Produse pentru masini (119)

Reamers - Rafinează și măresc găurile pre-perforate conform specificațiilor exacte și cu un finisaj neted

Reamers - Rafinează și măresc găurile pre-perforate conform specificațiilor exacte și cu un finisaj neted

Reamers are precision tools designed to refine and enlarge pre-drilled holes to exact specifications with a smooth finish. Essential for achieving tight tolerances and superior surface finishes in metalworking projects, these reamers are available in straight flute, spiral flute, and expandable variations. Cajhen's reamers are crafted from high-quality carbide, ensuring high accuracy, durability, and extended tool life, making them ideal for use in automotive, aerospace, and general machining applications.
Piese forjate de precizie

Piese forjate de precizie

Präzisionsgeschmiedete Teile sind geschmiedete Teile, bei denen durch die ständige Einhaltung des Schmiedeprozesses sehr enge Toleranzen erreicht werden können. Unsere Prozesse ermöglichen das Schmieden mit einer Toleranz von +/- 0,1 mm. Wir sind auf die Produktion von präzisionsgeschmiedeten Teilen mit einem Gewicht zwischen 0,001 kg und 1 kg aus verschiedenen Materialien spezialisiert. Der Vorteil von präzisionsgeschmiedeten Teilen besteht darin, dass sie überwiegend in verschiedenen Verbindungen und ohne zusätzliche mechanische Bearbeitung eingesetzt werden können. Das Heißkammschmieden ist das Verfahren in unserem Unternehmen – Stangen werden erhitzt und in das entsprechende Schmiedewerkzeug eingesetzt. Nach dem Schmiedeprozess trimmen und durchstechen wir die Halbfertigprodukte, um viele Formen und andere Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Wir formen rostfreie, legierte und Kohlenstoffstähle. In den meisten Fällen werden komplexere und größere Schmiedeteile weiterbearbeitet. Aufgrund der Spezifität von Präzisionsschmiedeteilen bieten wir die minimal notwendige zusätzliche Bearbeitung an und reduzieren somit die Bearbeitungszeiten.
Componente pentru industria aerospațială

Componente pentru industria aerospațială

Die luft- und raumfahrtindustrie stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der verwendeten Komponenten. Unsere Produkte erfüllen diese Anforderungen und finden Anwendung in verschiedenen Bereichen der luft- und raumfahrtindustrie. Durch den Einsatz modernster Technologien und Materialien können wir Produkte liefern, die den höchsten Standards entsprechen und den anspruchsvollen Bedingungen in der Luftfahrt standhalten. Unsere Fähigkeit, schnell auf Marktveränderungen zu reagieren und die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen, macht uns zu einem bevorzugten Partner für Unternehmen in der luft- und raumfahrtindustrie.
Prelucrarea pieselor forjate

Prelucrarea pieselor forjate

Die Bearbeitung von Schmiedeteilen ist ein kritischer Schritt in der Fertigungskette, der es ermöglicht, die Rohteile in präzise und funktionale Komponenten zu verwandeln. Dieser Prozess umfasst verschiedene Techniken wie Drehen, Fräsen und Schleifen, um die gewünschten Maße und Oberflächenqualitäten zu erreichen. Die Bearbeitung ist entscheidend, um die Funktionalität und Passgenauigkeit der Teile in komplexen Baugruppen sicherzustellen, insbesondere in Branchen wie der Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie, wo Präzision von größter Bedeutung ist. Bei Marovt d.o.o. verfügen wir über hochmoderne Bearbeitungsanlagen, die es uns ermöglichen, Schmiedeteile mit höchster Präzision zu bearbeiten. Unsere erfahrenen Techniker nutzen fortschrittliche Maschinen und Werkzeuge, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Teil den spezifischen Anforderungen unserer Kunden entspricht. Durch kontinuierliche Investitionen in neue Technologien und Schulungen unserer Mitarbeiter bleiben wir an der Spitze der Branche und bieten unseren Kunden stets die besten Lösungen für ihre Bearbeitungsanforderungen.
Producția de piese turnate lungi

Producția de piese turnate lungi

Die Produktion von drehteilen ist ein spezialisierter Fertigungsprozess, der es ermöglicht, zylindrische Komponenten mit hoher Präzision und Effizienz herzustellen. Drehteile finden in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen Verwendung, von der Automobilindustrie bis hin zur Medizintechnik, wo sie als wesentliche Komponenten in komplexen Systemen dienen. Der Drehprozess bietet die Flexibilität, sowohl einfache als auch komplexe Geometrien zu realisieren, was ihn zu einer bevorzugten Wahl für viele Hersteller macht. Marovt d.o.o. ist stolz darauf, eine breite Palette von Drehteilen anzubieten, die den höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen. Unsere modernen Drehmaschinen und das erfahrene Team von Fachleuten gewährleisten, dass jedes Teil mit äußerster Präzision gefertigt wird. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologien und strenger Qualitätskontrollen stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Drehteile nicht nur funktional, sondern auch langlebig und zuverlässig sind. Unsere Kunden können sich darauf verlassen, dass sie Produkte erhalten, die ihre Erwartungen übertreffen und in ihren Anwendungen hervorragende Leistungen erbringen.
Lame de feronerie circulară

Lame de feronerie circulară

Cajhen's circular saw blades are designed for precision cutting of various metals, including steel, aluminum, and non-ferrous alloys. These rotary cutting tools come in a range of diameters, tooth configurations, and materials to suit different metal cutting applications. Featuring teeth made from high-speed steel (HSS) and tungsten carbide-tipped (TCT) options, Cajhen's circular saw blades offer excellent cutting efficiency and durability. They are essential for achieving clean, precise cuts in metalworking projects, making them a valuable asset in industries such as metal fabrication, construction, and manufacturing.
Variante de Unelte de Tăiere Monobloc

Variante de Unelte de Tăiere Monobloc

Cajhen's monoblock cutting tools are solid, single-piece instruments designed for various metalworking operations. These tools offer maximum rigidity and stability, minimizing deflection and vibration during cutting. Monoblock tools are perfect for high-precision applications and are available in different types, including end mills, drills, and reamers. Crafted from high-speed steel (HSS) and carbide, these tools provide exceptional performance and longevity, making them ideal for demanding machining tasks in the metalworking industry.
Unelte de tăiere de înaltă precizie pentru prelucrarea CNC

Unelte de tăiere de înaltă precizie pentru prelucrarea CNC

The materials from which we make cutting tools are key to your success in use. They provide exceptional performance and long-lasting value, especially those made from super hard materials that have exceptional abrasion resistance. We manufacture cutting tools from various grades of carbide hardness, PKD, CBN, and MCD.
Inserts pentru Turnare

Inserts pentru Turnare

Cajhen offers a diverse range of turning inserts designed for high-performance metalworking. These replaceable cutting tips are used in lathes for turning operations, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution. Available in various shapes, sizes, and grades, Cajhen's turning inserts are tailored to specific materials and cutting conditions. Made from high-quality carbide, ceramic, polycrystalline diamond (PCD), monocrystalline diamond (MCD), and cubic boron nitride (CBN), these inserts deliver superior hardness, wear resistance, and precision, ensuring optimal performance in the machining of metals.
Prelucrarea pieselor forjate

Prelucrarea pieselor forjate

Der Vorteil der Firma Marovt liegt darin, dass die geschmiedeten Teile in unserer eigenen Schmiede bearbeitet werden. Aus diesem Grund können wir geschmiedete Teile mit gemeinsam definierten Eigenschaften gewährleisten. Die Bearbeitung der geschmiedeten Teile ist größtenteils automatisiert; daher wird der menschliche Faktor reduziert und der gleiche technologische Prozess kann dauerhaft sicherstellen, dass alle Teile auf die gleiche Weise bearbeitet und nach denselben Verfahren kontrolliert und getestet werden. Die Bearbeitung der geschmiedeten Teile erfolgt auf technologisch fortschrittlichen 3- und 4-Achsen-Maschinen. Unsere Bearbeitungszentren haben die Möglichkeit, bis zu 40 wechselbare Schneidwerkzeuge zu verwenden. Das Werkzeug kann bis zu 300 mm lang und bis zu 10 kg schwer sein. Die Spindel des Bearbeitungszentrums kann bis zu 20.000 U/min drehen. Der Wechsel des Schneidwerkzeugs an unseren Zentren dauert nur 1,7 s, was die Bearbeitungszeit erheblich verkürzt. Alle unsere Bearbeitungszentren verfügen über ein Palettensystem, das die Zeit für die Montage der Schmiedeteile in das Spannmittel eliminiert.
Suporturi Speciale - Stabilitate, precizie și performanță optimă în diverse operațiuni de prelucrare

Suporturi Speciale - Stabilitate, precizie și performanță optimă în diverse operațiuni de prelucrare

Cajhen offers a specialized range of toolholders designed to meet the exacting demands of precision metalworking. These toolholders ensure optimal stability, accuracy, and performance in various machining operations, including turning. Crafted from high-quality materials, Cajhen's toolholders guarantee secure and precise positioning of cutting tools, minimizing vibrations and tool deflection.
Inserts de profil

Inserts de profil

Cajhen's profile inserts are engineered for precision and accuracy in creating specific shapes and contours on metal workpieces during turning operations. These inserts are designed to replicate intricate profiles with consistency and high quality. Ideal for producing components with complex geometries, Cajhen's profile inserts are widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and mold making. Constructed from durable materials like carbide, polycrystalline diamond (PCD), monocrystalline diamond (MCD), and cubic boron nitride (CBN), they ensure long tool life and reliable performance under high cutting forces and temperatures.
Ascuțirea și întreținerea uneltelor de tăiere - Restaurarea eficienței uneltelor vechi la cea a celor noi

Ascuțirea și întreținerea uneltelor de tăiere - Restaurarea eficienței uneltelor vechi la cea a celor noi

Ostrenje (brušenje) orodij vseh oblik in blagovnih znamk. Rezilna orodja ostrimo (brusimo) na 5-osnih CNC strojih, s čimer rabljenemu orodju povrnemo učinkovitost novega orodja.
Prelucrarea metalelor

Prelucrarea metalelor

Our focus is on quality manufactured and quick delivery times while keeping a competitive pricing level. We are working with various materials like aluminium alloys, plastic, metal and steel. Our technically advanced metal processing services with 3- and 5-axis CNC milling work allow us to meet clients’ specific requirements. We do our best to ensure that the services are provided with quality and in the shortest possible time. We support you by having more than 3 tons of material in stock, which guarantees us an immediate start of production. Which results in shorter delivery times and immediately providing you a new spare part. We are being part of many development companies. We have become an important part of: ●control lines, ●automatic assembly, ●robotic grippers, ●independent stations, ●pallet systems, ●pneumatic systems ●and production lines.
Prelucrarea oțelului CNC

Prelucrarea oțelului CNC

Small precision parts for electronic equipment. Our machined parts are used in: -the medical fields, -electronic equipment, -automotive industry, -aerospace, -intelligent robotics and -Industrial automation. Specialized in smaller productions has its own advantages. We individually devote ourselves to our partners. The advantages of this kind of cooperation is review of technical documentation before production and possible adjustments made beforehand, which leads to more affordable and better quality of the end-product, and consequently greater satisfaction of our partners.
Lame pentru reciclare/granulator - Lame de înaltă calitate pentru măcinarea materialelor deșeuri și a plasticului

Lame pentru reciclare/granulator - Lame de înaltă calitate pentru măcinarea materialelor deșeuri și a plasticului

Najrazličnejše variacije rotor in stator nožev za mletje odpadnih materialov iz umetnih mas najvišje kakovosti. Noži za mletje se večinoma uporabljajo za reciklažo plastike oz. pri proizvodnji PE, PP, PET, HD. Izdelani so iz orodnih jekel z visoko vsebnostjo kroma, ki imajo visoko površinsko trdoto, dobro žilavost in trdnost ter zelo dobro obstojnost proti obrabi, obdelani pa so na najnovejših strojih za mehansko obdelavo. Za kvaliteten industrijski nož za mletje je pomembna predvsem kvalitetna termična obdelava, zato so noži za mletje TRO skrbno termično obdelani v računalniško podprti vakuumski termični peči.
Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

trokovnjaki za nože za plastiko in reciklažo. Noži za plastiko in reciklažo so izdelani iz visoko legiranih orodnih jekel. Posamezni legirni elementi v teh jeklih so ključnega pomena za kvaliteten rez, visoko odpornost proti obrabi ter mehanskim obremenitvam. Sodobna tehnološka oprema za mehansko in termično obdelavo, lasten konstrukcijski oddelek in razvoj ter dolgoletne izkušnje nam omogočajo, da so noži za reciklažo in plastiko TRO vedno izdelani v zahtevanih tolerancah glede dimenzij in termične obdelave. Zato poleg standardnih orodnih jekel vedno bolj uporabljamo tudi inovativne vrste jekel, ki jih nabavljamo le pri najboljših evropskih proizvajalcih orodnih jekel.
Cuțite pentru industria metalurgică - cuțite pentru laminare, cuțite pentru foarfeci și tăierea tablei

Cuțite pentru industria metalurgică - cuțite pentru laminare, cuțite pentru foarfeci și tăierea tablei

noži za razrez pločevine in noži, ki se uporabljajo pri proizvodnji najrazličnejših jeklenih profilov vseh dimenzij zagotavljamo celostne rešitve na področju proizvodnje, obdelave in recikliranja kovin. Z izbiro najustreznejših jekel zagotavljamo, da noži za uporabo v kovinski industriji dosegajo najboljšo obstojnost, zanesljivost in natančen rez. Pri zagotavljanju lastnosti nožev za kovine je zelo pomembna termična obdelava le-teh, kar zagotavljamo z najmodernejšo tehnologijo kaljenja (vakuum) in velikim poudarkom na sprotnem usposabljanju zaposlenih v oddelku termične obdelave. Z modernimi stroji za mehansko obdelavo materialov, izkušnjami in visoko-tehnološkim znanjem zagotavljamo natančno izdelavo, kar je v primeru nožev za kovinsko industrijo bistvenega pomena. Celovite rešitve za kovinsko industrijo izvajamo za najzahtevnejše evropske stranke, predvsem za avtomobilsko in metalurško industrijo.
Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

oži za plastiko in reciklažo so izdelani iz visoko legiranih orodnih jekel. Posamezni legirni elementi v teh jeklih so ključnega pomena za kvaliteten rez, visoko odpornost proti obrabi ter mehanskim obremenitvam. Sodobna tehnološka oprema za mehansko in termično obdelavo, lasten konstrukcijski oddelek in razvoj ter dolgoletne izkušnje nam omogočajo, da so noži za reciklažo in plastiko TRO vedno izdelani v zahtevanih tolerancah glede dimenzij in termične obdelave. Zato poleg standardnih orodnih jekel vedno bolj uporabljamo tudi inovativne vrste jekel, ki jih nabavljamo le pri najboljših evropskih proizvajalcih orodnih jekel.
Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

Cuțite pentru reciclare - cuțite de măcinare, cuțite de zdrobire, cuțite de sfâșiere, cuțite circulare și cuțite pentru peletizare

Noži za drobljenje (angl.shredder knives) se uporabljajo za drobljenje večjega odpadnega materiala (plastični sodi, odpadne gume, kontejnerji, ipd). Izdelujemo različne oblike nožev za drobljenje: kocke, kvadratne, pravokotne in krožne oblike. Noži za peletiranje se uporabljajo pri ekstrudiranju PET, PPT LPE in HDPE, kjer je potrebno ekstrudiran material narezati na majhne koščke – pelete. Nože za peletiranje izdelujemo iz različnih materialov in trdot. Značilnost najboljših nožev za peletiranje je, da so termično obdelani na tri trdote, s čimer zagotovimo dober rez, prožnost ter preprečujemo lom. Vsi noži za peletiranje so termično obdelani pod strogim nadzorom in skladni z zahtevami kakovosti.
Mașină CNC X-LINE - mașină CNC cu 3 axe

Mașină CNC X-LINE - mașină CNC cu 3 axe

The X-LINE is our high-performance CNC machine. It is designed for precision machining of aluminium, brass or plastic. It is suitable for companies and educational institutions involved in prototyping or small- scale production. With a safety enclosure, it's a compact machine with plenty of power and potential, which puts it at the very top of its class.
Cuțite pentru reciclare - Cuțitele de zdrobire sunt folosite pentru a zdrobi materiale de deșeuri mai mari

Cuțite pentru reciclare - Cuțitele de zdrobire sunt folosite pentru a zdrobi materiale de deșeuri mai mari

Noži za drobljenje (angl.shredder knives) se uporabljajo za drobljenje večjega odpadnega materiala (plastični sodi, odpadne gume, kontejnerji, ipd). Izdelujemo različne oblike nožev za drobljenje: kocke, kvadratne, pravokotne in krožne oblike. Oblika noža in primerno jeklo se določi ta glede na namen uporabe. Največkrat se uporablja jeklo kvalitete 1.2379, 1.2343 ter 1.2767. Z namenom doseči najboljšo tehnično rešitev pa na kupčevo željo izdelamo nože za drobljenje tudi iz drugih materialov.
CNC XPX-LINE - mașină CNC cu 3 axe

CNC XPX-LINE - mașină CNC cu 3 axe

The XPX-LINE model is a highly precise and powerful 3-axis CNC machine, specifically designed for machining soft materials such as plastics, aluminum, and various composites. It is equipped with components from leading manufacturers, including HIWIN for linear technology and DELTA for motion control, ensuring durability and excellent performance. User-Friendly control program UCCNC makes operating the machine exceptionally simple and easy.


In an advanced technological machine park, we process various types of metals with more than 50 different machines of renowned brands. The modern production plant is located in a spacious hall at the location where the company is based, and where we provide both mechanic and machine processing of metals on various processing lines.
Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Piese prelucrate CNC personalizate

Housings for electronics - customized moulded parts, milling of metal materials. In our company, we specialize in the production of aluminium pieces of various properties. This comes into play when certain product must have their own characteristics, such as hardness, resistance to heat, wear, good anodization or painting. We advise our partner which material to choose. We have in stock all plate thicknesses from 5 mm to 100 mm in the quality - Plancast plus 5083. We do our best to ensure that the services are provided with quality and in the shortest possible time. We support you by having more than 3 tons of material in stock, which guarantees us an immediate start of production. Which results in shorter delivery times and immediately providing you a new spare part.
Software și programare CAD/CAM – Mastercam 2024

Software și programare CAD/CAM – Mastercam 2024

As we use the latest machines, we are also not lagging behind in software development. We constantly updated our Mastercam CAD/CAM system which is one of the leaders in the world. Mastercam offers CAD/CAM software tools for a variety of CNC programming needs, from basic to complex (3- and 5-axis CNC machining). It is designed as a comprehensive solution for manufacturing efficiency therefore, our custom milling parts are produced faster, with greater accuracy, quality, and repeatability.
Prelucrarea de precizie a metalelor

Prelucrarea de precizie a metalelor

We specialize in CNC processing of small to medium series (1 – app. 5000 pieces). Our main activity is production of individual custom components, from more to less demanding and complex precise milling components. Using Mastercam CAD/CAM software our experts deliver high-quality precise parts for control lines, assembly, robotics, custom prototype devices and more. Our custom milling parts are widely distributed. Machined parts are used in: -medical fields, -electronic equipment, -automotive industry, -aerospace, -intelligent robotics and -Industrial automation. Specializing in various sectors of development companies, we offer advanced custom parts. We are working with wide range of materials like aluminium alloys, plastic, metal and steel but 70 % of our production is CNC aluminium processing and milling of plastic materials. Our focus is on quality manufactured and quick delivery times while keeping a competitive pricing level.


* Bending up to 4000mm in length * 240 tons of power We bend even more complex products and, if necessary, manufacture unique tools. Bending all types of materials and thicknesses. CAD models are used for bending simulation.
Prelucrare CNC - piese de înaltă calitate

Prelucrare CNC - piese de înaltă calitate

Custom made aluminium precise component for mechanical engineering. Our machined parts have become an important part of: •control lines, •automatic assembly, •robotic grippers, •independent stations, •pallet systems, •pneumatic systems and •production lines. In our company, we specialize in the production of aluminium pieces of various properties. This comes into play when certain product must have their own characteristics, such as hardness, resistance to heat, wear, good anodization or painting. We do our best to ensure that the services are provided with quality and in the shortest possible time. We support you by having more than 3 tons of material in stock, which guarantees us an immediate start of production. Which results in shorter delivery times and immediately providing you a new spare part. We have in stock all plate thicknesses from 5 mm to 100 mm in the quality - Plancast plus 5083.
Prelucrare de precizie

Prelucrare de precizie

Carrier – aluminium milling part for control line. Our machined parts have become an important part of: ●control lines, ●automatic assembly, ●robotic grippers, ●independent stations, ●pallet systems, ●pneumatic systems and ●production lines. Technically advanced CNC processing services with 3- and 5-axis CNC milling work allow us to meet clients’ specific requirements. Our focus is on quality manufactured and quick delivery times while keeping a competitive pricing level.