Produse pentru alimente (501)

Cupa Rotundă Din Polipropilenă, Netedă - Ø 101 Mm

Cupa Rotundă Din Polipropilenă, Netedă - Ø 101 Mm

1000er Verpackung 500er Kombipackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:25


fermenta... Ihr Partner auch für diese Fälle! Unsere innovativen Lösungen für Färbungen stammen aus natürlichen Quellen und dienen als Anwendungen in allen Arten von Lebensmitteln. Wir bieten die beste Färbung die Sie benötigen, um die Darstellung Ihres Endproduktes zu verbessern, ohne dass es Auswirkungen auf Geschmack und Nährwerte hat. Unsere Leistungen: Garantiert hohe Qualität Technologische Hilfestellung Konkurrenzfähige Preise Sichere und effiziente Bereitstellung Die Optik ist das A und O Sprechen Sie mit unseren Fachberatern!
Cupa Automatizată din Polistiren

Cupa Automatizată din Polistiren

Automatenbecher Volumen:180 ml Farbe:braun/weiß Durchmesser:70,3 mm Stk./Kart.:3000 Kart./Pal.:18
Pahar Octogonal cu Margine Sigilată din PVC - Ø 95mm

Pahar Octogonal cu Margine Sigilată din PVC - Ø 95mm

Achteckbecher Deckel Name:Deckel D2S Farbe:klar Stk./Kart.:1634 Kart./Pal.:16
Ambalaj pentru suplimente

Ambalaj pentru suplimente

Our sustainable standup pouches are perfectly suited for packaging supplements. Different sizes cater all needs Our XL and XXL sizes are the perfect solution for refill packaging, smaller sizes are ideal for travel sizes and trial packs. Laboratorytested barrier properties protect your product against oxygen, humidity and UV light. With our outstanding aroma preservation (e.g. material Martha 0,04 cm3/m2*24h*bar) your products stay fresh for a long time. All of our materials are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, you can create different designs for every type. With our digital platform, digital solutions and a fast delivery, you can realise your project in a couple of weeks instead of months. Our pouches are fully printed and provide all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces are easilsy realized and without additional cost. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Ambalare pentru tutun

Ambalare pentru tutun

Our sustainable pouches are perfectly suited for packaging your tobacco varieties and making you stand out on the shelf. The materials we use have laboratorytested barrier properties against oxygen, moisture and UV light and are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, every variation of your tobacco gets their own pouch design. Our pouches feature a highresolution and borderless digital print. Thus, you are provided with all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces can be realized easily and without additional cost. With our digital platform, digital solutions and a fast delivery, you can realise your project in a couple of weeks instead of months. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Beauty Packaging

Beauty Packaging

Our sustainable standup and flatbottom pouches are suitable for almost every filling good from body scrubs to face powders. They have excellent laboratorytested barrier properties against oxygen, humidity and UV light – thus, they have amazing protection against moisture and heat and serve as a protective shield against oxidations. The materials used are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, not only every beauty product gets their own design, but every scent, size and type as well. Special and limited editions are no problem and quickly realized due to digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fully printed and provide you with all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces can be realized easily and without additional cost. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Ambalaj pentru nutriție de performanță și pudră de proteine

Ambalaj pentru nutriție de performanță și pudră de proteine

Our sustainable standup pouches are perfectly suited for performance nutrition and protein powder products. Different sizes cater all needs Our XXL size is the perfect solution for packaging powder, smaller sizes are ideal for producing trial packs (new flavors e.g.). Laboratorytested barrier properties protect your product against oxygen, humidity and UV light. With our outstanding aroma preservation (e.g. material Martha 0,04 cm3/m2*24h*bar) your products stay fresh for a long time. All of our materials are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, you can create different designs for every taste and type. Special editions are no problem either and quickly realized due to digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fully printed and provide all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces are easily realized and without additional cost. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Ambalaj pe bază de hârtie

Ambalaj pe bază de hârtie

Our sustainable standup and flatbottom pouches are suitable for almost every filling good and make your product stand out on the shelf. They have laboratorytested barrier properties against oxygen, humidity and UV light and keep your products fresh for a long time. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, every product variation, taste and type can get their own specific pouch design. Our sizes cater almost every need, ranging from S to XL. Special editions are no problem and quickly realized due to digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fully printed and provide you with all the space you need for branding and product information. Our pouches are made out of sustainable paper, produced in the European Union and will be delivered within 36 weeks. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper, Euro hole
Farfurii/Salatiere - Iso Form

Farfurii/Salatiere - Iso Form

Schalen / Teller Deckel Name:Deckel für Salatteller 225 / 150 mm Farbe:klar Stk./Kart.:600 Kart./Pal.:12
Cupa Dreptunghiulară din PVC - 187mm X 117mm

Cupa Dreptunghiulară din PVC - 187mm X 117mm

400er Verpackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:400 Kart./Pal.:20
Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă, Răzuită - Ø 101 Mm

Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă, Răzuită - Ø 101 Mm

1000er Verpackung 500er Kombipackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:25
Pahar Rotund cu Margine Etanșă din Polipropilenă - Ø 95mm

Pahar Rotund cu Margine Etanșă din Polipropilenă - Ø 95mm

Rundbecher Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1634/1786 Kart./Pal.:16
Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă, Ușoară Ø 95mm

Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă, Ușoară Ø 95mm

Becher Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar / weiß Stk./Kart.:2000 Kart./Pal.:16
Pahar Rectangular din Polistiren - 108mm X 82mm

Pahar Rectangular din Polistiren - 108mm X 82mm

1000er Verpackung 500er Kombipackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt (Becher u. Deckel in einem Karton) Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt (Becher u. Deckel in einem Karton) Name:Rechteckdeckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:36
Pahar Rectangular cu Margine de Etanșare din PVC - 108mm X 82mm

Pahar Rectangular cu Margine de Etanșare din PVC - 108mm X 82mm

Rechteckbecher Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1540 Kart./Pal.:25
Cupa Dreptunghiulară din PVC - 108mm X 82mm

Cupa Dreptunghiulară din PVC - 108mm X 82mm

1000er Verpackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt (Becher u. Deckel in einem Karton) Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:36
Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă - Ø 110 Mm

Cupa Rotundă din Polipropilenă - Ø 110 Mm

Rundbecher 250er Kombiverpackung Deckel Volumen:500 ml Farbe:klar/weiß Abmessungen:87 mm (H) Durchmesser:110 mm Stk./Kart.:840 Kart./Pal.:24 250er Kombiverpackung Volumen:500 ml 250er Kombiverpackung Farbe:klar/weiß 250er Kombiverpackung Abmessungen:87 mm (H) 250er Kombiverpackung Durchmesser:110 mm 250er Kombiverpackung Stk./Kart.:250 + 250 250er Kombiverpackung Kart./Pal.:24 Name:Deckel Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Deckel Stk./Kart.:2304 Deckel Kart./Pal.:24
Cutie Pliabilă Rectangulară Leonie

Cutie Pliabilă Rectangulară Leonie

Klappbox mit angehängten Deckel
Cupa Rotundă Din Polistiren - Ø 101 Mm

Cupa Rotundă Din Polistiren - Ø 101 Mm

1000er Verpackung 500er Kombipackung Deckel Rundbecher mit einem Durchmesser von 101mm in einer 1000er Verpackung Rundbecher mit einem Durchmesser von 101mm in einer 500er Verpackung (Becher und Deckel in einem Karton) Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:25
Cupa Rotundă Din Polistiren - Ø 95 Mm

Cupa Rotundă Din Polistiren - Ø 95 Mm

1000er Verpackung 250er Kombiverpackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:30
Pahar Octogonal din PVC - Ø 101 Mm

Pahar Octogonal din PVC - Ø 101 Mm

1000er Verpackung 250er Kombipackung Deckel Name:Deckel Farbe:klar/weiß Stk./Kart.:1000 Kart./Pal.:25