Produse pentru alimente (11633)

Măslin alb fără semințe 500g vivio

Măslin alb fără semințe 500g vivio

White mulberry has been gaining popularity for some time, especially among people who want to prevent elevated blood glucose or want to lose weight. For healing purposes, fruit, leaves and root of white mulberry are used, each part of the plant has slightly different healing properties. White mulberry spots resemble the shape of raspberry or blackberry. They have a pleasant, sweet taste with a sour hint. Penisles have antioxidant, detoxifying, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Regulate the intestinal work. They contain pectins, tannins and flavonoids. Used assisting with peptic ulcer disease. saturated fatty acids 0g - 0%carbohydrates 75g - 29%including sugars 38g - 42%protein 4.2g - 8%fiber 5gsól 0.18g - 3%*RWS - reference food value & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> perfect A snack at home, on a trip, at school or work. A great addition to muesli, cakes, ice cream and desserts. & Nbsp; <strong> Remarks </strong> Store in a dry and cool place.


Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:PAP135301
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Organic 1000 ml

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Organic 1000 ml

Enjoy The Taste Of Mediterranean! Energy (kJ and kcal):489kj Calories:119 kcal Fat (g):13.5g Saturated Fat (g):1.864g Monounsaturated Fat (g):1.421g Polyunsaturated Fat (g):1.421g Carbohydrate (g):0 sugar (g):0 Protein (g):0
Culoare Gel Maroon Yerocolors 10g

Culoare Gel Maroon Yerocolors 10g

Gel color Yerocolors Nett weight gram:10 Colour/ flavour:Maroon
Nuci de Caju Afumate, Prăjite - Nuci de Caju Prăjite

Nuci de Caju Afumate, Prăjite - Nuci de Caju Prăjite

Unsere Cashews werden in unserer Mini-Rösterei mit viel handwerklichem Geschick und Leidenschaft geröstet. Wir verzichten bewusst auf jegliche Zusätze und liefern Dir so die von Natur aus guten Nährwerte der Cashewkerne. Die Cashewnuss gehört zu den Top Proteinquellen.
Hârtie rezistentă la grăsimi

Hârtie rezistentă la grăsimi

Unsere individuell bedruckten Fettpapier- und Lebensmittelverpackungen sind alle lebensmittelecht.
mașină de prăjitură cu orez (mașină pentru brutării, mașini de patiserie) - Producător din Coreea

mașină de prăjitură cu orez (mașină pentru brutării, mașini de patiserie) - Producător din Coreea

Naše SYP rýže koláč stroj (stroj pro pekárny, cukrářství stroje) je vytvořeno tak, že to může produkovat praskání zrna občerstvení / čipu / sušenka / koláče 100% přírodní zrna. V současné době mechanická zařízení jsou vyrobeny, ale není schopen zvládnout vysoký tlak nepřetržitě a vyrábí nonuniform produkty. Jeho částí, jako jsou řetězy a motory jsou opotřebované snadno a způsobuje časté poruchy. Naše "SYP" rýžový koláč stroj opravit tyto nedostatky a využívá hydrauliky produkují jednotné produkty a výrazně zvýšil jeho trvanlivost. Navíc, řada plísní jsou k dispozici v různých velikostech a tvarech tak, aby splňovaly potřeby zákazníků. Malé stroje mohou být vyráběny pro místní obchody a a větší stroje mohou být vyráběny i pro továrny. Pro více informací nás kontaktujte !! Děkuji
Boluri pentru salată

Boluri pentru salată

Barquettes salades
OKS 3770 – Ulei Hidraulic pentru Tehnologia Procesării Alimentelor

OKS 3770 – Ulei Hidraulic pentru Tehnologia Procesării Alimentelor

Hydraulic oil for use in all areas of the food processing technology Compressor oil for screw and multiple vane rotary vacuum pumps at required oil ISO VG 46 Lubrication of other machine elements, such as rolling and friction bearings in the food processing technology Advantages and benefits NSF H1 registered Long operating times through excellent oxidation stability Good low-temperature behaviour Wide operating temperature range Resistant to cold and hot water, water steam, disinfectants and cleaning agents Reduces friction and wear Good corrosion protection Free of mineral oil Conforms to VDL requirements Operating temperature:-40 °C → +135 °C Density (20 °C):0.84 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):50 mm²/s
Pompă Orizontală B200 Niro* pentru Alimente - Pompă pentru Produse Agroalimentare - B200 Niro

Pompă Orizontală B200 Niro* pentru Alimente - Pompă pentru Produse Agroalimentare - B200 Niro

Descripción: La Tubo de la bomba bombeo horizontal es adecuada para el vaciado de alimentos acuosos y grasos de contenedores o tanques IBC y es la alternativa perfecta a las Bombas de tambor de tambor verticales. Dependiendo de la aplicación, hay varios motores disponibles que pueden ser combinados con la Tubo de la bomba de bombeo en cualquier momento. Esto le da flexibilidad en todo momento y ahorra recursos importantes. * Conexión horizontal en la pista inferior del contenedor * Tubo de la bomba de bombeo equipada con el volante original de Lutz * también para alimentos alcohólicos, cosméticos y productos farmacéuticos, así como para agentes de limpieza inflamables Características y ventajas * Opcionalmente con accionamiento eléctrico o de aire comprimido * Baja pérdida del medio cuando se desconecta * Conexiones de grado alimenticio * Requiere poco espacio * Aprobado según la FDA y el reglamento (EG) 1935/2004
Încălzitor de gem | Încălzitor de ciocolată - pentru procesarea și utilizarea liniilor de gătit la cuptor

Încălzitor de gem | Încălzitor de ciocolată - pentru procesarea și utilizarea liniilor de gătit la cuptor

Le chauffe-confitures KASAG est utilisé sur les lignes de cuisson au four industrielles pour la préparation des confitures et gelées. La confiture ou la gelée est acheminée par une pompe dans des conduites rigides chauffée. Des malaxeurs statiques assurent une excellente transmission de la chaleur et des temps de process très courts. Appareil de chauffe pour chocolat L'appareil de chauffe KASAG est utilisé pour le chauffage, le refroidissement, la conservation de l'homogénéité du chocolat et pour l'optimisation des processus de production impliquant du chocolat
Cipsuri de cartofi Pringles

Cipsuri de cartofi Pringles

Pringles Potato Chips sind eine beliebte Marke für Snackchips auf Kartoffelbasis, die für ihre einzigartige Form und knusprige Textur bekannt sind. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Kartoffelchips werden Pringles aus einer teigartigen Mischung aus Kartoffelflocken, Maisstärke und verschiedenen Gewürzen hergestellt. Anschließend wird der Teig in eine dünne, gleichmäßige Form gepresst und in einzelne Chips geschnitten. Eines der Hauptmerkmale von Pringles ist ihre charakteristische geschwungene Form, die es ihnen ermöglicht, sie ordentlich in ihrem ikonischen zylindrischen Behälter zu stapeln. Dieses Design erleichtert nicht nur die Lagerung, sondern trägt auch dazu bei, Bruch beim Transport zu verhindern.
Curmale Qamar Mari - Curmale Qamar

Curmale Qamar Mari - Curmale Qamar

Premium 1st Class Medjoul dates are our flagship product, sorted and packaged to satisfy the taste of highend retailers and consumers worldwide. Our premium dates come in different fruit sizes and package formats Qamar Dates has 0% 10% skin separation and weighs 10 to 27gr per unit. Packing:5 Kg
Arome Naturale 'Fructe Uscate'

Arome Naturale 'Fructe Uscate'

Naturalité: Naturel de; Naturel; Artificiel Aspect: Liquide; Poudre; Gel/Pâte Degré alcoolique: avec ou sans alcool Solubilité: Alcool; Hydrosoluble; Liposoluble
Furaj pentru producția de somon 2-13mm cu colorant - HRANĂ PENTRU PEȘTI

Furaj pentru producția de somon 2-13mm cu colorant - HRANĂ PENTRU PEȘTI

Salmon production feed 2-13mm with coloring matter - FOOD FOR FISH Feed type:sinking / floating Pigments:100mg / kg castasanctin Protein:45% Fat:20% Ash:8% Carbohydrates:15-20% Fiber:2%
Falafel Clasic Bio

Falafel Clasic Bio

Leckere Falafel - hergestellt nach einem alten Familienrezept! Gibt es auch in den Geschmacksrichtungen "Curry" und "Paprika".


La versatilità della Salsa Bruna è totale: può essere servita con arrosti, brasati e altre pietanze come selvaggina, carni rosse e bianche, tagliatelle, verdure, purè. Aggiunta in fase di cottura è ottima per insaporire anche spezzatini e carni in umido. Sciogli 35 g di prodotto in ½ litro d’acqua fredda e porta a bollore mescolando continuamente a fuoco moderato, per 5 minuti o più, fino a ottenere la consistenza desiderata. Abbinala a carni a fette o ad altri piatti. Per realizzare spezzatini o carni in umido aggiungi la Salsa Bruna Bauer così com’è o dopo averla stemperata in acqua.
Biscuiți cu Noroc Aromă de Ciocolată - Biscuiți Crocanți

Biscuiți cu Noroc Aromă de Ciocolată - Biscuiți Crocanți

Fortune Cookies Chocolate Flavours Crispy Biscuits
Alimente Selectate - Alimente Selectate din Spania

Alimente Selectate - Alimente Selectate din Spania

Alimentos selectos producción limitada: Aceite, frutos secos, legumbres, queso manchego, mermeladas y salsas, aperitivos, café...
Mochi Glazurat cu Vanilie - Mochi cu Vanilie ne duce departe, foarte departe. În special în Tahiti...

Mochi Glazurat cu Vanilie - Mochi cu Vanilie ne duce departe, foarte departe. În special în Tahiti...

Le Mochi glacé vanille est une crème glacée à l’extrait de vanille délicatement entourée d’une fine pâte de riz à la vanille également. Venez voyager avec nous…
IFC-BLAST B 40000 N (PLS) - ALIMENTE CONGELATE (Pești, Fructe, Legume, Pizza, Carne, Înghețată etc.)

IFC-BLAST B 40000 N (PLS) - ALIMENTE CONGELATE (Pești, Fructe, Legume, Pizza, Carne, Înghețată etc.)

We design machinery units according to the correct cooling capacity need your facilities. All kind of compressors brands & models (screw or double stages) available for our design. FROZEN FOODS (Fishes, Fruits, Vegatables, Pizzas, Meats, Ice Creams..etc) We freeze your products with electronical expansion valves by saving energy with our licensed PLC controller and programs. We freeze your products with electronical expansion valves by saving energy with our licensed PLC controller and programs.
Scalitì. Snack de porumb Storo - Gustări fără gluten

Scalitì. Snack de porumb Storo - Gustări fără gluten

Leggeri, gustosi e croccanti, gli Scalitì al mais di Storo sono lo stuzzichino che riporta alla memoria i taglieri di polenta fumante. Uno snack imperdibile, preparato con farina di Storo. Il prodotto è biologico e senza glutine.
salate de cereale gata - salate gata

salate de cereale gata - salate gata

insalate base di cereali e legumi pronte all'uso
CARTOFI FRIGERE CONGELAȚI - Pek Meal, care va face o masă principală grozavă, este excelent pentru gătit într-un de

CARTOFI FRIGERE CONGELAȚI - Pek Meal, care va face o masă principală grozavă, este excelent pentru gătit într-un de

What makes French fries so appealing, which everyone loves and consumes so much? In our opinion, the secret of this magnificent taste, which is an invention of street food and invented by street vendors in Paris some time before the French Revolution, is hidden in the potato itself! Taste the French fries, with the quality of Pek Food, which is the sore point of all of us! Pek Food French fries, of which we take care of every detail, from seed to sowing, from harvesting to packaging, is prepared with Agria type potatoes, known for their high quality, nutritional value and yellow color. 'gold. The unforgettable flavor of our French fries is here! The taste of homemade fries is indisputable, but the quality? As Pek Food, we have thought of everything for you…The secret to making crispy fries at home is actually very simple. The Pek Food potato, which is peeled and then sliced ​​into special sizes while still raw, is first boiled and then dried.
BITE ENJOY IT - Proteină Vegetală cu Ciocolată 8%

BITE ENJOY IT - Proteină Vegetală cu Ciocolată 8%

Bite is not just a tasty snack, but also a very on the go meal. It is easy to control weight and to maintain muscle tone with bites help. INGREDIENTS: date paste (51%), hazelnuts (19%), dark chocolate (cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, natural emulsifier soy lecithin) (4.0 %), almonds (8.0 %), pea protein, cocoa powder (4.0 %), dietary fibre, natural chocolate flavouring, ground nutmeg, ground cloves, ground cinnamon.
Arome Naturale de Fructe din Livadă - Arome Organice - Extracte

Arome Naturale de Fructe din Livadă - Arome Organice - Extracte

Nos arômes sont personnalisables. Nous pouvons adapter la note aromatique, la puissance, la nature du support,...
Biscuiți din orez cu aromă de banană

Biscuiți din orez cu aromă de banană

Here’s a promotional text for **Azar** banana-flavored rice cakes: --- **Go Bananas for Azar’s Banana-Flavored Rice Cakes!** Craving a healthy snack with a delicious twist? Azar’s banana-flavored rice cakes bring you the perfect combination of light, crispy rice and the sweet, natural taste of bananas. Low in calories, gluten-free, and packed with flavor, these rice cakes are a wholesome treat for both kids and adults. Perfect for lunchboxes, snack time, or whenever you need a quick and tasty bite! Enjoy the sweet crunch with Azar! **Azar – A healthy snack that’s always in season!** --- Let me know if you’d like to make any changes!
Helwa - Helwa / simplu / cu cacao / cu fistic

Helwa - Helwa / simplu / cu cacao / cu fistic

in Aliminium Plate / in plastic bucket
Roveja - Leguma prețioasă a mâncării lente

Roveja - Leguma prețioasă a mâncării lente

The roveja is a small legume similar to the pea, by the roveja colored suit is also resistant to low temperatures, is cultivated in spring and summer and it does not need much water. Roveja is much protein, especially if eaten dried, has a high content of carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium and very little fat. The manual harvest is definitely the reason for his disappearance, after the arrival of tractors, in the years 50/60 crops such as this are abandoned to their fate. Today is everywhere and only resist was almost abandoned few farmers in the Nerina valley, in particular in Cascia, ARi, maintains and protects an important gastronomic tradition and a unique flavor. In this valley the roveja is sown in March at an altitude of between 600 and 1200 m and is harvested between late July and early August.