Produse pentru masini (119)

Piese prelucrate - dispozitive de măsurare

Piese prelucrate - dispozitive de măsurare

Each our component is individually handled in complete care and tested with the latest measuring devices - Mitutoyo. Specialized in smaller productions has its own advantages. We individually devote ourselves to our partners. We support you by: - before production, we review the technical documentation and implement possible changes, - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished before release. The components are checked to ensure that they fit properly and that the external product is compatible. All dispatched products are functional and visually sophisticated. Which leads to more affordable and better quality of the end-product, and consequently greater satisfaction of our partners.
Piese de precizie prelucrate - dimensiuni mici

Piese de precizie prelucrate - dimensiuni mici

Custom milling parts for electronic instrument. Those machined parts are made from plastic with specific requirements. Equipped with top quality CNC machines we excel in CNC processing focused on precise milling. We specialize in CNC aluminium processing and milling of plastic materials. In the machine park there are 3- and 5-axis simultaneous CNC machining centres that ensure to satisfy even the most demanding clients. We support you by: - before production, we review the technical documentation and implement possible changes, - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished before release. The components are checked to ensure that they fit properly and that the external product is compatible. All dispatched products are functional and visually sophisticated.
Frezare CNC - piese prelucrate personalizate

Frezare CNC - piese prelucrate personalizate

We excel in CNC processing focused on precise milling, therefore we can offer you advanced custom milling parts. We specialize in CNC processing of small to medium series of milling parts (1 – app. 5000 pieces). Our main activity is production of individual custom components, from more to less demanding and complex precise milling components. Specialized in smaller productions has its own advantages. We can individually devote ourselves to our partners. We support you by: - before production, we review the technical documentation and implement possible changes, - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished before release. The components are checked to ensure that they fit properly and that the external product is compatible. All dispatched products are functional and visually sophisticated.
Produse din plastic pentru utilizare industrială

Produse din plastic pentru utilizare industrială

Custom made plastic components for production lines in the medical field. In the machine park there are 3- and 5-axis simultaneous CNC machining centers that ensure to satisfy even the most demanding clients. Using Mastercam CAD/CAM software our experts deliver high-quality precise parts for control lines, assembly, robotics, custom prototype devices and more. Machined parts are used in: •the medical fields, •electronic equipment, •automotive industry, •aerospace, •intelligent robotics and •Industrial automation. We support you by: - before production, we review the technical documentation and implement possible changes, - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished before release. The components are checked to ensure that they fit properly and that the external product is compatible.
Piese de precizie prelucrate - dimensiuni mici

Piese de precizie prelucrate - dimensiuni mici

Small precision parts for manual compositions in independent stations for electronic equipment, used aluminium, brass and plastic. We use wide range of materials: -aluminium, -brass, -copper, -bronze, -steel and -plastic. Since 70 % of our products consist from aluminium alloys and plastic we can ensure you that we excel in the production of aluminium milling parts and plastic parts of various properties. This comes into play when certain product must have their own characteristics. For aluminium components those are hardness, resistance to heat, wear, good anodization or painting and for plastic components hardness, resistance to heat, wear, some must not be greasy or must not be conductive or anti-static. Since the quality of products begins with the selection of most suitable and high-quality material we advise our partner which material to choose and try to find the best solution together.
Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Aluminium CNC precise parts for aerospace. Using CNC 5-axis milling work produced components faster and with greater accuracy. In the machine park there are 3- and 5-axis simultaneous CNC machining centres that ensure to satisfy even the most demanding clients. Using Mastercam CAD/CAM software our experts deliver high-quality precise parts for control lines, assembly, robotics, custom prototype devices and more. Our milled metal components are widely distributed. Machined parts are used in: -the medical fields, -electronic equipment, -automotive industry, -aerospace, -intelligent robotics and -Industrial automation.
Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Since 70 % of our products consist from aluminium alloys and plastic we can ensure you that we excel in the production of aluminium milling parts and plastic parts of various properties. This comes into play when certain product must have their own characteristics. For aluminium components those are hardness, resistance to heat, wear, good anodization or painting and for plastic components hardness, resistance to heat, wear, some must not be greasy or must not be conductive or anti-static. Since the quality of products begins with the selection of most suitable and high-quality material we advise our partner which material to choose and try to find the best solution together. We support you by: - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished beforrelease.
Piese metalice mici de precizie

Piese metalice mici de precizie

Robotic grippers made of brass. We use wide range of materials: -aluminium, -brass, -copper, -bronze, -steel and -plastic. Since 70 % of our products consist from aluminium alloys and plastic we can ensure you that we excel in the production of aluminium milling parts and plastic parts of various properties. This comes into play when certain product must have their own characteristics. For aluminium components those are hardness, resistance to heat, wear, good anodization or painting and for plastic components hardness, resistance to heat, wear, some must not be greasy or must not be conductive or anti-static. Since the quality of products begins with the selection of most suitable and high-quality material we advise our partner which material to choose and try to find the best solution together.
Piese și Unelte - Piese și Unelte

Piese și Unelte - Piese și Unelte

Zu unseren hochpräzisen Produkten gehören auch Werkzeugteile und Formkörper aus verschiedenen Werkzeugstählen. Oberflächen und Massen werden streng geschont, damit die Werkzeuge ein perfektes Ergebnis ermöglichen. Die Teile werden im 3D- oder 5-Achs-Verfahren gefertigt, dadurch ist die Genauigkeit der Einzelteile auf höchstem Niveau. Die Kombination von unterschiedlichen Materialien, Technologien und Herstellungsverfahren ermöglicht uns spezifisch für unsere Kunden leichte, innovative Produkte zu entwickeln, die auch bei geringen Stückzahlen bereits wirtschaftliche Fertigung ermöglichen. Die Teile werden nach Wunsch auch geändert und nachbearbeitet. Höchste präzision im Formenbau!
Feliator de Bomboane pentru Chitară - KADZAMA

Feliator de Bomboane pentru Chitară - KADZAMA

Guitar candy slicer is a machine for string cutting of stuffing, biscuit, jelly, souffle, marzipan, ganache, and other confectionery products. It has the following competitive advantages: 1. The framing is easily dismantled and replaced. 2. There is a reinforcing bar in the bedplate. 3. String tension is easily adjusted. 4. Guitar cleans easily. Easy maintenance. Dimensional size 440 х 655 х 105 mm; Weight 17 kg; Housing materialStainless steel AISI 304 Bedplate size 440 х 530 х 105 mm; String thickness 0,8 mm; Operating field size 370 х 385 mm
Prelucrarea fină CNC a formelor gravate

Prelucrarea fină CNC a formelor gravate

Z izkoriščanjem potencialov napredne 5 osne simultane tehnologije obdelave, smo sposobni proizvajati zahtevne orodne dele. Zmogljivosti: - obdelujemo obdelovance iz materiala vseh orodnih jekel - do velikosti plošče 1300 x 1200 x 900 mm - do teže 3.000 kg
Incubator pentru cristale de unt de cacao - KADZAMA

Incubator pentru cristale de unt de cacao - KADZAMA

Cocoa butter kept in the Incubator for two days at a stable temperature of 32.7 ° C, slowly get over crystallized. This butter gets a pasty consistency, which Western colleagues call "SILK." These are the crystals that we create in chocolate during tempering, only in pure form. Using "SILK" is very convenient, especially for tempering small volumes of chocolate, when you need to temper a little, but often In fact - you have a stainless steel tank heated to a certain temperature. You can put in both cold hard cocoa butter or hot non-tempered one. Then you put the container in the unit with the given stable temperature and leave it for 12-24 (or more) hours until the magic happens in the Incubator and the butter will turn into a thick paste - ideal for adding to the product. Dimensional size 320 x 220 x 230 mm; Weight 2 kg; Loading capacity 2 kg; Electric power supply 220 V ~ 50 Hz; Power intake 0.1 kW/h; Material Stainless Steel AISI 304; Heating range 20 - 50 °С


Izmetači, dolivne šobe ter centrirni obroči.
Eroziune Subacvatică

Eroziune Subacvatică

Odločitev za investicijo v CNC potopno erozijo Gantry Eagle 1200 je le še dodatna potrditev, da podjetje resno uresničuje svojo usmeritev v proizvodnjo zahtevnih orodnih delov. Z lahkoto priznamo, da smo z našimi proizvodnim programom močno konkurenčni na domačem in tudi tujem trgu. Storitev potopnega erodiranja ponujamo tudi zunanjim uporabnikom. S storitvijo potopnega erodiranja smo nadgradili proces izdelave zahtevnih orodnih delov. S tem smo dosegli popolno neodvisnost od zunanjih kooperantov. To nam šteje v veliko prednost, saj je na podlagi tega, planiranje proizvodnega procesa popolnoma v naši domeni. Na podlagi takega planiranja se lažje in bolj učinkovito posvečamo zahtevam in željam naših cenjenih strank. Zmogljivosti: - Delovno območje 1000 x 1510 x 700 mm - Velikost bazena 1270 x 1770 x 680 mm - Nosilnost mize 7500 kg - Avtomatski menjalec orodij 30 elektrod - Krmilnik 64-bit Eagle Power Jump
Cuțite de măcinare pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare pentru măcinarea unor bucăți mai mari de cauciuc sau plastic

Cuțite de măcinare pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare pentru măcinarea unor bucăți mai mari de cauciuc sau plastic

Visokokvalitetni trgalni noži se večinoma uporabljajo za mletje večjih kosov gume ali plastike. Trgalni noži so izdelani iz visokokvalitetnih jekel ter mehansko obdelani tako, da zagotavljajo največjo možno obrabo, obstojnost ter zanesljivost. Najpogosteje se za te nože uporabljajo materiali 1.2379, 1.2345, 1.2343 , 1.2767, le-ta pa se določi na podlagi namena uporabe. Trgalni krožni noži so izdelani na podlagi kupčevega načrta ali vzorca iz stroja, ki se uporablja za mletje. Z ekipo visoko usposobljenega tehničnega kadra pa lahko kupcu tudi svetujemo tako tehnično kot tudi oblikovno rešitev noža za reciklažni stroj. Trgalni krožni noži se pod strogim nadzorom naših tehnikov termično obdelujejo v računalniško podprtih kalilnih pečeh, saj tako dosežemo, da so vsi noži izdelani v zahtevanih tolerancah. Največja možna trdota trgalnih nožev je 62 HRC. Trgalne krožne nože izdelujemo do 1000 mm zunanjega premera.
Mini incubator pentru cristale de unt de cacao - KADZAMA

Mini incubator pentru cristale de unt de cacao - KADZAMA

Small version of the crystal incubator for cocoa butter from KADZAMA. Good for experimenting and developing new recipes.Both our versions of the incubator work the same way: if the cocoa butter is kept in the incubator for two days at a stable temperature, then the butter slowly, but inevitable over crystallize. This over cristalized butter has a pasty consistency, and this method of the tempering has a name "silk." To use "silk" is very convenient, especially when tempering small volumes of chocolate, when you need to temper a little, but often. You need to put in the Incubator cold or hot cocoa butter. To set temperature and leave it for 12-24 (or more) hours until the magic happens and the butter turns into a thick paste - ideal for adding to the product.
Prelucrarea brută CNC a formelor gravate

Prelucrarea brută CNC a formelor gravate

Bogato opremljen strojni park nam omogoča sposobnost zadovoljevanja kupčevih še tako različnih potreb CNC obdelav. Zmogljivosti: - obdelujemo obdelovance iz materiala vseh orodnih jekel - do velikosti plošče 1500 x 1100 mm
Unealtă pentru Repararea Gardului

Unealtă pentru Repararea Gardului

Naprava za popravilo ograj je univerzalen priključek za nabijanje in izvleko jeklenih stebričkov in odbojnih ograj. Prav tako lahko z napravo ravnamo poškodovane odbojne ograje. Vgradimo jo na nosilno ploščo delovnega vozila ali kamiona z vgrajeno hidravlično napravo. Z dodatnimi orodji lahko brez težav izdelujemo luknje za smernike ali količke za zimsko označevanje cestišč, z vrtalom pa lahko izvrtamo luknje do premera 300 mm in globine 1000 mm. Napravo krmilimo s prenosnim krmilnim pultom.


On larger and heavier work pieces we perform mechanical treatment with vertical CNC lathes - with carousels. We handle both prototypes and serial pieces. Maximum dimension (diameter x width x depth) fi 3.000 x 3.500 x 1.750 mm, 30 t.
Melangeur de 35 kg - KADZAMA

Melangeur de 35 kg - KADZAMA

Melangeur is a universal tool for creating homogeneous masses from solid ingredients. Due to the stone grinders and mixing scrapers, melangeur replaces three other factory units: PREGRINDING, FINE GRINDING & CONCHING. Dimensional size 680х910х1100 mm; Weight 170 kg; Loading capacity 35 kg; Minimum loading capacity 20 kg; Electric power supply 220 V ~ 50 Hz; Power intake 2,2 kW/h; Housing material Steel; Bowl material Food-grade stainless steel AISI 304, stone bottom; Thermode Yes; Rotation speed 0 - 90 rpm
JM13i - distribuitor de mic dejun - 3 arome de fructe/legume și apă proaspătă purificată

JM13i - distribuitor de mic dejun - 3 arome de fructe/legume și apă proaspătă purificată

Samopostrežna točilna naprava JM je preverjena rešitev za hotelske zajtrkovalnice, šolske kantine ali prehrano zaposlenih. Različica JM13i gostu ponuja tri sadne, zelenjavne, ali sadno-zelenjavne okuse in prečiščeno svežo vodo. Poleg omenjenega modela lahko naše stranke izbirajo med: 1) JM12i in JM13i sta točilna sistema z internimi »Tube BiB«. JM12i nudi dve sadni ali zelenjavni pijači ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo, JM13i pa tri sadne ali zelenjavne napitke ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo. 2) JM12e in JM13e imata zunanje polnjenje; uporabljamo pakiranja QC10 in QC20, ki jih lahko shranite v pult pod JM-jem ali tja, kjer imate dovolj prostora. Medtem ko JM12e nudi dva okusa pijače ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo, JM13e omogoča točenje treh sadnih ali zelenjavnih pijač ter prečiščene in ohlajene vode. 3) Idealen za kuhinjo pa je povišan JM, ki omogoča točenje v steklenice, dispenzerje ali karafe, ki jih nato postrežemo gostom.


Plošče za jarme izdelujemo tudi po naročilu. V primeru, da vam lahko pomagamo s ponudbo, nam prosim pošljite povpraševanje z risbami na
Unelte - Unelte pentru industria auto

Unelte - Unelte pentru industria auto

A complex 5 axis tooling part for the Auto Industry (Ferrari)
Plăci de Forare Adâncă

Plăci de Forare Adâncă

Globoko vrtanje plošč različnih materialov in velikosti do 2000 x 1500 mm do 5.000 kg, enostranska luknja 1200 mm. Zmogljivosti: - vrtamo plošče različnih materialov kot so: orodna jekla, konstrukcijska jekla, barvne kovine … - pred toplotno obdelavo obdelovanca - do velikosti plošče 2000 x 1500 mm - do teže 5.000 kg - enostranska luknja globine 1200 mm - premer luknje od fi 6 do fi 30
Tăietor de Ramuri RV

Tăietor de Ramuri RV

Rezalnik vej je hidravlično gnano orodje s katerim je mogoče rezanje vej in debel do premera 80 mm. Za uspešno delovanje je rezalnik potrebno namestiti na nosilno ročico, vgrajeno na vozilo, s katero ga postavljamo v področje rezanja, vozilo pa opravlja premike in zagotavlja potrebno količino hidravličnega medija za delovni gib rezalnika in za premike ročic. Ker z rezalnikom običajno urejamo grmovje in podrast ob cestah, je zelo primerno rezalnik namestiti na ročico kosilnice-UHR, KS itd, ki je vgrajena na nosilno vozilo.
Dispozitiv Pometal PVM și PVH

Dispozitiv Pometal PVM și PVH

Pometalne naprave PVM in PVH so modularno grajene, namensko razvite za različne variante in kombinacije čiščenja, navlaževanja terena in izvedbe pogonov. PVM in PVH sta različni v tipu pogona, saj je PVM mehanski pogon preko kardana, PVH pa je hidravlični pogon gnan preko vozila.
Melangeur de 7 kg - KADZAMA

Melangeur de 7 kg - KADZAMA

Melanger is a universal machine for obtaining homogeneous masses from solid ingredients. Thanks to stone millstones and mixing scrapers, the melanger replaces three pieces of equipment from a large factory – mixing of ingredients (PREGRINDING), fine GRINDING (FINE GRINDING) and conching (CONCHE). Overall dimensions (LxWxH) - 550 x 450 x 550 mm; Weight-45 kg; Loading 7 kg; The minimum load is 4.5 kg; Power supply 220 V ~ 50/60 Hz; Power consumption 550 W / h Case Material Steel; Rotation speed 0-90 rpm
Dispenser Tower Touch - Dispenser pentru băuturi din fructe fără alcool, alcoolice și mixte

Dispenser Tower Touch - Dispenser pentru băuturi din fructe fără alcool, alcoolice și mixte

Tower Touch je zanesljiva rešitev točenja, doziranja, nadzora in analize gaziranih ali negaziranih, brezalkoholnih ali alkoholnih ter mešanih pijač. Omogoča doziranje in mešanje do 64 različnih sestavin v neomejenih predprogramiranih količinah in kombinacijah. Njena zmogljivost je dobrodošla pomoč v visokofrekvenčnih barih in klubih; letos je na primer s svežimi koktalji oskrbovala tudi obiskovalce Ultre 2018. Za minimalistične zajtrkovalnice pa je na voljo tudi poenostavljena različica, s katero točite 6 različnih sadnih pijač in svežo ter prečiščeno vodo.


Plošče izdelujemo tudi po naročilu. V primeru, da Vam lahko pomagamo s ponudbo, nam prosim pošljite povpraševanje z risbami na