/HVT, Holderi. Frezare CNC, Proiectare CAD. Implementăm produse noi împreună cu clientul. Clienții noștri sunt companii care se ocupă cu producția contractuală de PCB, electronică, echipamente RTV, AGD și din industria auto. Oferim: - Testere cu ac (In Circuit Test / Functional Test / High Voltage Test) - JIG-uri de asamblare...
... Battery Chargers) *- Redresoare pentru încărcarea bateriilor de stivuitor/transpalet (Traction Battery Charge Rectifiers) *- Redresoare pentru încărcarea bateriilor mașinilor de curățat (Cleaning Machine Battery Charge Rectifiers) *- Regulatori de tensiune (Stabilizator for Voltage) *- Transformatoare de tip marin (Marine type Transformers)...
Regatul Unit, Dunmow
Țările de Jos, Amersfoort
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