Produse pentru cosmectice (34)



Vainillin ist eine hocharomatische organische chemische Verbindung (Vanillin-Glucosid), die für den einzigartigen und köstlichen Vanille-Duft und -Geschmack verantwortlich ist, der in der Vanilleschote natürlich vorkommt. Es ist eine organisch-chemische Verbindung, die aus einem Benzolring besteht, der durch drei funktionelle Gruppen ersetzt ist: Aldehyd, Hydroxyl und Methoxyl. Es ist eine der Komponenten des Vanilleduftes. Synthetisch aus Guajakol gewonnen, wird Vanillin aus der Lauge gewonnen, die bei der Papierherstellung entsteht. Der Geschmack ist das wichtigste Charakteristikum, das Vanillin von Vanille unterscheidet. Der synthetische Vanille-Ersatz hat einen intensiveren Geschmack als die natürlichen Früchte der Pflanze. Es hat die Form von feinen weißen bis leicht gelben Kristallen.
Sorbate de potasiu

Sorbate de potasiu

Le sorbate de potassium est un conservateur alimentaire très efficace, sûr et non toxique. Bien que le sorbate de potassium soit l'un des nombreux conservateurs sur le marché, il est l'un des meilleurs car il est inoffensif et polyvalent. Le sorbate de potassium est en grande partie produit synthétiquement. C'est une poudre insipide et inodore. Selon la FDA, il est considéré comme sûr à utiliser car il se décompose dans le corps en eau et en dioxyde de carbone. Il figure sur la liste des conservateurs pouvant être utilisés dans les produits cosmétiques avec restrictions. Sa concentration maximale autorisée dans le produit final est de 0,6 %, calculée en acide sorbique. Il fonctionne mieux dans un environnement acide, sinon ses propriétés sont beaucoup plus faibles.
Sorbate de potasiu

Sorbate de potasiu

Potassium Sorbate is a highly effective, safe and non-toxic antioxidant for food. Due to its versatility and harmlessness, it is considered one of the best preservatives on the market. It is mainly produced synthetically and is a tasteless and odorless powder. It is listed as a preservative with restrictions for use in cosmetic products, with a maximum allowable concentration of 0.6%, calculated as Sorbic Acid. Its effectiveness is enhanced in acidic environments. The shelf life of Potassium Sorbate is 24 months, and Foodcom S.A. offers it in 25 kg bags. Potassium Sorbate is commonly used in packaged foods to prevent spoilage during production and packaging and throughout shelf life. In limited concentrations, it is also safe for use in cosmetics and can be found in various cosmetic products such as face creams, oils, lotions and hair products.


Vanillin is an organic compound in the vanilla bean responsible for its pleasant fragrance and unique taste. It contains three functional groups - aldehyde, hydroxyl and methoxyl - attached to a benzene ring. Although it can be synthesized from guaiacol and extracted from paper manufacturing waste, it is usually used as a flavoring agent in the food industry. Although synthetic Vanillin has a stronger flavor than natural vanilla, it is often used as a substitute due to its lower cost and longer shelf life. It is available in the form of white to yellow crystals and can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to two years. Vanillin is available in 25 kg bags. Vanillin has many uses in various industries, but it is mainly used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, especially in confectionery. It is also used in cosmetics and perfumes, tobacco products, air fresheners and as a chemical reagent.