Produse pentru alimente (19114)

Folie Stretch - Folie Stretch, Folie de Aluminiu, Pungi de Închidere

Folie Stretch - Folie Stretch, Folie de Aluminiu, Pungi de Închidere

Verschiedene Ausführungen von qualitativ hochwertiger: - Stretchfolie - Aluminiumfolie - Siegelverschlussbeutel - Verschlussbeutel - Backpapier - Tiefkühlbeutel
Detector de Metale pentru Alimente, Produse Farmaceutice și Ambalaje

Detector de Metale pentru Alimente, Produse Farmaceutice și Ambalaje

I sistemi metal detector industriali per la rilevazione di contaminanti all’interno di alimenti, prodotti o confezioni, una volta inseriti in linea possono essere completati, se necessario, da sistemi di espulsione automatica del prodotto non conforme.
Prune Uscate - Condiție Naturală

Prune Uscate - Condiție Naturală

We are a certified EU producer of dried prunes Stanley type. We have 2 options- conventional and bio prunes. We offer all the calibers. We can also sell them as a raw material (<23%moisture) or tenderized (<35%moisture). We provide private label packaging – all is tailor made for your business. Unlimited quantities available.
Miere Bio cu Ginseng

Miere Bio cu Ginseng

Nous produisons des miels biologiques depuis 2000 que nous et nos enfants pouvons consommer. Énergie (kJ et kcal):1272 kilojoules Calorie:304 Kcal Graisse (g):0 Glucides (g):82,3g Protéine (g):0,3g
Polish de shellac negru

Polish de shellac negru

Hergestellt aus wachsfreiem Schellack feinster Qualität, gereinigt und entfärbt (nicht geblichen). Mit dieser füllkräftigen Politur können Sie die schönsten und hochglänzenden Polituren herstellen. Als Streich- und Spritzlack oder für die traditionelle Handpolitur. Artikelnummer: 0001/s
APĂ Rezervor de Transport Hidroambient | Roma-Capitală... - TRANSPORT APĂ HIDROAMBIENT | Roma 335 5765 610

APĂ Rezervor de Transport Hidroambient | Roma-Capitală... - TRANSPORT APĂ HIDROAMBIENT | Roma 335 5765 610

trasporto acqua, acqua potabile uso industriale su tutte le zone di Roma, acqua per riempimento piscina, Auto-cisterna noleggio di cisterna per uso civile industriale cantiere, Servizio trasporto ACQUA TRASPORTO ACQUA PER RIEMPIMENTO PISCINE IMPIANTI DI AUTOLAVAGGIO LAVAGGIO STRADE PROVE DI CARICO SOLAIO COLLAUDO TUBAZIONI IDRICA FOGNARIA PROVE DI TENUTA UNI 1610 ACQUA IRRIGAZIONE ACQUA ANTINCENDIO RIEMPIMENTO CISTERNA SERBATOI
Ulei de măsline organic - Ulei de măsline extra virgin - Ulei de măsline virgin - Ulei de pomace de măsline - Bio -

Ulei de măsline organic - Ulei de măsline extra virgin - Ulei de măsline virgin - Ulei de pomace de măsline - Bio -

Our origins of production with Olive oil date back XVIII century. Among the centuries, the care of the Organic olive groves and the choice of the correct varieties of olive trees and plots is a constant work to develop the best Extra Virgin olive oil.
Sos de Nucă de Cocos și Arahide - autentic, picant, făcut manual thailandez

Sos de Nucă de Cocos și Arahide - autentic, picant, făcut manual thailandez

Traditionelle Kokos-Erdnuss Sauce (Maphraw Thaw) schön würzig, cremig und voller Erdnussgeschmack. Sie ist so fantastisch und vielseitig einsetzbar, das sie in keiner Küche fehlen darf. Zubereitungsempfehlung: Kokos-Erdnuss Sauce ist perfekt für Reis-, Nudel-, oder Gemüse Gerichte, als Dressing für frische Salate und Bowls, als Gewürz-Marinade in Suppen und Currys, perfekt als Satay-Sauce, als Dip-Sauce für Fingerfood oder als Aufstrich für Brot und Sandwiches. Für den besten Geschmack und die beste Qualität empfehlen wir, die Kokos-Erdnuss Sauce bei Zimmertemperatur oder warm zu servieren. Nach Bedarf portionieren, fertig. Fertiggerichte tiefgekühlt Gastronomiebedarf Hotellerie Food Service tiefgekühlte Lebensmittel Grosshandel Gemeinschaftsverpflegung Convenience Gastronomie Spezialitäten
Amino de Cocos Organice

Amino de Cocos Organice

Der Prozess der Gewinnung von Bio-Kokosnuss-Aminos ist unkompliziert und einfach: Der Saft der Bio-Kokosnuss wird aus den Blüten der Kokospalme gewonnen und dann fermentiert. Nach der Fermentierung wird es mit Bio-Meersalz vermischt. Das Ergebnis ist ein mineralstoffreicher Sojasaucenersatz, der 17 natürlich vorkommende Aminosäuren enthält. Es enthält 300 Prozent weniger Natrium als herkömmliche Sojasauce und hat einen niedrigeren glykämischen Index. Kokosnuss-Aminos sind glutenfrei, nicht gentechnisch verändert, biologisch zertifiziert, sojafrei, MSG-frei, koscher und vegan.
Nescafé Gold 100G, 200G și altele

Nescafé Gold 100G, 200G și altele

With its strong taste and full-bodied aroma, one of Nestles most popular coffees impresses coffee lovers every morning a new High quality coffee beans are blended and roasted until they give the unmistakable taste of NESCAF CLASSIC
Lotus pastă de speculoos 400g (OV 12) - 1 - Alimentație / Patiserie / Mic dejun

Lotus pastă de speculoos 400g (OV 12) - 1 - Alimentație / Patiserie / Mic dejun

Lotus pâte à tartiner speculoos 400gr (OV 12) - 1 - Alimentation / boulangerie/petit-déjeuner Lotus:13200
Ambalaj Rulouri Tipărit - Ambalaj Rulouri cu Logo

Ambalaj Rulouri Tipărit - Ambalaj Rulouri cu Logo

We produce rolls packaging, including printed rolls and rolls with custom logos. - The roll packaging is ideal for packaging machines for legumes, pasta, bakery products, fruit, vegetables and other food products that require packaging. It is made of materials such as LDPE, CAST PP, BO PP, ALU, ALLOX, suitable for food. The material thickness ranges from 30 to 70 mic, and printing can be done in 1 to 6 colours. Dimensions are customized according to demand.
Gaz tehnic

Gaz tehnic

When it comes to technical gas, this is mainly used in the industrial market. This type of nitrous oxide (N2O) is less pure. It is also called impure gas and therefore the price of this type is also cheaper. Gas has a purity level. The purity level of technical nitrous oxide is 98%. The reason this gas is impure is that no filter is applied here to make the nitrous oxide purer. What also differs is that this type of nitrous oxide (N2O) bottle does not have a residual pressure valve. This residual pressure valve can ensure and prevent rust, dirt, or other particles that should not be in the bottle from entering the bottle. What technical nitrous oxide (N2O) can be used for is, for example, as an oxidizer in a rocket engine. The advantage of this is that it is then nontoxic, also because nitrous oxide (N2O) is much easier to store and it is stable at room temperature. Technical nitrous oxide (N2O) is therefore also widely used in the aerospace industry.
Pahar Octogonal din Polistiren - Ø 78mm

Pahar Octogonal din Polistiren - Ø 78mm

1000er Verpackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:40
Cupa pentru Băuturi Fierbinți de 16 Oz - Căni de Hârtie pentru BĂUTURI FIERBINȚI

Cupa pentru Băuturi Fierbinți de 16 Oz - Căni de Hârtie pentru BĂUTURI FIERBINȚI

16 Oz Hot Drink Cup - Paper Cups for HOT DRINK PRODUCT VOLUME ML:400 PRODUCT PAPER DENSITY GSM:300 + 18PE Product Weight:13,40 gr POSSIBILITY OF PRINTING:CMYK FLEKSO Weight:14100 GR Size:46x37x61 sm
Panettone Artizanal Aur 24k - Panettone Artizanal Aur 14k 1000g

Panettone Artizanal Aur 24k - Panettone Artizanal Aur 14k 1000g

panettone artigianale da 1 kg gusto caffe , cioccolato ricoperto con oro alimentare
Cutie pentru microunde cu capac separat – Archipack

Cutie pentru microunde cu capac separat – Archipack

Boîtes à couvercle séparé. Gamme de boîtes micro-ondable à fond translucide ou noir idéale pour la vente à emporter et la livraison à domicile. Son couvercle rentrant assurera une étanchéité parfaite pour le transport des plats en sauce. Utilisation chaude.
VSP - Mașină de Tăiat Verticală Manuală

VSP - Mașină de Tăiat Verticală Manuală

Die manuelle Vertikalschneidemaschine bietet Ihnen ein einzigartiges High-End Leistungspaket. Erleichtern Sie z. B. mit dem intelligenten Support SmarterSlicing Ihre Abläufe: Wird es Zeit, die VSP zu reinigen, schleifen oder warten, meldet Ihnen das die digitale Anzeige automatisch. Ihre Vorteile: Sie sichern Ihre hohe Produktqualität und optimieren die Prozesse. Einsatzbereich -Besonders geeignet als Allround-Maschine in Küche und Kantine -Verkaufstheke Highlights: -Reinigungs-, Schleif- und Wartungsindikatoren -Transparentes Monitoring und zentrales Datenmanagement -Illumination: Optionale visuelle Anzeige über aktuellen Gerätemodus -Hygienisches Design
RM25B - Umplător de Sticle

RM25B - Umplător de Sticle

Notre remplisseuse RM25B pour bouteilles préformées est reconnue pour son niveau élévé de précision de remplissage. Nous pouvons également fournir un large éventail de niveaux de décontamination en fonction des besoins en termes de durée de conservation et selon les conditions de stockage. L’encombrement compact et la rentabilité de cette machine sont idéaux pour les petites lignes de boissons. Notre équipement est conçu pour exécuter toutes les opérations au niveau du sol. Le volume de remplissage va de 80 à 270 ml avec une cadence pouvant atteindre 6.000 bouteilles par heure. Notre machine peut traiter divers matériaux (PET, HDPE, PP, PS) avec bouchage à vis en option. Avec un ou deux diamètres de goulot, un diamètre de bouteille de 40 à 56mm et un remplissage multi-parfums, notre remplisseuse RM25B est optimale pour les industries pour lesquelles la flexibilité et l'efficacité de la ligne sont essentielles.
Ouă de găină cu coajă maro proaspete - Potrivite pentru consum uman, Clasa A, calitate premium

Ouă de găină cu coajă maro proaspete - Potrivite pentru consum uman, Clasa A, calitate premium

Brown Fresh Shell Chicken Eggs S Size (43-53 gr) Fit for human consumption Grade A, premium quality Package: brown, non branded cartons made of strong 5-layer carton, fully fit for international transportation Each cartons has 12 trays with 30 eggs in it, totally 360 eggs per carton Storage: between +3 and +7 degrees Shipment details: 40’ref container 1248 cartons full loading gross weight - under 26 tons Reefer settings: Temperature +5 Humidity 65% Ventilation Closed Drain Holes opened Size:S Grade :A
Carbonat de Zinc - Pharma

Carbonat de Zinc - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Paleți EPAL de vânzare - Paleți EPAL

Paleți EPAL de vânzare - Paleți EPAL

The EUR-pallet also Euro-pallet or EPAL-pallet is the standard European pallet as specified by the European Pallet Association (EPAL). Pallets conforming to the standardization are eligible for the European Pallet Pool (EPP) -the system allows for an exchange as "pallet for pallet". We provide worldwide shipping due to cooperate logistic companies working with us directly. Please do contact us for more information regarding your supplies. 1)Facts & figures: Materials: 11 boards of quality timber, 9 woodchip or solid wood blocks, 78 nails. Produced according to the EPAL Technical Regulations. Length 800 mm Width 1,200 mm Height 144 mm Weight Approx. 25 kg Safe working load 1,500 kg When stacking laden pallets on a solid, even surface, the bottommost pallet must not exceed a load of max. 5,500 kg.
Ghimbir Bio Tăiat - Ghimbir Bio Tăiat

Ghimbir Bio Tăiat - Ghimbir Bio Tăiat

"De (sub)tropische wereldreiziger Gember wordt in bijna elk tropisch of subtropisch land gekweekt. Gember is een gecultiveerde wortel. Dat betekent, dat hij niet van nature voorkomt in het wild. Toch bestaat gember al ontzettend lang. Hij werd voor het eerst gecultiveerd door de Austronesiërs in maritiem Zuidoost-Azië, zo'n 3000 jaar voor Christus. Dankzij een prehistorische migratie over zee breiden de Austronesiërs hun gebieden tot 1500 vC uit van Madagaskar tot Hawaï. En tijdens die migraties kwam de gember wortel mee. Zo rond de eerste eeuw vC kwam de gember ook voor het eerst via India in Europa terecht. Tegenwoordig vind de wereldwijde gember productie ook voor het grootste deel plaats in India. Productieproces Gember De plant wordt geoogst als in de herfst de bladeren zijn afgestorven. De wortelstokken worden opgegraven en worden gedroogd in de schaduw. Jongere wortels worden geoogst om vers te gebruiken of in te leggen. Oudere wortelstokken worden g…"
Ovăz de Munte 1000g

Ovăz de Munte 1000g

Super lecker und mega gesundes Haferflocken sollten in jedermanns Küche gefunden werden. Sie sind eine Quelle vieler wichtiger Nährstoffe. Ihr Verbrauch bietet dem Körper große Mengen an Kalium, Kalzium, Magnesium, Eisen und Zink. Sie sind eine hervorragende Quelle für Ballaststoffe, die Verdauungsprozesse verbessert und Verstopfung und Beta-Glucan verhindert, die einen vorteilhaften Einfluss auf das Lipid- und Kohlenhydratmanagement haben. Vitamin B1 und Pantothensäure entgegenwirken wachsender Müdigkeit und Reizbarkeit sowohl während körperlicher als auch während der mentalen Anstrengung. Hafer enthalten auch anti -depressive und eliminierende Substanzen, die schlechte Laune sind (erwähnte B -Vitamine sowie Selen und Magnesium, die für das Gehirn und das Nervenleitungssystem erforderlich sind). Regelmäßiger Verbrauch von Haferflocken reduziert die in das Blut absorbierte Cholesterinmenge.
Waffles Sărate - Waffles Belgiene Congelate

Waffles Sărate - Waffles Belgiene Congelate

Time passes, fashions change yet everyone does their utmost to serve their guests the very best. Nowadays, brunch has replaced breakfast and cocktail parties are so much more enjoyable than ceremonial banquets. It is for this reason that Dely Wafels got the idea to extend its range with a savoury waffle Any topping is permitted! Cheese, meat, fish, cut or cubed raw vegetables, sliced or rounded, shellfish, market garden preserves, etc. are the delicious options, as pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate.
Extract pulbere organic de tintling crestat 30% polisacharide; - Chem2Market GmbH

Extract pulbere organic de tintling crestat 30% polisacharide; - Chem2Market GmbH

Quality: for foodstuffs Processed part: fruit bodies Extraction agent: water Carrier: none Scientific name: Coprinus comatus The crested tintling is not only appreciated for its taste, but also contains nutrients such as potassium and vitamin D. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip ORGANIC Blueberry ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard ORGANIC Ginger
Industria Alimentară

Industria Alimentară

Ibex Industrial Brushes uses a variety of improved materials to enable durability and longevity throughout the life of the brush. Contact us for information.
Băutură Rece Aromă Măr – LMP Sănătate - Mărci

Băutură Rece Aromă Măr – LMP Sănătate - Mărci

Les protéines jouent un rôle prépondérant dans l’amaigrissement. Elles participent à sauvegarder, augmenter la masse musculaire et donc le métabolisme de base (énergie que dépense pour notre corps au repos pour maintenir ses fonctions vitales). Les sachets LMP Santé sont de délicieuses préparations riches en protéines, en poudre pour milk-shake, entremet et mousse qui, avec leur forte concentration en protéines de haute valeur biologique, vont encourager le processus d’amaigrissement d’après un double principe : Apporter au corps la quantité de protéines requis au maintien de la masse musculaire. Forcer l’organisme, par un apport calorique réduit, à aller chercher dans sa masse graisseuse le supplément d’énergie dont il a besoin. Poids:240 g Quantité / Contenance:Etui de 7 sachets de 25 g
Pudră de Acerola Organică

Pudră de Acerola Organică

"Origin The Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) is native to the Caribbean and northern South America, growing at altitudes of 1500 m. Acerola is a tropical fruit. It is also called the Barbados cherry or West Indian cherry. Although the acerola is native to the Caribbean, it is also found in the northern part of South America. In addition, acerola is cultivated in Hawaii, Southeast Asia, the U.S. state of Florida and other parts of South America. Acerola belongs to the Malpighiaceae family and occurs as a widely branched shrub or tree and has slightly hairy branches. The ripe fruit has an orange to dark red skin and measures about 2 by 2.5 centimetres. Inside, the fruit is yellow to orange and has a distinctive sweet-sour taste. The Acerola cherry is dried and then ground into a fine powder. Healthy Benefits of Acerola: Contains acerola Organic vitamin C? The fruit is very high in vitamin C and contains many antioxidants. It also contains vitamin…"
sonatural - sucuri / sandvișuri / wrap

sonatural - sucuri / sandvișuri / wrap

sumos / sandes / wrap