Produse pentru inissia nepresată (23)

i-qube Nootropic

i-qube Nootropic

New Beverage Nootropic Soft Drink Beverage New Soft Drink Fuctional Drink Packaging 1:24 Cans per Box Packaging 2:120 Boxes per Pallet


Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation. Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 5 LITERS
Tuber Aestivum

Tuber Aestivum

High quality black truffles
Clementina Hernandina

Clementina Hernandina

The Clementina Hernandina is a variety of sweet and juicy citrus fruit, appreciated for its unique flavor and ease of consumption. These clementines are characterized by a thin and easily removable skin, bright orange in color, and tender, juicy flesh. They ripen from January to March, making them available during the winter months. The Clementine Hernandina is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which support the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They are ideal for fresh consumption, in citrus salads, or as a healthy snack. Their natural sweetness also makes them perfect for preparing desserts and jams.
Phyllanthus (Niruri)

Phyllanthus (Niruri)

Aide au bon fonctionnement du foie. Les compléments alimentaires ne sont pas des médicaments, ils ne peuvent remplacer une alimentation variée. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière conseillés. Ne convient pas aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes, ni aux enfants de moins de 12 ans. Les personnes ayant des pathologies doivent consulter un professionnel de santé. A conserver dans un endroit sec à l’abri de la lumière.


Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites. Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur. Caractéristiques produit: (Ice Cream Cak S1 citronelle x Ice Cream Cake Samadhi cut)




Olea europaea leaf extract, Maltodextrine, Silice


Urea High-quality 46% urea is used as an agricultural fertilizer and is of paramount importance in improving the quality of agriculture as it gives 46% nitrogen.
Tei - Tei

Tei - Tei

Viața de Aronia

Viața de Aronia

100 Kapseln mit je 500mg Aronia Extrakt, 40mg Vitamin C - Extrakt aus Schweizer Aroniabeeren, in der Schweiz verarbeitet Aronia Extrakt in Kapseln. Aronia Extrakt ist eine hoch konzentrierte Form des Aronia Tresters. Fuer die Herstellung von 1 Kapsel werden rund 48 Aroniabeeren benoetigt! Die Wirkstoffkonzentration ist auch dementsprechend hoch. Deshalb ist der verkapselte Aronia Trester preislich billiger. Die Konzentration der Wirkstoffe im Extrakt ist um das Vielfache hoeher. Wir arbeiten in der Erstellung unseres Extrakts mit einer Schweizer Biotech Firma zusammen und koennen eine schonende Herstellung mit der hoechstmoeglichen Konzentration garantieren. Eine Dose enthaelt 100 Vegi-Kapseln a 450mg hochkonzentriertem Aronia-Extrakt.


Origan Vulgaris
Semințe de anason

Semințe de anason

Anise seeds - a spice brought to Europe in the early Middle Ages and quickly gained popularity in cooking. Priests and healers of ancient civilizations appreciated the seeds of anise - the healing properties of which were sometimes called miracles. In cooking, all parts of anise are used in all possible forms. Anise seeds are added to marinades to give them a bright flavor. If you mix them with bay leaf and cinnamon, you get an excellent home seasoning for cold meat dishes. Proteins (g / 100g):18,0 Fats (g / 100g):16,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g):35,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g):360,0
Ulei de jojoba organic

Ulei de jojoba organic

Organic Jojoba Oil from Tunisia


Protezione da fulmini
Mandora Mandarină

Mandora Mandarină

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From İzmir, Adana, Bodrum Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us


We have the leading varieties in production and percentage of oil, broomrape and downy mildew resistant, linoleics and high oleic. We also offer pipes producing varieties for human consumption. Varieties: ALLIOLI: Mid-simple hybrid "always safe" -BATOLI TYPE - BONOLI: Simple mid-short hybrid "the early high oleic " GRASOLI: Early-simple hybrid - Production and quality "high oleic" PEREDOVICK: Traditional variety, very hardy and good performance. SOLNET: Mid-simple hybrid "the Jopo resistant " TROMBA: Simple mid-short hybrid. "Always the most productive" -MASOLI TYPE-


Braunes Kraftpapier 120g 1 Offset-Farbe Polypro-Schnur Schwarz
Zahăr cristalin alb

Zahăr cristalin alb

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%
Ulei de borago

Ulei de borago

kaltgepresst max 37°
Frunze de dud

Frunze de dud

gli alberi di gelso producono bacche aromatiche apprezzate in tutto il mondo e spesso considerate supercibi a causa della concentrazione di vitamine, minerali e potenti composti vegetali. Tuttavia, il frutto non è l'unica parte dell'albero di gelso che si dice offra benefici per la salute. Per secoli, le sue foglie sono state utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale come trattamento naturale per una varietà di condizioni. Si dice che abbia effetti positivi sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulinaInoltre, si ritiene che riduca i rischi di aterosclerosi diminuendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo nei vasi sanguigni. Inoltre, si dice che aiuti a prevenire il diabete limitando l'ingresso in circolo dell'elevata quantità di monosaccaridi.Usi: le foglie di gelso sono utilizzate principalmente per il tè. Versa 1 cucchiaino per tazza (250 ml) di acqua bollente e copri per 3-5 minuti a seconda dei tuoi gusti. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso


2.55€ TTC


Carthamus Straight from the Mediterranean, Europe, and USA, this colorant, extracted from carthamus tinctorius, also known as safflower, is completely natural and continues our clean label commitment. Carthamus Extract provides shades of yellow to orangish yellow when used alone, or can provide a variety of red shades when blended with Paprika or Anthocyanins and Green when combined with Spirulina. Such is the versatility of Carthamus Applications: Carthamus is the perfect choice for your confectionery, beverage, bakery, dairy, or meat application