Produse pentru utilizare (2926)



90 mm Petri Dish | 20 ml Ready to Use Agar IVD | Sterile | pH 7.3 ± 0.2 10-Pack Vacuum Packaging Storage 2-12 °C Shelf Life 3 months It allows the differentiation of microorganisms based on their deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity. Product Code: AKL-573
ZOLLER Smile 400 - Banc de prerezervare

ZOLLER Smile 400 - Banc de prerezervare

ZOLLER Smile 400 - Banc de préréglage Ecran couleur tactile:12.1 ["] Résolution:0.001 [mm] Diamètre maximal d'outil à mesurer:320 [mm] Capacité de mesure sur l'axe Z:400 [mm] Tension d'alimentation:230 [V] Capacité de mesure sur l'axe X:160 [mm] Attachement broche:ISO 50
Nagel Citoborma 280 - Mașină Folosită

Nagel Citoborma 280 - Mașină Folosită

age 2000 table model 2 drilling heads electr. drive manual handle slide plate Delivery time: immediately from stock Ref: NA200211A Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
Masă școlară pentru 8 persoane cu blat colorat

Masă școlară pentru 8 persoane cu blat colorat

Stół dopasowany do krzeseł o wysokości 21 do 46 cm, regulacja wysokości w zakresie 64 - 82 cm Śr. nogi: 6 cm Wym.: 160 x 80 cm
Servetele de Restaurant Lisoare Anti-Pete - Textile pentru Restaurație

Servetele de Restaurant Lisoare Anti-Pete - Textile pentru Restaurație

Os guardanapos lisos são a solução ideal para o seu restaurante, se procura simplicidade e requinte. O tecido é anti-nódoa e a sua alta composição de algodão confere-lhe uma textura macia. REFERÊNCIA:EPMLIS100-A Tamanho:45cm x 45cm
Seturi 5 - Ușor de utilizat

Seturi 5 - Ușor de utilizat

Conjuntos 5 - Fácil de usar Ref:SS071
Silo pentru granule plastice - Flex-Silos maximizează utilizarea spațiului disponibil și oferă multe avantaje

Silo pentru granule plastice - Flex-Silos maximizează utilizarea spațiului disponibil și oferă multe avantaje

We provide silos for all kinds of plastics as e.g. PVC, PP, PA, ABS, POM, PE and PET. Today, flexible A.B.S. Silos are in demand everywhere plastics have to be stored quickly, efficiently and safely with optimum value for money. Construction and equipment are precisely adapted to the special requirements of the respective plastic storage material, e.g. concerning outlet diameter, cone bevel or geometry.
Celule de gaz Knight Optical pentru utilizare în analiza chimică

Celule de gaz Knight Optical pentru utilizare în analiza chimică

Knight Optical can offer Gas Cells for use within the Chemical Analysis. - Knight Optical can offer Gas Cells for use within the Chemical Analysis. We supply a range of Gas Cells for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within the chemical analysis industry. Gas cells are used in spectroscopy for identification of the contents of gases. The path length and window material are chosen for analysis of different concentrations and types of gas. Depending on the types of gases being analysed, the windows in a gas cell can be made from NaCl, KBr, CaF2, BaF2, or ZnSe and will be chosen depending on bandwidth, to meet the customer’s application. All our Gas Cells are fully inspected on their quality in our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art Metrology laboratory Material:NaCl, KBr, CaF2, BaF2, ZnSe or stainless steel bodies Shape:Short Path, Long Path, Variable Path Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Parallelism::< 3 arcminutes Surface Quality: :<60-40 Scratch/Dig Transmitted Wavefront Error: :< 0.25 λ PV@ 633nm
Kelteks Cusut Combimat 600/300 - Combimat

Kelteks Cusut Combimat 600/300 - Combimat

These fabrics consist of several layers of fibres in different orientations. Fibres are stitched rather than woven together, which helps to avoid crimping and makes for increased fibre strength for parts. In practice, these fabrics will be handled in much the same way as woven fabrics. kelteks Combimat Stitched is suitable for larger and thicker laminates and can be cute with the single fibers staying together. Material:Glass Fiber Weight:600g + 300g Width:20 - 250cm Length:40 - 200m
Mașini de Etanșare a Tuburilor Tip Sermatec, Aucouturier - CUȚITE FOLOSITE ÎN TĂIEREA AMBALAJULUI

Mașini de Etanșare a Tuburilor Tip Sermatec, Aucouturier - CUȚITE FOLOSITE ÎN TĂIEREA AMBALAJULUI

Pour sceller le TUBE, étape préalable à la fermeture complète de l’emballage, nous fournissons les molettes de chauffe, les résistances, les isolants et certaines pignonneries.
Detergent pulbere ABC 6 KG Culoare *1 (PLT-112)

Detergent pulbere ABC 6 KG Culoare *1 (PLT-112)

Powder detergent for colored clothes.
Brichete din Lemn Nestro

Brichete din Lemn Nestro

Verbrennungstemperatur: 4300 – 4700 Kcal/kg Feuchtigkeit: 8 % Aschegehalt: 0,7 % Mechanische Haltbarkeit: 95 % Teilweise zerstörte Briketts: 14 % Größe: Ø65×270 – 300 mm Verpackung: 11 Stück im Vakuum (10,8 kg), 88 Pakete auf Palette (950,4 kg)
Nu folosiți liftul în caz de incendiu!

Nu folosiți liftul în caz de incendiu!

Material Self-adhesive film Dimensions 105 x 148 mm 131 x 185 mm
Burete HACCP - Burete HACCP cu structură de plasă inventivă

Burete HACCP - Burete HACCP cu structură de plasă inventivă

Prevent cross-contamination during cleaning with the HACCP sponge. It is extra cleaning thanks to its inventive net structure. And it is ideal for cleaning areas where food processing takes place. Follow the HACCP system by dividing cleaning materials, such as sponges, by colour. With a different colour for each cleaning situation or room. Features - The sponge has a layer of extra absorbent mousse - And the revolutionary mesh structure traps dirt during cleaning to reduce bacterial growth - Ideal for washing dishes and cleaning all kinds of work surfaces - After use, wash the sponge in the dishwasher or washing machine at 60° 224.000.002: bag 4 x blue HACCP sponges Dimensions:13,5 x 8,7 cm x 2,6 cm Composition:Polyurethane Weight:9 g / piece ± 10 % Packaging:100 bags/carton
Mazare Proteica 80% - Pentru Utilizare Alimentară

Mazare Proteica 80% - Pentru Utilizare Alimentară

La proteina dei piselli è ottenuta dal pisello dorato o giallo mediante processi secchi e liquidi. Nella fase secca, il guscio del pisello viene rimosso meccanicamente e macinato. Successivamente si ottiene la farina di piselli e grazie alle sue proprietà di idrosolubilità le proteine ​​vengono separate e raccolte per centrifugazione. Il prodotto finale a base di proteine ​​dei piselli è una polvere beige, dal gusto pulito.
Analiza activității antioxidante prin testul FRAP

Analiza activității antioxidante prin testul FRAP

Il Parametro Antiossidante Riducente Ferrico (FRAP) è una misura diretta del potere riduttivo totale di una matrice biologica ed un indice indiretto della capacità del sistema considerato di resistere al danno ossidativo. Il FRAP utilizza gli antiossidanti nel sistema biologico come agente riduttivo in un metodo colorimetrico basato su reazioni redox (Benzie IFF, Strani JJ, Anal Biochem 1996, 239: 70-76). La riduzione a pH acido del complesso TPTZ-Fe(III) alla forma ferrosa (Fe(II)) è caratterizzata da un colore blu intenso. La reazione viene monitorata misurando l'assorbanza della soluzione a 595 nm. Le assorbanze registrate vengono confrontate con una curva standard Fe(II) di valori noti. I risultati sono direttamente proporzionali al potere riduttivo totale dell'antiossidante nella miscela di reazione.
Fabricarea CNC a pieselor de precizie

Fabricarea CNC a pieselor de precizie

Nous sommes spécialisés dans l'usinage de précision CNC d'éléments en alliages de métaux, composites et plastique industriel, ainsi que dans la soudure, pour la production de pièces destinées aux plus diverses applications industrielles, avec développement de projet et montage si necessaire.
CI . cutie fonoizolantă - Cutie fonoizolantă pentru ventilatoare cu motor

CI . cutie fonoizolantă - Cutie fonoizolantă pentru ventilatoare cu motor

Caisson insonorisant pour moto-ventilateur Aspir'Elec étudie et réalise dès sa création en 1986, depuis son siège en région Lyonnaise, des ensembles aérauliques destinés au traitement de l'air. Cette activité d'aspiration et de dépoussiérage industriel complète de façon méthodique l'activité liée à la commercialisation de ventilateurs. Nous sommes présents dans différents secteurs d'activité comme les industries de la machine-outil, de la transformation du bois, pierre, plastique et des matériaux composites, mais aussi de la métallerie, serrurerie, chaudronnerie, etc.
Tăviță Mare din Stejar - Tăvițe pentru Utilizare Zilnică

Tăviță Mare din Stejar - Tăvițe pentru Utilizare Zilnică

Oak Cutting Board Large - Everyday Use Cutting Boards SKU:105 DIMENSIONS:450x300x20 [mm] Wood:OAK finishing:sunflower oil side finishing:slanted weight:1,92 kg
Mașină de Împachetare SMB CUBE 600x600c - Mașină Folosită Renovata cu 12 Luni Garanție

Mașină de Împachetare SMB CUBE 600x600c - Mașină Folosită Renovata cu 12 Luni Garanție

Rahmengröße:600 x 600 mm Umreifungsbandbreite:5-9 mm Baujahr:2012 Zustand:Grundüberholt Eigenschaften: •Wirtschaftlich durch höchste Verfügbarkeit •Robuste und extrem wartungsarme Ausführung •Einfachste Handhabung •Minimaler Platzbedarf •Bestes Kosten/Nutzen-Verhältnis •Max. 35 Pakete/min.; abhängig von Rückspannweg und Rahmengröße, ohne Paketpressung •Maschine fahrbar (2 Bock-/ 2 Lenkrollen mit Bremse •Tischhöhe 770 -1000mm •Förderbänder angetrieben •Maschinenfarbe: Rahmen RAL 7004 / Gestell RAL 7016 •Grundausstattung nach Datenblatt (verfügbar auf: Besonderheit / Special Features: •Signalaustausch: 2 x Gegenstecker mit Werkzeug •Zus. Lichtschranke für Anbau an Vor- o. Nachläufer •Signalaustausch: Paket nicht umreifen •Externer Taster: Paket nicht umreifen •Pakethöhenabhängige Bandspannung (Lasersensor) •Paketpresse pneumatisch (600x600) •Doppelpressbalken 600 •Einzugschutz auf Tischplatte, einlaufseitig •Zwei baugleiche Geräte verfügbar Rahemngröße:600x600mm Umreifungsbandbreite:5-9mm Baujahr:2012 Zustand:Grundüberholt (mit 12 Monaten Garantie)
Încălzitor industrial de aer cald - 26 până la 500 kW

Încălzitor industrial de aer cald - 26 până la 500 kW

Industrial warm air heater with diesel or gas operation from 26 to 500 kW The MM hot air generators are indirect heating type equipment (the hot air does not mix with the combustion gases) and they work completely autonomously. They do not need additional elements for heat dissipation, a fact that reduces acquisition, installation and maintenance costs. Its operation is based on the heating of a certain air flow, through the combustion of diesel, natural gas or propane gas. Said flow is aspirated and driven by the fans that the equipment incorporates and that comply with the ERP 2020 regulations. The main advantages over other heating systems are: - Reduction of acquisition and installation costs - Very fast heating system - Air diffusion can be direct or a duct network can be applied - 90% combustion efficiency
Discuri de șlefuire din nitruro de siliciu - Discuri de șlefuire din nitruro de siliciu pentru șlefuirea pulberilor

Discuri de șlefuire din nitruro de siliciu - Discuri de șlefuire din nitruro de siliciu pentru șlefuirea pulberilor

Silicon nitride grinding discs, impeller blades are widely used in the field of powder grinding and are used as chassis. Because silicon nitride ceramics are very hard, second only to diamonds and other materials, there is almost no loss during thegrinding process, and the impurities brought into the product are also minimal. Although silicon nitride is a ceramic product, it has a good crystal structure, and the silicon nitride spherical product can well retain the crystal structure, so that the stress can be dispersed and the various metal ores can be broken. Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) Characteristics: 1 Good thermal shock resistance 2 Creep resistance 3 Low density 4 High fracture toughness 5 High hardness and wear resistance 6 Electrical resistivity
Dezumidificator portabil - TTK 75 E - Dezumidificator portabil - TTK 75 E

Dezumidificator portabil - TTK 75 E - Dezumidificator portabil - TTK 75 E

DESHUMIDIFICADOR CONFORT TTK 75 E Aparato poco llamativo, rendimiento muy llamativo... Si usted busca un deshumidificador confort que sea tan económico como fiable, sin adornos innecesarios, y de un manejo simple y una gran capacidad de deshumidificación para mantener secos permanentemente viviendas, oficinas, habitaciones sanitarias y sótanos, entonces es el TTK 75 E una de nuestras primeras recomendaciones. Con este secador no necesita estudiarse un manual de instrucciones largo. Colocar, conectar, ajustar la potencia de deshumidificación y listo. Una vez puesto en funcionamiento, el TTK 75 E hace exactamente lo que tiene que hacer, y bastante bien: Este deshumidificador confort está dotado de un ventilador especialmente potente que puede suministrar grandes cantidades de aire al condensador para la deshumidificación. Movilidad:móvil Fluido:de aire
Indicatori și Etichete Shockwatch® Tiltwatch XTR®. Seturi de cutii

Indicatori și Etichete Shockwatch® Tiltwatch XTR®. Seturi de cutii

Tiltwatch XTR® is a cutting-edge tilt and shock monitoring system safeguarding valuable cargo during transport and storage. Crafted by Tiltwatch, a pioneer in tilt and impact indicators, XTR® delivers precise real-time data to prevent product damage and ensure fragile goods arrive unharmed.XTR® Indicators are robust, self-adhesive labels applied directly to packages, containers, or equipment.Advanced multi-axis tilt sensors continually track the item's orientation, instantly recording any movement deviation.Available in various formats, standard XTR® Indicators offer visual alerts, changing colour when tilted beyond preset angles. XTR® Indicator Plus logs digital tilt data, accessible via USB.For comprehensive monitoring, XTR® Data Loggers provide wireless connectivity, real-time alerts, and cloud-based data management.These compact devices offer complete tilt, shock, and temperature tracking throughout the shipping journey.
Senzori de nivel Senzori pentru utilizare până la -230° C - Senzori de nivel Senzori pentru utilizare până la -230° C

Senzori de nivel Senzori pentru utilizare până la -230° C - Senzori de nivel Senzori pentru utilizare până la -230° C

EGE Kapazitive Sensoren für den Einsatz bis -230°C erfassen zuverlässig tiefgekühlte flüssige Gase oder Granulate etwa für die kryogene Vermahlung. Das Messelement des Sensors ist als Zylinderkondensator ausgeführt. Das zu erfassende Medium fungiert dabei als Dielektrikum. Das den Sensor berührende Medium erzeugt eine Kapazitätsänderung. Diese wird in ein Schaltsignal oder in ein analoges 4…20 mA Ausgangssignal umgewandelt. Dies gilt für leitfähige wie nicht leitfähige Medien. Die Sensoren erfassen zuverlässig tiefgekühlte flüssige Gase oder Granulate etwa für die kryogene Vermahlung. Besonders für beengte Platzverhältnisse eigenen sich die Sensoren dank ihrer kompakten Bauform.
Ventilatoare Industriale

Ventilatoare Industriale

Vi prefabricerar, monterar, sätter ihop och efterbehandlar de tillverkade delarna. Vi har specialiserat oss på serietillverkning av stålkomponenter.
Etanșări - produse recomandate

Etanșări - produse recomandate

Ruitdichtingen worden gebruikt voor de montage van ruiten en voorruiten en zorgen voor een goede afdichting tussen het glas en de metaalplaat. Ze worden hoofdzakelijk vervaardigd van EPDMrubber. Deuren en ruiten vereisen zelfs onder de meest extreme omstandigheden een absoluut hermetische afdichting en moeten daarom over een hoge bestendigheid tegen scheurkrachten beschikken. Wij hebben een breed gamma aan standaard profielen maar kunnen zonder problemen elk profiel creëren, volgens uw tekening. Afhankelijk van de grootte van de serie bepalen we de meest optimale manier om het rubberprofiel te extruderen. Na de vulkanisatie van het profiel maken we een precisiehoek met radiale of rechthoekige vorm, met een zuivere overgang tussen de rubberprofielen. We kunnen kleine hoeveelheden leveren, evenals continue, grote volumes.
Georg Scheele

Georg Scheele

Georg Scheele Material:Bronze
FireBird® Pro Gold Edition - Utilizare Fără Fir pe Șantiere/Producție Industrială cu Putere Mare de Setare

FireBird® Pro Gold Edition - Utilizare Fără Fir pe Șantiere/Producție Industrială cu Putere Mare de Setare

• Aufdrillen der Blindnietmutter mit optimiertem Drehmoment und automatischer Abschaltung • Auslösen des Setzvorgangs funktionell getrennt vom Aufdrillvorgang • Automatische Abdrillfunktion nach Beendigung des Setzvorgangs • Abdrillen des Gewindedorns mit hohem Drehmoment • Robust und kompakt mit schlagfestem Gehäuse • Ermüdungsarmes Arbeiten durch ausgewogene Schwerpunktlage und handgerechtem Griff • Einfache Hubeinstellung • Einfaches und sicheres Aufdrillen der Blindnietmuttern • Gleichbleibende Setzgeschwindigkeit bei eingestellter Setzkraft • Automatisches Umschalten vom Setzen zum Abdrillen • Schnellwechselsystem für Gewindedorne • Mit dem neuen CAS-Akku, mit dem sie mehr als 180 Akku-Geräte mit nur einem Akku bedienen können Näheres zu Liefergrenzen wird in einer konkreten Anfrage beantwortet (Angaben sind nur beispielhaft)!