Cea mai bună furnizor pentru masini

Fondată în 2013 și având sediul în Istanbul, TEKNİK KONTEYNER este unul dintre cei mai importanți producători din Turcia specializați în soluții avansate de gestionare a deșeurilor. Domeniul nostru de expertiză constă în containere de gunoi din plastic și metal galvanizat cu capacități cuprinse între 80L și 5000L. Portofoliul nostru: •Containere de gunoi din metal galvanizat •Containere de gunoi d...

Produse pentru masini (33000)

Fabricanți de crêpe manuali

Fabricanți de crêpe manuali

Electric Manual Crêpès Machine Mod. C40-D Technical Data Dimensions: L850xD420xH160 VOLTS: 380/3/N WATTS: 5600 Weight: 26 KG Cast iron plates
CNC Torn

CNC Torn

Üçes Makina olarak, CNC torna hizmetlerimiz ile hassas ve karmaşık parça üretiminde sektörde öncü bir konumdayız. Gelişmiş CNC torna makinelerimiz sayesinde, otomotiv, savunma sanayi, medikal cihazlar, enerji ve havacılık gibi sektörlere yönelik yüksek hassasiyetli ve kaliteli üretim sunuyoruz. Çelik, alüminyum, paslanmaz çelik, titanyum ve plastik gibi geniş bir malzeme yelpazesini işleyebilme kapasitesine sahibiz. CNC tornalama hizmetlerimiz, prototipten seri üretime kadar geniş bir çözüm yelpazesi sunmaktadır. ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun üretim süreçlerimiz, detaylara özen gösterilerek yürütülür. Uzman ekibimiz, müşteri ihtiyaçlarına göre özelleştirilmiş parçalar üretebilmekte ve projeleri zamanında teslim edebilmektedir. CNC torna hizmetlerimiz, hassas toleranslara sahip karmaşık parçalar için ideal bir çözümdür. Yüksek kalite, dayanıklılık ve performans arayan firmalar için Üçes Makina güvenilir bir çözüm ortağıdır.
Tortă FT-250

Tortă FT-250

La fonceuse à tartes FT-250 est une machine qui permet de foncer votre pâte sur plusieurs supports, moules EXOPAN, moules aluminium, moules papier ou cercles (non perforés). Ce qui vous permet de gagner en confort, en qualité et en régularité de production.
Mașini de ambalare și paletizare

Mașini de ambalare și paletizare

Especialización en sistemas de encajado y paletizado para todos los sectores industriales.
Mașină de sigilare a cutiilor semi-automată Low Tape 50 SB

Mașină de sigilare a cutiilor semi-automată Low Tape 50 SB

Low Tape 50 SB Semi-Automatic Box Sealing Machine The Semi-Automatic Box Sealing Machine is intended for sealing small-sized boxes, being equipped with an energy-saving system. The closing system with 3 flaps ensures a perfect closing of the box, making this machine the ideal choice for any use. The machine is sized manually, having 2 motorized belts for sliding the box. This model can be easily used by non-specialized operators, as it requires very simple adjustment adjustments. The sealing of the box is done by means of two side belts operated by two motors, ensuring maximum uniformity. The result - a perfect alignment of the flaps and, finally, an optimal sealing, achieved with the help of high-performance soldering heads. The Low Tape 50 SB Semi-Automatic Box Sealing Machine is particularly suitable for sealing small boxes, being ideal for use in the e-commerce field.
Mașină de shrinkare a mânecilor

Mașină de shrinkare a mânecilor

fully automatic Sleeve applicator designed for application of sleeve labels on cups, jars or bottles, empty or full, of any material, shape and/or size Reference:100S
Mașini pentru atașarea balamalelor - Fixarea balamalelor cu arc unghiular

Mașini pentru atașarea balamalelor - Fixarea balamalelor cu arc unghiular

The SAP10/3P is a high quality machine for attaching hinges with fastening prongs from the roll. The hinges are attached to your product (cases, caskets…) using this machine. Benefits / Characteristics can be used for various materials (thin walled wood types, cardboard…) precision attachment of angular spring hinges consistent high quality ease of operation meets current machine regulations 2006/42/EU “CE“ only branded components used very maintenance friendly service and maintenance available Made in Germany Technical data Dimensions: Length 1,000 mm Width 570 mm Height 1,000 mm Weight: ca. 75 kg Noise emission: 65 dB(A) Pneumatic operating pressure: 6±0,5 bar Cylinder compression force: 2 x 4700 N Work space (0720-2977.20): Length (A) 40 – 360 mm Length (B) 10 –infinite Length (C) 25 – infinite Work space (0720-3034.20): Length (A) 50 – 360 mm Length (B) 16 –infinite Length (C) 40 – infinite Work space (0720-2981.20): Length (A) 50 – 360 mm Length (B) 16 –infinite Length (C)...
Fierăstrău circular pentru producția de inele - Fierăstrău circular special conceput pentru tăierea țevilor

Fierăstrău circular pentru producția de inele - Fierăstrău circular special conceput pentru tăierea țevilor

Handkreissäge speziell für das Schneiden von Rohren im Trauring-Herstellungsprozess konzepiert. Schneiden mit Sägeblatt von 0,6 mm Dicke. Sehr schnell und sehr genau.
Cuțit de mașină

Cuțit de mașină

HOPPESCHLIFF mit Sitz in Hannover fertigt Maschinenmesser mit Schwerpunkt Kreismesser und Langmesser. Die vierte Generation führt den Meisterbetrieb im traditionellen Schneidwerkzeug-Mechaniker-Handwerk mit Maschinenmesser-Manufaktur und integrierter Werkzeugschleiferei und Lohnschleiferei. Auf 800 qm Betriebsfläche werden mit modernen Verfahren und geschulten Mitarbeitern Maschinenmesser für Industrie und Handwerk gefertigt.
Mașină de Tăiat Tulpini de Ardei Iute - Mașină de Decorticat

Mașină de Tăiat Tulpini de Ardei Iute - Mașină de Decorticat

Chili stem cutting machine is mainly used for removing fresh or dry chili stalks. It can deliver International leading level top processing performance rate of 600kg per hour. It is crucial equipment for the chili processing market, which can replace a large amount of labor, save operating costs, and improve work efficiency. Frequency converter improves automation and makes regulation easy. Also included in the system are de-impurity, conveyor. The materials are input into a barrel during the rolling process of the sieve cylinder, and stems are cut through outboard blade when the stems stick out from holes with two times, then the chili without stems transferred to next selecting steps.
Tip mașină: L02-TI

Tip mașină: L02-TI

2 x 2 dosing pumps with motorised individual adjustment from 0 – 500 ml nearly maintenance-free machine with automatic central lubrication system Fully-automatic cleaning of filling machine (CIP/SIP) Quick and simplified format change (15 min.) Two filling machines enabling alternate operation/cleaning Heatable hopper (35°C – 95°C) Diversion and feeding of filled jars to the cooling zone Film applicator station Sealing station Multi-transport plate for all current jar diameters
VetterTec Echipamente pentru Berării - Soluții pentru Stocare, Transport, Deshidratare și Uscare a Grânelor Folosite

VetterTec Echipamente pentru Berării - Soluții pentru Stocare, Transport, Deshidratare și Uscare a Grânelor Folosite

Pufferbehälter Ein Pufferbehälter ermöglicht die zügige Entleerung des Biertrebers aus dem Läuterbottich mithilfe einer Schnecke im angeflanschten Förderer. So kann der Läuterbottich sofort wieder mit dem nächsten Sud befüllt werden, während der Pufferbehälter kontinuierlich entleert wird. Pneumatische Förderanlagen Der nasse Biertreber wird pneumatisch (Propfenförderung) aus dem Pufferbehälter zu einem Nasstrebersilo (LKW-Beladungssystem) oder einem neuen Pufferbehälter gefördert, bevor er einer Schneckenpresse und einem Trebertrockner (Röhrenbündeltrockner) zugeführt wird. Lagerung Der Pufferbehälter vor der Schneckenpresse ermöglicht den kontinuierlichen Einsatz von Presse und Trockner. Nach dem Trocknungsprozess wird der Treber einem Silo zugeführt, von wo aus er abgesackt oder direkt auf LKW verladen wird. Um das Volumen für den Transport zu verringern, kann zuvor auch ein Pelletierungssystem eingesetzt werden.
Mașină de Șlefuit Contact Tip KS 350

Mașină de Șlefuit Contact Tip KS 350

Universalschleifmaschine für jede Anwendung Ob Turbinenschaufel, Knie- oder Hüftgelenkimplantate oder spitzenloses Rundschleifen von Rohren Durch die Vielzahl der verschiedenen Schleifvorsätze ist jeder Einsatz möglich Größere Bandlänge für sitzende Arbeitsweise
Plante de Oxigen, Plante cu Nucleu de Oxigen - Green Block Machine & Service GmbH

Plante de Oxigen, Plante cu Nucleu de Oxigen - Green Block Machine & Service GmbH

Sauerstofflanzen, Sauerstoffkernlanzen SAUERSTOFFLANZE GTL16 & GTL3/8 Zum thermischen Trennen von sehr großen Stahlteilen eignen sich Sauerstoffkernlanzen. Der auch Thermolanze genannte Brennstab besteht aus einem Rohr, der zusätzlich mit Drähten gefüllt ist. Die Sauerstofflanze wird im Betrieb mit Sauerstoff durchströmt und am Rohraustritt entzündet, was zu einer stark exothermen Verbrennung des Brennrohrmaterials führt. Durch die hohe Schmelztemperatur eignen sich thermische Lanzen zum Schneiden von Kohlenstoffstahl und rostfreiem Stahl. Zum Schneidbrennen schwerer Stahlteile haben sich Sauerstofflanzen mit einem Durchmesser von 16mm oder 3/8“ bewährt. Durch die Befüllung der Rohre mit besonders feinen Drähten im Durchmesserbereich von 2 bis 2,5mm, ergibt sich eine extrem hohe Schneidleistung bei absolut stabilem Brennverhalten. Unsere Standardlänge von 3 Metern ist preiswert und üblicherweise kurzfristig verfügbar. Andere Längen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
Inginerie a Mașinilor și Echipamentelor

Inginerie a Mașinilor și Echipamentelor

Unsere langjährige Erfahrung im Maschinen- und Vorrichtungsbau umfasst die gesamte Prozesskette beginnend bei der Konzeption weiter zur Entwicklung über die Konstruktion bis hin zur Fertigung und Mont
RTL 120 ZX - Mașină staționară de finisare a țevilor pentru țevi cu diametrul exterior de până la 120 mm

RTL 120 ZX - Mașină staționară de finisare a țevilor pentru țevi cu diametrul exterior de până la 120 mm

Our solution is the RTL (Rotating Tool Lathe), which machines in the opposite way: the tube is fixed and the tool is rotating. It speeds up the set-up process and allows you to machine round workpieces up to OD 323 mm. The most important feature of the RTL series is accuracy. While RTL Z is capable of finishing a workpiece between IT8 and IT10, RTL ZX can achieve even better accuracy that is between IT7 and IT9. Machining range:up to OD 120mm
Tornire de precizie

Tornire de precizie

We specialise in CNC precision machining of metal alloys, composites and industrial plastics, as well as welding, for the production of parts for a wide range of industrial applications, with project development and assembly if required.
Traducere automată – Post-editare

Traducere automată – Post-editare

Feinschliff für maschinelle Übersetzungen bieten Ihnen unsere Expert:innen bei Post-Editing. Egal ob leichte oder umfassende Nachbearbeitung: Sie entscheiden, wie umfassend Ihr übersetzter Text hinsichtlich der Terminologie, des Stil und anderer sprachlicher Anforderungen kontrolliert und überarbeitet werden soll.
Software pentru mașini de tăiere cu flacără ZINSER

Software pentru mașini de tăiere cu flacără ZINSER

ZINSER offers you extensive software and hardware for creating and transferring NC programs. ZINSER MCC 20 ZINSER Analyst ZINSER CUT32 ZINSER DNC V5.0
Mașină de făcut brânză - Dijon

Mașină de făcut brânză - Dijon

Un spécialiste sera disponible lors de l'installation de votre machine à fabriquer du fromage pour vous guider à travers le processus, assurer la qualité des produits et vous garantir une transition fluide vers son utilisation optimale. Nous nous engageons, ainsi que nos partenaires, à être présents à chaque étape de la vie de votre ALBORA, prêts à vous soutenir dans vos projets et à répondre à leurs évolutions avec expertise et dévouement.
Mașini de tăiat unghiuri cu două capete - Conector SW453

Mașini de tăiat unghiuri cu două capete - Conector SW453

Double mitre saw with a fixed unit on the left and the other one movable. Automatic positioning of the movable unit. Pneumatic tilting of the heads (90°, 45° or 22,5°). The intermediate degrees can be obtainedby manually setting mechanical stops. Realized with cutting lenght of 4000 mm (7650 mm with accessories), 5000 mm (9650 mm with accessories), 6000 mm (11650 mm with accessories). It is equipped with the system EC 609. Electro-welded sheet base which has been designed in such a way to offer the maximum rigidity and use practicality. Frontal and straight blade feed with speed adjustments. Hydro-pneumatic blade feed. Wide cutting capacity by means of sawblades Ø 450 mm. Possibility to use a blade with a dia. 500 mm, only by eplacing the tool. Dynamic protection guards for a total covering of the cutting area. Mist spray lubrication tools (Venturi system). Pre-arranged to connect an exhaust extractor for swarfs. Pre-arranged to use a set of tanks to collect swarfs. Pre-arranged...
CMC 2500 - Mașină Folosită

CMC 2500 - Mașină Folosită

age 2002 film packaging machine foil wrapping machine 1 main feeder opening station (vacuum and sword) 2 inserting station foil packing unit stream delivery Delivery time: immediately Ref: CM240148K Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
Mașină de gravare mecanică M40 - mașină de personalizare pentru gravarea cadourilor

Mașină de gravare mecanică M40 - mașină de personalizare pentru gravarea cadourilor

OPEN STRUCTURE The M40 rotary engraver is 8.26x12in engraving area benefits from an open structure that allows larger items to be engraved when needed. Create custom engraving on very long plastic signage plates, electrical labels, thin wood beams, golf clubs, swords, irregular-shape items, and simply use as a sign engraver. GIFT ENGRAVING WITH THE M40 GIFT The M40 Gift includes an automatic lubricant tank and a rotary device to personalize glasses and bottles. The rotary device can be tilted for conical items. Engrave and personalize any flat or cylindrical items up to 4.33in height. BEGINNERS ROTARY ENGRAVER Control and adjust your work with our dedicated Gravostyle™ or ABC engraving software, thanks to several options. The M40 comes with an auto-centering jig and a laser beam (Point & Shoot) to help you place the item to engrave, while the engraving software automatically picks up its position. The included Gravogrip™ table firmly holds the item without leftover residue on it. Technique:mechanical Material:metal, glass, plastic, aluminum, brass Applications:for plates, for plastics, for flat and cylindrical objects, tag, for photos, for labels, for cylindr Other characteristics: three-axis, CNC, 3D, high-accuracy, milling, compact, with identification, traceability, programmab X travel:330 mm (13 in) Y travel:260 mm (10 in) Speed: 25 mm/s
Plăci de lanț - Plăci de șină acoperite pentru utilizare în șenilele utilajelor de construcții

Plăci de lanț - Plăci de șină acoperite pentru utilizare în șenilele utilajelor de construcții

Coated track plates for use in crawler tracks for construction machinery. The extremely wear-resistant polyurethane Intec E provides the necessary mechanical properties for use in the crawler and protects the floor from the high machine weight. Up to 1.5 m length possible!
Centru de prelucrare SE 318 - Centrul de prelucrare SE 318 este o mașină specială clasică

Centru de prelucrare SE 318 - Centrul de prelucrare SE 318 este o mașină specială clasică

Das Bearbeitungszentrum ist mit einer konventionellen Arbeitsspindel mit Werkzeugaufnahme HSK100, einer Plandreheinheit und einem Winkelfräskopf ausgerüstet. Die Werkstückspannung erfolgt auf einer Wechselpalette.
Film pentru mașini automate de ambalare - Pentru ambalare de înaltă viteză

Film pentru mașini automate de ambalare - Pentru ambalare de înaltă viteză

Plastic film for automatic packing machines is primarily used for the following: E-commerce: as rolls for despatch packaging where the product is automatically wrapped in film, as new packaging for returned goods, etc. Pharmaceutical industry: for bundling and thereby securing the shipment of multiple packages Sanitary products: for packaging paper towels and tissues, nappies and other sanitary items Insulation industry: for packaging insulation boards using stretch packing machines Food industry: food packaging machines (frozen foods, fruit, vegetables, etc.)
Producător de mașini universale pentru plantat semințe - Mașină pentru plantat usturoi

Producător de mașini universale pentru plantat semințe - Mașină pentru plantat usturoi

Universal seeder; It is a modern sowing machine with gearbox, capable of sowing medium and large seeds such as lentil, chickpea, corn, soybean, rapeseed, pea and cereal seeds such as wheat, oat, barley, rye. Thanks to the stepless gearbox in the machine, precise sowing is provided. In addition, the gradual gearbox is used most precisely for sowing small seeds such as alfalfa, canola, broom, carrot, onion, spinach and tomato. These machines are produced in different models with or without fertilizer. In the Fertilizer Universal seed drill, the inner part of the box in the machine consists of two compartments. One compartment is used for seed and the other for fertilizer. The sowing process is carried out by adjusting the dosage of 2 gearboxes working independently of each other in the machine. In the machine without fertilizer, the crate part is not divided. Only seeds are planted.
Mașină de Curățat Ananas

Mașină de Curățat Ananas

Ananas Soyma Makineleri; Restoran, otel, eğlence ve alışveriş merkezleri, yurtlar, üniversiteler, büfeler, manavlar, tezgahlar, gibi mekânlarda çok fazla güç gerektirmeden meyveyi kabuğundan ve çekirdeğinden ayırmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Sökülüp takılabilen 304 kalite paslanmaz bıçak sayesinde hijyenik ve güvenlikli bir makinadır. Kullanılan Piston sayesinde kesme ve kesim sonrası çok fazla güç gerektirmeden kolun havaya kalkması sağlanmıştır. . Deneme Yapılmış Ürünlerin Geri İadesi Kabul Edilmemektedir.1 Yıl garantilidir.
Clema de prindere pentru mașini Hydromat - Unelte de prindere

Clema de prindere pentru mașini Hydromat - Unelte de prindere

Zugspannzangen Reihe 300 in diversen Ausführungen für Drehmaschinen,Schleifmaschinen und Teilapparaten -Zugspannzangen Reihe 300 -Schnabelzangen Reihe 300 -Kopfspannzangen Reihe 300 -Spannzangen für Pfiffner-Hydromat Maschinen - ZP Spannzangen Unser umfangreiches Sortiment für die Werkstückspannung bietet alles was Sie zur Herstellung Ihrer Drehteile benötigen. Profitieren Sie von unserem breit gefächerten Portfolio an Spannzangen für CNC-Langdreh-, Kurzdreh-, Mehrspindeldrehautomaten und Rundtaktmaschinen. Auf Wunsch passen wir diese in unserem hauseigenen Schleif- und Erodier Service nach Ihren Anforderungen an.