Produse pentru alimente (11622)

Ambalare alimentară - Soluții de ambalare alimentară durabile pentru prospețime și siguranță

Ambalare alimentară - Soluții de ambalare alimentară durabile pentru prospețime și siguranță

Siamo un'azienda innovativa specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di imballaggi alimentari di alta qualità. La nostra missione è fornire soluzioni sostenibili, pratiche ed estetiche per proteggere e preservare la freschezza degli alimenti, rispettando al contempo l'ambiente. Offriamo una vasta gamma di prodotti, dagli imballaggi biodegradabili alle soluzioni ermetiche, pensati per soddisfare le esigenze dell'industria alimentare moderna. Ogni nostro imballaggio è progettato per garantire la sicurezza alimentare, ridurre gli sprechi e rispettare i più elevati standard di qualità e sostenibilità.
Feliator 702

Feliator 702

Short loading times are a key feature of the Weber Slicer 702. It masters the special challenges when slicing short products with short cycle times and an endless product flow. The involute blade system reaches performances of up to 1,500 slices per minute in idle cut operation. Options: Loading arm feeder Trimmer End piece management Slicing speed (rpm):2000 Product throat height (mm):80 Product throat width (mm):300 Product length (mm):200, endless Slicing system:Involute blade Cutting thickness (mm):0,5 - 50 Loading (automatic/manual):automatically Height (mm):2060 Width (mm):1700 Length (mm):2485 Weight (kg):1800
tăvițe pentru cârnați

tăvițe pentru cârnați

barquettes saucisserie
Cutie pentru cartofi prăjiți cu închidere

Cutie pentru cartofi prăjiți cu închidere

Boîte à frites refermable , le produit qu'il faut pour transporter vos frites. Les trous permettent à l'air de circuler et de garder vos frites croustillantes. Disponibles en 2 formats 480 ml 660 ml
Containere și capace din aluminiu - Alimentație și farmaceutice

Containere și capace din aluminiu - Alimentație și farmaceutice

By providing not only a wide range of aluminum containers and aluminum lids but also packaging machines and technical support, OHLER Packaging Systems is able to offer a complete service to its customers. With more than 40 years of experience, OHLER plays a leading role as a food-industry partner for restaurants, caterers, kitchens, groceries and wholesalers, as well as airline food packaging.
Mașină de ambalare pentru linia de producție a șervețelelor umede

Mașină de ambalare pentru linia de producție a șervețelelor umede

FULL MOTION CONTROLLED WET WIPES PRODUCTION LINE WITH TEN SERVOS AND TWO COILS Wet cleaning, towel (baby) wipes, etc. production can be made.
Îmbunătățitor de aromă

Îmbunătățitor de aromă

Intense Pur ® The natural flavour enhancer Intenso Pur® is a substitute for traditional seasonings. It gives products a balanced, aromatic flavour and completes the total sensory impression. Intenso Pur® flavour enhancer from FUCHS is available in different variants: Intenso Pur®: with visible spice particles Intenso Pur® Extrakt: no visible spice particles, suitable for cooked, cured products, boiled sausages and many convenience products, soups, sauces and snacks Intenso Pur® ohne Dextrose: specially developed for the production of dried sausage and semi-dried products. Intenso Pur® Bio: with visible spice particles and ingredients from certified organic farms Benefits at a glance: No addition of monosodium glutamate No yeast extract No palm oil No seasoning (HVP) No declarable additives No declarable allergens (according to Annex III FIC)
Îmbunătățire vizuală

Îmbunătățire vizuală

In the current strongly competitive food world, every product must be shown to its best advantage to win the attention of the end-consumer and end up in the shopping trolley. Apart from quality and functionality, appearance also plays a decisive role. SkinDekor Edible coatings for meat, sausage and cheese products. Dipping compounds have long been in use as edible coatings. But SkinDekor makes it possible to apply these coatings to a wide variety of products in a single work operation. Our herb, paprika, garlic, pepper, cheese and fruity coatings are all appealing, both visually and in terms of flavour. SkinDekor products are sliceable, quick-drying and can be used in machines. This surface treatment has proved particularly successful for dry sausage, cheese and vegetables. An optimum immersion temperature is defined for each SkinDekor compound. By varying the immersion temperature within the specific range, the desired coating layer can be built up on the products.
Ulei de cocos Virgin Vivio 900ml

Ulei de cocos Virgin Vivio 900ml

Extra Virgin coconut oil is the highest quality oil from the first pressing, cold pressed and unpredictable. It is obtained as a result of pressing the flesh of the coconut palm fruit. It has a permanent consistency and a white color at a temperature up to around 26 ° C. Below 26 ° C it takes semi -liquid consistency. It is resistant to high temperatures, thanks to which it is ideal for frying. 93% of the oil composition, it is saturated fatty acids (Lauric acid, mirestin, palmitic, stearic, caprylic, capricious). Unlike animal fats, these are saturated fats with medium length of the chain, which are transformed by the body directly into energy, and not accumulated in the form of fat or deposits. The remaining 7% are unsaturated fatty acids (omega-9 oleic and linoleic omega-6). It is these ingredients that make the oil so valuable. Lauric acid, which is the main component of the oil (50%), has antibacterial, anti -virus and anti -fungal properties.
Supă de Roșii - Aromă de Cireș cu Busuioc - Sticlă de Sticlă de 750 ml

Supă de Roșii - Aromă de Cireș cu Busuioc - Sticlă de Sticlă de 750 ml

L'artisan Popol Soupe gourmande à la tomate cerise parfumée au basilic. Ingrédients pulpe de tomate 37%, pulpe de cerise griotte 18%,, concombre 9%, basilic 1%, ail 1%, huile d'olive vierge extra 4%, sel, poivre.
Soufflé cu miere Peroni Honey Pistachio - Poți comanda într-un borcan de 30 g

Soufflé cu miere Peroni Honey Pistachio - Poți comanda într-un borcan de 30 g

Le soufflé au miel de pistache ressemble à la crème pralinée la plus délicate, si populaire en Italie et en France. La tendresse délicate et enveloppante du miel avec des morceaux de noix crée un dessert très raffiné et autosuffisant. Idéal également en accompagnement de desserts et de fromages. Les pistaches sont aussi appelées « noix de minceur » car elles contiennent beaucoup moins de calories que les autres noix et sont riches en fibres.
Aroma de vanilie microencapsulat

Aroma de vanilie microencapsulat

The Microencapsulated Vanilla Fragrance delivers a warm and comforting scent that captures the essence of pure vanilla. This fragrance is perfect for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making it ideal for use in air fresheners, scented candles, and personal care products. The microencapsulation technology ensures that the vanilla scent is released slowly, providing a long-lasting and consistent aroma that soothes the senses. With its rich and creamy notes, the Microencapsulated Vanilla Fragrance is a favorite for those seeking to infuse their environment with a touch of warmth. The fragrance is crafted with high-quality ingredients, ensuring a pure and authentic scent that stands out. Whether you're looking to enhance your product offerings or simply enjoy the comforting aroma of vanilla, this fragrance is a versatile and effective choice. Its enduring scent ensures that your space remains cozy and inviting for extended periods.
Sisteme CIP curățare la fața locului

Sisteme CIP curățare la fața locului

idoneus bietet CIP-Anlagen (cleaning in place) in allen Größen und Ausführungen. Sie eignen sich zur GMP-gerechten, validierbaren Reinigung von: • Behältern • Prozessanlagen • Rohrsystemen • Schläuchen Es stehen Ausführungsformen als mobile und stationäre CIP-Anlagen zur Verfügung. Die Prozessabläufe sind zur Anpassung an Ihre Reinigungsaufgaben durch den autorisierten Bediener in großer Anzahl frei konfigurierbar. Die CIP-Fox-Baureihe ist modular aufgebaut, so dass diverse Ausführungsoptionen realisierbar sind. Folgende Hauptmerkmale sind u.a. abstimmungs-bedürftig: • Beheizungsart, elektrisch bzw. per Heizdampf • Art und Anzahl der Reinigungsmedien • Anzahl der Vorlaufwege • Stapelbetrieb, d.h. ggf. Mehrfachverwendung der CIP-Lösung • Nachbehandlung der CIP-Lösung, d.h. Neutralisierfunktion, Kühlen vor Entleeren • SIP – Sterilisierfunktion, Integrierte Sterilisation des „Klienten“ nach der Reinigung • DIP – Drying in Place, Luftventilation zur Trocknung.
Colorant alimentar Albastru - Coloranți alimentari non-azoici albastru (pulbere sau lichid) E133 E131 E142 E151

Colorant alimentar Albastru - Coloranți alimentari non-azoici albastru (pulbere sau lichid) E133 E131 E142 E151

Le colorant alimentaire bleu colorera parfaitement vos desserts (meringues, macarons, pates à sucres, crèmes, nappages, glaçages...). Coloration claire ou intense selon vos préparations.
Mașină de Tăiat Alimente cu Ultrasunete - Mașină de Feliat cu Ultrasunete

Mașină de Tăiat Alimente cu Ultrasunete - Mașină de Feliat cu Ultrasunete

UFC-P1 Genel Özellikler: Sonikel Ultrasonik 12 yıllık ultrasonik ve otomasyon tecrübesiyle gıda sektöründeki müşterileri için UFC-P1 makinesinin tasarımını ve üretimini yapmaktadır. Paslanmaz gövde ve titanyum alaşımlı bıçaktan oluşan UFC-P1 %100 gıdaya uygundur. Kaşar peyniri, petek bal, helva, kek, sandviç gibi yapışkan veya kolay kırılabilen gıdalarda bile pürüzsüz ve hızlı kesim yapması sebebiyle çok sık tercih edilir. Yükleme ve boşaltma alanındaki bantları sayesinde üretim hattının yanında kolaylıkla kullanılabilir, hatta üretim hattına entegre edilebilir. UFC-P1 kesimi yapılacak gıda ürününün ebatlarına ve ürün cinsine göre özel olarak tasarlanabilmektedir.
Mașină de deshidratat roșii - Uscător cu pompă de căldură pentru alimente, fructe și legume.

Mașină de deshidratat roșii - Uscător cu pompă de căldură pentru alimente, fructe și legume.

Explanation: The Fruit and Vegetables drying heat pump: is produced for the manufacturers in the food drying sector but because of its functional structure the type of drying is followed by the carpet cleaning factories. With the use of heat pump technology in the drying sector, it has become one of the drying methods with increasing efficiency. The food desiccant heat pump takes some of its energy from the air as it is in the air source heat pumps, and takes a part of it from the electric energy. The fruit and vegetable desiccant heat pump is placed inside the fully insulated drying chamber and the inside of the drying chamber is 65 ° C, allowing the water to evaporate in the fruit, vegetable, or other food products. The evaporator water is carried to the heat pump by means of fans, and the liquid is thrown out by making it liquid. In this way, the drying process is completed.
Selektoare de Greutate

Selektoare de Greutate

Le selezionatrici ponderali ideali per una verifica peso semplice e accurata.
ASTAFIT® Soft-Gums - Gummy-uri cu Astaxantină

ASTAFIT® Soft-Gums - Gummy-uri cu Astaxantină

Unterstützung des Immunsystems, der Muskelfunktion, Stärkung der Knochen, Schutz vor oxidativem Stress, wirkt sich positiv auf den Energiestoffwechsel sowie auf das Nervensystem aus. Spezielle Formulierung für eine beschleunigte Aufnahme der Wirkstoffe über die Mundschleimhaut.
Amestec pentru Studenți cu Ananas 1000 g (2x 500 g)

Amestec pentru Studenți cu Ananas 1000 g (2x 500 g)

Die Schülermischung ist ein üblicher Name, um verschiedene Arten von getrockneten Früchten zu kombinieren. Es umfasst unter anderem Haselnüsse, Erdnüsse, Mandeln und getrocknete Früchte. Vivio hat eine <strong> -Studentenmischung mit Ananas -</strong> vorbereitet, was seinen exotischen Geschmack und Aroma verleiht. Alle Komponenten der Mischung wurden in den richtigen Anteilen ausgewählt und liefern eine feste Dosis von Energie und Nährstoffen. Die klassische Studentenmischung, genau wie unsere Neuheit - eine Studentenmischung mit Ananas - wird besonders bei hohen intellektuellen und körperlichen Anstrengungen empfohlen. Chips und kandierte Ananas. Es ist ein sehr nahrhafter Snack, der überall mitgenommen werden kann. Nüsse, die darin enthalten sind, wie Haselnüsse oder Mandeln, können eine Quelle für Fette sein, die für den Körper sehr wertvoll sind. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zeigen, dass diese Inhaltsstoffe durch einen extrem hohen Gehalt an EFAs charakterisiert sind - essenti
Ambalare Alimente Uscate

Ambalare Alimente Uscate

Our dry nuts and dry fruits packaging is expertly designed to preserve the freshness, flavor, and nutritional value of your products. Made from high-quality, food-safe materials, these packaging solutions protect against moisture, air, and external contaminants, ensuring the long shelf life of your dry foods. Available in a variety of formats such as resealable pouches, stand-up bags, and custom-printed designs, our packaging provides both convenience and visual appeal. With options for eco-friendly materials and customizable branding, our dry food packaging is the ideal choice for businesses looking to offer safe, sustainable, and attractive solutions for their products.
Tacâmuri din bambus COUTBAMAF

Tacâmuri din bambus COUTBAMAF

Couverts en bambou de qualité supérieure. Ce sont les meilleurs couverts disponibles en jetable sur le marché. Ils sont très résistants. Déclinable en : Fourchettes / Couteaux / Cuillères Réf.:COUTBAMAF Désignation:Couteaux bambou Dimension:16 cm Colisage:2000 Prix unitaire:100,00 € HT Soit 0.050 € HT l'unité
Miere - varietăți de miere poliflorală și monoflorală, miere organică

Miere - varietăți de miere poliflorală și monoflorală, miere organică

ABM club supplies polyfloral and monofloral varieties of honey for wholesale buyers, bottling the finished product in 200-liter barrels. The products are exported to the countries of the European Union, the Middle East, Asia, Canada, declaring the excellent quality of Ukrainian honey . Our honey meets international standards and has such certificates as FSSC 22000, IFS Food, Organic, as well as FDA approval. We also pour honey into a glass jar with a capacity of 125 to 1000 ml; Development of labels under the customer's own brand or work with an existing design; Production of large and small batches of honey depending on the customer's needs.Honey is a golden liquid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. It has been enjoyed by humans for millennia and offers a range of benefits for both individuals and the food industry.#honey #organichoney #polyfloralhoney #acacia honey
capac pentru borcan de înghețată COUVDOMKR7

capac pentru borcan de înghețată COUVDOMKR7

Couvercle dome en PET pour pot à glaces. 2 tailles disponibles Réf.:COUVDOMKR7 Désignation:Couvercle dome Couleur:Transparent Contenance:Pot compatible 130 ml Dimension:D : 7,5 cm Colisage:1000 Prix unitaire:39,00 € HT Soit 0.039 € HT l'unité
Pudră de usturoi negru cu conținut ridicat de substanțe active 1 kg - Ingrediente: 94% pudră de usturoi negru, 6% dioxid de siliciu anhidru

Pudră de usturoi negru cu conținut ridicat de substanțe active 1 kg - Ingrediente: 94% pudră de usturoi negru, 6% dioxid de siliciu anhidru

A fekete fokhagyma egy olyan feldolgozási folyamat eredménye, amely a hagyományos fehér fokhagymát gyökeresen megváltoztatja. Az érlelési idő alatt a fokhagyma cukortartalma természetes úton megnő, míg az erős, csípős ízéből édes, karamellizált ízek fejlődnek ki. A fekete fokhagyma por egy finom, porított változata ennek az átalakított fokhagymának. A fekete fokhagyma por sokoldalúan felhasználható. Kiválóan illik húsételekhez, például steakhez vagy sült csirke mellé. Emellett ízesíthetjük vele a tésztát, a rizst, a szószokat vagy akár a zöldségeket is. A por formájának köszönhetően egyszerűen adagolható és tárolható a konyhában.
Churros drepte

Churros drepte

Churros fritos congelados rectos tradicionales en diferentes tamaños (5, 10, 15 y 20 cms) a granel.


Vos couvercles pour vos bols en carton kraft brun. Disponibles sous 2 formats : 15 cm de diamètre 18.5 cm de diamètre Choisissez votre couvercle en fonction de vos besoins. Pet : Pour vos plats froids ou tiède. PP : Pour vos plats chauds Réf.:COUVPET18KR Désignation:Couvercle PET Couleur:Transparent Contenance:Bol compatible 1100-1300 ml Dimension:D : 18,5 cm Colisage:300 Prix unitaire:26,00 € HT Soit 0.087 € HT l'unité
Cutie pentru pui

Cutie pentru pui

Boîte carton personnalisé différents formats. Petit format avec fenêtre : Pour les accompagnements Grand format : Poulet entier et demi poulet Les boîtes sont empilables donc idéal pour le stockage dans vos restaurants
BOL PERSONALIZAT DIN HÂRTIE - Bol pentru Salată, Poké, Supă sau Mâncare în Hârtie Tipărită

BOL PERSONALIZAT DIN HÂRTIE - Bol pentru Salată, Poké, Supă sau Mâncare în Hârtie Tipărită

Materiale: Cartone biodegradabile di qualità alimentare, resistente all'umidità e ai grassi. Forma: Ciotola rotonda. Questa ciotola impilabile ha un design moderno che valorizza i tuoi prodotti. La personalizzazione con stampa del logo consente ai ristoratori di distinguersi e di lasciare un'impressione duratura. Grazie alla stampa in CMYK, ottieni colori vivaci e dettagli precisi, rafforzando l'identità del marchio e attirando l'attenzione dei clienti. Utilizzi: Perfette per insalate, piatti in salsa e tutti i tuoi pasti caldi o freddi. Disponibile in cartone bianco, nero o stampato secondo le tue esigenze. Dimensioni: 300CC, 16Oz, 550CC, 750CC, 1050CC o 38 Oz. Coperchio: Plastica RPET (non adatta al microonde). Chiusura rapida e completamente ermetica. Venduto separatamente. Aggiungere un design personalizzato non solo rende il prodotto unico, ma promuove anche il tuo marchio, attirando l'attenzione dei consumatori e migliorando l'esperienza complessiva.
Materie primă - zahăr lichid inversat natural pur cu conținut ridicat de zaharoză.

Materie primă - zahăr lichid inversat natural pur cu conținut ridicat de zaharoză.

Gludex300, inverted liquid natural sweetener with high sweetening power; has a sweetness power up to 15% greater in yield and quality than IC 45 crystal sugar.
Ambalare cafea - Pungi de cafea - Produse de ambalare a cafelei de înaltă calitate, ecologice și pungi de cafea fără aluminiu.

Ambalare cafea - Pungi de cafea - Produse de ambalare a cafelei de înaltă calitate, ecologice și pungi de cafea fără aluminiu.

Our coffee bags are expertly designed to maintain the freshness and rich aroma of your coffee. Crafted from durable, food-grade materials, these bags offer superior protection against moisture, oxygen, and light, ensuring that your coffee stays as flavorful as the day it was roasted. Available in various sizes and styles, including eco-friendly options like alu-free packaging, our coffee bags provide a perfect blend of practicality and sustainability, ideal for both commercial and personal use. Customizable features such as resealable zippers, degassing valves, and vibrant printing options make them the go-to choice for preserving coffee at its best.