Produse pentru alimente (7916)

Cranberries uscate întregi 1000g - Vivio

Cranberries uscate întregi 1000g - Vivio

Żurawina suszona cała to naturalne owoce wysuszone w całości o wyrafinowanym cierpko-słodkim smaku. Owoce kształtem przypominają suszone rodzynki, ale są od nich większe, cechują się soczystą barwą i elastyczną konsystencją. Owoce żurawiny znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w kuchniach całego świata.Owoce żurawiny są bogatym źródłem witamin (C, witaminy z grupy B, E, K), minerałów (sodu, potasu, fosforu, wapnia, magnezu, manganu, żelaza), błonnika, kwasów organicznych, karotenoidów, flawonoidów, garbników i pektyn. Żurawina nie traci swoich właściwości podczas obróbki termicznej, dlatego, z korzyścią dla zdrowia, można spożywać jej przetwory, które nie są tak cierpkie jak owoce świeżej żurawiny.Żurawina świetnie się sprawdza w profilaktyce nawrotów infekcji dróg moczowych. Zakwasza mocz, co prowadzi do zabicia bakterii znajdujących się w pęcherzu moczowym. Dodatkowo, zawarte w żurawinie kwasy redukują przyczepność bakterii, dzięki czemu wydalane są z moczem.
Pecorino Romano DOP Crosta Nera 3 kg

Pecorino Romano DOP Crosta Nera 3 kg

Il formaggio Pecorino Romano DOP Crosta Nera è un prodotto di alta qualità e di origine controllata. Con la sua crosta nera e il suo sapore intenso e piccante, è perfetto per arricchire piatti di pasta, insalate e antipasti. Con una confezione da 3 kg, è ideale per ristoranti e famiglie numerosi.
Extractul de fruct de călugăr organic

Extractul de fruct de călugăr organic

Monk Fruit is a small sub-tropical melon that grows in the remote mountains of Southern China. It is also known as Luo Han Guo. The fruit has a delicious sweet taste. Even though you can eat the fruit itself as a delicious snack, the fruit is often used for its extract. Monk Fruit extract is used as an ingredient for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and as a natural sweetener for a variety of foods and beverages. The Monk Fruit extract can be used as juice concentrate or powder. The Monk Fruit extract is nearly 300 times sweeter than sugar.


POLIȚĂ PICARD F.141 X L.57 X H.220 - Polițe

POLIȚĂ PICARD F.141 X L.57 X H.220 - Polițe

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:PIC141176
Ulei de rapiță și canola

Ulei de rapiță și canola

Rapeseed & Canola Oil


Diese bedruckten Versandkartons werden individuell für Sie angefertigt. Unsere Boxen sind robust, langlebig und dennoch so schick wie Ihre Marke.
Set 4*10g Gel culoare Naturală Yerocolors KIT

Set 4*10g Gel culoare Naturală Yerocolors KIT

Gel color set Yerocolors Nett weight gram:40 Colour/ flavour:Assorted colours
Gem de căpșuni organic

Gem de căpșuni organic

Organic Strawberry Jam Energy (kJ ve kcal):652 kj Calorie:159 kcal Protein (g):0.9 g Carbohydrate (g):38.07 g Sugar (g):38.07 g Fat (g):0 Fiber (g):0.38 g
Concentrat de Proteine de Soia 60%, Grad de Alimentație

Concentrat de Proteine de Soia 60%, Grad de Alimentație

Le concentré de protéines de soja (SPC) est un produit purifié obtenu à partir de farine de soja décortiquée et dégraissée grillée par séparation des glucides (sucres solubles) à l'aide de la dernière technologie d'extraction de pointe dans l'UE.
banană uscată

banană uscată

banana seca
Extract de pulbere de ciupercă porcini comun 10:1; porcini comun - Chem2Market GmbH

Extract de pulbere de ciupercă porcini comun 10:1; porcini comun - Chem2Market GmbH

"Quality: for food Processed plant part: Fruit bodies Extraction agent: Ethanol & water Carrier: maltodextrin Porcini mushrooms, also known as Boletus edulis, are popular edible mushrooms with a strong, nutty flavor. Vital mushrooms are also ideal for food supplements. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip ORGANIC Blueberry ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard
Mașină pentru Tort de Orez

Mașină pentru Tort de Orez

Notre modèle SYP de machine à gâteau de riz (Machine à boulangerie) est conçu de telle sorte qu'il peut produire des casse-croûtes de grains soufflés / Chips / Crackers / gâteaux avec des céréales à 100% naturels. De nos jours il existe des dispositifs mécaniques, mais ils ne sont pas constamment résistants face à la haute pression et ne font pas sortir des produits standards. Leurs pièces telles que les chaînes et les moteurs s’usent très facilement provoquant ainsi des pannes fréquentes. Notre modèle SYP de machine à gâteau de riz a corrigé ces défauts avec l’usage d'hydraulique permettant de fabriquer des produits standards et d’augmenter de façon significative la résistance. De plus, des variétés de moules sont disponibles sur différentes tailles et formes pour la satisfaction des besoins des clients. C’est possible de concevoir des machines de petite taille pour les magasins locaux et celles de grande taille pour les usines.
MoriVeda® Moringa Woman 500mg Capsule (1x120)

MoriVeda® Moringa Woman 500mg Capsule (1x120)

MoriVeda® Moringa Woman Kapseln Natürliche Unterstützung des weiblichen Zyklus und in der Menopause Viele Menstruierende und Frauen in der Menopause leiden unter Begleiterscheinungen wie Schmerzen, Krämpfe, depressive Verstimmungen oder Verdauungsprobleme. Die MoriVeda Woman Kapseln enthalten hochwertige Wirkstoffe, die den Körper auf natürliche Weise bei der Bewältigung des Zyklus und der Menopause unterstützen können. Von der eisenhaltigen Moringa Oleifera und dem verdauungsunterstützenden Ceylon Zimt bis hin zum krampflösenden Kümmel und Fenchel sind Sie mit diesen Kapseln optimal versorgt. Moringa Oleifera enthält viel Eisen und Kalzium, was gegen die Symptome von Eisenmangel helfen kann.
Hârtie de Tip Servietă - Accesorii pentru Ambalare din Hârtie

Hârtie de Tip Servietă - Accesorii pentru Ambalare din Hârtie

Paper; C1S, C2S, Kraft, Special, Duplex Printing; CMYK, Pantone, UV, Silk Screen Lamination; Matte, Gloss, Varnish, Dispersion Application; Hot Foil, Deboss, Emboss, Grain, Spot UV
Uleiuri alimentare - Mărfuri

Uleiuri alimentare - Mărfuri

(palme, tournesol, soja, olive)
Componentes PEEK - Componente de acționare a transportoarelor

Componentes PEEK - Componente de acționare a transportoarelor

Wire Belt introduces our line of PEEK drive components. PEEK is an abbreviation for PolyEtherEther-Ketone, a high performance engineering thermoplastic that can operate at high temperatures and is less abrasive on your stainless steel belts than metal drive components. PEEK can be used continuously to 240°C and in hot water or steam without permanent loss in physical properties. Our PEEK line is available for all Flat-Flex®, Versa-Link™, and Compact-Grid™ drive components including: sprockets, blanks and end rollers.
C7 - Brățară Sportivă

C7 - Brățară Sportivă

Älykäs urheilun ja terveellisen elämän tarkoitus, tukee useita urheilutiloja, on syke, verenpaine, veren happi, askeleet, etäisyys, unimittari, puheluilmoitus, tietonäyttö, älykäs herätyskello, sekuntikello, liikkuva kohde, istumamuistutus, kameran ohjaus, säänäyttötoiminnot. Bluetooth-versio:5.0 Vedenkestävä:IP67 Näyttö:0,96 tuuman HD värikäs IPS-näyttö Resoluutio:80*160 px Akun kapasiteetti:90 mAh Akkutyyppi:Li-polymeerikenno
SCI-MX Creatină Monohidrat 250g

SCI-MX Creatină Monohidrat 250g

SCI-MX Creatine Monohydrate is an easy mixing creatine with a neutral taste. Add to any cool beverage, protein shake or recover drink. Want to boost your performance? Need explosive lifting power? Creatine Monohydrate powder is the world’s number one selling, most highly researched, staple supplement available. Scientifically proven to substantially enhance your strength and power, Creatine Monohydrate is a must-have creatine supplement for anyone who wants to get the most out of their workouts. Highly researched & 100%100% Ultra Pure One serving contains 5g of pure Creatine May increase physical performance during high-intensity exercise
Leagăn pentru bebeluși

Leagăn pentru bebeluși

Wavy is an accessory which can be attached to the Mychair. It has a soft texture and safety belts on it. Wavy is suitable for new born babies. You can attach Wavy on Mychair easily and use it untill your baby grow up.
Aromă de Scorțișoară

Aromă de Scorțișoară

Reconnaissable pour son odeur unique chaude et épicée, la cannelle s’adapte excellemment bien à toutes vos recettes salées ou sucrées, c’est un choix sûr pour une cuisine conviviale ou exotique.




Printed with food-safe, water-based ink for hygiene and health benefits, ensuring a smooth surface for optimal impression. Available in a weight range of 70 g/m2 to 100 g/m2, both printed and unprinted. Kraft papers for die cut bags offer high strength and eco-friendliness compared to plastic and other bag types. Economical and ecological alternative to cardboard bags, made from either new or 100% recycled paper. Biodegradable within months, contrasting with the long-lasting environmental impact of plastic bags.
Polonia Fagure

Polonia Fagure

El polen es la mayor fuente conocida de vitaminas, minerales e hidratos de carbono y contiene además proteínas, oligoelementos y enzimas que lo convierten en un estupendo complemento alimenticio, proporcionando a nuestro organismo todos los elementos indispensables en estados carenciales. Hay que destacar principalmente sus virtudes nutritivas, metabólicas y energéticas entre las que se encuentran Aumento de las tasas de hemoglobina en sangre en personas anémicas. Desintoxicante general del organismo. Excelente normalizador intestinal. Tónico y estimulante regenerador del bienestar y euforia. Aumento de la vitalidad en general.
Curcan cu Grâu - Curcan Copt cu Grâu

Curcan cu Grâu - Curcan Copt cu Grâu

Beckers-Beste Truthahn mit Weizen Truthahn mit Weizen ist eine natürliche Belohnung. Zusammensetzung: Truthahnfleisch(getrocknet u. gemahlen), Weizenmehl550, Weizenmehl T2000, Weizenvollkornmehl, Weizenkleie, Weizenkeime, Kartoffelflocken, Volleipulver, Rapsöl, Apfel, Petersilie, Karotten, Pastinaken, Liebstöckel, Rosmarin. Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 21%, Rohfett 9%, Rohfaser 2,4%, Rohasche 5,6%, Calcium 1,4%, Phosphor 1,1%
Migdale Asia, prăjite - Migdale prăjite

Migdale Asia, prăjite - Migdale prăjite

Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil von Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Mandeln sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!
FC.16160 ECO Raft din Plywood pentru Produse Cerealiere - Expunerea Perfectă pentru Magazinul Tău de Produse Ecologice

FC.16160 ECO Raft din Plywood pentru Produse Cerealiere - Expunerea Perfectă pentru Magazinul Tău de Produse Ecologice

Cerchi uno scaffale elegante e funzionale per esporre i prodotti a base di cereali? Abbiamo la soluzione perfetta per te! Un espositore in compensato è una scelta eccellente per negozi di alimenti biologici, gastronomie, nonché panifici e negozi di alimentari. Il compensato, materiale naturale ed ecologico, è durevole e si adatta perfettamente a diverse disposizioni. L'espositore è stato studiato per un'esposizione ottimale dei prodotti cerealicoli. Dispone di ampi ripiani che possono ospitare vari tipi di prodotti, come semole, pasta, farina, cereali per la colazione e altri. La mensola è disponibile nella versione colorata o stampata. Il compensato colorato conferirà agli interni un carattere caldo e naturale, mentre il compensato stampato può essere un attraente elemento decorativo. Possiamo realizzare qualsiasi dimensione su ordinazione, adattandone le dimensioni e l'aspetto alle vostre esigenze individuali. Dimensioni:600x400x1800 mm Materiale:Compensato verniciato, stampato e tinto Destino:Prodotti alimentari, ecologici
Eticheta Automată de Greutate și Preț WPL-A

Eticheta Automată de Greutate și Preț WPL-A

The weigh price labeller WPL-A for product quality and food safety — Intuitive software displaying live production data and dynamic visuals of current printed labels on the embedded 19” Windows touch screen. — State-of-the-art weighing and pressure compression technology provide high speeds and innovative options on a compact footprint. — The intuitive label design of the WPL-A follows the latest statutory labelling requirements. Native to all printer configurations, no need for 3rd party software. - Maximum traceability by pack number, product, lot, user and machine ID. ERP connectivity and E-mark software module available.
Aromă de Fum

Aromă de Fum

Smoke Aroma CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
Suplimente alimentare cu etichetă albă

Suplimente alimentare cu etichetă albă

Offriamo anche i nostri servizi white label per gli integratori alimentari (ordine minimo 300 kg: esempio di tendenza: elettroliti, collagene, creatina, ecc.). Contattaci e scopri come possiamo aiutarti a lanciare oggi stesso il tuo marchio di bevande energetiche personalizzabile!