Produse pentru recuperare (389)

Spray de recuperare

Spray de recuperare

Imaginez la sensation d'une brise fraîche après un match intense sous le soleil d'été. Ce spray travaille en défense pour calmer la chaleur de vos muscles enflammés, plus efficacement qu'un gardien arrêtant un penalty. Dites adieu à la sensation de brûlure et bonjour à une récupération rapide et apaisante.
Optimizarea energiei pentru sistemele de evacuare

Optimizarea energiei pentru sistemele de evacuare

Stooss abluftconsulting GmbH bietet umfassende Energieoptimierungsdienste für industrielle Abluftsysteme. Unsere Lösungen senken Betriebskosten und steigern die Effizienz, indem sie Abwärmenutzung, energieeffiziente Komponenten und optimierte Prozesse integrieren. Mit maßgeschneiderten Konzepten und modernster Technologie reduzieren wir den CO₂-Ausstoß und tragen aktiv zur Nachhaltigkeit bei. Durch die Analyse Ihrer bestehenden Systeme entwickeln wir individuell angepasste Maßnahmen für eine langfristige Energieeinsparung. Eigenschaften & Vorteile: Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen: Anpassung an spezifische Betriebsanforderungen. Effizienzsteigerung: Reduzierung der Energiekosten und des CO₂-Ausstoßes. Technologische Expertise: Integration modernster Komponenten und Verfahren. Nachhaltigkeit: Umweltfreundliche Optimierungen für langfristigen Erfolg.
Sârmă recozită în rolă

Sârmă recozită în rolă

El alambre recocido en rollo de New Metal es un producto de alta calidad diseñado para ofrecer la máxima ductilidad y resistencia. Obtenido a través de un tratamiento térmico de recocido, este alambre es ideal para aplicaciones que requieren flexibilidad y durabilidad. Su composición química está cuidadosamente controlada para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo, cumpliendo con las normas ASTM A510. Este alambre es fácil de manejar y se utiliza en la agricultura, la construcción y la industria para el amarre de residuos. Este alambre recocido es altamente versátil y se utiliza en una variedad de sectores, incluyendo la construcción, la agricultura y la industria automotriz. Su alta ductilidad lo convierte en una opción preferida para proyectos que requieren un alargamiento superior al 38% y una resistencia entre 350-400 Mpa. Además, ofrecemos opciones de embalaje personalizables para asegurar una entrega segura y eficiente. Con su acabado negro recocido, este alambre no solo proporciona un rendimiento excepcional, sino que también ofrece una estética atractiva.
Sisteme de Recuperare a Subproduselor de CO2 Asco (BPR)

Sisteme de Recuperare a Subproduselor de CO2 Asco (BPR)

ASCO’s innovative CO2 Gas Recovery Technology turns your vented byproduct gas into profitable CO2. Be it for an alcoholic fermentation process (e.g. breweries, ethanol operations, distilleries or wineries), other industrial sources (e.g. ammonia production or hydrogen reforming) or natural sources, ASCO will find your individual CO2 recovery solution. ASCO’s ByProduct CO2 Gas Recovery System can make this opportunity a reality to those interested in developing a business case and realizing the potential rewards of recovering CO2 gas from these sources. Our systems, manufactured of the highest quality in materials and workmanship, offers extremely low operating costs placing the least OPEX against CAPEX providing a far greater return on investment. Sources ASCO CO2 Gas Recovery Systems are applicable to a variety of sources
Pahar reutilizabil și personalizabil de 50 cl în 2 culori

Pahar reutilizabil și personalizabil de 50 cl în 2 culori

Vaso reutilizables de alta calidad personalizable, reciclable, libre de BPA - Vaso 50 cl personalizable con serigrafía a 2 tintas, sostenible y ecológico de polipropileno, ideal para todo tipo de eventos sostenibles.
Bucăți de PVC

Bucăți de PVC

PVC Lumps
Schimbător de căldură cu tub neted - Schimbătoare de căldură

Schimbător de căldură cu tub neted - Schimbătoare de căldură

Air-water / air-air heat exchanger as smooth tube heat exchanger up to 1,000 ° C Smooth tube heat exchanger as an air / water heat exchanger In the case of air-water heat exchangers (also called gas-water heat exchangers), a temperature exchange takes place between a gas (usually air) and a liquid. As a rule, the liquid medium flows inside the pipes, while the gaseous medium flows around the pipes outside the pipes. Smooth tube heat exchangers can cover various areas of application: heating, cooling and condensing as well as heat recovery. Smooth tube heat exchanger as air-to-air heat exchanger Smooth tube heat exchangers are also often used as air-to-air heat exchangers. In this application, a gas (e.g. exhaust air or exhaust gases) flows inside the pipes and a gas (e.g. fresh air) outside the pipes around the pipes. Materials tubes, frames and bodies:1.4404 (ANSI 316 L) 1.4828 (AISI 309) Special materials on request surfaces:pickled, passivated untreated if flanged Manufacturing / acceptance:Pressure equipment line 2014/68 / EU
Producător de schimbătoare de căldură cu plăci sudate

Producător de schimbătoare de căldură cu plăci sudate

Les performances thermiques de l'échangeur à plaques soudées Platulaire® conviennent parfaitement aux échanges sur fluides difficiles, chargés de matières en suspension, visqueux, mais aussi pour la condensation de vapeurs sous vide (buées, COV...), pour tous les échanges longs grâce aux possibilités de réalisation en multi-passes sur chaque circuit. Réalisés sur mesure, les échangeurs thermiques Platulaire® sont les plus flexibles du marché et apportent de nombreux avantages en terme de volume de fluides traités et en espace nécessaire à leur utilisation. Fabrication française sur mesure Maintenance facilitée grâce aux portes montées sur charnières qui permettent d'ouvrir l'échangeur très rapidement et d'effectuer des nettoyages mécaniques à haute pression.
Rețea de Aspirație - Implementarea Rețelei de Aspirație din Oțel Inoxidabil

Rețea de Aspirație - Implementarea Rețelei de Aspirație din Oțel Inoxidabil

Réseau aspiration réalisation tuyauteries et capteurs en inox pour aspiration de fumées acides et à haute température sortie de fours de coulage
Uscător CFT - Tehnologie de fluidizare combinată (uscător CFT)

Uscător CFT - Tehnologie de fluidizare combinată (uscător CFT)

Cette technologie combine le séchage par contact avec celui en lit fluidisé. Les sécheurs CFT combinent les avantages du séchage en lit fluidisé par convection et du séchage par contact. Le CFT fonctionne avec un lit fluidisé chaud formé mécaniquement. Le produit d'alimentation est distribué dans ce lit et immédiatement fluidisé par un système de palettes rotatives. A l'intérieur du lit fluidisé, le produit humide est réparti uniformément au sein du produit sec. Les substances volatiles s'évaporent instantanément au contact des particules chaudes et de nouveaux solides se forment à l’intérieur de l'évaporateur. Les sécheurs CFT permettent de traiter des produits qui ne peuvent pas être séchés par d'autres types d'appareils employant des technologies de contact parce que ces technologies ne peuvent pas traiter des produits très visqueux, pâteux, collants ou formant des croûtes.
Unitate de recuperare a căldurii montată pe tavan - HRU-SlimAIR-250

Unitate de recuperare a căldurii montată pe tavan - HRU-SlimAIR-250

The HRUSlimAIR heat recovery unit is designed for residential buildings. The HRU has a capacity of 250 m3/h @ 100 Pa, generated by energyefficient EC fans. Thanks to a counterflow heat exchanger made of a plastic (PET), it achieves up to 90% heat recovery An ERV version with an enthalpy exchanger that recovers moisture is also available. Builtin electric preheater protects heat exchanger against freezing, wireless radio communication connects controllers and sensors, and all of it is enclosed inside a selfsupporting, insulating EPP casing. HRUSlimAIR can be installed in up to 3 positions, thanks to a special condensate drain system.
Instalații de răcire - Recuperarea căldurii - Reciclarea energiei

Instalații de răcire - Recuperarea căldurii - Reciclarea energiei

Every industrial production requires energy in order to make products. Often, electrical or primary energy is induced as heat, used for operation and must then be dissipated, converted or destroyed. Our gwk process engineers analyse and calculate production processes and the overall thermal periphery with the objective of lowering the necessary energy by means of energy recycling, of reducing the energy requirement at the individual stations, of converting energy or using it several times and dissipating it sensibly. The result is considerable energy saving, which results in cost-cutting and contributes to preserving the environment. Options:centralized,heat-recovery,for energy recycling
Debavurare Robot - Debavurare Robot

Debavurare Robot - Debavurare Robot

Vores virksomhed anvender avanceret robotsvejse- og slibeteknologi, der sikrer høj præcision, effektivitet og kvalitet i vores produkter. Robotsvejsning giver os mulighed for at udføre komplekse svejseoperationer med ensartet kvalitet, minimere menneskelige fejl og øge produktiviteten. Vores robotslibesystemer leverer perfekt overfladefinish, der opfylder selv de mest krævende kundekrav. Takket være vores avancerede teknologier kan vi tilbyde førsteklasses løsninger til forskellige industrisektorer.
tort de răcire - forme de lingou, tigăi pentru zgură, forme pentru porci, tort de răcire și zgură neagră.

tort de răcire - forme de lingou, tigăi pentru zgură, forme pentru porci, tort de răcire și zgură neagră.

Huan-Tai has been a supplier to the aluminum Industry for over 27 years providing dross pans and sow molds to almost every major aluminum producer in our industry. We supply Aluminum dross recycling unit ingot molds dross pans sow molds cooling slat cake black dross.


Sistemi di depurazione aria e recupero calore per le emissioni provenienti dalla spalmatura nel settore delle batterie al Litio: 1. Linee per laboratori: Possono essere inoltre realizzati sistemi che trattano sia le emissioni provenienti dal coating del catodo che dal coating dell’anodo mediante il medesimo sistema. 2. Linee per impianti pilota: I volumi di aria trattati sono inferiori rispetto a quelli trattati dalle linee produttive. La finalità del sistema di trattamento delle emissioni provenienti dalla spalmatura del catodo è il recupero del solvente, il recupero termico e il rispetto dei limiti previsti da normativa. 3. Linee per giga-factory: Le emissioni provenienti dalla spalmatura del catodo vengono trattate con processi di condensazione e adsorbimento finalizzate al recupero del solvente, al recupero termico e al rispetto dei limiti previsti da normativa.
Sisteme de Procesare a Chipurilor Modulare

Sisteme de Procesare a Chipurilor Modulare

Large-volume scrap metal recycling in pre-wired, modular sections for installation in weeks. Complete, large-volume scrap removal systems for volume reduction, fluid separation, weighed transferring and load-out in automotive/transportation, aerospace, defense, heavy-industrial, and large tiered-supplier operations. Modular sections are skid-mounted, pre-wired, and designed specifically to simplify the installation process- allowing for maximum metal scrap processing within weeks. PRAB’s modular system reduces installation time and costs and provides portability and flexibility to meet changing plant requirements. Large-volume scrap collection and chip processing systems traditionally have taken months to install. Equipment comes in random order, floor layout takes time and labor resources, and electrical wiring and controls need to be installed and programmed.
Recuperare Eficientă a Căldurii - Industrii

Recuperare Eficientă a Căldurii - Industrii

Die Wärmerückgewinnung, das heißt die Wiederverwendung der Abwärme, die bei der Energieerzeugung entsteht, trägt dazu bei, den Energieverbrauch zu reduzieren und die Effizienz zu steigern. Meist werden Metallrohre für die Wärmerückgewinnung eingesetzt. In vielen industriellen Brennstoffen sind allerdings Säurebildner wie Schwefel enthalten. Bei der Verbrennung entsteht dann ein aggressives, dampfförmiges Säure-Wasser-Gemisch, aus dem ein reaktives Kondensat entsteht. Dieses wird in metallbasierten Wärmetauschern schnell zu einem Problem, da es metallische Komponenten angreift und sogar zum Ausfall der Anlage führen kann. Außerdem ist das in diesem Vorgang entstehende Kondensat oft mit Schwermetallen belastet, die schädlich für die Umwelt sind. Wärmetauscherrohre aus Kunststoff bieten eine zuverlässige Lösung für den Wärmeaustausch mit geringeren Umweltauswirkungen.


Ventiladores de techo para la recuperación del calor estratificado en el techo Los ventiladores de techo con carcasa de protección DT permiten ser usados para recuperar el calor estratificado en el techo en invierno, usando el ventilador en invierno nos permite ahorros energéticos de hasta el 30%. Su uso puede ser a nivel comercial y/o industrial y su instalación puede ser en techos de 4m a 9m de altura. Los ventiladores pueden ser montados de forma individual o agrupados con su correspondiente regulador de velocidad.
Elitech LMC-100A 220Lbs Cântar pentru Refrigerant Electronic Încărcare și Recuperare Freon - Piese de Schimb pentru Refrigerant

Elitech LMC-100A 220Lbs Cântar pentru Refrigerant Electronic Încărcare și Recuperare Freon - Piese de Schimb pentru Refrigerant

ACCURATE & RELIABLE: Our LMC-100A* refrigerant scale boasts a capacity of up to 220IDS (100kg), with an accuracy of i0.05% readings *10g. Choose between 3 units: Kg/Lb/Oz.DURABLE & PORTA3lE: The scale's high-quality Aluminum alloy construction ensures ruggedness and durability, while the included heavy-duty carrying case makes it easy to transport to job sites.CONVENIENT DESIGN: The extra-large LCD display with background light and slip-resistant 9" x 9" weighing platform provide clear readings, while the lor.ger-lasting 9V Battery powers up to 30 hours.COMPATIBLE WITH ALL REFRIGERANTS: With compatioility for all refrigerants and all-sized popular refrigerant tanks, our freon scale is perfect for use in a variety of applications. Plus, the backlight on the remote allows for easier reading in dark environments. SKU:TH7CC49DW19090 Model:LMC-100A Product Dimensions:22.86 * 22.86 * 156.94 cm. 3.18 Kilograms
Acoperire din covor pentru saltele de escaladă - Escaladă

Acoperire din covor pentru saltele de escaladă - Escaladă

Moquette de recouvrement (Carpet recovery) pour matelas de Pan d'escalade - Escalade
(12 Doze) Rockstar Recovery Energy Drink, Portocală, 16 fl oz

(12 Doze) Rockstar Recovery Energy Drink, Portocală, 16 fl oz

Introducing the Rockstar Recovery Energy Drink in a zesty Orange flavor, the ultimate fuel to kickstart your day and elevate your performance! Unleash the power of rock ‘n’ roll in every sip as this electrifying elixir revitalizes your senses and amps up your energy levels like never before. Embrace the harmonious fusion of vibrant citrus goodness and the invigorating punch of pure energy, all packed into a sleek 16 fl oz can. From the first taste to the last drop, you’ll experience an intense wave of refreshment that’s guaranteed to get you into the groove. With its scientifically crafted blend of essential vitamins, potent antioxidants, and natural caffeine, Rockstar Recovery Energy Drink ignites your inner fire and unleashes your true potential. Whether you’re hitting the gym, facing a challenging day at work, or partying all night long, this dynamic beverage keeps you in the spotlight, like a true rockstar.
Mașină de recuperare a mediilor de sablare - reutilizați granulele dvs. - pentru procesarea mediilor de sablare utilizate în mașinile de debavurare

Mașină de recuperare a mediilor de sablare - reutilizați granulele dvs. - pentru procesarea mediilor de sablare utilizate în mașinile de debavurare

In the cryogenic blasting process, an enrichment of rubber and plastic waste powder takes place due to fine abrasion during the treatment procedure. Thus the performance and processing time of the blasting-media will deteriorate and decrease its jet-energy. In our cryognic deflashing machines, the blasting-media is primary screened by the treatment drum perforation, however, after a long operating time the amount of rubber and plastic waste powder increases. In order to guarantee a constant, statistically secure and economic processing, this powder has to be removed periodically from the blasting-media. Our automatically working blasting-media recovery machine consists of a suction & drying system and a vibrating-screen unit. The used blasting-media has to be aspirated manually from the deflashing machine. The drying of the polluted wet and cold media takes place in the suction tank and the cleaning by screening with final separation into waste powder, waste media & re-usable media,
Băutură sportivă

Băutură sportivă

Nous développons et fabriquons les boissons de récupération qui correspondent à l'identité de votre marque. Notre expérience dans le sport de haut niveau nous permet de développer des boissons de récupération très spécifiques et de haute qualité nutritionnelle, parfaitement digestes. Nous adaptons le format de conditionnement à vos demandes.
Instrumente de service pentru HVAC/R și automotive - Mașină de recuperare a refrigerantului dual Vortex

Instrumente de service pentru HVAC/R și automotive - Mașină de recuperare a refrigerantului dual Vortex

The Most Powerful Refrigerant Recovery Machine Available with the Best Warranty in the Industry The new Vortex® Dual combines the proven capabilities of previous Vortex instruments with new extended features to give you the fastest, smallest, and easiest to use refrigerant recovery machine yet. Vortex® Dual sets itself apart by offering a full 1 HP dual piston compressor for the fastest recovery speeds available under real service conditions. A unique micro-channel condenser combined with an oversize fan helps lower discharge pressures resulting in sustained speed in the hottest ambient temperatures. Unit Includes:Shoulder strap, filter/dryer, 6 ft. (1.8 m) detachable power cord Compatible refrigerants:Recovers commonly used CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs including blends such as R410A, 12, 22, 134a, 404, 407C Weight:29.75 lb. (13.5 kg) Dimensions (L x W x H):16.7 x 9.2 x 14.2 in. (42.4 x 23.3 x 36 cm) Compressor:1 HP oil-less, dual valve, AC motor drive High-pressure shut-off:550 psi (37.92 bar) Power Source:115V, 60 Hz, 15A or 230V, 50 Hz, 10A (depending on model) Warranty (replacement):3 year
C11 - Brățară Sportivă, Ceas Inteligent

C11 - Brățară Sportivă, Ceas Inteligent

1,47-инчов цял екран, водоустойчив IP67, прецизен алгоритъм, поддържащ 11 спортни режима, вграден сърдечен ритъм, кръвно налягане, кислород в кръвта, движеща се мишена, също поддържа входяща телеграма, будилник, USB зареждане, функции за управление на камерата BT версия:5.0 Време на готовност:15 дни екран:1.47 инчов TFT дисплей Водоустойчив:IP67 Батерия:150 mAh Спортни режими:11
Recuperare 24h

Recuperare 24h

Wenn eine Reparatur von Druckluftkompressoren und -komponenten erforderlich sein sollte, ist unser BOGE Kundendienst durch ein dichtes Servicenetzwerk vor Ort für Sie da. Dieser persönliche Service garantiert zugleich die hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit unserer in Betrieb befindlichen Druckluftsysteme. Unsere Fachleute übernehmen für Sie die Aufbaumontage, den Umbau, die Inbetriebnahme bzw. die Abnahme sowie die Wartung, Reparatur oder Inspektion. Als erster Anbieter überhaupt bieten wir einen garantierten 24h Recovery Service: Im Falle eines Maschinenstopps verwenden unsere Servicetechniker First Aid Kits, um Ihre Turbokompressor-Anlage in weniger als 24 Stunden wieder in Betrieb zu nehmen.


Aidez votre corps à récupérer plus facilement grâce cette recette spécialement concoctée pour la récupération physique. Suite à une sollicitation physique, votre métabolisme subit des traumatismes et produit beaucoup de toxines. L’association des plantes et fleurs qui composent « RECUPERATION » vous permettra d’être en forme sans subir de contre coup négatif suite à l’effort effectué. Sa délicieuse saveur « ananas-sureau » est très appréciée et vous aidera à en consommer davantage, ce qui aura pour effet une hydratation plus importante. Conseil sportif : Cette préparation se consomme directement après la fin de vos efforts physiques. Elle se boit sur plusieurs jours (4 à 5 jours), 2 à 3 fois par jour afin d’apporter toutes ses vertus. Référence:RECRECUP100
Recuperarea deșeurilor

Recuperarea deșeurilor

Wir sind auf die Entsorgung und Wiederverwertung von nicht gefährlichen und gefährlichen Abfällen spezialisiert. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel Altöle, Kühlflüssigkeiten und Bremsflüssigkeiten. Unser betriebseigener Fuhrpark der KS-Logistic, bestehend aus ca. 60 LKW's, erlaubt es uns, bundesweit Abfälle aus unterschiedlichen Einsatzgebieten abzuholen und zu unserem Standort nach Sonsbeck zu verbringen. In unseren hochspezialisierten Anlagen können verschiedenste Abfallströme wiederaufbereitet werden zu Neuprodukten in überragender Qualität.


Kunststoff-Recycling von PP (Polypropylen), HDPE (Polyethylen), PS (Polystyrol), PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) und anderen Polyvinylchlorid- (PVC-) Recycling
Recuperare Eficientă a Căldurii

Recuperare Eficientă a Căldurii

Innovationen für Industrie, Handel und Privat zur Optimierung von Wirtschaftlichkeit und Ökologie Analyse vorhandener Anlagen Berechnung und Konstruktion individueller Lösungen Herstellung im HP0 zertifizierten Unternehmen nach europäischer DGRL 97/23/EG, AD 2000-Merkblättern Rohrbündelwärmetauscher für Prozesswärme, BHKW Doppelrohrwärmetauscher für Kaminofen Doppelrohrwärmetauscher für Landwirtschaft Luftkühler / -erhitzer für Trocknung und Vorwärmung