Produse pentru lumina (621)

Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Model 344 B M

Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Model 344 B M

Created in the 1930s, these wall lights are composed of a glass or bronze bowl, to provide very strong lighting. The variety of supports available enables you to choose the wall light that is the most suitable for your interior décor. Some models were chosen for the United States Foundation in Paris. Different finishes and diameters available Works with any type of bulb
Lămpi de tavan pentru coridor - Model 2069 Lumină de tavan

Lămpi de tavan pentru coridor - Model 2069 Lumină de tavan

Especially designed for corridors so that closet doors can be easily opened. It is also ideal for lighting small bathrooms, toilets or washrooms. It can also be used as wall light. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Lumină de podea exterioară - Model 6216

Lumină de podea exterioară - Model 6216

Watertight wall lights, boundary lights, floor lamps in blown crackle glass. This very beautiful glass work provides a refined touch to outside atmospheres. Different finishes available. Height as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Lumină suspendată din sticlă din anii '30 - Model 373 S

Lumină suspendată din sticlă din anii '30 - Model 373 S

Perfection of lines and proportions for this superb two level ceiling light held by eight blades. This model stamped like all our products adorned the dining room of the cruise liner “Normandie”. Different finishes and sizes available. Rods height as requested. Works with any type of bulb
lampă de podea - model 15

lampă de podea - model 15

Criado em 1934, um item de colecionador genuíno. Originalidade de sua base de anel, riqueza de sua cascata de vidro. Além de seu poder luminoso, sua estética ainda seduz muitos arquitetos.
Lumină de tavan suspendată din anii 1930 - Model 354 bis S

Lumină de tavan suspendată din anii 1930 - Model 354 bis S

A collectors’ item. Very much appreciated, this ceiling light used to adorn the port lounges of the cruise liner “Normandie”. The hanging version was chosen for the Barney’s department store in New York. Different finishes and diameters available. Rods height as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Iluminat Exterior - Model 1120

Iluminat Exterior - Model 1120

Etsitkö hajautettua tai voimakasta valoa valaistavien alueiden mukaan: terminaalit, katot, katuvalaisimet, mallimme käyttävät kaikkia valon mahdollisuuksia ulkotilojen parantamiseen ja suojaamiseen (terassi, puutarha, uima-allas, puisto ...). Tehokkaat, vedenkestävät, erittäin kestävät laitteet, joissa käytetään tuhatta säteilevää viivaa. Tukien materiaaleja tutkitaan myös kovimpien sääolojen kestämiseksi. Säätölaite mahdollistaa valonlähteen ohjaamisen (nouseva, vaakasuora tai laskeva valovirta).


30-luvulla luodut lasit tai pronssikupit muodostavat suuren valovoiman. Tukien monipuolisuus mahdollistaa sen, että se sopii parhaiten omaan sisustukseen. Jotkut mallit on valittu Yhdysvaltain säätiön Pariisissa.
Lămpi de lux - Modelul 542 D

Lămpi de lux - Modelul 542 D

Ricerca grafica di basi: "Cristallo", "goccia d'acqua", ritagli geometrici ... Il vetro è una fonte di straordinaria creatività. Volumi e forme che uniscono modernità ed eleganza.
Lămpi de lux - Modelul 651

Lămpi de lux - Modelul 651

Opposizione di grandi bacini in bronzo con linee pure e cascate luccicanti in lastre di vetro smerigliato per questi maestosi candelabri.


Keräilyrahat. Taiteen esineet ja toiminnalliset esineet mahdollistavat valopisteiden moninkertaistamisen suurissa tiloissa (galleria, käytävä). Niitä voidaan käyttää myös erikseen kapealla alustalla tai pareittain. muut kuin peili, kuten kaikki lineaariset seinävalot.
Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Model 341 B M

Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Model 341 B M

Created in the 1930s, these wall lights are composed of a glass or bronze bowl, to provide very strong lighting. The variety of supports available enables you to choose the wall light that is the most suitable for your interior décor. Some models were chosen for the United States Foundation in Paris. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Iluminat exterior - Model 955 GM

Iluminat exterior - Model 955 GM

Recherche d’une lumière diffuse ou intense suivant les zones à éclairer : bornes, appliques, lampadaires, nos modèles utilisent toutes les possibilités de la lumière pour mettre en valeur et sécuriser vos espaces extérieurs (terrasse, jardin, piscine, parc…). Des appareils efficaces, étanches, extrêmement robustes par l’utilisation de verre prismatique aux milles facettes rayonnantes. Les matériaux des supports sont également étudiés pour résister aux intempéries les plus rudes. Un dispositif de réglage permet de diriger la source lumineuse (flux lumineux ascendant, horizontal ou descendant). Différentes finitions sont proposées Fonctionne avec tous types d'ampoules
Iluminat Exterior - MODEL 1119

Iluminat Exterior - MODEL 1119

Aussenbeleuchtung MODELL 1119 PERZELLeuchten für Außenbeleuchtung
Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Modelul 344 V

Aplice de perete din anii '30 - Modelul 344 V

Created in the 1930s, these wall lights are composed of a glass or bronze bowl, to provide very strong lighting. The variety of supports available enables you to choose the wall light that is the most suitable for your interior décor. Some models were chosen for the United States Foundation in Paris. Different finishes and diameters available Works with any type of bulb
Lumină de perete colțară pentru exterior - Model 1077 Unghi GM

Lumină de perete colțară pentru exterior - Model 1077 Unghi GM

Outdoor corner wall light Whether seeking diffused or strong lighting depending on the areas to be lighted, for boundary lighting, wall lights, floor lamps, our models take advantage of all lighting possibilities to enhance and make your outside areas safe (terraces, gardens, swimming pools etc.). Efficient, waterproof equipment that is extremely sturdy due to the use of prismatic glass with a thousand shining surfaces. The supporting materials are also studied to stand up to the most severe weather conditions. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Lumină de tavan de design - Model 57 bis

Lumină de tavan de design - Model 57 bis

The light structure and absolutely modern lines of these round or square hanging lights made of hand sanded optical glass were created in 1927. These models can be adapted as ceiling lights. We adjust the number and dimensions of the plates according to the architecture of the area to be lit. Different finishes available. Rods heights as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Lumină de balcon - Model 2151 GM

Lumină de balcon - Model 2151 GM

A beautiful satin light diffused from this watertight glass slab, perfect for a balcony, terrace or to enhance the lines of contemporary architecture. Very elegant inside a room too for which the base is available with different finishes. Different finishes available Does not work with halogens
lampă - Model 347 B bis

lampă - Model 347 B bis

Created in the 1930s, these wall lights are composed of a glass or bronze bowl, to provide very strong lighting. The variety of supports available enables you to choose the wall light that is the most suitable for your interior décor. Some models were chosen for the United States Foundation in Paris. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
APLIQUE DE PERETE - modelul 650

APLIQUE DE PERETE - modelul 650

Tämä seinävalaisin koristeli linjan Normandien ylellisyyttä. Runsas materiaali, mukaan lukien timanttihiutaleet, jotka on korostettu ohuella pronssikiinnikkeellä. Hän on todistamassa aikakautta, todellista elävää taidetta. "," Tippaa vettä ", geometrisia pistokkaita ... Lasi on poikkeuksellisen luovuuden lähde. Tilat ja muodot, jotka yhdistävät modernisuuden ja tyylikkyyden


Estetiikka ja toiminnallisuus näille seinätelineille, valon voimakkuuden säätämiseksi.
Lumină de tavan din anii '30 - Modelul 215

Lumină de tavan din anii '30 - Modelul 215

Collectors’ items from the 1930s. A very beautiful work in optical glass with a combination of cylinders, light effects and transparency making this design absolutely enchanting. Some of these models could be found in the passenger cabins on the cruise liner “Normandie”. Different finishes available. Rods heights as requested. Works with any type of bulb


The light structure and absolutely modern lines of these round or square hanging lights made of hand sanded optical glass were created in 1927. These models can be adapted as ceiling lights. We adjust the number and dimensions of the plates according to the architecture of the area to be lit. Different finishes available. Rods height and diameter as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Iluminat exterior - MODEL 1077 Face PM

Iluminat exterior - MODEL 1077 Face PM

Haushaltsbeleuchtung und Zubehör Aussenbeleuchtung
Lampă de Podea Art Deco - Model 38

Lampă de Podea Art Deco - Model 38

Prestigiosa modelo de nuestra colección. Conjunto de siete cilindros en cascada en vidrio óptico, que descansa sobre cuatro barriles de bronce y una base escalonada. Esta pieza excepcional es muy representativa de la artesanía de nuestros talleres, está estampada como toda nuestra producción, lo que garantiza su autenticidad.
Aplica de perete exterioară - Model unghiular 1077 Unghi GM

Aplica de perete exterioară - Model unghiular 1077 Unghi GM

Recherche d’une lumière diffuse ou intense suivant les zones à éclairer : bornes, appliques, lampadaires, nos modèles utilisent toutes les possibilités de la lumière pour mettre en valeur et sécuriser vos espaces extérieurs (terrasse, jardin, piscine, parc…). Des appareils efficaces, étanches, extrêmement robustes par l’utilisation de verre prismatique aux milles facettes rayonnantes. Les matériaux des supports sont également étudiés pour résister aux intempéries les plus rudes. Un dispositif de réglage permet de diriger la source lumineuse (flux lumineux ascendant, horizontal ou descendant). Différentes finitions sont proposées Fonctionne avec tous types d'ampoules
Lumină de tavan din anii '30 - Model 354 bis

Lumină de tavan din anii '30 - Model 354 bis

A collectors’ item. Very much appreciated, this ceiling light used to adorn the port lounges of the cruise liner “Normandie”. The hanging version was chosen for the Barney’s department store in New York. Different finishes and diameters available. Rods height as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Mese de lumină - Model 160 J

Mese de lumină - Model 160 J

Abstracciones geométricas. Tablas de luz, estos apliques creados en 1926 ofrecen una selección de armonías: vidrios pulidos con chorro de arena o esmaltados, monocromos o de dos tonos. Se proponen diferentes acabados. Otras dimensiones bajo pedido. Funciona con todo tipo de bombillas.


30-luvulla luodut lasit tai pronssikupit muodostavat suuren valovoiman. Tukien monipuolisuus mahdollistaa sen, että se sopii parhaiten omaan sisustukseen. Jotkut mallit on valittu Yhdysvaltain säätiön Pariisissa.
Lumină de podea de design - Modelul 119

Lumină de podea de design - Modelul 119

The unusual height of these small floor lamps give them a great decoration power. Parallelepiped or a cube of light, supported by four elegant bronze rods. It could be used as a bedside lamp or sofa lamp. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb