Produse pentru tratate (7)

Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-disperție repelentă la apă și ulei pentru tratarea materialelor absorbante

Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-disperție repelentă la apă și ulei pentru tratarea materialelor absorbante

Consilex Nanosil T-1000 An impregnating water-oil repellent that is colourless, non-film and based on the nano-dispersion of silicon compounds. Protects lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, natural stones, bricks, wood and so on from the weather, frost and thaw cycles, and aggressive atmospheric conditions. It does not alter the colour of the support nor impact the original appearance or breathability. Product characterized by a very high pearling effect (lotus flower effect) and excellent durability. Consilex Nanosil T-1000 belongs to the new generation of water-soluble fluorinated silica compounds, characterised by zero emissions of VOCs and the absence of flammability and toxicity. The active substance penetrates the porosity and micro-lesions, adhering to the support and counteracting the penetration and advancement of liquids without blocking the breathability of the support. The special chemical structure of Consilex Nanosil T-1000 ensures its high stability to alkali and thus its durability over time on various types of supports, such as: lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, brick, natural stone and wood. The product differs from other treatments on the market due to having the following characteristics: - non-flammable - non-film - zero VOC - stable in water - free from emulsifiers - environmentally-friendly The treatment of absorbent materials carried out with Consilex Nanosil T-1000 is characterised by: - durability over time - total transparency - no variations to the surface colour - excellent water vapour breathability - elevated pearl effect - resistance to acids and alkalis - resistance to UV rays - an absence of reactive by-products that are harmful to people and the environment An impregnating treatment that is water-oil repellent, non-film, totally transparent and colourless, for above-ground masonry in brick, marble, slate, limestone, natural stone and tuff, cement or brick flooring, lime- or cement-based plasters and mortars, etcetera. Packaging: 25 kg canister UM: €/kg
Tuburi Cromate - Tuburi fără sudură, trase la rece, rectificate și cromate extern

Tuburi Cromate - Tuburi fără sudură, trase la rece, rectificate și cromate extern

Tubi cromati esternamente per cilindri oleodinamici 120 ore di resistenza alla corrosione in nebbia salina neutra (NSS) ISO 9227 Rating 9 ISO 10.289. Riporto di cromo ≥ 20µm ISOf7 200 ore di resistenza alla corrosione in nebbia salina neutra (NSS) ISO 9227 Rating 9 ISO 10.289. Riporto di cromo ≥ 25µm ISOf7 Acciai disponibili:E355+SR
Entrata 10 S unitate de condensare cu aer plug-in

Entrata 10 S unitate de condensare cu aer plug-in

Controllore con display grafico a colori da 2.8 pollici, tasti capacitivi e frontale IP65 con superficie continua. Costruzione di tipo monoscocca. Costruzione interna ed esterna in acciaio inox AISI 304. Piedi in acciaio inox regolabili in altezza. Guarnizione porta resistente alle temperature minime di raggiungimento. Profili cella e profili porta resistenti alle temperature minime di raggiungimento. Vano tecnico posto sotto la cella. Unità condensatrice posta nel vano tecnico, estraibile e facilmente ispezionabile dal retro. Porta-teglie in acciaio inox AISI 304, adatto a contenere teglie GN 1/1 ed EN 60x40. Struttura facilmente removibile per operazioni di pulizia. Cella interna con angoli raggiati per facilitare le operazioni di pulizia. Isolamento in poliuretano ad alta densità senza CFC. Evaporatore con protezione antiruggine cataforesi. Cerniera porta lato sinistro. Perimetro porta riscaldato per evitare la formazione di brina. Grafica controllore semplice ed intuitiva. Resa frigorifera (Evap. -10°C / Cond. 45°C):2411 W Gas refrigerante:R290 Alimentazione (Ph / Volts / Hz) :220-240/1N/50 Dimensioni interne (lxpxh):615 x 417 x 775 mm Dimensioni esterne (lxpxh) :715 x 695 x 1412 mm
ESAROME SEBO IKS - Loțiune cu Uleiuri Esențiale pentru Seboree

ESAROME SEBO IKS - Loțiune cu Uleiuri Esențiale pentru Seboree

E’ studiato per tutti i casi di seborrea e cute grassa. Il complesso di principi attivi funzionali (PAF) in esso contenuti, regola le funzioni del cuoio capelluto ripristinando il suo equilibrio. Grazie al mix di Estratti naturali e Oli Essenziali, accuratamente selezionati e sapientemente amalgamati, svolge un’importante azione antibatterica, previene il cattivo odore dovuto all’eccessiva secrezione sebacea, allontanando nel tempo l’untuosità dei capelli. In modo particolare: Estratto di Foglia di Ortica Dioica – Estratto di Argan – Estratto Glicerico di Edera – Estratto di Semi di Sesamo: svolgono un’efficace azione antibatterica e antinfiammatoria, mantenendo la cute morbida e idratata. Estratto di Serenoa Serrulata: i suoi polifenoli hanno proprietà antiandrogeniche che espletano principalmente attraverso l’inibizione dell’enzima 5-alfareduttasi (deputato alla conversione del testosterone in diidrotestosterone responsabile nei soggetti predisposti, dell’alopecia androgenetica) Scatola per home care:12 fiale da 7 ml cadauna
QL Polisil : Agent de impregnare în soluție apoasă pentru tratarea betonului

QL Polisil : Agent de impregnare în soluție apoasă pentru tratarea betonului

A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases. A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured. The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-disperție repelentă la apă și ulei pentru tratarea materialelor absorbante

Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-disperție repelentă la apă și ulei pentru tratarea materialelor absorbante

Consilex Nanosil T-1000 An impregnating water-oil repellent that is colourless, non-film and based on the nano-dispersion of silicon compounds. Protects lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, natural stones, bricks, wood and so on from the weather, frost and thaw cycles, and aggressive atmospheric conditions. It does not alter the colour of the support nor impact the original appearance or breathability. Product characterized by a very high pearling effect (lotus flower effect) and excellent durability. Consilex Nanosil T-1000 belongs to the new generation of water-soluble fluorinated silica compounds, characterised by zero emissions of VOCs and the absence of flammability and toxicity. The active substance penetrates the porosity and micro-lesions, adhering to the support and counteracting the penetration and advancement of liquids without blocking the breathability of the support. The special chemical structure of Consilex Nanosil T-1000 ensures its high stability to alkali and thus its durability over time on various types of supports, such as: lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, brick, natural stone and wood. The product differs from other treatments on the market due to having the following characteristics: - non-flammable - non-film - zero VOC - stable in water - free from emulsifiers - environmentally-friendly The treatment of absorbent materials carried out with Consilex Nanosil T-1000 is characterised by: - durability over time - total transparency - no variations to the surface colour - excellent water vapour breathability - elevated pearl effect - resistance to acids and alkalis - resistance to UV rays - an absence of reactive by-products that are harmful to people and the environment. An impregnating treatment that is water-oil repellent, non-film, totally transparent and colourless, for above-ground masonry in brick, marble, slate, limestone, natural stone and tuff, cement or brick flooring, lime- or cement-based plasters and mortars, etcetera. It is recommended that surfaces be treated prior to remove soluble salts and dirt, along with parts with poor surface adhesion. Cracks greater than 0.3 mm must always been filled. Apply to dry surfaces. In the event of rain or surface washing, wait 3 days at a temperature of at least 20° C prior to treatment. Apply the product homogeneously and evenly, by spraying at low pressure or brushing, taking care to achieve the best saturation of the substrate. Consilex Nanosil T-1000 comes ready-to-use. The quantity of product required depends on the porosity and absorption of the substrate to be treated, generally ranging from 100 to 200 grams/square metre. If very porous surfaces are to be treated, diluting the product with demineralised water at a ratio of 1:1 is advisable. Consilex Nanosil T-1000 is completely transparent and colourless, yet a preliminary test on the specific support is always recommend to verify any possible—albeit rare—presence of imperfections. From 0.10 to 0.20 kg of Consilex Nanosil T-1000 per square metre of surface to be treated, depending on the porosity of the base. Packaging: 5 kg canister Unit of Measure: €/kg
ȘAMPON EMOLIENT ÎN IKS - Șampon restructurant cu keratină pentru părul tratat

ȘAMPON EMOLIENT ÎN IKS - Șampon restructurant cu keratină pentru părul tratat

Strutturato specificatamente per lo strato cheratinico esterno, è adatto per capelli molto secchi, dalla consistenza spessa e porosa. Ha un’alta azione ristrutturante che lo rende particolarmente indicato per capelli sfruttati e con doppie punte. Il suo uso costante ne previene la formazione e rende i capelli elastici, docili e disciplinati. La sua formulazione a base di ingredienti naturali, restituisce idratazione anche al cuoio capelluto arido o alipidico. In modo particolare: Estratto di Aloe Barbadensis: ricco di vitamine, enzimi, oligoelementi ed aminoacidi è rinfrescante e ammorbidente e contribuisce ad idratare la cute secca e disidratata. Estratto di Camomilla Matricaria: composto prevalentemente da flavonoidi, garantisce spiccate proprietà decongestionanti e lenitive. Stimola la sintesi di collagene, fibre elastiche e acido ialuronico. Cheratina idrolizzata: costituita da lunghe catene di aminoacidi, ha forti proprietà ristrutturanti. Flacone salone:1000 ml Flacone per home care:200 ml