Produse pentru utilizare (6643)

Rezervoare utilizate în reciclarea deșeurilor PET - Rezervoare utilizate în reciclarea deșeurilor PET

Rezervoare utilizate în reciclarea deșeurilor PET - Rezervoare utilizate în reciclarea deșeurilor PET

Konstrukcje dla przemysłu spożywczego to także zbiorniki, które swoje zastosowanie znajdują w recyklingu odpadów PET.
Mese Antifolii Lisoase - Textile pentru Restaurație

Mese Antifolii Lisoase - Textile pentru Restaurație

RUNNER DE MESA COM TECIDO ANTI-NÓDOAS Pack 10, 20 e 50 unidades 80% algodão 20% poliester REF: LISO Cor: Branco e Preto Vários tamanhos PRODUTO GRANDE QUALIDADE Para quantidades superiores a 50 unidades ou outras medidas, por favor contacte-nos REFERÊNCIA:EPMLIS107-A
Pantaloni Dublin - Bărbați - Îmbrăcăminte Profesională

Pantaloni Dublin - Bărbați - Îmbrăcăminte Profesională

Calças cinco bolsos de homem. REFERÊNCIA:EPFARD982-A
Sevcon Millipak Pmac Folosit - Acționări cu Curent Alternativ

Sevcon Millipak Pmac Folosit - Acționări cu Curent Alternativ

Variateur SEVCON Millipak PMAC Tension de 36 V à 48 V Courant de 300 A pendant 1 minute Référence 633 T 42 602 Modèle d'occasion Référence:230-009 État:Occasion
Rafturi pentru utilizare dublă - Sistem de conectare ORION PLUS

Rafturi pentru utilizare dublă - Sistem de conectare ORION PLUS

Traglasten: Fachlast: bis 330 kg gleichm. verteilt Feldlasten: bis 2400 kg Abmessungen: H hen: 2000, 2500 und 3000 mm Breiten: 750, 1000 und 1300 mm Tiefen: 300, 400, 500, 600 und 800 mm Au enma e: Breite: Grundregal: + 60 mm Anbauregal: + 10 mm Tiefe: + 35 mm Ausf hrungen: Regalausf hrung mit Aussteifungstraversen. Bodenkante 40 mm hoch. Flexibel: B den im Abstand von 25 mm h henverstellbar (schraublos). Schnelle Steckmontage. Beliebig erweiterbar - auch nachtr glich. Oberfl che(n): Profile: Verzinkt Lichtgrau (RAL 7035) B den: Verzinkt Lichtgrau (RAL 7035) Weitere Farben auf Anfrage lieferbar.
Filtre de purificare pentru uz domestic

Filtre de purificare pentru uz domestic

The household reverse osmosis filtration system gives a high purity of drinking water through a system of high capacity filtration that removes even the smallest microorganism or particles that may be present in the water. The filtration system consists of: Prefilter for sediment. Activated carbon filter. Reverse osmosis membrane. Postfilter activated carbon filter. A patented reverse osmosis unit that is unique on the market, whose design avoids the need for multiple connections and tubes, and possible water leaks. System with easy to replace filters. It incorporates a pump that ensures the required water input pressure necessary for proper operation and a pressured accumulator tank of 12 liters. It is installed under the sink in the kitchen and requires water inlet, drainage and electricity like a washing machine. A faucet for purified water has to be installed which can be the standard equipment or the special three way faucet head model with a more elegant design.
Tăviță de Tăiat din Fag Medie - Tăvițe de Tăiat pentru Utilizare Zilnică

Tăviță de Tăiat din Fag Medie - Tăvițe de Tăiat pentru Utilizare Zilnică

Beech Cutting Board Middle - Everyday Use Cutting Boards SKU:103 DIMENSIONS:340x240x20 [mm] Wood:Beech finishing:sunflower oil side finishing:slanted weight:1,10 kg
Sari la sfârșitul galeriei de imagini Sari la începutul galeriei de imagini

Sari la sfârșitul galeriei de imagini Sari la începutul galeriei de imagini

Heizmatten Set WARMON CLASSIC 150 mit Thermostat nach Wahl Elektrische Fußbodenheizung Komplett-Set für Innenräume mit Heizmatte, Thermostat und Zubehör für verschiedene Bodenbeläge. Zweiader-Heizmatte WARMON CLASSIC, 150 W/m² für Fliesen Das Heizsystem der mittleren Leistungsklasse, das in jeder Hinsicht begeistert! Geeignet als Begleitheizung oder auch als Raumheizung. Die ultradünne Zweiader-Heizmatte WARMON CLASSIC ist die perfekte Lösung im Neubau oder bei Modernisierungsmaßnahmen, dieses innovative Heizsystem sorgt für wohlige Wärme und spart dabei Kosten und Energie. Kosten- und energiesparendes System Wartungsfrei und äußerst lange Lebensdauer Heizmatte mit selbstklebendem Trägergewebe Anwendung Die ultradünne Heizmatte WARMON CLASSIC kann sowohl als Hauptheizung oder als ergänzendes Heizsystem verwendet werden, um den Wärmekomfort zu steigern. Dank ihrer geringen Aufbauhöhe kann sie problemlos in eine dünne Fliesenkleberschicht (8–10 mm) eingebettet werden.
Sisteme laser folosite - Mașini laser cu fibră pentru tablă folosite

Sisteme laser folosite - Mașini laser cu fibră pentru tablă folosite

Vendita impianti taglio laser lamiere fibra ottica, soluzioni per la piccola e media carpenteria metallica interessata a migliorare i propri reparti produttivi. Macchine laser per il taglio di lamiere in acciaio inox, ferro, alluminio, domex, hardox, corten, ottone e rame. La nostra Agenzia , vende impianti taglio laser tubo Bystronic , nelle province di: Monza Brianza, Lecco, Mantova, Bergamo, Brescia, Sondrio, Cremona, Verona, Trento, Vicenza e Belluno. Forniamo al cliente, le migliori soluzioni tecnologiche presenti sul mercato, analizzando sia gli aspetti produttivi che quelli finanziari, curando anche le pratiche per l’accesso ai contributi di Industria 4.0. Nuovo e Usato , proponiamo al cliente, macchine taglio laser tubo e lamiera, satinatrici, piegatrici e macchine utensili nuove o usate, se richiesto, anche revisionate da esperti del settore.
ConFoot CFP Set - Picioare de suport pentru containere de transport - Personalizate pentru utilizare pe rampe de încărcare

ConFoot CFP Set - Picioare de suport pentru containere de transport - Personalizate pentru utilizare pe rampe de încărcare

CFP Set – Custom made for loading dock use – Can be placed square against a loading bay – Container doors can be folded fully back – Only 24 kilograms per unit – Patented design – Only 1 person required for operation Featuring 2x CFP leg & 2x CF leg Max weight:30 t Weight p/u :24 kg Persons required for operation:1
Silo industrial pentru granule de plastic - Flex-Silos oferă utilizarea maximă a spațiului disponibil și multe avantaje

Silo industrial pentru granule de plastic - Flex-Silos oferă utilizarea maximă a spațiului disponibil și multe avantaje

We provide silos for all kinds of plastics as e.g. PVC, PP, PA, ABS, POM, PE and PET. Today, flexible A.B.S. Silos are in demand everywhere plastics have to be stored quickly, efficiently and safely with optimum value for money. Construction and equipment are precisely adapted to the special requirements of the respective plastic storage material, e.g. concerning outlet diameter, cone bevel or geometry.
Dulap Safari Trapez BL-1800

Dulap Safari Trapez BL-1800

Szafki z serii Safari Trapez stanowią atrakcyjne wyposażenie wnętrz. Boki wykonano z płyty laminowanej z kolei fronty z MDF'u. Szafki dostępne są w kolorach: niebieskim, żółtym, pomarańczowym oraz w kolorze limonki. Półokrągłe obrzeża zapewniają bezpieczeństwo podczas długich godzin zabaw. Wym.: 196 x 44 x 85 cm Zgodne z normą PN-EN 14073-2:2006
Anvelope Folosite - Export Anvelope Folosite

Anvelope Folosite - Export Anvelope Folosite

Wir sind ein zertifizierter Autoverwerter und Altreifenentsorger mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung in der Altfahrzeugverwertung und Altreifenentsorgung. Auf unserem 70.000 m² großen Betriebsgelände lagern wir Altfahrzeuge und gebrauchte Reifen in verschiedenen Qualitäten. Täglich sammeln wir bis zu 2000 Altreifen von umliegenden Werkstätten und Reifenhändlern ein und sortieren diese nach unterschiedlichen Qualitäten. Wir sind spezialisiert auf den Export von gebrauchten Reifen und blicken hier auf 30 Jahre Erfahrung zurück. Gerne sind wir Ihnen auch behilflich bei der Exportabwicklung.
Colectarea oaselor și grăsimilor animale - Cuptor industrial pentru topirea grăsimii și oaselor de măcelărie

Colectarea oaselor și grăsimilor animale - Cuptor industrial pentru topirea grăsimii și oaselor de măcelărie

Vous êtes une boucherie, un abattoir, un traiteur ou encore une poissonnerie et vous produisez des déchets d'animaux (os, graisse,...) ? Protelux possède l'agrément pour collecter et transformer vos déchets. Le règlement européen classe ces déchets en 3 catégories, selon le risque qu’ils présentent pour la santé humaine ou animale : ​​​​​​​ les déchets de catégorie 1 sont strictement destinés à la destruction ceux de catégorie 2 ou 3 sont valorisables. Protelux collecte les déchets de catégorie 1 (M.R.S : Matériaux à risque spécifique) et 3 (Bas risque). Pour les boucheries qui souhaitent passer en catégorie 3 (OVC 03), n’hésitez pas à contacter Protelux. Pour être collectés dans les meilleures conditions, les déchets d'animaux doivent être stockés dans des récipients hermétiques. Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous au (+32) 061 41 16 57.
Balsam de buze natural - 100% natural, fără uleiuri esențiale, economic, utilizare de lungă durată

Balsam de buze natural - 100% natural, fără uleiuri esențiale, economic, utilizare de lungă durată

Hydrate, Nourrit et Protège Un baume à lèvres exclusivement fabriqué à partir d’ingrédients naturels. Un soin réparateur, protecteur contre les agressions hivernales pour les lèvres ou les zones irritées grâce au beurre de cacao et de mangue⁠. Ce baume est aussi apaisant et cicatrisant grâce au bisabolol végétal pur (issue de la camomille sauvage). Formulé, fabriqué en France Economique, usage long durée Contenant 100% recyclable Nom : Baume à lèvre Ingrédients phares : - Bisabolol végétal pur (issue de la camomille sauvage) : Apaise & Cicatrise huile de jojoba - Huile d’amande douce : Nourrit en profondeur - Vitamine E : Confère 12 mois de conservation Vous souhaitez connaitre la composition ? contactez nous ! Format:7,5g Marque Blanche:Format et emballage sur mesure
Heidelberg OHT - T - Mașină Folosită

Heidelberg OHT - T - Mașină Folosită

max. size 26 x 38 cm age 1965 2 closing frames inking unit dry sprayer Ref: HE240060A Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
DALGreen - Detectarea Autofagiei - Gata de utilizare

DALGreen - Detectarea Autofagiei - Gata de utilizare

Product group: Cellular Assays/ Detection-Labeling- kits Storing temperature: -20°C Shipping condition: ambient Code:D675 Manufacturers:Dojindo
Șervețele dezinfectante virucide pentru alimente - Șervețele virucide compatibile EN14476 pentru utilizare alimentară

Șervețele dezinfectante virucide pentru alimente - Șervețele virucide compatibile EN14476 pentru utilizare alimentară

Nos lingettes désinfectantes main/surfaces compatible alimentaires sont prêtes à l’emploi et facile à saisir grâce au dévidoir. Elles ne nécessitent pas d’eau ni d’essuyage. Rafraîchissantes, elles réduisent les désagréments consécutifs à la sudation des mains. DÉSINFECTANT à propriétés BACTÉRICIDES — FONGICIDES — VIRUCIDES pour la réduction de la contamination microbienne manuportée, l’hygiène des mains et des gants de manipulation. Elles permettent d’assurer le temps de contact indispensable pour une action de désinfection rapide, sans laisser de résidus. Efficacité biocide : • EN 14476 - Virus H1N1 (30 secondes) Fongicide : • EN 1650 (p.v. efficacité 06093/2) sur Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger IP 1431.83 (15 minutes) Bactéricide (suivant normes suivantes) : • NF EN 1276 (pv. efficacité 02079/3) sur Pseudomonas aeruginosa CIP 103 467, Escherichia coli CIP 54 127, Staphyloccocus aureus CIP 4.83, Enterococcus hirae CIP 5855 (5 minutes). • NF EN 1276 (p.v.


We are a certified EU distributor of high-quality wooden pellets from DE/NL/PL. Our deliveries are fast and efficient, covering 27 European countries. Since 2010 we have been a trusted and long-term pellet supplier for our biggest customers in Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Denmark and Italy. All Power Wood products are made and packed in DE. Every year, we hold a pre-peak season delivery meeting to make sure we’re equipped to make our customers happy. It’s great to get everyone together in one place, but even better to go over the whole delivery process as a team. In order to make your home delivery as smooth as possible – we thought it’d be helpful to share an overall guide.


Typ: Fräser R116 Egenschaften: Ø 6.0 mm, Schaft Ø 6.0 mm,1 Schneide, poliert und gewuchtet Empfohlene Materialien: Forex MDF Holz Dibond Max. Tiefe: 22.0 mm Max. U/min.: 50.000 Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 3910759 Artikel-Nr:20310163 Hersteller:Zünd Hersteller-Nr:3910759
Recipientele cu Gel de Silică - Recipientele și capsulele sunt utilizate în industria (farmaceutică).

Recipientele cu Gel de Silică - Recipientele și capsulele sunt utilizate în industria (farmaceutică).

The canister capsules are drop-in desiccant products in capsules designed for pharmaceutical packagings. The advantages are: – Excellent performances – Long lifespan – Patient safety – Easy integration in the production process The innovative design of the canister capsules provides effective 360° moisture absorption, regardless of the product’s position in the package. Furthermore, the capsule’s effectiveness stays the same whether it is placed on the container wall or on the floor. The canister capsules are filled with spherical silica gel or molecular sieves, which means they are free of dust.
Cellstain - Soluție Cytored - Gata de utilizare

Cellstain - Soluție Cytored - Gata de utilizare

Product group: Dyes Storing temperature: -20°C Code:C410 Manufacturers:Dojindo
Stivuitor electric Fenwick E15 - Echipamente second hand

Stivuitor electric Fenwick E15 - Echipamente second hand

FOURCHES 1200 MM - BATTERIE ET CHARGEUR D'ORIGINE (POSSIBILITÉ BATTERIE NEUVE + 2900 € SUR LE PRIX DE VENTE INDIQUE) - TDLI - REVISION COMPLETE - PAS DE PEINTURE - LEVEE LIBRE DE 1660 MM - CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE CE OCCASION FOURNI - DISPO SOUS 4 SEMAINES Marque:Fenwick Modèle:E15 Référence:H2119 Année:2004 Énergie:Électrique Hauteur de levée:4 650 mm Capacité de levage:1 500 kg Heures:5 136 h Type de mât:Triplex État:Bon état Équipements:TDL (déplacement latéral) Type de pneu:Plein souple Fréquence VGP:6 mois Hauteur basse de mât:2 060 mm
Hang 103 SP - Mașină Folosită

Hang 103 SP - Mașină Folosită

age unknown eyeletting machine eyelet diameter 4 mm underframe food pedal Delivery time: immediately from stock Ref: HA200068A Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
Palet Epal din Brad/Pin de Vânzare - PALETĂ EUROPEANĂ DIN LEMN EPAL

Palet Epal din Brad/Pin de Vânzare - PALETĂ EUROPEANĂ DIN LEMN EPAL

We offering certified dusseldorf Epal pallet . Euro Pallet ,Wooden Pallet at affordable prices. All our pallets are heat treated . Do get back to us for more information and details.
DISPLAY LED rezistent la apă din seria TN-OF pentru utilizare în aer liber - Display LED totem și poster

DISPLAY LED rezistent la apă din seria TN-OF pentru utilizare în aer liber - Display LED totem și poster

Bieten Sie einen qualitativ besseren Service ohne Probleme mit speziell entwickelten AVA LED-Produkten für Außenbereiche ... Einsatzbereiche: Außenwerbung auf der Straße LED- Totem im Außenbereich LED-Außenplakat LED- Außenanzeige Mechanische / Montagefunktionen: Dank Aluminiumdruckguss- Magnesium - Rahmen - Design Geringes Gewicht Kabinett erweiterte Sicherheit Lock - System, Signal und Stromanschluss und sparen Arbeitskosten 4 Fast - Lüfter einen geringeren Stromverbrauch, Bild Großer Betrachtungswinkel Klares Bild mit Kamera advanced High Bildwiederholrate, advanced High Helligkeit Technologie, 14 Bit / 16 Bit / 18 Bit Graustufen (4-mal höher als der Marktdurchschnitt) Pixelbereich:P2,5 - P3 - P4 - P6,67 - P8 Panelgröße:960 mm x 960 mm x 105 mm Plattengewicht:25 kg / 27 kg. Plattenmaterial :Druckguss Aluminium / Magnesium Steuerung:Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, PC, APP '' Apple & Android Phone '' Lichtleistung:> 4000 Nächte -> 7000 Nächte LED-Typ:SMD1921 / SMD2727 / SMD3535 Aktualisierungsrate:3840Hz Stromverbrauch / SQM :300W-800W IP-Bewertung :IP54 hinten / IP65 vorne Kontrollsystem :Novastar Wird bearbeitet :14 Bit / 16 Bit / 18 Bit Kühlung :4 Fans Nutzungsbereich:Offene Fläche Zertifizierungen:CE / EMV / LVD-ATR-EUR1
Kit personalizat de unică folosință pentru dializă și medicație

Kit personalizat de unică folosință pentru dializă și medicație

Single use personalized kit for dialysis (FAV; CVC, peritoneal; at home). Each set if personalized to the cutomer's specification for better use of the device in the departmental procedures, according to the specific protocol in use. This is accompanied by a range of necessary accessories per general purpose and dialysis such as: kit with antimicrobial dressing; catheter protective pockets; fistula-pressing plasters and fistula pressing-bandages;device for the disposal of the fistula needle after use; single use fistula pressing devices; precut plasters for dressing or fistula needles fixing; water-proof protective device for dressing, All medical devicers manufactured by DRM are CE marked in accordance with the applicable legal erequirements.
Nipoflange - Ieșiri de sudură & Co

Nipoflange - Ieșiri de sudură & Co

Combination of welding outlet and flange Nipoflange in pipeline construction A nipoflange is used in pipeline construction just like a welding outlet or a nipple outlet for a 90 ° branch. A Nipoflange is a combination of welding outlet, nipple outlet and flange. Further terms for Nipoflange are Weldoflange or Flangeolet. Two different branch sides On the pipe branch side , a nipo length has the shape of a welding outlet. This means that the branch from the pipe is made with a welded joint. There is a flange on the connection side, ie a flange connection is created. The flange can be designed according to customer requirements (usually according to DIN or ANSI). Nipoflange as a forged fitting A nipoflange (similar to ANSI B 16.9 / MSS-SP 97) is usually made from a forged blank. This means that a Nipoflange is a forged fitting and has no welds.
Max Michel Husă pentru Honeywell ScanPal EDA50/EDA51 - Max Michel Husă

Max Michel Husă pentru Honeywell ScanPal EDA50/EDA51 - Max Michel Husă

Max Michel Handheld Nylon Holster für Honeywell ScanPal EDA50 und EDA51, verstell- und knöpfbare multifunktionale Gürtelschlaufe, 2 D-Ringe Hersteller:Max Michel Herkunftsland:Indien GTIN:4251193210929 Bestell-Nr.::19-SL2339-01 Herst.-Nr.::19-081640-01 Garantie:12 Monate Material:Nylon Funktion:Gerätetasche Extra 1:verstell- und knöpfbare multifunktionale Gürtelschlaufe Extra 2:2 D-Ringe