Produse pentru utilizare (6642)

SCHAUBLIN 125 C - Strung Convențional

SCHAUBLIN 125 C - Strung Convențional

SCHAUBLIN 125 C - Tour conventionnel TYPE DE MACHINE:TOUR CONVENTIONNEL N° STOCK:20689-875 MARQUE:SCHAUBLIN MODÈLE:125 C N° SÉRIE:232241 LOCALISATION:73520 SAINT-BÉRON, FRANCE Nombre d’axes:2 Distance entre-pointes:500 [mm] Broche prévue pour pinces de serrage:B32 Diamètre de passage en broche:28 [mm]
Heidelberg Stahlfolder TH 66/462 - RFH 66 - Mașină Folosită

Heidelberg Stahlfolder TH 66/462 - RFH 66 - Mașină Folosită

width 66 cm age 2005 rotary feeder RFH 1. station: 4 folding pockets 66 cm upstream knife shaft double downstream knife shaft 2. station: 6 folding pockets 56 cm upstream knife shaft double downstream knife shaft 3. station: 2 folding pockets 56 cm following knife shaft without delivery Delivery time: immediately from stock Ref: HE220157A Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
Dulap Safari Trapez S-600

Dulap Safari Trapez S-600

Szafki z serii Safari Trapez stanowią atrakcyjne wyposażenie wnętrz. Boki wykonano z płyty laminowanej z kolei fronty z MDF-u w kolorach niebieskim, żółtym, pomarańczowym oraz zielonym. Półokrągłe obrzeża szafek zapewniają  bezpieczeństwo podczas zabaw. Istnieje możliwość zakupu całego zestawu bądź poszczególnych elementów, dzięki czemu mają Państwo możliwość tworzenia własnych zestawień. Wym.: 80 x 44 x 42,5 cm Zgodne z normą PN-EN 14073-2:2006
Mese Anti-Pete Lyon - Textile pentru Restaurație

Mese Anti-Pete Lyon - Textile pentru Restaurație

As toalhas de mesa LYON vão dar um toque de requinte ao seu restaurante. A composição em algodão e poliéster resulta num tecido resistente de qualidade e o tratamento anti-nódoa permite que as toalhas se mantenham impecáveis após as lavagens. REFERÊNCIA:EPMLY180-A
Depozitare internă pentru granule de plastic - Flex-Silos oferă utilizarea maximă a spațiului disponibil și multe avantaje

Depozitare internă pentru granule de plastic - Flex-Silos oferă utilizarea maximă a spațiului disponibil și multe avantaje

We provide silos for all kinds of plastics as e.g. PVC, PP, PA, ABS, POM, PE and PET. Today, flexible A.B.S. Silos are in demand everywhere plastics have to be stored quickly, efficiently and safely with optimum value for money. Construction and equipment are precisely adapted to the special requirements of the respective plastic storage material, e.g. concerning outlet diameter, cone bevel or geometry.
Accesorii pentru generatoare Aspirator - pentru masa JOLLY 220 V

Accesorii pentru generatoare Aspirator - pentru masa JOLLY 220 V

Accessoires pour générateurs Aspirateur - pour table JOLLY 220 V


Typ: Fräser R506 für die Verwendung im ARC Schaftdurchmesser 6 mm, Fräsdurchmesser 6 mm, Frästiefe 22 mm, 1 Schneide Speziell für Zünd Cutter entwickelte Fräser. Geeignet für harte sowie weiche Materialien wie z. B. Acryl, Aluminium, Dibond, Forex, MDF, Pertinax und Kunststoffe wie PET, PP, PE, PVC-U, PS. Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 5218141 Artikel-Nr:20310681 Hersteller:Zünd Hersteller-Nr:5218141
Foarfeca excelentă pentru modelare - TVA

Foarfeca excelentă pentru modelare - TVA

Excellent modelling scissors are toothed on one side and can therefore be guided better and more accurately. With the modelling scissors every haircut will look very natural and the transitions appear softer. our hair scissors are made of forged and hardened stainless steel. All forged hairdressing scissors are hollow ground in the blade and have an easy, fatigue-free action. Order number:30058 EAN:4250550303793
Listuri rombice din Larice Siberian 28x68 mm - Ecran de Intimitate pentru Grădină, Element de Intimitate, Listuri de Fațadă pentru Utilizare Exterioară

Listuri rombice din Larice Siberian 28x68 mm - Ecran de Intimitate pentru Grădină, Element de Intimitate, Listuri de Fațadă pentru Utilizare Exterioară

Oberflächenprofil: 2-seitig gehobelt, gefasst Sortierung: AB Stärke: 28 mm Breite: 68 mm Länge: 1 – 4 m Neigungswinkel: 30 Grad Holzfeuchte: 15-18 %, technisch getrocknet
Birou de Studiu Elas - Birou util și robust

Birou de Studiu Elas - Birou util și robust

The product is made of 18 mm melamine-coated chipboard material. Legs are made of wood. Product sizes are available in the images. Please check detailed sizes. Our products will be shipped as disassembled and the assembly belongs to the customers. All the parts (product, assembly manual, and accessories) you need are sent together within the product box. You can easily assemble it with simple hand tools. Please contact us for any other details. Mehmet Emin Çatal International Trade Specialist WA:+90 545 618 52 90 Mail:
MAȘINĂ AUTOMATĂ DE PLATĂ ȘI SUDARE PENTRU ECRANE ZIP - Mașină de sudură prin impuls pentru produse textile de exterior

MAȘINĂ AUTOMATĂ DE PLATĂ ȘI SUDARE PENTRU ECRANE ZIP - Mașină de sudură prin impuls pentru produse textile de exterior

-It is designed to fold and weld outdoor screens, awnings, mosquito nets, fabrics including pvc, fabrics including acyrlics and many other textiles -Performs 10 automatic welding operations from touch screen such as hem pocket welding, zipper welding, joining fabrics, reinforcement, reference alignment welding, simple welding, mosquito net welding, acrylic pocket welding (with tape), acrylic joining welding (with tape), and sealing strip reference welding. -Automatic change of guides, no need for manual interruption. -Pocket size is adjustable from touch screen: min:10mm, max:50mm -Servo motor motion control Upper and lower resistances can be controlled separately -Adjustable welding parameters (temperature, cooling and heating times) -All parameters can be changed and saved to the memory for different fabrics -Ability to weld transparent pvc to fabrics -Ability to perform simultaneous welding for multiple small sized products -15.
Bandă de mascare din hârtie pentru toate utilizările tesa 4323

Bandă de mascare din hârtie pentru toate utilizările tesa 4323

tesa® 4323 est un adhésif de masquage papier finement crêpé avec une masse adhésive en caoutchouc naturel. Le produit convient à tout type d’application: masquage, maintien, fermeture, fixation, emballage de biens légers, etc…
Folosit & Ocazii

Folosit & Ocazii

Clădiri modulare pentru facilități sanitare - Clădiri modulare prefabricate second-hand de la 6m² la 200m²

Clădiri modulare pentru facilități sanitare - Clădiri modulare prefabricate second-hand de la 6m² la 200m²

Spécialiste de la vente de modulaire d'occasion, nous proposons un stock important de bâtiments modulaires sanitaires propres et hygiéniques, permettant d'accueillir les occupants dans de très bonnes conditions. Nos bâtiments modulaires sanitaires sont des bungalows sanitaires mobiles de qualité, à ne pas confondre avec des toilettes chimiques. La superficie de nos sanitaires modulaires d'occasion va de 6 à 200m² (autres surfaces : nous consulter). Ils sont durables et robustes pour une utilisation permanente et sont surtout faciles à nettoyer et à entretenir. Nos marques de bâtiments modulaires d'occasion sont du type Cougnaud, Algeco, Portakabin, Solfab, Courant... pour ne citer que quelques leaders de la construction modulaire ou du bâtiment hors-site. En option, nous ajoutons une prestation de transport modulaire (de notre usine vers votre chantier) et transfert modulaire (d’un point A vers un point B) avec la mise en installation et service pour un projet modulaire complet.
Etanșări Personalizate pentru Frigidere - Etanșări pentru Frigidere pentru Utilizare Comercială

Etanșări Personalizate pentru Frigidere - Etanșări pentru Frigidere pentru Utilizare Comercială

Wie erkenne ich das richtige Profil? Auf der Seite Sonderprofile ist es möglich, sich maßstabsgetreue Querschnittszeichnungen auszudrucken. Wie messe ich den Dichtungsrahmen? Es wird immer der Außenrahmen der Dichtung gemessen. Dieses Maß ist das Außenmaß. Bei gesteckten Dichtungen wird zusätzlich das Steckmaß (Mitte-Mitte der Stecknut) gemessen, damit bei der Montage keine Fehler auftreten. Dieses sollte sorgfältig gemessen werden, denn Differenzen ab 5mm führen zu Schwierigkeiten bei der Montage. Wie kann ich eine eingeklebte Dichtung wechseln? Normalerweise gar nicht. Eingeklebte, bzw. eingeschäumte Dichtungspaßrahmen sind nur in manchen Fällen austauschbar.
Detergent pentru jaluzele rulante - Gata de utilizare - Detergenți 100% naturali pentru piscină și spa

Detergent pentru jaluzele rulante - Gata de utilizare - Detergenți 100% naturali pentru piscină și spa

Avantages produit : Agréable d’utilisation (ne dégage pas d’émanation) 100 % d’ingrédients naturels Sans colorants ni conservateurs Conçu et fabriqué en France Emballage 100% recyclable Spécialement conçu pour nettoyer et dégraisser les volets manuels et automatiques. Enlève les traces de pollution et les salissures grasses sur les lames en PVC ou caillebotis ( stabilisés ou non, en calcium ou zinc), bois IPE ou composite (quelle que soit la couleur). Sa formule au PH neutre protège les ossatures en inox ou en aluminium anodisé sans altérer les joints ni le traitement anticorrosion. Il peut être utilisé en piscine écologique. Conditionnement:1 Litre avec vaporisateur, 25 Litres, 5 Litres, Pulvérisateur 520ml Aspect:liquide ininflammable Masse volumique:1.06 Kg/L Ph:7
Coșuri de Spălare / Coșuri pentru Vase pentru Gastronomie - Coșuri pentru Tacâmuri pentru Utilizare Comercială

Coșuri de Spălare / Coșuri pentru Vase pentru Gastronomie - Coșuri pentru Tacâmuri pentru Utilizare Comercială

pülkörbe Geschirrkörbe für Gastronomie-Spülmaschinen Sie haben eine gute Gastronomie-Spülmaschine und benötigen den passenden Korb, der für die Ordnung in der Geschirrspülmaschine und für glänzende Spülergebnisse sorgt. Den richtigen Besteckkorb, Spülkorb, Gläsereinsatz oder Tellereinsatz finden Sie bei uns im Onlineshop neben weiteren Geschirrkörben für Gastro-Spülmaschinen wie Tassenkörben oder Gläserkörben. Passend zu Ihrer Spülmaschine können Sie zwischen 35x35 cm, 40x40 cm und 50x50 cm Spülkörben den richtigen aussuchen. Mit verschiedenen Einteilungen von 9 bis 49 lassen wir keine Wünsche offen. Besteckkörbe, Spülkörbe, Geschirrkörbe, Tassenkörbe oder Gläserkörbe günstig online kaufen!
Paleți Europeni Folosiți

Paleți Europeni Folosiți

Wir kaufen ihr überzähliges Leergut zu Tageshöchstpreisen, egal ob neu, gebraucht oder defekt. Die Abholung erfolgt durch unseren Fuhrpark. Wir bieten auch Reparatur- und Tauschservice an.
EZ BAC PC - 10KG - tratament pentru capcane de grăsime - produs de întreținere pe bază de enzime - utilizare profesională

EZ BAC PC - 10KG - tratament pentru capcane de grăsime - produs de întreținere pe bază de enzime - utilizare profesională

Traitement concentré des bacs à graisses - Convient à l'industrie agroalimentaire, aux cuisines commerciales et à la restauration. - Formule à base d’enzymes, hautement concentrée - Maîtrise et ajustement du pH PROPRIÉTÉS - Contient un complexe d'enzymes à forte concentration de lipase (enzyme spécifique de la graisse). Des bactéries non pathogènes adaptées à ce milieu particulier complètent l'activité de dégradation des enzymes. - Provoque la décomposition et la liquéfaction permanente de toutes les matières organiques se retrouvant dans la cuve. - Efficace jusqu'à 45°c - Diminue la fréquence des vidanges - Évite la formation de bouchons dans les canalisations - Améliore l'écoulement vers et depuis le bac à graisses pH:7,5 sol. 1 % Etat physique:Poudre Couleur:Blanc Densité:1,00 +-0,02 Solubilité:Complétement soluble N° article:ZGB002-10 Conditionnement:10 kg Unité :1 Unit(s)


Das Angebot gilt hauptsächlich für medizinische Einwegprodukte. Sowie: - Schutzschürzen, - Schuhschutz - nicht gewebt - Voroperatives hemd - Schutzkappen, Hemden, Jacken, Tuniken usw., - Langes hemd für patienten - Hygiene Unterhosen - Bettwäsche Set - Lätzchen - Masken


Grup de apă rece second-hand 128kW - Răcitor TRANE CGAM046 (128kW răcire)

Grup de apă rece second-hand 128kW - Răcitor TRANE CGAM046 (128kW răcire)

Groupe d’eau glacée TRANE d’occasion et en excellent état. Le groupe est composé par 4 compresseurs SCROLL et d’un module hydraulique. La plage d’application est de 10°C à +20°C sortie échangeur. Nous proposons à la vente une large gamme de modèles de toutes puissances, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ( Used air cooled water chiler TRANE in very good condition. This chiller is composed by 4 SCROLL compressors and hydraulic modul. His running condition are from 10°C until +20°C outlet exchanger. We offer for sale a wide range of models of all powers, do not hesitate to contact us by email ( Code article / Item code:CP30117 Marque / Brand:TRANE Référence / Type:CGAM046 Puissance / Power:128 kW Régime T° / Capacity at:7/12°C T° extérieure / Ambient T:35°C Fluide / Refrigerant:R410a Année / Year:2014 Alimentation éléctrique / Voltage:400V/3ph/50Hz Dimensions / Dimensions:2905*2266*2150 Poids / Weight:1545 kg En stock / In stock:1


SOMAFIX LOW EXPANSION PU GUN FOAM, is an assembly foam which has low expansion properties to prevent foam pressure to push or pull door and window frames inward or outward.
Corte Roccia 3369 - Rustic exterior 34x34cm

Corte Roccia 3369 - Rustic exterior 34x34cm

Rustic and elegant porcelain tiles for outdoor flooring. Designed to add a touch of exclusivity to terraces, courtyards and arcades of villas, rural and urban buildings. Highly weather resistant and antislip
SWK2000/10M cu bol metalic - Complet cu un bol metalic, ideal pentru utilizare marină.

SWK2000/10M cu bol metalic - Complet cu un bol metalic, ideal pentru utilizare marină.

The industry renowned SWK2000/10 is capable of removing particulate and free water to 10, 30 or 60 micron (with appropriate element). With M22 x 1.5 port sizes and a max flow of 10 lit/min or 600 lit/hr. This model includes a metal bowl so is suitable for all applications including marine.


CE, ISO-9001, ISO-13485 certified High-tech production Smartum Capital Sp. Z o.o. is an authorized representative of the Ukrainian manufacturer of medical products under the trademark Medicalspan. We can offer DISPOSABLE MEDICAL FACE MASK 3 LAYER (spunbond/ melt-blown / spunbond) Description: The mask is designed to protect against infections that are spread by airborne droplets, the person wearing the mask, from others and vice versa. Reduces the risk of infections during epidemics and pandemics. It is recommended to use no longer than 4 hours. Made of non-woven textile material (spunbond and meltblown). Product features: • environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials • adjustable clamp on the bridge of the nose • bacterial filtration level 95% • latex free and waterproof • three high quality layers • production by soldering • elastic ear hooks MEDICAL MASK Medicalspan™ Bacterial Filtration Efficiency:95% Dimension:17.5 x 9.5 cm Minimum Order Quantity :10.000 pcs Country of origin:Ukraine (Our factory is in Ukraine and have office in Poland)
Încălzitor de apă pe gaz de 26 litri - Încălzitor de apă pe gaz

Încălzitor de apă pe gaz de 26 litri - Încălzitor de apă pe gaz

UKDAX-26VT 26 Liter Indoor or outdoor Type Gas Water Heater
Spacer & Suport de Distanță pentru Pavele

Spacer & Suport de Distanță pentru Pavele

Über die Dienstleistung für unsere Kunden hinaus, entwickeln und produzieren wir auch eigene Produkte, z.B. Distanzstücke und Abstandshalter für Pflastersteine. Distanzhalter Größen: 180 mm, 200 mm, 240 mm, 250 mm, 300 mm, 360 mm
Efectele și utilizările N2O

Efectele și utilizările N2O

As you may already know, there are multiple ways out there to use nitrous oxide. In this blog we will address the different Effects and Uses of N2O. When it comes to restaurants or catering industry, chefs and kitchen staff use nitrous oxide at a foodgrade E942 as an aerosol propellant to make foam, appetizers, sauces, and whipped cream with food or drinks. Read this post and find out how a cream siphon is used in the preparation of creams and desserts. In addition to its use in the food industry and recreational settings, nitrous oxide can work as an effective sedative agent that, combined with oxygen, reduces anxiety in patients. Because it is welltolerated, it is considered a safe sedative in dentistry and medicine in general. Cooking with highlevel nitrous oxide As mentioned before, nitrous oxide’s primary use is in the kitchen, preparing various dishes with different techniques, such as the molecular kitchen.
PLĂCI DIN LEMN FOLOSITE 1400 X 650 X 45-1183

PLĂCI DIN LEMN FOLOSITE 1400 X 650 X 45-1183

Loading in containers : contect us 1000 planches maxi par conteneur Libres Attention / à réserver REF:1183 Etat:100% parfaites Marquage:Aucun Ecartement des planches:aucun Chargement sur camion:gratuit Poids d'une planche:26 kgs