România, Cluj-Napoca
... dedicated team of engineers and specialists in the field, using state-of-the-art equipment and technology, we ensure that all our customers’ and partners’ projects are executed with maximum efficiency. Profinox successfully performs a wide range of complex services: stainless steel welding, laser cutting, CNC bending, rolling, sheet metal and profile cutting, stainless steel sandblasting, stainless steel...
Italia, Pegognaga
...sisteme de refrigerare și termoreglare industrială. Texa Industries este prezentă pe cinci continente și în douăzeci și două de națiuni, datorită unei rețele comerciale avansate de distribuție; în plus, un complex internațional de tehnicieni și ingineri se ocupă de asigurarea unui serviciu de asistență continuă în întreaga lume. Compania oferă un catalog de produse foarte structurat, dar, în ciuda acestui fapt, oferă soluții dedicate și proiecte "la comandă" conform indicațiilor clienților.
Elveția, Wittenbach
... 2007, ASCO face parte din compania internațională de gaze industriale Messer Group și este centrul său de competență pentru CO2. Prin fuziunea cu compania germană BUSE Gastek GmbH & Co. KG cu sediul în Bad Hönningen în 2014, know-how-ul și portofoliul de produse au fost consolidate și extinse semnificativ, în special în domeniul complex al recuperării CO2. În iulie 2016, a fost înființată filiala americană ASCO CARBON DIOXIDE INC (ASCO Inc.) cu sediul în Orange Park, Florida.
Croația, Karlovac, Kroatien
... Avem peste 30 de ani de experiență în industria compozitelor ca producător și dezvoltator. Suntem specialiști în întărituri textile tehnice de înaltă tehnologie pentru o varietate largă de aplicații. Domeniul nostru de expertiză este producția la scară mare și mică, cu atenție la fiecare detaliu al portofoliului nostru de produse foarte diversificat și complex. Procesăm fibre tehnice precum...
... fine ingrediente naturale pentru suplimente alimentare premium și superalimente. Suplimentele noastre naturale includ: nutrienți pentru piele pe bază de plante, suplimente multivitaminice, suplimente vegane și complex probiotic & prebiotic. Compania noastră respectă cele mai înalte standarde UE pentru producția, procesarea, stocarea și distribuția alimentelor. Suntem certificați ISO 22000 și EU...
România, Botosani
... worked, we would like to mention: OMV Petrom, Arcelor Mittal, National Agency for Land Improvements, Oltenia Power Complex, Hidroelectrica and Electric Power Company Bucharest. We also have collaborations with partners from Italy, Austria and Germany. ...
România, Targu Jiu
... application. Our CNC cutting machines can cut up to a width of 1000mm and a length of 1350mm. Common Materials: - EPDM Rubber - NBR (Nitrile) Rubber - MVQ (Silicone) Rubber - Spongy Rubber (EPDM, Silicone) - Neoprene Rubber - Viton Rubber - Klingerit (non-asbestos sheets) - Graphite - PTFE - Cork Common Aplication: - Complex and intricate gaskets - Aerospace industry gaskets - Maritime industry gaskets - Construction gaskets and high-pressure gaskets - Electrical and lighting cabinet gaskets - Food contact gaskets - Hydraulic gaskets - Industrial gaskets...
Germania, Lennestadt
... stricte de calitate, care se desfășoară ca un fir roșu pe parcursul întregului proces de fabricație. Tehnologia de fabricație de ultimă generație, centrele de prelucrare controlate CNC de înaltă precizie, prelucrează piesele prin tăiere, forare, frezare și șlefuire. Piesele foarte solicitate, cum ar fi capetele de foraj sau pistoanele, sunt supuse unui proces complex de întărire. Alte piese sunt protejate împotriva coroziunii prin cromare sau zincare. Cu controlul final, tot ce este posibil din punct de vedere uman pentru un produs performant și durabil este realizat.
...Suntem liderul în fabricarea pieselor din formă, piese gravate, produse gravate, benzi gravate continuu, pentru gravarea de la rolă la rolă și combinația de produse gravate / laser. Inima începe acolo unde alte tehnologii ajung la limitele lor. Se simte acasă acolo unde devine complex și provocator. Și este mulțumită doar atunci când clientul primește cea mai eficientă și rentabilă soluție...
România, Munteni
Our company is the only producer in Romania of aluminium closures for glass containers, used in pharmaceutical and food industry. With our technical support and specialized personnel we offer a full range of products for closing and sealing glass bottles of any kind. Besides our products we support our customers with a wide range of products from external collaborators: PVC or complex capsules, twist off caps, omnia caps, flip off caps, cork stoppers, plastic stoppers, rubber stoppers... automatic and semiautomatic equipment for filling, dosing, closing, labeling, mixers...
... display racks, acrylic display stand, acrylic jewelry displays, acrylic retail display, and so on) for any type of product and advertising lighting box - showing a constant attention to the specific needs of clients in design and execution of design, technical consulting and commercial, that installation and maintenance activities to be taken in case of complex works...
România, Apahida
... specialized partner in advertising area. Thru the quality of our works and our (readiness) dispatch to customers we prove that we are a very reliable and competitive advertising agency. We offer complete and complex services not only on the design area but also on delivering the projects for advertising agencies and final customers Our customers are the main reason for our existence as a company...
România, Pantelimon
... recycling equipment, through spare parts sales and service.With a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the field of concrete manufacturing equipment, Tublorom S.R.L. can provide mounting technical assistance, including abroad complex relocation jobs of concrete mixing plants, already performing services in countries such as Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kuweit, Djibouti, UAE, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.Company became very present on the second hand equipment market, trading various international brands like Liebherr, Schwing, Stetter, Cifa, Putzmeister, Sermac,...
România, Slobozia
... conducting its business activities which mainly refers to increasing industrialization and commercialization broilers. These activities include the production of feed, transport, laboratory, grain procurement units and sales units own products. In essence, the company's activity Avicola Slobozia can be estimated to be complex, so the nature of the object or activity, and the degree of dispersion in the territory. The production takes place in a closed circuit, the company having all such productive links: Parents breeding farm;Incubation of high capacity;7 meat chicken farms;Own slaughter house c...
Belgia, Theux
... 940 x 1940 mm. Silos etanși și robusti, cu 50 de ani de experiență, reglementați de norma europeană EN 1991-4, care răspunde cerințelor statice și dinamice specifice stocării. Silos prefabricate, transportabile din punct de vedere economic, ale căror: imbricare într-un complex existent este permisă prin sosirea silo-ului în piese detașate pe site, fără a necesita o cale de acces pe care ar impune-o un silo tradițional din tablă. Montajul rapid nu impune șantierului infrastructuri grele. Silos protejați împotriva exploziei conform normelor ATEX și europene.
România, Cluj Napoca
... sporita ( la uv, intemperii si mucegaiuri ) si pentru o finisare de exceptie. Executam si comercializam urmatoarele produse: foisoare lemn, pergole lemn, casute pentru copii din lemn, complex de joaca pentru copii (leagane cu topogan, leagane cu sistem de catarare), leagane acoperite, balansoare acoperite, mese lemn, bancute, banci gradina , diverse decoratiuni de gradina, etc. dar si la sugestia clientului.
România, Voluntari
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” - Henry Ford Grand Voltage is a comprehensive and complex supplier on the electrical equipment market. We provide premium products, therefore we ensure safety and quality. We know our partners need high performance products with extended warranty, therefore we have established partnerships with producers...
România, Sighetu, Marmatiei
...MIMO company from Romania has over 25 years of experience in the construction field . Our portfolio recommends us to execute large scale and highly complex works with our qualified staff (in the factory between 12 - 25 workers), project management and technical support ; Our factory is equipped with modern machines / equipments as SBZ 140, Elumatec, SCHUCO. Please visit our website to see...
... settlements, all contribute to this problem, which is especially present in high traffic areas such as car parks, shopping centers, warehouses, airports and hospitals. Technical solutions can be extremely complex, taking into account a wide range of products, and the budget. Technical solutions can lead to inappropriate alterations aesthetic, functional or structural, which in turn endangers pedestrian or road traffic in the area, allowing penetration of water or chemicals often affect structural integrity.
România, Ramnicu Valcea
ACTIVITY The metallurgical company TURBONEF S.R.L. was set up as a state-of-the-art unit of complex and high exploitation of all non-ferrous metals recovered, having technologies to manufacture cast products in temporary forms (structures with moulding mixture for batch dosing) and metal ones (closed moulding dies). The casting is achieved freely by pouring. We cooperate with other companies that...
România, Bucuresti
... profiles; they can be perforated or non-perforated and can be cut to desired length customers. 2. TRUMPF punching machines - Punching machines can run different perforations, from the round, square or oval perforations to complex architectural. 3. Sheet bending machines - Sheet bending machines (abkant) equipped with numerical control, ensure high precision of the various requests. 4. Hydraulic presses 5. Drilling equipment 6. Sheet metal cutting machines 7. Lathes, grinders, milling machines,etc. 8. Machinery and equipment for welding...
România, Resita
- production of wood structures for roof framing, attic framing, wood framing houses, industrial halls, sport halls, bridges, complex wood framing and interior wood staircases according to the European Quality Standards using the latest related production technology.Registered Brands: INTEKWOOD, STAIRS-EXPERT- a modern production capacity with last generation woodworking machinery- wood dyeing...
România, Bucharest
...Prophylactic Technology is an innovative company that develops markets and manufactures herbal complex extracts with medical applications. The product formulations are based on ingredients approved by FDA and in accordance with EU directive no. 76/768. The products are already registered at the Romanian Ministry of Health and under registration procedures at the Bulgarian Ministry of health...
România, Fagaras/brasov
...natural gas transport, warm and cold water distribution systems. The production is entirely fitted in, the company having steel and iron foundry, machining and heat treatment workshops and also laboratories for determinations of physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials. Treatment workshops and laboratories: mechanical, physical and chemical properties, corrosion, metallographic and toxicological determinations. The laboratory is equipped and allows complex and multiple determinations, for raw materials and finished products also.
România, Braila
PROMEX manufactures different parts of equipment based on clients drawings, mainly consisting of cast parts, welded steel structures, simple and complex machining, heat treatment, sandblasting and painting, assembly and tests (including hydraulic, grease, pneumatic systems).
România, Sibiu
We have over 30 years of experience in processing metal sheets from different materials through different technological processes: - Punching - Laser cutting - Bending - Deburring - Painting - Welding simple or complex subassemblies - Assembly We are also specialized in making simple or complex wiring. Our main production line is specialised in railway industry ( wagon components, electrical...
România, Sibiu
 LEWO HUMAN GROW is a young company in Romania, founded on the principles of sustainable action with a complex managerial board with an organizational structure determined to act by implementing a win-win national and international partnerships.Priority actions to protect life, environment and property is the goal of all international organizations. However what is important is that what you use...
România, Stefanestii De Jos
Eltrix Solutions is a company which provides efficient solutions to its clients’ simple or complex signage needs from designing idea to its implementation. Purpose We deliver solutions in keeping with our clients’ performance, time and value for money requirements, which ensure a profit that allows us to have operational continuity and the investment we need in order to be competitive. The...
România, Suceava
...=dEj3JkovitgContact us, it’s free.Thank you for your time!Sincerely,Andrei ValasciucCEO Thea StilContact:e-mail: valasciuc.andrei@yahoo.comSkype: valasciuc.andreiFax : +4 0230 523 198Mobile: +4 0753 632 768Unique registration code: J33/1120/1993 ; CUI: RO4239346Address: Thea Stil SRL, Attn. Valașciuc Andrei,str. Stefan cel Mare, nr.54, Complex Moda, et. III,Suceava, Romania...
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