Produse pentru alimente (19114)

Glazură Balsamică de Smochină 250ml

Glazură Balsamică de Smochină 250ml

Unleash the flavor fusion! ELLADIA's balsamic glaze is more than a condiment- it's a culinary symphony. Drizzle, dip, and dazzle your dishes with a burst of rich, tangy goodness. Elevate your taste experience with every drop. ingredients: balsamic vinegar(red wine vinegar, concecrated must), fig vinegar, natural fig juice 28%, sugar, modified starch, natural fig flavoring, may contains sulfites
Excellence 9/9 Cartofi Prăjiți 10kg - Produse Congelate

Excellence 9/9 Cartofi Prăjiți 10kg - Produse Congelate

Elles sont conditionnées en 4 sacs de 2.5kg.
E-Lichid Marie Jeanne Amnesia Disponibil în 0mg, 100mg și 300mg - E-lichide CBD

E-Lichid Marie Jeanne Amnesia Disponibil în 0mg, 100mg și 300mg - E-lichide CBD

L'Amnesia , inspiré de la plus célèbre des variétés s’invite chez Marie Jeanne pour vous faire redécouvrir ses saveurs dans un e-liquide de qualité. Laissez vous tenter par les arômes acidulés caractéristiques de l’Amnesia. Disponible avec plusieurs dosages de CBD, le e liquide Amnesia est garanti sans THC. Ingrédients: Propylène Glycol Glycérine Végétale Terpènes Aromes et Cannabidiol 0mg/100 mg/300 mg 0% de THC CBD SHOP à Cannes , Nice et Antibes Venez decouvrir tous nos produits et fleur de cbd dans nos magasins de cbd à Cannes, Nice et Antibes . Livraison de Cbd dans toute la France cbd stardawg
Fructoză Cristalină

Fructoză Cristalină

Fructose cristalline powder or granular Packaging: 25 kg bags, 1000 kg big bags
Farfurie pentru Prânz Energetic

Farfurie pentru Prânz Energetic

Plateau lunch en kraft dimension:265 x 198 mm hauteur:30 mm unité colis:200
Substituente de ouă - Substituent de ouă

Substituente de ouă - Substituent de ouă

Egg substitutes Our range of Egg replacer is a superior, all-natural egg substitute for all types of bread, dinner rolls, coffee cakes, hard rolls, sweet rolls, yeast raised donuts, brown & serve and most varieties of cookies. We offer seven different types ''Vegan bread''products. Eggs are found almost everywhere, or at least this is the first impression of people who for various reasons should avoid them. It is difficult to replace the egg in a dish where it is at the center of the plate (omelette or scrambled eggs), but there are still foods that successfully handle the task in bakery, salads, pancakes, bread and more. Eating allergy to eggs Eggs are made up of different proteins. While most people are allergic to the protein, there are ones that are allergic to egg yolks. It is advisable to avoid both. The diet to avoid eggs can be easily changed with Egg replacer products. These "vegan eggs" do not cause side effects in people suffering from inability to consume eggs.


Papiertragetaschen mit Dreh- oder Flachgriff oder sogar ohne Griff werden auf automatischen Maschinen hergestellt und sind daher zu sehr günstigen Preisen erhältlich.
nucă de caju

nucă de caju

Hindistan'dan kaju fıstığı tedarik ediyoruz Bütün boyutlar W180 W240 W320 W450
ATHENA MUESLI - Revitalizează-ți Mintea CHLORELLA + VITAMINA B12

ATHENA MUESLI - Revitalizează-ți Mintea CHLORELLA + VITAMINA B12

MAXILIV SUCCILYCOPN - Supliment alimentar (Sachet)

MAXILIV SUCCILYCOPN - Supliment alimentar (Sachet)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Succinic Acide Myo-Inositol D-Chiro-Inositol Lycopene Cimicifuga Racemosa Extract Vitamin B16 Vitamin C Succinic Acide:300.0 mg Myo-Inositol:495.2 mg D-Chiro-Inositol:13.8 mg Lycopene:5.0 mg Cimicifuga Racemosa Extract:50.0 mg Vitamin B16 :100.0 mg Vitamin C:80.0 mg


Single Wall: Perfect for outdoor meals. Available in 8 oz, 12 oz, and 16 oz. Customization with logo starting from 30000 units. Double Wall: Ideal for hot dishes. Thermal insulation. Customization starting from 1000 units. Why choose us? Environmental respect. Durability and robustness. Simplified ordering process.
Tort cu Pisctacie - pistacie 50%, ouă, cremă de pistacie La Golosa di Bacco

Tort cu Pisctacie - pistacie 50%, ouă, cremă de pistacie La Golosa di Bacco

Torta al Pistacchio - pistacchio 50%, uova, crema di pistacchio La Golosa di Bacco
Oase și Articulații Plus - Oamenii au, dar și câinii - dureri articulare!

Oase și Articulații Plus - Oamenii au, dar și câinii - dureri articulare!

Produktinformationen "Knochen & Gelenke PLUS" Schmerzen beim Laufen, muss das sein? Dein Hund leidet an Arthrose oder einen anderen Gelenkerkrankung? Mit der maßgeschneiderten Ernährung von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung kannst Du die Bänder, Sehnen und Gelenke Deines Hundes unterstützen. Durch hochfunktionelle Inhaltsstoffe wie z.B. Glycosaminoglykanen kannst Du Gelenkbeschwerden vorbeugen, vorhanden Beschwerden lindern und das Knorpelgewebe unterstützen. Produktinformationen "Knochen & Gelenke PLUS" Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Knochen und Gelenke PLUS - mit der Grünlippmuschel Beckers Beste Tiernahrung - Aus Liebe zu meinem Hund! Der Mensch bekommt es, der Hund aber auch – Gelenkschmerzen! Mittlerweile weist fast jeder Hund Probleme mit den Gelenken auf. Bei dem einen kommen sie früher, bei dem anderen später. Aber im Alter kommen sie fast immer. Meistens handelt es sich um Verschleiß, der sowohl altersbedingt als auch durch Krankheiten oder Sportunfällen auftreten können.
Olea Lydia - Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin - Prima Presare la Rece - Calitate Superioară

Olea Lydia - Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin - Prima Presare la Rece - Calitate Superioară

Deze milde extra vergine olijfolie, koud geperst uit heerlijke Kalamata of in de variante Trilie is licht fruchtig, boterachtig en zach van smaak. Alles wordt lekkerder met deze olijfolie: salades, soepen, groenten, vlees, vis, aardappels, pasta, etc...Deze olie kan je heel goed zowel koud als warm gebruiken. Prima voor bakken, braden en frituren.
Nuci pecan 500g VIVIO

Nuci pecan 500g VIVIO

Orzechy pecan są zaliczane do jednych z najbardziej szlachetnych gatunków orzechów. Stanowiły ważny element diety rdzennych mieszkańców Ameryki Północnej. Orzechy mają lekko słodki i masłowy smak dlatego świetnie pasują do wszelkich ciast, deserów i czekoladek. Są składnikiem słynnej tarty pecan (pecan pie), przygotowywanej na Święto Dziękczynienia.Około 90% tłuszczów zawartych w orzechach pecan to zdrowe, jednonienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. NNKT są niezbędne dla zdrowia skóry, prawidłowej pracy układu krążenia. Obniżają poziom LDL (tzw. złego cholesterolu), dzięki czemu chronią przed rozwojem miażdżycy.Orzechy pecan zawierają witaminy: C, E, K oraz witaminy z grupy B oraz minerały magnez, mangan i miedz. Mangan wspiera układ nerwowy i przyspiesza przeminę cholesterolu, miedź natomiast jest niezbędna do syntezy kolagenu i elastyny, co przenosi się na dobrą kondycje naszej skóry.Trzeba pamiętać, że orzechy pecan są bardzo zdrowe, ale i bardzo kaloryczne.
Spelta 900g Ambar

Spelta 900g Ambar

Spelt 900g Ambar


High quality oiled cardboard is used to keep and transport the hamburgers warm. Size Types: Small - Medium - Large - XL 100% recyclable 100% biodegradable 100% compostable Cost advantage
Tavă Primeur - Choco Mix - 18X225G - Importator de tăvi cu fructe uscate - TĂVILE PRIMEUR

Tavă Primeur - Choco Mix - 18X225G - Importator de tăvi cu fructe uscate - TĂVILE PRIMEUR

Nos barquettes de fruits secs, operculées et entièrement transparentes, mettent en valeur a qualité des fruits secs. Un emballage authentique, dans l’esprit fruit et légumes, sans marquage ni marketing pour un rendu « fait maison ». Le « VRAC conditionné » ‘’ Fait maison par votre marchand de fruits et légumes, proposé à la vente dans le respect des gestes barrières ,, Des fruits secs de qualité supérieure ‘’ Plus gros calibres, meilleurs grades et origines pour un positionnement haut de gamme ,, Les meilleurs fruits secs dans l’esprit d’un univers Fruits et Légumes ‘’ Parce que nos produits sont avant tout issus… des meilleurs fruits ,,
Aromă naturală de vanilie din Madagascar

Aromă naturală de vanilie din Madagascar

Arome naturel de vanille de Madagascar, disponible en plusieurs concentration de 0,4 à 5% de vanilline sur différents supports PEG, glycerine, sirop de sucre


Inspired by 40 years of research in early life science, our scientists have developed our latest patented powder formulation. Aptamil First Infant Milk powder combines our blend of ingredients with a unique process Shelf Life:24 Months Volume :400g, 600g,800g 900g Product Origin:Netherlands/ Germany Type:Step1 / Step2 / Step3 / Step4 Category:First Infant, Milupa, Pronutra
masina de panificatie (orez maşină de tort) - Producator din Coreea

masina de panificatie (orez maşină de tort) - Producator din Coreea

Nostru de orez SYP orez maşină de tort (mașină de panificație, mașină de cofetărie) este proiectat astfel încât acesta poate produce Popping gustare cereale / Chip / cracker / tort folosind 100% boabe naturale. In prezent dispozitive mecanice sunt făcute, dar nu este în măsură să se ocupe de presiune ridicată în mod continuu și produce produse neuniforme. părțile sale, cum ar fi lanțuri și motoare sunt uzate ușor și provoacă defecțiuni frecvente. Noastră mașină de orez tort "SYP corectat aceste defecte și utilizează sisteme hidraulice pentru a produce produse uniforme și a crescut în mod semnificativ durabilitatea sa. In plus, varietatea de matrite sunt disponibile în diferite mărimi și forme pentru a satisface nevoile clienților. Mașini mici pot fi produse pentru magazinele locale și mașini mai mari pot fi produse la fel de bine pentru fabrici. Pentru mai multe informații, vă rugăm să ne contactați !! Mulțumesc
Mașina de Tort de Orez SYP (Mașină de Pâine, Mașină de Cofetărie) - Producător din Coreea

Mașina de Tort de Orez SYP (Mașină de Pâine, Mașină de Cofetărie) - Producător din Coreea

Unsere SYP Reis Kuchenmaschine (Bäckermaschine, Süßwarenmaschine) ist so entworfen, dass sie knackende Kornimbisse / Chip / Cracker / Kuchen unter Verwendung 100% natürlicher Körner produzieren kann. Derzeit werden mechanische Vorrichtungen hergestellt, die jedoch nicht in der Lage sind, den Hochdruck kontinuierlich zu handhaben und ungleichförmige Produkte zu erzeugen. Seine Teile wie Ketten und Motoren sind leicht abgenutzt und verursachen häufige Ausfälle. Unsere "SYP" Reiskuchenmaschine korrigierte diese Mängel und nutzt die Hydraulik, um einheitliche Produkte herzustellen und ihre Haltbarkeit deutlich zu erhöhen. Zusätzlich sind verschiedene Formen in verschiedenen Größen und Formen verfügbar, um Kundenbedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Kleine Maschinen können für lokale Geschäfte produziert werden und größere Maschinen können auch für Fabriken produziert werden. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte! Vielen Dank
Bain-marie încorporat - Controlul nivelului apei

Bain-marie încorporat - Controlul nivelului apei

Water supply, drain and overflow for on site mounting.Incl. automatic water level control. Basin suitable for GN1/1-200. Basin completely and indirectly heated, heater underneath basin bottom. Thermostat loosely attached with built-in casing. Basin rim folded all around 15 mm or for flush fitting.
Carne congelată - materii prime

Carne congelată - materii prime

Frozen meat Available packages: 0.500 kg package 2.00 kg package Product features: The snails are cooked once for 5-7 minutes. Removed from the shells, cleaned, washed and frozen. This product is not ready for direct consumption and undergoes subsequent heat treatment (cooking, frying, etc.) Storage: – 18 ° С
Nucșoară - Nuci și condimente

Nucșoară - Nuci și condimente

Nutmeg (also known as pala in Indonesia) is one of the two spices. The other being mace derived from several species of tree in the genus Myristica. The most important commercial species is Myristica fragrans, an evergreentree indigenous to the Banda Islands in the Moluccas (or Spice Islands) of Indonesia


It can be called by names (nut, tree hazelnut, hazelnut), it is used in the manufacture of some sweets, it is a component of various types of chocolate. We offer fresh, highquality hazelnuts, prepared with care and in a healthy way. Types Raw hazelnuts (with shell) Raw hazelnuts (without shell) white raw hazelnut roasted hazelnut Roasted and salted hazelnut Roasted and salted hazelnuts in different flavors (customers can choose flavors) Packing:According to customer requirements Country of origin:Egypt, Iran, Turkey Reference:PDK-CGE3YN4L2XNUYB3YSCII


Die Kunststoff-Hülle überträgt grobe Gewürze, feine Gewürze und Kräuter auf gegarte Schinkenprodukte und Brühwurst in einem Schritt während des Kochprozesses.
Super Tămâie 90 Capsule

Super Tămâie 90 Capsule

Frankincense has been used for centuries to treat inflammations and pain of all kinds. The boswellia acids in our Super Frankincense 90 Capsules from 100% Indian frankincense resin block the production of inflammatory substances and are anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Super Frankincense 90 capsules support/are good for Joints Infections and colds Bowel diseases (morbus crohn, colitis ulcerosa) General inflammations Neurodermatitis, psoriasis Urinary bladder infections Multiple sclerosis Bronchial asthma Pain and swelling Area of use Skin, inflammation, rheumatism, arthritis, joints Recommended dose Take 3 capsules every day with water. Content: 90 Super Frankincense Capsules
Cais Malatya - Cais uscat, cais proaspăt

Cais Malatya - Cais uscat, cais proaspăt

Organik tarım ile üretilen malatya kayısısı