Produse pentru alimente (3061)

150 cutii de prospețime din cristal cu capac cu balama, 3 compartimente, 900 ml - Containere / cutii / borcane alimentare

150 cutii de prospețime din cristal cu capac cu balama, 3 compartimente, 900 ml - Containere / cutii / borcane alimentare

La boite traiteur cristal est utilisée principalement par les traiteurs, restauration rapide de vente à emporter mais aussi les particuliers La boite avec son couvercle rattaché vous permet de mettre vos salades, paella, couscous ou autres petits plats cuisinés. La boite permet un transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par jonc, La boite traiteur ergonomique fraîcheur est appréciée pour ses propriétés qui sont la résistance, la qualité, la sécurité des produits dedans mais aussi son prix très attractif. Code:M3C900 Volume:900 ml Dimension:219 x 179 x 48 (L x l x H en mm) Matière:Polyéthylène
Paste Barilla

Paste Barilla

Barilla Pasta
Fasole Tonka Organică întreagă

Fasole Tonka Organică întreagă

"Origin Of Tonka beans Tonka beans (Dipteryx odorata) Tonka beans grow on a Tonka tree and are the seeds of fruit that these trees bear. Tonka beans are narrow, black elongated and wrinkled beans with a brown inside. Production process Tonka beans After the seeds have been harvested, they are dried and soaked in alcohol or rum for a day. Tonka beans soaked in rum give a taste of vanilla, almond and rum. That makes them a perfect seasoning of desserts and patisserie. After adding the alcohol, the beans are dried again and a fermentation process takes place. Tonka beans applications Tonka beans are a common ingredient of desserts, the garnish of desserts (ganache), caramel sugar, ice cream or patisserie."


Boite à pizza en Carton ondulé E cannelure. En brun-brun, blanc-blanc, brun-blanc ou blanc-brun. imprimé en 6 couleurs. Peut être personnalisé avec votre logo et votre design. Disponible: Dans toutes les dimensions de 18 cm à 60cm. Impression digitale ou offset jusqu'a 6 couleurs.


Gluten de grâu nativ - D00102

Gluten de grâu nativ - D00102

Wheat gluten is often used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer and desirable ingredient for pasta, bread and other baked goods. Wheat gluten is also used in gluten-free products as a substitute for gluten to achieve the desired volume and consistency. CAS:8002-80-0 Color:Yellow Consistency:Powder Packaging:Paper Bag 25kg Quantity:5,000kg - 48,000kg
Xilo-oligozaharide (XOS)

Xilo-oligozaharide (XOS)

XOS are polymers of the sugar xylose. XOS is produced from the xylan fraction in plant fiber. Their C5 structure is fundamentally different from other prebiotics, which are based upon C6 sugars. XOS have been commercially available since the 1980s. XOS act as a prebiotic, selectively feeding beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli within the digestive tract. A large number of clinical trials have been conducted with XOS, demonstrating a variety of health benefits, including improvements in blood sugars and lipids, digestive health benefits, laxation, and beneficial changes to immune markers. EC number:201-788-0 Molecular Formula:C5nH8n+2O4n+1 CAS No:87-99-0
Grana Padano DOP 1kg

Grana Padano DOP 1kg

Il Grana Padano DOP da 1kg è un formaggio italiano a pasta dura, prodotto nei territori di Lombardia, Piemonte, Trentino-Alto Adige e Veneto. Garantito ucciso con latte fresco e stagionato per almeno 9 mesi, è un formaggio con un gusto ricco e morbido. Ideale per accompagnare antipasti o come ingrediente in piatti di pasta e riso.
Ulei de măsline extra virgin 1lt sticlă marasca

Ulei de măsline extra virgin 1lt sticlă marasca

Perfectly in accordance to Mediterranean diet. Unleash the magic and turn every meal into a masterpiece with our Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Elevate your dining experience with the embodiment of sophistication – it's more than oil, it's a symphony of taste sensations.
MCT de înaltă calitate (Trigliceride cu lanț mediu) pentru energie rapidă - Managementul greutății

MCT de înaltă calitate (Trigliceride cu lanț mediu) pentru energie rapidă - Managementul greutății

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are a type of fatty substance composed of medium-chain fatty acids. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats, and medium-chain fatty acids have relatively shorter carbon chains, typically consisting of 6 to 12 carbon atoms. In contrast to long-chain fatty acids (which typically contain 14 or more carbon atoms), the metabolism of MCTs differs within the human body. They are more easily absorbed by the intestines and can be directly transported to the liver for energy metabolism. Other Name:Medium Chain Fatty Acids Spec./ Purity:70% CAS Number:73398-61-5 Appearance:White or off white, free-flowing powder Main function:Providing a Rapid Source of Energy;Promoting Fat Metabolism
Rasă Mică

Rasă Mică

Small dog breeds need relatively more energy than large breeds. Champ Small Breed is a complete and balanced diet with a high digestibility for adult small dogs with normal activity. This tasty food has been specially developed to provide your dog with all nutrients and to grow well and healthy. The shape, structure and size of the chunks are adapted to the teeth of the smaller dog and help to prevent dental plaque. By adding fish oil there is an ideal ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 sour for a healthy and shiny coat.
Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim 500 g.

Înghețată cu cacao Hunkar Maraslim 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Cocoa Ice Cream Contents: The product is prepared using fresh cow milk, natural cocoa powder and natural sugar. Does not include any additives. Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguished by its intense cocoa taste. Complementing its creamy texture, the natural cocoa powder enriches the ice cream's taste. Provides a balanced delight with notes of sweet and bitter tastes. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Cocoa Ice Cream is the perfect choice for cocoa lovers. Also, it can be serviced with various sweets and fruits. Depending on preference, garnitures such as chocolate sauce, marshmallow or fresh hazelnut crumbs can be added to enrich the taste. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging.
ULEI DE CIMBRU NEGRU BIO, presat la rece din Egipt în sticle de 100ml + 250ml + 1000ml.

ULEI DE CIMBRU NEGRU BIO, presat la rece din Egipt în sticle de 100ml + 250ml + 1000ml.

Bio SCHWARZKÜMMEL ÖL – kaltgepresst aus Ägypten, das hochwirksame Antiallergikum. Das aus ihm gewonnene Öl überzeugt durch einen angenehm milden Geschmack. Unsere Schwarzkümmelsamen stammen aus der größten Oase Ägyptens – „El Fayoum“, was „Gemüsegarten Kairos“ bedeutet. Früher war dieses Gebiet westlich des Nils eine Sumpflandschaft. Heute gilt es als ideales Anbaugebiet, in dem besonders hochwertige Pflanzen gedeihen, u.a. auch unser Schwarzkümmel. Die Ölgewinnung erfolgt durch eine besonders schonende Stempelpressung, damit alle wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe erhalten bleiben. AMAZONAS Bio Schwarzkümmelöl ist ein 100 % reines Öl aus Erstpressung und enthält einen hohen Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren und natürlichem Vitamin E. Schwarzkümmel-Produkte: Reines kaltgepresstes Schwarzkümmelöl aus ägyptischen Schwarzkümmelsamen. Darreichungsform: Öl in Flaschen oder Kapseln
EURO 5,50 pe bucată Ton RIO MARE în ulei de măsline 500g

EURO 5,50 pe bucată Ton RIO MARE în ulei de măsline 500g

Il tonno Rio Mare all'olio di oliva da 500 grammi è un prodotto ittico di alta qualità, ideale per chi cerca un'alimentazione sana e gustosa. Realizzato con tonno selezionato e conservato in olio di oliva, offre un gusto ricco e naturale, perfetto per la preparazione di ricette mediterranee. La confezione da 12 pezzi è ideale per la vendita all'ingrosso, garantendo una scorta sufficiente per ristoranti e negozi di alimentari. Con una lunga scadenza fino al 29/01/29, questo tonno è un prodotto affidabile e versatile, adatto a una vasta gamma di ricette. Perfetto per chi ama la cucina mediterranea, è un ingrediente essenziale per chi desidera portare il sapore del mare nella propria cucina. Facile da usare e pronto all'uso, è la scelta ideale per chi cerca qualità e convenienza. SCADENZA 31/12/2028 confezione da 12, confezioni 90 =1 pallet minimo d'ordine 5 pallet
Picioare anterioare de porc congelate

Picioare anterioare de porc congelate

Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle, die nach einer nahrhaften und schmackhaften Zutat suchen. Sie sind reich an Kollagen und anderen Nährstoffen, die für eine gesunde Ernährung unerlässlich sind. Unsere Produkte werden unter strengen Hygienebedingungen verarbeitet, um höchste Qualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind ideal für die Zubereitung von Suppen und Eintöpfen, die reich an Geschmack und Nährstoffen sind. Sie sind in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unserer Produkte, um Ihre Gerichte zu bereichern.
Semințe de schinduf

Semințe de schinduf

Fenugreek seeds are a unique spice classified as a legume, known for their somewhat bitter flavor and strong aroma. These seeds are a staple in Indian cuisine, forming part of the five-spice Bengali mix. In the Far East, fenugreek is used as a pickling spice, while in its dry form, it is used sparingly due to its overpowering aroma and taste. Ground fenugreek can be added to falafel, chickpea dishes, and mashed potatoes. Despite its sweet maple syrup-like smell when infused as a tea, fenugreek is quite bitter and should be used with caution.
Suplimente Alimentare Pulbere – în Pachete Individuale sau Gemene

Suplimente Alimentare Pulbere – în Pachete Individuale sau Gemene

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in bustine singolari o gemellari, offrono una soluzione pratica e versatile per chi ha difficoltà a inghiottire le compresse. Questi integratori possono essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. Le bustine sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni, garantendo un dosaggio personalizzabile e adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Con un ordine minimo di 100.000 bustine e un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione degli integratori in polvere include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo le bustine singolari o gemellari, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.


Chia - semințe, omega3, organic

Chia - semințe, omega3, organic

I semi di chia sono considerati un superfood ricco di nutrienti. Sono una fonte di proteine vegetali. Ricchi di acidi grassi, omega-3, elevato contenuto di fibre e fonte di antiossidanti. Contengono minerali come calcio, fosforo e zinco.
Quinoa roșie

Quinoa roșie

Quinoa roja es una variedad de quinoa que se distingue por su color rojizo y su sabor más terroso y profundo en comparación con la quinoa blanca. Al igual que otras variedades de quinoa, es un pseudocereal, ya que, aunque no es un cereal en sí, se consume de manera similar debido a su perfil nutricional y versatilidad.
Aromă de somon

Aromă de somon

Salmon Aroma CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
churros legate înmuiate

churros legate înmuiate

Churros fritos congelados lazo tradicionales bañados con chocolate en diferentes tamaños (14, 22 y 27 grs) a granel.
Făină de porumb T70

Făină de porumb T70

La farine de maïs T70 est une farine obtenue à partir du grain de maïs, finement moulue et tamisée pour obtenir une texture légère et une couleur jaune pâle. Le « T70 » indique un taux de cendres modéré, ce qui signifie que cette farine conserve une bonne part des nutriments du maïs tout en offrant une finesse idéale pour de nombreuses préparations. Elle se distingue par son goût doux et légèrement sucré, typique du maïs, et est particulièrement prisée pour son apport en texture et en saveur dans diverses recettes. L’un des principaux avantages de cette farine est qu’elle est naturellement sans gluten, ce qui la rend adaptée aux personnes atteintes de la maladie cœliaque ou celles souhaitant réduire leur consommation de gluten. Origine : Ukraine. Conditionnement : sac en papier kraft de 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg. Palettisation : 750-950kg.


Quality: for foodstuffs Processed plant part: Fruit body Extraction agent: Ethanol & water Carrier: Maltodextrin Scientific name: Agaricus blazei murrill The Brazilian almond mushroom is a mushroom native to Brazil and other tropical regions and is prized for its unique flavor and culinary value. The Brazilian almond mushroom is being studied in traditional medicine for its health benefits due to its potential health-promoting properties. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli
Panou LED pentru Alimentare și Comerț - Design inovator fără orbire.

Panou LED pentru Alimentare și Comerț - Design inovator fără orbire.

El panel LED para la superficies comerciales, tiendas y supermercados serie PAF, reemplaza la iluminación convencional. Es la mejor solución de iluminación en las grandes superficies comerciales o producción abiertas al público. Las lentes anti-deslumbramiento del panel led, se han diseñado con un ángulo de luz de uniformidad y confort lumínico sin precedente, con una distribución óptima en los pasillos. La iluminación aportada por el panel LED aumenta el contraste de los productos, generando un ambiente de compras más llevadero. LED:NICHIA NF2L757DR Eficiencia LED:160lm/W - 5000K ±5% Eficiencia Sistema Luminoso:Mayor del 90% Alimentación:200-277 VAC 50-60Hz Grado De Protección:IP 20 Vida Útil:Más De 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C) Ópticas Disponibles:30x120º / 60x120º / 80x100º / 100x100º / 90x35º
Genius Ideas Covor de Protecție pentru Portbagaj - Îngrijire pentru Pisici și Câini

Genius Ideas Covor de Protecție pentru Portbagaj - Îngrijire pentru Pisici și Câini

Who likes to constantly vacuum out the trunk to remove dirt, leaves, pet hair, or dumped potting soil? Make it easier on yourself! This practical mat can collect all the garbage that you would otherwise have to laboriously clean up by hand. This way, plants, oily tools, dusty boxes, pets, and even the Christmas tree without worry! Material: 100% polyethylene. Item dimensions: 180 x 123 cm. Reference:GI-014900 EAN:3574590149007 (L x l x H):32.00 cm x 24.00 cm x 2.00 cm Box Dimensions:52cm x 37cm x 27cm


Żelatyna jest naturalnym rozpuszczalnym białkiem otrzymywanym w wyniku częściowej hydrolizy kolagenu z kości, skóry i ścięgien zwierząt. Składa się z glicyny, proliny i hydroksyproliny. Żelatyna pozyskiwana jest w procesie hydrolizy w celu rozerwania wiązań pomiędzy poszczególnymi cząsteczkami kolagenu. Do izolacji wyizolowanych cząsteczek stosuje się gorącą wodę lub kwasy. Następnie jest filtrowany, sterylizowany i suszony.
Roșii uscate 'San Marzano' în pungi

Roșii uscate 'San Marzano' în pungi

I nostri pomodori secchi lunghi della varietà "San Marzano" sono raccolti rigorosamente a mano nel periodo estivo quando giungono alla perfetta maturazione, in terreni coltivati senza pesticidi. Sono essiccati naturalmente al sole e conservati con sola aggiunta di sale. CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO E CONDIZIONI DI VENDITA Pomodori secchi di tipo "San Marzano" 100% naturali Periodo di vendita: Luglio - Gennaio Disponibili in pratiche bustine da 250 gr. e 500 gr. (Confezioni da 16 pezzi) Spedizioni pallettizzate a temperatura refrigerata in Italia e in Europa. Ordine minimo: 1000 kg
Rață lăcuită dezosată

Rață lăcuită dezosată

Sous vide
Mașină de Sigilare a Tăvilor TSS102-R - Sigilatoare Electrică Semiautomatică pentru Tăvi

Mașină de Sigilare a Tăvilor TSS102-R - Sigilatoare Electrică Semiautomatică pentru Tăvi

Dank ihrer kompakten Abmessungen und des schnellen Formenwechsels ist dieser Schalensiegler die ideale Lösung für kleine Delikatessengeschäfte und Supermärkte. Die Maschine kann mit der patentierten modularen INFINITY-Form oder mit kundenspezifischen Formen ergänzt werden. Optional auch mit Gasspülung erhältlich. Maße: 295 mm x 450 mm x 550 mm Gewicht: 25 kg Max. Schalengröße: 260 mm x 195 mm x 155 mm Max. Rollenbreite und -durchmesser: L= 210 / Ø 200 mm Zuführung: Elektrisch Beschickung und Handhabung von Schalen: Manuell + Elektrisch Formwechsel: • Form nach Kundenvorgabe: • Automatischer Filmabzug: • Summer bei Zyklusende: • Teil- und Gesamtzykluszähler: • Zyklen pro Minute: 3 - 8 Individuelle digitale Schweißprogramme: 9 Stromversorgung: 220 V / 750 W Maße:295 mm x 450 mm x 550 mm Gewicht:25 kg Schalengröße:260 mm x 195 mm x 155 mm Rollenbreite und -durchmesser:L= 210 / Ø 200 mm Zyklen pro Minute:3 - 8 Stromversorgung:220 V / 750 W