Produse pentru alimente (11622)

Cranberries tăiate 1000g

Cranberries tăiate 1000g

Cranberry fruits are a rich source of vitamins (C, B, E, K vitamins), minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron), fiber, organic acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins and pectins. Cranberry does not lose its properties during thermal treatment, which is why, for health benefits, you can consume its preparations, which are not as tart as fresh cranberry fruit. Cravina works great in prevention of relapses of urinary tract infections. He acidifies urine, which leads to killing bacteria found in the bladder. In addition, the acids contained in cranberry reduce bacterial adhesion, thanks to which they are excreted in urine. The acids contained in cranberry are effective in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Dried cranberry also prevents gum disease and plaque formation. Cravina has strong antioxidant properties. Its regular consumption can reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the level of good (HDL).
SUPORT PURTĂTOR F.20 X P.42 X HT 26 - Rafturi

SUPORT PURTĂTOR F.20 X P.42 X HT 26 - Rafturi

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:SUPDR/20N


Maßgeschneiderte starre Kartons eignen sich ideal für den Einzelhandel und sind in einer Vielzahl von Ausführungen wie Magnetverschluss, Foliendruck oder Spot-UV erhältlich.
Miere Bio cu Propolis

Miere Bio cu Propolis

Nous produisons des miels biologiques depuis 2000 que nous et nos enfants pouvons consommer. Énergie (kJ et kcal):1272 kilojoules Calorie:304 Kcal Graisse (g):0 Glucides (g):82,3g Protéine (g):0,3g
Migdale Asia, prăjite - Migdale prăjite

Migdale Asia, prăjite - Migdale prăjite

Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil von Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Mandeln sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!
Culoare Gel Cian Yerocolors 140g

Culoare Gel Cian Yerocolors 140g

Gel color Yerocolors Nett weight gram:140 Colour/ flavour:Cyan
pară uscată

pară uscată

pera seca
Mașină de Waffle - Producător din Coreea

Mașină de Waffle - Producător din Coreea

Naše SYP rýže koláč stroj (pekařské stroje) je vytvořeno tak, že to může produkovat praskání zrna občerstvení / čipu / sušenka / koláče 100% přírodní zrna. V současné době mechanická zařízení jsou vyrobeny, ale není schopen zvládnout vysoký tlak nepřetržitě a vyrábí nonuniform produkty. Jeho částí, jako jsou řetězy a motory jsou opotřebované snadno a způsobuje časté poruchy. Naše "SYP" rýžový koláč stroj opravit tyto nedostatky a využívá hydrauliky produkují jednotné produkty a výrazně zvýšil jeho trvanlivost. Navíc, řada plísní jsou k dispozici v různých velikostech a tvarech tak, aby splňovaly potřeby zákazníků. Malé stroje mohou být vyráběny pro místní obchody a a větší stroje mohou být vyráběny i pro továrny. Pro více informací nás kontaktujte !! Děkuji
Borcan 2,25kg / 5lb - Bonapi - Miere Bonapi

Borcan 2,25kg / 5lb - Bonapi - Miere Bonapi

Bonapi blossom honey in a 2,25 kg/ 5lb jar. 2,25 kg:5lb
LINIE DE PRODUCȚIE PENTRU A FACE BISCUITURI CU MANDORLE - Biscuit alungit din aluat pufos acoperit cu fâșii de migdale

LINIE DE PRODUCȚIE PENTRU A FACE BISCUITURI CU MANDORLE - Biscuit alungit din aluat pufos acoperit cu fâșii de migdale

PRODUCT Elongated biscuit made of spongy dough with almond strips on the surface. Deposited in 450x900mm trays with 7 pieces per tray. The biscuit expands in the oven. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MACHINES: -Production line composed of two stations: oGTF biscuit and biscuit dough dosing and forming machine. oTape topping unit. -The operator places the tray with moulds at the beginning of the conveyor and picks it up full at the end. -Afterwards he places it on the baking trolley. -Excess almond that has not stuck to the biscuit is recovered. -Moulds can be changed to make products with different number of fixed or rotating nozzles; smooth or curled. -Option to make other types of products in semi-liquid or hard dough. ADVANTAGES -Improved dosage, uniform pieces, faster production. -The dough does not degas. -Better ergonomics for the operator. -Removable head allowing complete cleaning and disinfection.
Cutie Pliabilă pentru Alimente

Cutie Pliabilă pentru Alimente

Vorzüglich vorteilhaft verpackt. Food-Verpackungen in Form von Faltschachteln offenbaren vielfältige Vorteile. Neben umfassendem Schutz von Produkten bietet die Faltschachtel viel Platz für Aufdrucke, Inhaltsangaben, Kennzeichnung und Werbung. colordruck Faltschachteln laufen bei unseren Lebensmittel-Kunden auf sehr schnellen Aufricht- und Befüllungs-Linien absolut prozesssicher sowie störungsfrei. ECMA: A6020
Spatula pentru pizza

Spatula pentru pizza

Pelle triangulaire pour part de pizza ou gâteaux . Carton 220 gr Réf.:234,74 Désignation:Peau de pizza Couleur:Kraft Dimension:16,5 x 21 x 3,5 cm Colisage:1200 Prix unitaire:82,00 € HT Soit 0.068 € HT l'unité
Dispenser de Alimente Bulk Transparent cu Hanger 8 L

Dispenser de Alimente Bulk Transparent cu Hanger 8 L

The transparent food dispensers help to reduce the amount of outer packaging. Sell loose goods such as rice, noodles, pulses, cereals or baking ingredients for independent dispensing in the individually required quantity. The food dispensers are available in different sizes. They are filled from above via a large lid opening. Due to gravity, the bulk material always falls down where it can be filled into a container by operating a lever. The suspension device on the rear side is designed in such a way that even containers with different capacities end uniformly at the removal height. A conversion to unpackaged articles is child's play with the help of our products!
033. Rulou de hârtie igienică - FĂRĂ MÂNCARE

033. Rulou de hârtie igienică - FĂRĂ MÂNCARE

Bobine per imballaggio carta tissue adatti a confezionatrici automatiche flow pack, termoratraibili, orientamento verticale MATERIALE:PE PP
OKS 481 – Grăsime impermeabilă de înaltă presiune pentru tehnologia de procesare a alimentelor

OKS 481 – Grăsime impermeabilă de înaltă presiune pentru tehnologia de procesare a alimentelor

Rolling and friction bearing lubrication, even at high temperatures Lubrication for bearings with contact to cleaning agents or disinfectants For mechanical units such as levers, joints and hinges, also under strong water effect Advantages and benefits NSF H1 registered (OKS 480 & OKS 481) High shear stability prevents thinning out of the grease under extreme mechanical loads such as during vibrations Excellent wear protection and very good high-pressure properties The calcium sulphonate complex soap ensures excellent water resistance and very good corrosion protection Broad temperature application range (-30°C to +160°C) High temperature and oxidation stability through fully synthetic base oil Very high resistance to water-alkaline or acidic disinfectants and cleaning agents MOSH/MOAH-free Operating temperature:-30 °C → 160 °C NLGI grade:2 DN factor (dm x n):400,000 mm/min Base oil viscosity (40 °C):100 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):4,000 N
Arancino cu șuncă fiartă și mozzarella

Arancino cu șuncă fiartă și mozzarella

L’arancino fa subito pensare a un connubio di carne, verdure, sugo, riso e pangrattato. Noi invece lo abbiamo declinato in una proposta davvero leggera e golosa, abbinando al riso pochi e selezionati ingredienti. Cubetti di prosciutto cotto e mozzarella filante sono i protagonisti di questa ricetta.


Présentation Easy2snack packaging dédié au snacking Easy2snack est la toute nouvelle gamme packaging conçue par PLASTOBREIZ et EUROPLASTIQUES qui ont allié leurs technologies respectives : le thermoformage et l'injection. Le consommateur "nomade" est à la recherche de solutions d'emballages créatives et innovantes avec de fortes attentes en terme d'ergonomie : préhension, praticité, facilité d'ouverture... Avec un design soigné, la gamme Easy2snack ouvre la voie à plus de praticité dans la consommation des produits de snacking. Les points forts Une ergonomie spécifique adaptée à la consommation nomade. Une offre variée : - deux "coeurs de repas"avec E2S salade et E2S tarte. - un dessert avec E2S dessert Un design épuré Une gamme éco-conçue utilisant des matériaux recyclables Applications Salades composées, tartes salées, dés fromage, olives, fruits frais...
Folie Convertor din Aluminiu - Alimentație și Farmaceutică

Folie Convertor din Aluminiu - Alimentație și Farmaceutică

Novelis aluminum converter foil is a part of the light- or thin-gauge product group, ideally between 5 and 70 μm. They form flexible laminates with supporting materials like polymers or paper and additional lacquering and coating. Novelis is a preferred source of converter foil for global players in the flexible aluminum packaging industry, where it is then subjected to further processing, including laminating, extrusion, lacquering and printing, embossing and cutting. The versatility and flexibility of the products enable our customers to create a diverse range of packaging solutions, finding end applications across diverse industries such as food – including butter packaging and cheese packaging – pharmaceuticals, wraps, bottle capsules, laminated tubes, pouches and more.
Pompa cu diafragmă dublă pentru alimente model DMP PURE - Pompa cu diafragmă dublă DMP model PURE pentru industria alimentară și farmaceutică

Pompa cu diafragmă dublă pentru alimente model DMP PURE - Pompa cu diafragmă dublă DMP model PURE pentru industria alimentară și farmaceutică

Description: The double diaphragm pump is suitable for the food and pharmaceutical industry as well as for emptying drums, IBCs and tanks. * typical applications: liquid foodstuffs and semi-luxury food, pharmaceutical substances and cosmetic products * integrated muffler up to model size AODD 1" * FDA-compliant Features & Benefits * high hydraulic performance * maintenance-optimised design and simple installation * self-priming (even when dry) * ice-free air system * non-stalling operation * food-safe connections
Plus Delta - Platinoil Plus

Plus Delta - Platinoil Plus

Bon pouvoir anti-adhérant. Idéal pour les filets à baguette et pour les produits de longue conservation. Sa finesse et sa viscosité, permettent une pulvérisation avec une installation « airless ». Viscosité :± 50 mPa.s (25°C) Valeur d’iode:± 45 Indice peroxyde:Max. 1 POIDS SPECIFIQUE:910 kg/m3 (20°C) Formats disponibles:10L – IBC 1000L
Hose pentru băuturi - Hoses pentru alimente

Hose pentru băuturi - Hoses pentru alimente

High-quality finish for the beverage industry. To handle carbon dioxide, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages up to an alcohol content of 96%. Construction: Light-coloured special tube Tension and pressure resistant, highly elastic fabric inlays Optional: Concealed steel spiral Red, abrasion-resistant, weather-resistant cover Interior and exterior smooth, fabric patterned Suitable for CIP and conventional cleaning, brief steam cleaning up to 120°C All food qualities used by SIMON meet the current requirements of the German Institute for Consumer health Protection and Veterinary Medicine (BfR) and the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Sold by the roll or fixed lengths. SIMON food quality hoses are available with built in fittings using the SIMON – Vulkofix method on request. Other versions and dimensions on request.
Soia - Angro - pentru profesioniști și pentru industria alimentară

Soia - Angro - pentru profesioniști și pentru industria alimentară

Nous proposons aux industries des extraits & matières premières pour la réalisation de vos cosmétiques, compléments alimentaires ou recettes. Nous vendons en gros, n'hésitez pas à prendre contact avec nous pour discuter de votre projet.
Folie Alimentară Extensibilă - Folie Alimentară Extensibilă

Folie Alimentară Extensibilă - Folie Alimentară Extensibilă

Pour emballer les denrées, ce film alimentaire d’une longueur de 300m comblera tous vos besoins en emballage et conservation. Il est disponible en 2 largeurs : 30 cm et 45 cm Largeur:30cm, 45cm
Arahide Prăjite Sărate Fără Coajă - EGIPT - 2 x 5 kg - Organic*

Arahide Prăjite Sărate Fără Coajă - EGIPT - 2 x 5 kg - Organic*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - L’arachide est plus communément appelée cacahuète, qui est en fait la graine de l’arachide. C’est une «pistache de terre» qui se cultive dans les régions subtropicales et tempérées. Les Arachides grillées et salées VIJAYA sont dorées et assaisonnées à point, de quoi satisfaire les palais les plus fins. Référence:20801.1
Cutie de Noodles - Cutie de Noodles & Cutie de Döner 26 oz

Cutie de Noodles - Cutie de Noodles & Cutie de Döner 26 oz

Top: 96 mm Bottom 93 mm Height 96 mm Volume 750 ml Qty in box 500 pcs 50 in a package
Cupa Multifuncțională pentru Mici Preparaturi - Cupa pentru Alimente

Cupa Multifuncțională pentru Mici Preparaturi - Cupa pentru Alimente

Der Food-Becher bietet nicht nur eine sichere Aufbewahrung für Eis, sondern auch für Snacks, Backwaren, Obst- oder z.B. Salate. Sofern zur Bechergröße erhältlich kann der Becher mit einem Deckel verschlossen werden und eignet sich somit hervorragend als Aufbewahrungsmittel für den Pausensnack oder das Picknick. Eine runde Werbe-Sache Durch den Aufdruck von individuellen Werbebotschaften im hochauflösenden Offsetdruckverfahren wird er zum hervorragenden Werbeträger rund um die Themen Essen und Trinken. Doch auch für andere Promotion-Themen bietet er eine präsente Werbefläche. Als weitere Einweg-Becher bieten wir einwandige Getränkebecher für überwiegend Kaltgetränke und doppelwandige Getränkebecher für Heißgetränke (Coffee2Go) an. Bereits ab 1.000 Stück erhält man so einen aufmerksamkeitsstarken Werbeartikel, der auch dem Endkunden Freude bereitet. Größen:150 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 400 ml, 1000 ml Material:320 g/m2 Becherkarton, innen PE-beschichtet Druck:umlaufend Offsetdruck 4-farbig Euroskala Verpackung:in Polybeuteln / Wellpappkartons (150 ml = 63 / 1.260), (200 ml = 50 / 1.200) (300 ml = 50 / 1.000),
Echipamente de Curățare pentru Industria Alimentară

Echipamente de Curățare pentru Industria Alimentară

Nettoyeur Moyenne Pression avec système mousse Fabriqué en France Présentation de notre gamme de nettoyeurs pour les IAA
Sisteme de topire a grăsimilor și stație de ulei de grăsime - pentru topirea blocurilor solide de grăsime în industria alimentară

Sisteme de topire a grăsimilor și stație de ulei de grăsime - pentru topirea blocurilor solide de grăsime în industria alimentară

Fat melting systems The KASAG fat melting system are compact systems for melting fat blocks from palm kernel fat, palm oil fat, coconut fat and concentrated butter. The liquid grease thereby gained is kept in the collecting tray at a specified temperature to be used in the respective production process. Size and design are determined by KASAG according to the requirements of the customer. Fat oil station KASAG fat oil station is an extension of the fat melter and is used to mix the ingredients into the liquid fat. The plants are installed on a base frame with levelling feet. All built components are ready for connection. The hot-water treatment and regulation is conducted via a tempering unit or connection to an existing hot-water network.
Concept Dulce de Mâncare Stradală

Concept Dulce de Mâncare Stradală

Materii Prime pentru Industria Alimentară

Materii Prime pentru Industria Alimentară

fermenta... Im Einkauf liegt der Segen! Die fermenta kauft eine Reihe von Rohstoffen, die in der Lebens- und Genussmittelindustrie eingesetzt werden, in großen Mengen auf dem Weltmarkt von führenden Herstellern ein. Das sichert uns günstige Konditionen, um Ihnen TOPANGEBOTE ZU TAGESPREISEN machen zu können! Auszug aus unserem Lieferprogramm: Dextrose Maltodextrin Trockenglucose Fructose Natriumglutamat Kartoffelstärke native und modifizierte Stärken Guarkernmehl Johannisbrotkernmehl Phosphate Natriumcitrat Kaliumsorbat Natriumbenzoat Essigsäure Ascorbinsäure Isoascorbinsäure Natriumascorbat Natriumisoascorbat Natriumacetat Die Rohstoffliste enthält nicht den Artikel, den Sie suchen? Wir verfügen noch über Vieles mehr! Übrigens... Wir machen auch Mischungen und Chargenpackungen aus mehreren Komponenten nach Kundenvorgaben! Sprechen Sie doch einmal mit unseren Spezialisten!