Produse pentru folosit (2888)

Hang 114-20 - Mașină Folosită

Hang 114-20 - Mașină Folosită

age 1995 4 drilling heads with automatic table move variable drill speed drill-underlay with cardboard electr. drive electr. foot switch incl. substructure Delivery time: immediatelly from stock Ref: HA230223A Please ask for price. We ship and install worldwide!
Întăritor HQ INCAP - Întăritori

Întăritor HQ INCAP - Întăritori

Deo ammorbidente HQ INCAP è un ammorbidente concentrato coadiuvante antistatico per lavanderie che conferisce freschezza e morbidezza uniche ai tuoi capi. Il profumo Fior di Loto e quello incapsulato rilasciano una fragranza delicata e persistente ogni volta che tocchi o indossi i tuoi capi. Le microcapsule sono piccole sfere che contengono e proteggono il profumo anche dagli agenti esterni. Si attivano con il movimento e il calore, liberando la fragranza al loro interno in modo graduale e controllato. Questo ti permette di godere di una sensazione di pulito e di benessere per molto tempo. Le microcapsule permettono il miglioramento della stabilità nel tempo dell’ingrediente attivo, la maggiore scorrevolezza per una migliore macchinabilità del prodotto.
Dulap de Depozitare Safari Trapez BG1000T cu Containere

Dulap de Depozitare Safari Trapez BG1000T cu Containere

Szafki z serii Safari Trapez stanowią atrakcyjne wyposażenie wnętrz. Boki wykonano z płyty laminowanej z kolei fronty z MDF'u. Szafki dostępne są w kolorach: niebieskim, żółtym, pomarańczowym oraz w kolorze limonki. Półokrągłe obrzeża zapewniają bezpieczeństwo podczas długich godzin zabaw. 21 pojemników + 3 dodatkowe. Wym.: 82 x 46 x 104 cm Zgodne z normą PN-EN 14073-2:2006
WALTER Helitronic Power - Mașină de ascuțit CNC

WALTER Helitronic Power - Mașină de ascuțit CNC

WALTER Helitronic Power - Affûteuse CNC Automatique:Oui Hauteur de pointes:100 [mm] Course axe X:25 [mm] Course axe Z:650 [mm] Puissance broche porte-meule:3 [kW] Nez de broche porte-pièce:CM4 Cône contre-poupée:CM2 Table orientable:Oui Dimensions:2350 x 1500 Poids:1900 [Kg]
Cearșaf ajustabil pentru ospitalitate - Bumbac Percale - Textile pentru ospitalitate

Cearșaf ajustabil pentru ospitalitate - Bumbac Percale - Textile pentru ospitalitate

Apresentamos nosso lençol ajustável premium para o setor hoteleiro, confeccionado em puro algodão percal. Com elasticidade de alta qualidade, este lençol se ajusta perfeitamente ao colchão, proporcionando conforto incomparável. Sua suavidade e durabilidade fazem dele a escolha ideal para garantir uma experiência de sono luxuosa aos hóspedes do seu hotel. REFERÊNCIA:EPCAM106-A Medidas:90cmx200cm
Ulei de migdale virgin

Ulei de migdale virgin

El aceite de almendra virgen es un producto excepcional obtenido mediante la presión en frío de las almendras. Este proceso asegura que el aceite conserve su color pálido y su aroma característico, manteniendo intactas sus propiedades nutritivas. Rico en ácidos grasos esenciales, como los oleicos y linoleicos, este aceite es ideal para el cuidado de la piel, especialmente para pieles secas e irritadas. Además, su uso en aromaterapia como aceite portador es muy apreciado, ya que potencia los efectos de los aceites esenciales. Además de sus beneficios para la piel, el aceite de almendra virgen es conocido por sus propiedades protectoras a nivel gástrico. Consumido en pequeñas cantidades, forma una capa protectora en las paredes del estómago, ayudando a prevenir irritaciones. Este aceite es también una excelente opción para productos cosméticos y farmacéuticos, gracias a su capacidad para nutrir y suavizar la piel. Su conservación es sencilla, solo requiere evitar el contacto con el aire y la luz directa.
Faros Irmaos Mota drepturi urbane

Faros Irmaos Mota drepturi urbane

Los Faros Irmaos Mota urbanos Derecho están diseñados para proporcionar una iluminación excepcional para vehículos urbanos. Estos faros son conocidos por su capacidad para iluminar el camino con claridad, mejorando la visibilidad y la seguridad durante la conducción nocturna. Fabricados con materiales de alta calidad, estos faros están construidos para durar, ofreciendo una resistencia superior al desgaste y a las condiciones climáticas adversas. La instalación de los Faros Irmaos Mota urbanos Derecho es sencilla, lo que permite a los propietarios de vehículos actualizar su sistema de iluminación sin necesidad de asistencia profesional. Su diseño moderno no solo complementa la apariencia del vehículo, sino que también optimiza el consumo de energía, lo que puede resultar en un ahorro de combustible. Con estos faros, los conductores pueden disfrutar de una mayor confianza al volante, sabiendo que tienen una iluminación confiable y eficiente a su disposición.
Sac de gunoi de dimensiuni medii

Sac de gunoi de dimensiuni medii

The Medium Size Trash Bag offers a practical solution for medium-sized waste disposal needs. Measuring 55x60 cm, this bag is available in blue and black colors, making it suitable for a variety of settings. With a volume capacity of 30 liters and the ability to hold up to 3 kg, it is perfect for medium-sized bins with a diameter of 32 cm and a height of 35 cm. The starseal sealing provides added durability and leak-proof protection. Packaged with 20 pieces per roll and 25 rolls per box, these trash bags are designed for convenience and efficiency. Whether for home or office use, the Medium Size Trash Bag is an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and cost-effective waste management solution. Its sturdy construction ensures that it can handle everyday waste with ease.


The fan is an essential cooling component for agricultural machinery, ensuring optimal operating temperatures. With a price of 7.00 € + VAT, this fan is designed for efficiency and reliability. Proper cooling is crucial for maintaining the performance of your equipment, and the fan plays a significant role in achieving that. By choosing this component, you are investing in the longevity and efficiency of your agricultural machinery.
Masă de Întâlnire Pedestal Rotund OTM-005

Masă de Întâlnire Pedestal Rotund OTM-005

The Round Pedestal Meeting Table is a perfect blend of style and functionality, ideal for small conference rooms, executive offices, or collaborative spaces. This table is designed with a robust pedestal base, which not only provides excellent stability but also maximizes legroom for added comfort during meetings. The round shape promotes open dialogue and engagement, making it an ideal choice for teams that value collaboration. Crafted with a high-quality finish, the table surface is both scratch-resistant and easy to maintain, ensuring it retains its elegant look even in high-traffic areas. Available in multiple finishes, this table can seamlessly integrate into various office styles, from contemporary to traditional.
Mașini de curățare cu ultrasunete pentru sectorul medical

Mașini de curățare cu ultrasunete pentru sectorul medical

In the medical sector, ultrasonic cleaning machines are widely used in sterilization units to clean dirty equipment before sterilization. These machines ensure that medical instruments are thoroughly cleaned without manual intervention, enhancing the efficiency and safety of the sterilization process. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the medical field is crucial for maintaining high standards of hygiene, which is essential for patient safety and infection control. By automating the cleaning process, ultrasonic machines reduce the risk of human error and ensure consistent results. Additionally, these machines support the sustainability of healthcare facilities by reducing the need for disposable cleaning supplies and minimizing the environmental impact of cleaning operations.


Tube | 5 ml Liquid Medium IVD | Sterile | pH 6.9 ± 0.2 Packaging: 25 - 50 units Storage 2-12 °C Shelf Life 5 months MR-VP medium is the standard medium recommended for methyl red and Voges Proskauer tests, allowing for the differentiation of coli-aerogenes group bacteria. Product Code: AKL-366
Container WC

Container WC

WC Container sind eine praktische Lösung für Veranstaltungen oder Baustellen, bei denen sanitäre Einrichtungen benötigt werden. Diese Container sind mit modernen Toiletten ausgestattet und bieten den Nutzern einen hohen Komfort. Sie sind einfach zu transportieren und können schnell an jedem gewünschten Standort aufgestellt werden. WC Container sind in verschiedenen Größen erhältlich, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Sie sind eine ideale Lösung für temporäre oder dauerhafte sanitäre Einrichtungen.
PURE ULTRA - Spălare

PURE ULTRA - Spălare

Concentrated, scented fabric softener for washing clothes in industrial machines with automatic dosing. FEATURES Scented fabric softener specially formulated to leave clothes soft. Brings fabrics back to life and prevents static electricity from forming. Its fragrance leaves a pleasant aroma on clothes for a long time. FIELDS OF APPLICATION The product is recommended for use in industrial washing machines with automatic dosing. This product should not be used on microfiber fabrics. HOW TO USE The machine manufacturer's instructions must be followed. Use a concentration of 1 to 5mL per kg of dry clothes. REF:LAV4513.1
Baltic Brown Marmură - Piatră Naturală, Granit, Plăci de Marmură, Blaturi de Bucătărie

Baltic Brown Marmură - Piatră Naturală, Granit, Plăci de Marmură, Blaturi de Bucătărie

Alle Fensterbänke sind an der Vorderkante und den Seiten jeweils 5 cm gefast und poliert. Der Naturstein Baltic Brown, der in Pakistan abgebaut wird, ist eine hervorragende Wahl für Innen- und Außenbereiche. Mit seiner polierten Oberfläche strahlt er Eleganz und Raffinesse aus, während die geflammte bzw. Waterjet-Oberfläche ihm einen rustikalen Charme verleiht. Die warmen Brauntöne und die einzigartigen Muster machen ihn zu einem zeitlosen und vielseitigen Material, das jedem Raum oder Projekt einen Hauch von Natürlichkeit verleiht. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Baltic Brown Granits aus dem mystischen Pakistan. Dieser dunkle, braun-schwarze Naturstein ist ein wahres Meisterwerk der Natur und wird Sie mit seiner einzigartigen Schönheit verzaubern. Der Granit Baltic Brown besticht durch seine markanten runden, kugelförmigen Einschlüsse in einem warmen Braunton, die wie kleine Sonnenstrahlen auf der Oberfläche tanzen.
PolyGrip (nituri oarbe) - Nit pentru utilizare în diverse domenii

PolyGrip (nituri oarbe) - Nit pentru utilizare în diverse domenii

Amplia área de fijación Un solo remache PolyGrip® puede sustituir hasta cinco remaches de diferentes dimensiones del tipo DIN convencional. • Excepcional capacidad de relleno: el cuerpo del remache se expande radialmente durante el proceso de remachado y compensa de este modo las tolerancias del orificio, la desviación central y las diferencias en el diámetro para conseguir una fijación compacta y sólida. • Bloqueo seguro del vástago residual: los remaches PolyGrip® no provocan ruidos por vibración a causa de vástagos residuales desprendidos ni tampoco hay riesgo de pérdida del vástago residual. • La estanqueidad a las salpicaduras está también garantizada en los remaches PolyGrip® bajo determinadas circunstancias. Con sus excelentes cualidades de relleno de la pared del orificio y su anclaje del vástago residual suponen una alternativa económica a los remaches estancos. Material:Alu/Nirosta
Rectificare, texturare și cromare de piese

Rectificare, texturare și cromare de piese

La metalización es un proceso de recubrimiento en bruto aplicado a rodillos, diseñado para ofrecer una protección eficaz contra la corrosión en entornos industriales exigentes. Este recubrimiento mejora la durabilidad y resistencia de los rodillos, prolongando su vida útil y reduciendo el desgaste. La metalización se utiliza en sectores como la siderurgia, la fabricación de papel y la industria automotriz, donde la protección de los rodillos es crucial para garantizar un rendimiento óptimo.
pachet alimentar tactic - gustul mâncării adevărate

pachet alimentar tactic - gustul mâncării adevărate

PETIT DÉJEUNER Un excellent petit-déjeuner est la base d'une bonne journée. d'une bonne journée ! Dans les bois, des hommes se battent pour du le riz au lait. SOUPES Rien ne vaut le froid pour se réchauffer qu'une soupe bien chaude ! Au début, les hommes pensaient que la soupe de betterave était réservée aux femmes. Aujourd'hui, ce sont eux qui l'apprécient, ce sont eux qui l'apprécient. REPAS PRINCIPAUX Avec viande ! Sans viande ! Sans gluten sans gluten ! Sans lactose ! Végétalien ! Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Si vous aimez les plats plus épicés, ajoutez un peu moins d'eau. un peu moins d'eau. Si vous recherchez une plus doux, ajoutez un peu plus d'eau. LE DÉVELOPPEMENT EST NOTRE QUOTIDIEN Nous développons nos produits et concevons de nouvelles solutions globales, en impliquant à la fois le le Centre des sciences de l'alimentation et les Forces spéciales de différents pays et les principaux acteurs dans le domaine des activités de plein air. processus. HAUTE :ÉNERGIE BONNES :CALORIES POIDS :LÉGER
apaj de tavan clasic și modern - Modelul 350

apaj de tavan clasic și modern - Modelul 350

Ein großartiger "Klassiker" aus unserer Kollektion von weiß emailliertem, optischem Glas, eingeschlossen in geschwungenen Bronzescheiben. Die runde oder quadratische Decken- oder Hängeleuchte passt perfekt zu jeder Art von Raum oder Dekoration.
Protech WAC-RC: Finisaj protector anti-carbonatare, pentru utilizare în medii agresive

Protech WAC-RC: Finisaj protector anti-carbonatare, pentru utilizare în medii agresive

Protech WAC-RC Single-component colored finish in water dispersion for the opaque protection of concrete surfaces and cementitious substrates, wall coverings, and appropriately prepared and primed floors. The product is a painting system suitable for environments with the presence of food, which can be used to protect walls and ceilings that comply with the HACCP protocol, in order to prevent possible food contamination. Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents and aggressive industrial environments Good water vapor permeability and water repellency Wide range of colors available Uniform matte finish Low maintenance over time Good resistance to diluted acids and alkalis, fuels and hydrocarbons Excellent resistance to detergents and disinfectants Excellent resistance to mold attack Perfectly washable It meets the following requirements: Legislative Decree n. 193 of 06/11/2007 “Implementation of Directive 2004/41/EC relating to food safety controls and application of community regulations in the same sector” - HACCP UNI 11021:2002 “Products and systems for painting environments with the presence of food”, in particular it is suitable for walls, ceilings and surfaces for which resistance to washing is required; can be washed with chloroactive detergent (detergent A); can be washed with alkaline degreaser (detergent B); can be washed with acid descaler (detergent C); can be washed with disinfectant (detergent D); resists temperature changes. Colored protective finish of concrete surfaces, cement plasters Anti-carbonation finishing of concrete structures Wall finishing for food, wine and butcher shops Wall finishing for chemical and pharmaceutical industries Finishing and coating of suitably prepared metal surfaces Protective finish for floors already treated with resins or primed Protective treatment of oxidized asphalt surfaces Finish for environments in the presence of food. Concrete The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, traces of coatings and surface treatments, etc. Any weak or detaching parts must be removed before applying the product by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and dust extraction. The tensile strength must not be less than 1.5 N/mm². The application of Protech WAC-RC on new or particularly absorbent cementitious substrates must always be preceded by the application of a coat of Protech fix AC water-based anchoring primer. Wait 3-4 hours before applying the finish. Resin coatings The surfaces to be coated must be stable, clean and free of substances that can affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, etc. Sand the surface by mechanical sanding with diamond discs and dust extraction. It is advisable to wash the surfaces and wait for them to dry completely before applying the finish. The application of Protech WAC-RC on resinous and multilayer systems must always be preceded by sanding the entire surface in order to promote and guarantee optimal adhesion of the product to the support. PVC Wash the PVC surfaces to be treated with specific detergents to remove any substances that may affect the adhesion of the coating such as dirt, grease, oil, materials that block the pores in order to promote better capillary penetration of the product into the support. The application of Protech WAC-RC on PVC supports can be carried out directly with appropriate dilutions of the product in first and second coat. Steel Any welding residues must be removed and the joints sanded. Sandblast to cleanliness level Sa 2½ according to ISO8501-1. The surfaces to be coated must be free from dirt, oil, grease and impurities. Average surface roughness degree RZ ≥ 50 μm. An anti-corrosion treatment is recommended before applying the coating. The application of Protech WAC-RC on steel supports must always be preceded by the application of a coat of “surface tolerant” epoxy-polyamide primer in the solvent phase Syntech Poliurea Primer Epoxy Metal. Approximately 0.20 kg of Protech WAC-RC for each square meter of surface to be painted for each coat. Apply two coats.. Packaging: 20 kg bucket UM: €/kg
Cumpără BOTOX online - BOTOX 100IU de vânzare

Cumpără BOTOX online - BOTOX 100IU de vânzare

BOTOX 100IU is a prescription medicine used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe lines. Buy BOTOX online at Fox Pharma. Buy Botox 100 units. The product is injected into the affected muscles/deep into the skin while treating muscle stiffness, wrinkles, & fine lines
Bandă adezivă de utilizare automată

Bandă adezivă de utilizare automată

Automatic Use Adhesive Tape Automatic Adhesive Tape with Acrylic and Hot Melt adhesive (biaxially oriented polypropylene) represents an ecological product with a very good performance level, being a safer and less expensive choice. This tape does not require additional safety measures as in the case of adhesive tapes with solvent adhesive and is resistant to aging. Also, it can be stored and used for long periods of time without losing its properties. Use: - for packing (closing) small, medium and large boxes, of varying weight, subject to normal conditions of temperature, handling and transport; - ideal for automatic box packaging lines. The automatic adhesive tape has a very wide area of ​​applicability and is used in almost all fields, starting with the use in production, transport, trade, various services, automotive and food industry, casual use, school, construction, agriculture, etc.
Masa de cafea MANDALA - Crearea de mobilier artistic

Masa de cafea MANDALA - Crearea de mobilier artistic

Il tavolo Mandala è un'accattivante miscela di arte e funzionalità. Il top in mosaico degno di un centrotavola, con il suo intricato disegno di mandala, funge da punto focale, mentre la base in ferro battuto fornisce stabilità e aggiunge una qualità elegante e senza tempo al pezzo. Questo tavolo è ideale per coloro che apprezzano i dettagli artigianali e sono alla ricerca di un'aggiunta funzionale ma di grande impatto visivo al proprio spazio abitativo. Tecnica: fatto a mano Materiali: tessere di mosaico, ferro battuto Dimensioni: diametro - 80 cm; altezza - 75 cm
Eaton PFIM Tip F xPole

Eaton PFIM Tip F xPole

Typ F Fehlerstromschutzschalter
Linie de aluat Canol de vânzare - CANOL L=700

Linie de aluat Canol de vânzare - CANOL L=700

Complete industrial pastry line CANOL - Used Composed of : 1- Dough storage hopper Mod. 'STAR' 2- Conveyor L=500 Mod. 'TRL' 3- Dough extruder Mod. 'RON 1/480' 4- Conveyor L=700 Mod. 'MCI 690' 5- Flour spreader L=700 Mod. 'B/M 700L' 6- Multi-roller Mod. 'MUL 700' 7- Conveyor L=700 Mod. 'MCI 690' 8- Fat extruder Mod. 'EG-7-E' 9- Superimposed conveyor belts Mod. 'NPP/200' 10- Conveyor L=700 Mod. 'MCI 690' - Year of manufacture: 2006
Placă din așchii de lemn - Placa din așchii de lemn este utilizată pe scară largă în producția de mobilă și în construcții

Placă din așchii de lemn - Placa din așchii de lemn este utilizată pe scară largă în producția de mobilă și în construcții

Can be finished with natural and synthetic veneer, plastic, synthetic or decorative paper films, paper and resin films, paints. Chipboards comply with EN312, GOST 10632-2014, for moisture-resistant chipboard. We offer a wide range of plate products: Thickness 8-40 mm; Width 1830, 2070, 2100 mm; Length 1700-3100 mm; Formaldehyde content - class E0.5, E1 Thickness:8-40 mm Width:1830, 2070, 2100 mm Length:1700-3100 mm
Plică pentru documente magnetică A4 peisaj, DURABLE - Plică pentru documente cu o bandă magnetică pe spate pentru utilizare pe suprafețe metalice.

Plică pentru documente magnetică A4 peisaj, DURABLE - Plică pentru documente cu o bandă magnetică pe spate pentru utilizare pe suprafețe metalice.

Document sleeve with a magnetic strip on the back for use on metal surfaces. • Document sleeve in A4 landscape format with two magnetic strips on the back • Perfect for use on metallic surfaces, such as warehouse shelves, racking and metal containers • Coloured rear foil and transparent front foil made of heavy-duty polypropylene • Suitable for scanners and indelible • Inserts can be exchanged quickly • Internal dimensions: A4 landscape / 297 x 210 mm (W x H) • Suitable printable insert labels: Article number 485602 Colour:yellow Material:plastics Reference:174504
Stecko robinet cu bilă - Stecko robinet cu bilă utilizat în minerit

Stecko robinet cu bilă - Stecko robinet cu bilă utilizat în minerit

Stecko ball valve used in mining. In our offer: stecko DN10, DN12, DN19, DN25, DN31, DN38 and DN51.
Capsule de detergent pentru rufe - Tide Laundry Pacs

Capsule de detergent pentru rufe - Tide Laundry Pacs

Product Specifications Product Type:Laundry Detergent Pods Product Name:PODS Liquid Laundry Detergent Pacs, 4-in-1 Ultra Oxi Brand:Tide FSA Eligible:No Size/Count:12.0 ea Item Code:489191 Ingredients Cleaning Agents, MEA C10-16 Alkylbenzenesulfonate, MEA Laureth Sulfate, C10-16 Pareth, Solvents, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Suds Reducer, MEA Salts Of C12-18 Fatty Acids, Cleaning Aids, Polyethyleneimine Alkoxylated, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate, Soil Release Polymer, PEG-136 Polyvinyl Alcohol, Water Softener, MEA-Citrate, Stabilizers, Sodium Bisulfite, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Whitening Agent, Disodium Distyrylbiphenyl Disulfonate, Process Aid, Zeolite, Enzymes, Subtilisin, Amylase Enzyme, Mannanase Enzyme, Aesthetics, Styrene, Bittering Agent, Denatonium Benzoate, Film, Polyvinyl Alcohol Polymer, Colorants, Fragrances, Water, Contains fragrance allergens
ISCW Aer Conditionat Industrial Răcit cu Apă

ISCW Aer Conditionat Industrial Răcit cu Apă

Uzun ömürlü modüler ve kompakt tasarımıyla kolay uygulama ve bakım. Kompakt, dayanıklı, sağlam ve gösterişli kabini ile ISCW Su Soğutmalı SCU Tip üniteler tozlu ve korozif gibi her türlü zorlu çalışma ortamında yüksek performans sağlar. SCU üniteleri çelik ve metalurji, madencilik, çimento, petrol ve gaz, makine, enerji, denizcilik ve savunma sanayilerinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Soğutma Kapasitesi:5 kW - 106 kW Toza dayanıklı:Toza karşı dayanıklı tasarım Korozyona dayanıklı:Korozyona karşı dayanıklı tasarım Titreşime Dayanıklı:Titreşime karşı dayanıklı tasarım