Produse pentru lumina (707)

Abajururi - Model 944

Abajururi - Model 944

Model 944 LIGHTING This very beautiful architectural lamp, with exceptional lighting efficiency, particularly stands out for the highly prestigious materials we use. A limited edition, signed, like all our products, but – in addition – it is also numbered. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Iluminat din anii '30 - Model 344 M

Iluminat din anii '30 - Model 344 M

Creados en los años 30, estos apliques compuestos por una copa de cristal o bronce tienen una gran potencia luminosa. La diversidad de soportes permite elegir la lámpara de pared más adecuada para su interior. Algunos modelos han sido elegidos por la Fundación de los Estados Unidos en París. Se proponen diferentes acabados y diámetros. Funciona con todo tipo de bombillas.
coloană de lumină - model Art Deco 2075 S

coloană de lumină - model Art Deco 2075 S

Le concept de ce plafonnier permet une adaptation à des espaces architecturaux très différents. Un modèle minimaliste qui peut être transformé en une véritable colonne de lumière. Des versions monumentales ont été réalisées pour le Musée de Saint-Omer. Différentes finitions et tailles sont proposées. Hauteur des tiges à la demande. Fonctionne avec tous types d'ampoules


Pariisin kaupungin modernin taiteen museo valitsi 1937-näyttelyn. Erittäin kaunis puolisuuntainen valaistus tähän hiekkapuhalletun lasin leikkaukseen, joka perustuu pronssiaalloon. Leimattu Jean Perzel kuten kaikki tuotannomme. Olemassa on pronssi, joka on tarkoitettu epäsuoraan valaistukseen.
Corp de iluminat suspendat de lux - Model 2043

Corp de iluminat suspendat de lux - Model 2043

A hanging design that gives off a very beautiful light with a twofold effect, semi-direct and indirect, ensuring optimal visual comfort with no glare thanks to its underface white enameled optical glass. Different finishes available. Rods heights as requested. Works with any type of bulb
SUSPENSII DE LUX - Modelul 350 S

SUSPENSII DE LUX - Modelul 350 S

Un grande "classico" nella nostra collezione di vetri ottici smaltati bianchi, racchiuso in pinne di bronzo curvato. Versioni a soffitto oa sospensione, di forma rotonda, integrano in modo armonioso qualunque siano gli spazi e le decorazioni. Vengono proposte diverse finiture e diametri. Altezza degli steli a richiesta. Funziona con tutti i tipi di lampadine
Lumină de tavan decorativă - Model 167

Lumină de tavan decorativă - Model 167

This eight-sided art deco ceiling light from 1928 is very original and the shape is accentuated by the thin bronze strips. Different finishes available. Other sizes on request. Works with any type of bulb
APLICAȚII - model 313 A BIS

APLICAȚII - model 313 A BIS

Estetismo e funcionalidade para estas arandelas suspensas, para modular a intensidade da luz.
APLICAȚII - model 521 TER

APLICAȚII - model 521 TER

Αντικείμενο συλλογής. Αντικείμενα τέχνης και λειτουργικά αντικείμενα, καθιστούν δυνατή την πολλαπλασιασμό των σημείων φωτός σε τεράστιους χώρους (γκαλερί, διάδρομο). Μπορούν επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθούν μεμονωμένα σε στενή στήριξη ή σε ζεύγη από τις δύο πλευρές ενός καθρέφτη, όπως όλες οι γραμμικές εφαρμογές μας.


French art deco floor lamp The floral inspiration for this floor lamp in the shape of a tulip is supported by a very beautiful base in curved bronze. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Lămpi de perete contemporane - Model 313 A bis

Lămpi de perete contemporane - Model 313 A bis

These contemporary wall lights with a pivoting shade are beautiful as well as functional and enable the light intensity to be adjusted. This model comes with one or two light arms. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Lumină de masă în formă de bol - Model 998 M

Lumină de masă în formă de bol - Model 998 M

Bowls of light that should be placed at a height to enhance the piece of furniture on which they are placed and to provide beautiful lighting of the area. A functional and very ingenious solution, a way to avoid cluttering the floor. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Lămpi de Tavan Interioare - Model 350

Lămpi de Tavan Interioare - Model 350

Suuri "klassinen" kokoelmassamme valkoisesta emaloidusta optisesta lasista, joka on suljettu kaareviin pronssilevyihin. Katto- tai ripustettu versio, pyöreä, ne integroituvat harmonisesti millä tahansa tiloilla ja koristeilla.
Iluminat de Birou - Modelul 162

Iluminat de Birou - Modelul 162

Bürobeleuchtung Model 162 The most prestigious 1930s lamp of collection. It was created by Jean Perzel in 1927-1928 and chosen by the great architects and decorators of the time (Michel Roux-Spitz, Jacques Emile Ruhlmann, Jules Emile Leleu, Le Corbusier). It is composed of four cylinders in extra-white enameled optical glass, giving off an exceptionally powerful light but without causing any glare ; this lamp alone can light up a whole room. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb
Aplice Art Deco - Model 160 J

Aplice Art Deco - Model 160 J

Abstrações geométricas. Mesas de luz, estas arandelas criadas em 1926 oferecem uma escolha de harmonias: vidros jateados ou esmaltados, monocromos ou bicolores.
Plafoniere - Model 2080 PM

Plafoniere - Model 2080 PM

Lignes pures, affinées et racées pour cette suspension à quatre tiges en bronze et verre émaillé, d’une très grande puissance lumineuse à double effet, semi-direct et indirect. Différentes finitions sont proposées Fonctionne avec tous types d'ampoules
LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 159

LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 159

Valon pyörre. Tämän houkuttelevan ja hienostuneen lampun linjojen vastakkainasettelu ja kolmen sylinterin hyväksyminen. Kuten kaikki mallimme, se tehdään erikseen ja allekirjoitetaan.
APLICAȚII - model 341 M

APLICAȚII - model 341 M

Δημιουργημένος στη δεκαετία του '30, αυτές οι απλίκες αποτελούμενες από ένα γυάλινο ή χάλκινο κύπελλο έχουν μεγάλη φωτεινή ισχύ. Η ποικιλία των υποστηριγμάτων καθιστά δυνατή την επιλογή του λαμπτήρα τοίχου που είναι περισσότερο προσαρμοσμένος στο εσωτερικό σας. Ορισμένα μοντέλα έχουν επιλεγεί από το Ίδρυμα των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών στο Παρίσι.
Lumină suspendată pătrată - Model 2060 A S

Lumină suspendată pătrată - Model 2060 A S

The delicacy of the rough laid glass slabs set between two bronze mountings led it to being called the “queen’s necklace”. These round or square-shaped ceiling lights are suitable for both classical and modern interiors. Different finishes and sizes available. Rods height as requested. Works with any type of bulb
lampă de masă - model 575

lampă de masă - model 575

El espíritu del juego emerge de esta creación. Cubo o dados de luz para colocar sobre una mesa, una cabecera, una consola ... Este modelo está firmado, como toda nuestra producción. Se proponen diferentes acabados. No funciona con halógenos.


En el barril cónico, una superposición brillante de losas de vidrio tallado, sostiene la tapa de bronce rematada por un corte de vidrio óptico. Este modelo creado en 1938 encaja perfectamente en muchas decoraciones.
Lampă de tavan din sticlă rotundă - Model 2004

Lampă de tavan din sticlă rotundă - Model 2004

With a circular structure or simply held by three studs shaped in sand, these ceiling lamps in optical fluted frosted glass provide a soft and very pleasant lighting effect. Different finishes and diameters available Works with any type of bulb
LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 159

LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 159

Περιστρέψτε το φως. Αντιπαράθεση των γραμμών και αγκάλιασμα τριών κυλίνδρων για αυτή την ελκυστική και εκλεπτυσμένη λάμπα. Όπως όλα τα μοντέλα μας, γίνεται μεμονωμένα και υπογεγραμμένα.
LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 162

LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - model 162

Η πιο φημισμένη λάμπα της συλλογής της δεκαετίας του '30. Δημιουργήθηκε από τον Jean Perzel το 1927-1928 και χρησιμοποιήθηκε από τους μεγάλους αρχιτέκτονες και διακοσμητές εκείνης της εποχής (Michel Roux-Spitz, Jacques Emile Ruhlmann, Jules Emile Leleu, Le Corbusier). Αποτελείται από τέσσερις κυλίνδρους σε έξτρα λευκό σμάλτο οπτικό γυαλί, που διαχέει ένα φως εξαιρετικής ισχύος χωρίς κανένα φαινόμενο απόλαυσης, ο λαμπτήρας αυτός μπορεί να φωτίζει ένα δωμάτιο μόνο του.
LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - Model 514

LAMPĂ DE MASĂ - Model 514

Una creazione che sogna sempre tanto dalle sue forme snelle che dalla bellezza dei materiali e dalla delicatezza della sua assemblea. Era stata scelta dai decoratori della nave a vapore Normandy. Sono proposte diverse finiture Funziona con tutti i tipi di lampadine
Corpuri de iluminat pentru tavan din anii '30 - Model 601 ter

Corpuri de iluminat pentru tavan din anii '30 - Model 601 ter

Cup in convex frosted ground glass sitting on a brass bowl, hung by one or three rods as desired. A prizewinner in the international lighting competition of 1936, this hanging lamp was chosen to adorn the council room of the United Nations in Geneva (UN). Different finishes available. Rods heights as requested. Works with any type of bulb
Iluminat Exterior - Modelul 1045

Iluminat Exterior - Modelul 1045

Etsitkö hajautettua tai voimakasta valoa valaistavien alueiden mukaan: terminaalit, katot, katuvalaisimet, mallimme käyttävät kaikkia valon mahdollisuuksia ulkotilojen parantamiseen ja suojaamiseen (terassi, puutarha, uima-allas, puisto ...). Tehokkaat, vedenkestävät, erittäin kestävät laitteet, joissa käytetään tuhatta säteilevää viivaa. Tukien materiaaleja tutkitaan myös kovimpien sääolojen kestämiseksi. Säätölaite mahdollistaa valonlähteen ohjaamisen (nouseva, vaakasuora tai laskeva valovirta).
lampă de podea - model 113

lampă de podea - model 113

Inspiração floral para esta tulipa em forma de lâmpada que repousa sobre uma base de pedestal de bronze bonita.
suspensie modernă de înaltă calitate - model 601ter

suspensie modernă de înaltă calitate - model 601ter

Cup in konvexem mattiertem Grundglas, das auf einer Messingschüssel sitzt, hing durch eine oder drei Stangen, wie gewünscht. Diese Hängelampe, die beim internationalen Beleuchtungswettbewerb von 1936 als Preisträgerin ausgezeichnet wurde, wurde gewählt, um den Sitzungssaal der Vereinten Nationen in Genf zu schmücken
Lampă de podea contemporană - Model 114

Lampă de podea contemporană - Model 114

This up-to-date floor lamp with its soft and harmonious lines provides a beautiful balance of light. Different finishes available Works with any type of bulb