Produse pentru masini (4615)

UGM-AP-80-1 - Dispozitiv Industrial de Purificare a Aerului

UGM-AP-80-1 - Dispozitiv Industrial de Purificare a Aerului

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü başta olmak üzere birçok kurum insan sağlığı için çalışma ve yaşam alanlarında uygun havalandırma sistemlerinin kullanılmasını teşvik ediyor. UGMA Filtreli UGM-AP-80-1 Endüstriyel Hava Temizleme Cihazı; gıda üretim tesislerinde, donmuş gıda depolarında, soğuk hava depolarında, laboratuvarlarda, restoranlarda, kafelerde havayı virüs, bakteri, maya, küf, zararlı partiküllerden %99,9 oranında arındırarak iç ortam hava kalitesini artırır. Gıda sektörü sorunlarına çözüm ortaklığı sunarak gıda ürünlerinde hiçbir kimyasal kullanılmadan doğal olarak ürünlerin raf ömrünün uzatılmasını sağlar. Ayrıca paslanmaz çelik yapısı ile yüksek nemli ortamlarda da kullanılabilir özelliktedir. Sağladığı yüksek hava geçirgenliği sayesinde enerji tüketimi oldukça azdır.
Vizoare | Componente de Turnare prin Injecție din Metal

Vizoare | Componente de Turnare prin Injecție din Metal

Metal Injection Molding can produce complicated and challenging parts in high quantities concerning their precision and fineness, and it offers several advantages over other manufacturing methods. -High surface quality -Reduced production time -Mechanical properties superior to castings -Ability to meet narrow dimension tolerances -High density -Mass production -Net-shape manufacturing with minimal material waste MIM eliminates the limitations and long efforts in standard production methods. It is a superior production method with other advanced applications, and also an advantageous option at a low cost.
Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport Șurub Helicoidal - Șurub Helicoidal

Sisteme de Ventilație și Transport Șurub Helicoidal - Șurub Helicoidal

Tahıl, hububat ve gıda işleme tesislerinde taşıma ekipmanlarında kullanılan Helezon, un fabrikalarında ürünlerin yatay olarak taşınmasında kullanılır.
Măcinător manual de cafea și piper & râșniță - măcinător de boabe de cafea și piper

Măcinător manual de cafea și piper & râșniță - măcinător de boabe de cafea și piper

GR-39-CA US$18.00 Colour : Copper Aging Height x Dia (mm) : Weight (kg) : Usable Seeds :
Mașină de Spălat Piese - Mașină de Spălat Piese

Mașină de Spălat Piese - Mașină de Spălat Piese

Hava ile çalışan parça yıkama makinası özellikle araçların ve makinaların sökülen küçük motor bileşenleri, taşıt parçaları ve takım tezgahlarının temizlenmesi işlemi için ideal bir cihazdır. Temizleme haznesi 45 Lt Tank kapasitesi 80 Lt dir. İki sabit iki dönerli teker sayesinde hareket kabiliyeti yüksektir Cihazın kullanımı çok basit olup su bazlı solvent kullanılmalıdır. Tank tahliyesi hava ile yapılabilmektedir, Tank üzerinde bulunan emniyet ventili aşırı hava basınçlarına karşı koruma sağlamaktadır. Hava ile çalışan bu makine sınırlı bir süre devamlı hava bağlantısına gerek duymadan kullanılabilir, hızlı kurutma için Fırça ve Hava tabancası mevcuttur, tank içerisindeki sıvı miktarı tank scala`sından takip edilmektedir. Tank içerisinde biriken katı atıkların tahliyesi için tahliye tapası bulunmaktadır. Paslandırıcı yanıcı, patlayıcı ve parlayıcı sıvılar ile kesinlikle kullanılmamalıdır.
Piese de schimb JCB

Piese de schimb JCB

DIPSTICK Part number:242603
Vopsire electrostatică cu pulbere

Vopsire electrostatică cu pulbere

Electrostatic powder coating, commonly known as powder coating, is a solvent-free surface coating technique. This method involves applying a layer of very fine powder particles to the surface, which are then baked to create a durable finish. The process starts with the electrostatic spraying of powder particles, which adhere to the material due to an electrostatic charge. After application, the coated product is heated in an oven, causing the powder to melt and chemically bond to the surface, creating a solid, protective layer.
raf din plex iluminat

raf din plex iluminat

For futher details, please contact us and visit our website
Mașină de sablare a țevilor - Mașină de sablare a țevilor

Mașină de sablare a țevilor - Mașină de sablare a țevilor

Boru, tüp, mil ve benzeri malzemelerin dış yüzeyinin kumlanması amacıyla üretilen kumlama makinesi türüdür. Çapları 20mm (1/2”) ila 3048mm (120”) boruların dış yüzeyi boru kumlama makinesi ile kumlanabilmektedir.


PMX45 cold pressing machine, designed and produced by PARSMEGA, is a screw press machine capable of squeezing all kinds of oilseeds. Our machine is suitable for all kinds of seeds; canola, flax, sesame, sunflower, hemp, safflower, soybean, hazelnut, peanut, cotton, grape seed, rapeseed, linseed, cumin, mustard, poppy, nettle, bitter almond seed, tomato, hazelnut, apricot seed etc. .
TIPUL LB-N - Garduri de Siguranță pentru Mașini

TIPUL LB-N - Garduri de Siguranță pentru Mașini

These are machine safety fences where the poles are connected to the feet during assembly, in order to tolerate possible ground level differences. In this system, bolt holes are opened in the poles for the panel connection elements, creating ease of installation. Protective structure distance standards are taken into account for system height. In the requests that come to the agenda, the process starts with the application made on the plan, the use of standard panels is given priority in the application and the panels to be produced in intermediate sizes are determined, and the work is put into production after the customer's approval. For jobs that have not yet been designed, on-site exploration is carried out and appropriate project planning and installation are carried out. System Height:1200 / 2200mm Board Height:1020 / 2020mm Board Width:1000 / 1200 / 1500mm Board Frame:30*20*2 mm Box Profile Panel Wire:Ø 3 mm / 25*100 mm
Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 6 litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

Mașină de curățare cu ultrasunete de 6 litri cu control digital - MAȘINI DE CURĂȚARE CU ULTRASUNETE

Das Modell 6UT ProD ist unser Modell mit den optimalsten Abmessungen unter den kleinen Ultraschallreinigungsserien. Es ist mikroprozessorgesteuert, verfügt über Speicher- und akustische Warnfunktionen und verfügt zusätzlich über ein Lüfterkühlsystem. Es wird speziell für Reparaturwerkstätten, Zahnkliniken und Juweliere hergestellt. Einsatzbereiche Krankenhausausstattung Chirurgische Instrumente Tierärzte Desinfektionsanwendungen Labore Optische Industrie Pharmaindustrie Friseure und Barbiere Außenmaße (xBxH mm):350 x 200 x 315 Tankmaße (xBxH mm):300x150x150 Ultraschallleistung (W) rms:180 Gesamtmaximale Leistung (W) rms:480 Timer (min):0-59 Thermostat (°C):25-75 Bestellnummer:M.6UT_ProDX


Yıkamaya hazırlanan halıların ön temizlemesine ve tozlarından arındırılması için tasarlanan makinemiz dörtlü merdane sistemi ile çırpılır. Alt tarafta biriken tozları, bantlı fırça sistemi ile toz torbasına toparlar. Makinede oluşan ufak tozları vakum sistemine aktararak ortamın daha tozsuz çalışmasına olanak sağlar. Dört merdaneli çırpıcı sistem ile halılar yıpranmadan rulo haline getirilerek yıkama bölümüne aktarılır. Makinelerimiz ISO 9001 kalitesine göre üretilmektedir. Makinelerimiz CE sertifikalıdır . * Helis fırçalama ve halı kabartma özelliği * Dört merdaneli halı çırpma * Haznede biriken tozu toplayıcı fırçalı ve bantlı sistem * Toz toparlama ve vakumlama sistemi * Bant ileri ve geri sarma özelliği * Opsiyonel hız kontrol sistemi
Mașina Gangsaw Katrak Cutrock pentru tăierea blocurilor

Mașina Gangsaw Katrak Cutrock pentru tăierea blocurilor

Taurus ® offers first class production joy due to it is produced and equipped with market’s finest quality materials. Thanks to silentblock system which requires less energy and offers high performance compared to frictional systems, vibration is minimized, in cold areas marble, travertine block and rubbles are turned into raw plate block by Taurus ® with the least damage.
Masă Automată de Tăiere a Sticlei cu Braț de Încărcare Integrat

Masă Automată de Tăiere a Sticlei cu Braț de Încărcare Integrat

Automatic glass cutting table with integrated loading arm is designed for straight and shapes cutting of float glass using the diamond cutting wheel technology. Integrated loading arms with suction cups load the glass sheets from the stock stand automatically. The cutting table can also equipped with a Low-E edge deletion system, which removes soft coatings glass (Low-E) from glass sheets easily with maximum quality.
Mașină de Plantat Ceapă-Usturoi cu 8 Rânduri - SC1-8

Mașină de Plantat Ceapă-Usturoi cu 8 Rânduri - SC1-8

With the help of the belts rotating on two rollers, it takes the seeds from inside the warehouse and leaves them inside the outer casings on the line opened by the ax. The axes that open the line are connected to the unit. The units have a parallelogram system. (For SC1 model) It works according to the low-height situation of the field. There is a gear option to adjust the seed spacing on the row. (It can be adjusted as 4-6cm, 6-8cm, 8-10cm.) The seed tank can be tilted forward and backward with the help of the piston. The benefit of this system is that while planting small seeds, the tank is tilted back to prevent too much seeding. In large seeds, the seed is prevented from falling over the scoop (spoon) by tilting it forward. 750:kg
KP 110 - Mașină Pneumatică de Strângere a Colțurilor din Aluminiu - Presă de Perforare

KP 110 - Mașină Pneumatică de Strângere a Colțurilor din Aluminiu - Presă de Perforare

PRODUCT INFORMATION KP 110 machine is designed and constructed for the pneumatically crimping and correct assembly of aluminum profiles. The machine is semiautomatic and the machining cycle of various units are manual controlled by user who always stays outside of the dangerous area. It is designed through the pneumatically crimping system Cast iron construction of the body that is strong and lasting Magnetic support of knives according to the shape and height of the profiles Reading of the positioning value via millime ter special scales Simultaneous stroke of crimping heads Double-acting stroke of bracing clamp apears from the table Support arms on the left and right of the machine The machine is equiped with the foot pedals for the operation control during the machining cycle Operator safety guard Operating stroke of knives : 10.5 mm Bracing clamp stroke: 80 mm Adjustable stroke of knives: from 30 mm to 60 mm STANDARD ACCESSORIES • 1x3 mm, 1x5 mm and 1x7 mm crimping knives
Linie compactă de tăiere a bobinelor - Linie compactă de tăiere a bobinelor, cu prețuri economice și un spațiu minim.

Linie compactă de tăiere a bobinelor - Linie compactă de tăiere a bobinelor, cu prețuri economice și un spațiu minim.

We provide for more economical solution our this Cut to Length Machine model We can consider that It is more feasible for small metal workshops, it requires smaller space and provide low production capacity is we compare with our other Coil Cut to Length Line models We provide with our this model Cut to Length Line Machine, compact system with single chassis straightener and feeder unit and also this model Metal Cut to Length Machine model is with no pit system. We have always optimum solution on our machine models for our customer's researches. Just contact with us for your Coil Cut to Length Line research. Max. coil width:2100 mm Max. Sheet Thickness:8 mm Max. speed:24 Meters / Minute


Baskıya hazır yıkama talimatları 1'cm'den 100'cm'e
Împrăștietor de Îngrășăminte - Disc Dublu

Împrăștietor de Îngrășăminte - Disc Dublu

600/800/1000/1200 ve 1500 LT kapasiteli Çift Diskli Gübre Serpme Makineleri gübre serpme makinesi fiyat gübre serpme makinası ikinci el gübre serpme makinası özellikleri gübre serpme makinası yedek parçaları gübre serpme makinası şanzımanı gübre serpme makinası pervane gübre serpme makinası dönder gübre serpme makinası markaları gübre serpme makinası nasıl kullanılır gübre serpme makinası ayarları gübre serpme makinası ayar dönder gübre serpme makinası ayarları hms gübre serpme makinası ayarı irtem gübre serpme makinası ayarı ekermak gübre serpme makinası ayarı gübre serpme makinası nasıl ayarlanır amazon gübre serpme makinesi akçiftçi gübre serpme makinesi gübre serpme makinası balıkesir gübre serpme makinası çeşitleri cansa gübre serpme makinası fiyatları gübre serpme makinası çift diskli gübre serpme makinası fiyatları gübre serpme makinesi fiyatları gübre serpme makinası fiyatları ikinci el gübre serpme makine fiyatları gübre serpme makinası fiyatları
Prelucrarea alamalei - Prelucrarea CNC a alamalei

Prelucrarea alamalei - Prelucrarea CNC a alamalei

Messingbearbeitungen erfordern ein erfahrenes Team und neue Technologien, um bearbeitet zu werden. Wir bearbeiten Edelmetalle seit mehr als 20 Jahren.
Tradițional - Fabricare și Consultanță

Tradițional - Fabricare și Consultanță

Objectif cout %10 - %20 differences
Mașină de termoformare stație CMK 85-55-S4

Mașină de termoformare stație CMK 85-55-S4

CMK 85/55-S4 Station Thermoforming Machine is eligible to form round and rectangular shape lids, plates and trays, single or multi compartment containers, hinged lid containers, leaking-proof containers, hole-punch containers, egg viyole, flower pots and seeding trays. Machine adopts the latest thermoforming technology itself and intelligent control. This model combines maximum speed and bulk production, high quality and efficiency, and low consumption in energy. lts mould is equipped to perform well with polymer plastics as well as biodegradable plastics. OTHER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AII units are fully automatic Movable touch control panel Screen size 15″ and colour Electricity panel assembled to the machine and cooling by AC Ethernet portal Possible to store different mould settings Convenient and fast mould change and pneumatic fixing Pneumatic control systems with servo motors Automatic lubrication of moveable parts which is activated as perthe specified time space Max. Sheet Width:930 mm Max. Sheet Thickness:0.2 mm /1.6 mm Max. Product Height:150mm +/-150mm Idle speed:80 cycles/min Total installed power:190 kW Power Consumption in Operation:60-65 kW Processing Air Pressure:8 bar Compressor Power:7m³/min Required Chiller Capacity:205m³ Machine Dimension:L 1300 x W 260 x H 280 cm machine weight:12.000 kg
Mașină de termoformare - KG-F74

Mașină de termoformare - KG-F74

Caractéristiques générales Formage et découpe synchronisés grâce à l'inclinaison de la partie mobile du plateau inférieur à 85 degrés Feuille inclinée par des chaînes à double denture et se déplaçant sur des plaques coulissantes résistantes à l'abrasion Contrôle précis du chauffage pour le moule supérieur et inférieur Contrôle du chauffage des moules supérieur et inférieur par dispositif de thermorégulation individuel Ajustement fin du moule par entraînement électrique PLC pour contrôler le fonctionnement de la ligne et superviser les paramètres de travail Capacité de travail sans interruption grâce à un système mécanique facile à entretenir Système de sécurité assuré par des capteurs tels que le fléchissement de la feuille, la chute de pression, les situations de porte ouverte Capteurs de mesure du bilan eau et chaleur pour le moule, pouvant être contrôlés par le système PLC Analyseur d'énergie fournissant la quantité de consommation électrique
Mașină de Presat Baloturi Verticală

Mașină de Presat Baloturi Verticală

We offer Vertical Bale Press Machine made in Turkey with high quality.


Our method in fruit drying process; It is the artificially applied version of the food drying method made by the sun naturally. We produce our systems with nanotechnology. Those who prefer our products, thanks to our food drying technology, save 90% in energy according to the type of our product groups, while we provide extra added value in the products produced. Average electricity consumption in our machines is 3-5 kW / hour. FAREFFECT is the name of the system that dries the thinly sliced ​​fresh apple without darkening its color, to be ground dry and in a crisp consistency. The FAREFFECT Solar Effect Fruit Dryer (oven) differs from other food dryers by drying without darkening (without caramelizing) the color of the heat treated fruit to dry and with its highest energy saving feature. Thanks to this Saving, the Product's Depreciation (Cost Recycling) Period Takes Less Than One Year.


FLORES Flores Offline Stack System Flexo printing machine is manufactured for closed systems and also called offline or roll to roll printing type and it's common materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, PCV, PET, Paper and other kind plastic film and also non-woven fabrics etc. It is mainly used in quality oriented packing materials' printings for high quality results. Can be ordered with 1 colour, 2 colour, 3 colour 4 colour, 6 colour or any desired number of colours and variations we can make models for you. ​FLORES SERİSİ STACK SİSTEM FLEKSO BASKI MAKİNALARI Flekso Baskı Endüstrisinde bir çok ad ile anılan Makina tipidir. Roll too Roll, Sargılı, Bağımsız ve Stack Sistem olarak da adlandırlan Makina tipidir. Avantajı Sarıcıdan aldığı ürünü, inline makinelere göre çok daha yüksek hızlarda basararak tekrar sarması ile üretim ve planlama departmanlarına hız kazandırmaktadır.
Mandrină de putere de 8 inci cu 4 fălci - DOĞA MAȘINĂ

Mandrină de putere de 8 inci cu 4 fălci - DOĞA MAȘINĂ

52 mm açık deliğe ve maksimum 5000 rpm hıza sahip 210 mm dört çeneli güç mandreni.
Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

Stația de Tratare a Apelor pentru Fabrici de Reciclare

The water treatment plant for a recycling plant is a facility that is specifically designed to treat the wastewater from the recycling operations of most industrial sectors. The function of water treatment facilities is to ensure that, upon discharge, the water from a recycling plant meets the required regulatory and environmental standards before being either released into the environment or reused back into the facility. The treatment process typically includes physical, chemical, and biological modes of treatment for the scavenging of pollutants, contaminants, and suspended solids from a wastewater stream. Applying processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, and biological treatment, water treatment plants for the recycling plant ensure that high-quality and environmentally safe treated water for discharge or reutilization, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable water management practices.