Produse pentru alimente (7916)

Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

Ambalare Alimentară - Ambalare pentru Alimente - Ambalare Organică

We produce premium food packaging, including eco-friendly packaging options. - Preformed food bags are available in a variety of materials, each with a different quality depending on the product and its packaging application. Paper food packaging, paper bags, plastic disposable food bags or ecological packaging with different types of gluing depending on the product, at highly competitive prices!
Pastă de roșii 200 g

Pastă de roșii 200 g

Pate de tomate délicieuse et saine préparée sur la base des pois chiches, des légumes au four tels que des carottes, des oignons, du céleri avec l'ajout de tomates séchées. C'est super comme ajout au pain, aux sandwichs ou au pain grillé. Il a une consistance légère, se propage facilement, a un goût agréable et légèrement épicé. Contient des protéines, des fibres, des vitamines et des minéraux. & NBSP; <strong> Composition: </strong> pois chiches cuits 34,8% (pois chiches, eau), légumes au four à 28% (carottes, oignons, céleri), eau, huile de tournesol, tomates séchées 1,9%, du vinaigre de cidre de pomme, du sel de mer, de l'ail, des épices et des herbes (il peut contenir des traces de moutarde et de soja) & nbsp; <strong> valeurs nutritionnelles en 100 g </strong> valeur énergétique 557kj / 133kcaltłtuszek 8,4gw, y compris Les acides gras saturés 1,1Give 9,3 gw, avec des sucres 2,4 gbiaux 3,4 g Blunter 3,4 g 0,8 g & nbsp; <strong> Utiliser </strong> pour la lubrification du pain, des
Kit Kat

Kit Kat

Kit Kat
Capsule de Ashwagandha MoriVeda® 600mg - 120 capsule, produs natural pur, cireș de iarnă, ginseng indian

Capsule de Ashwagandha MoriVeda® 600mg - 120 capsule, produs natural pur, cireș de iarnă, ginseng indian

The plant, including the roots and berries, has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years and is considered a true super plant. Many beneficial properties are attributed to the plant and it is said to have a balancing effect. Discover Ashwagandha for yourself with the root powder capsules from MoriVeda. Ashwagandha contains a high concentration of withanolides, choline, fatty acids and amino acids. -Ashwagandha is used in a variety of ways in Ayurvedic natural teachings, - especially to balance Vata disorders. -Vata is one of the three doshas and stands for the principle of movement. It is associated with the nervous system, breathing and circulation, among other things. -Free of lactose and fructose. -Recommended dosage: take 2-4 capsules with liquid at mealtimes.
Meratrum Vitamina B12 - 10 fiole orale

Meratrum Vitamina B12 - 10 fiole orale

Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in forming red blood cells, ensuring proper homocysteine metabolism, and boosting energy metabolism to help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Meratrum Vitamin B12’s pleasantly flavoured orally administrating vials, and a high concentration of Vitamin B12, contribute to the normal functioning of your nervous system and maintaining psychological well-being. Integrating Vitamin B12 oral vials into your daily routine becomes a delightful and effortless step in your health regimen, through ensuring convenient use and delicious formula of Meratrum Vitamin B12 oral vials.
Data limită – OFERTĂ! 250g Bol de Smoothie Verde Bio - Pachete și Oferte

Data limită – OFERTĂ! 250g Bol de Smoothie Verde Bio - Pachete și Oferte

MHD-Angebot! Unsere BIO Green Smoothie Bowl kann über dem Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum verzehrt werden. Die Verpackung schützt das Produkt optimal. Mindestens haltbar bis 07.01.2023
Rasă Mică

Rasă Mică

Small dog breeds need relatively more energy than large breeds. Champ Small Breed is a complete and balanced diet with a high digestibility for adult small dogs with normal activity. This tasty food has been specially developed to provide your dog with all nutrients and to grow well and healthy. The shape, structure and size of the chunks are adapted to the teeth of the smaller dog and help to prevent dental plaque. By adding fish oil there is an ideal ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 sour for a healthy and shiny coat.
Beltă Autoajustabilă - Benzi Transportoare

Beltă Autoajustabilă - Benzi Transportoare

Self-Tracking Belt is a very versatile type of belting. This type of industrial conveyor belt is used in a wide variety of industries, including food and pharmaceuticals, chemicals, plastics and polymers. Process applications that can be accomplished include washing, draining, drying, curing, cooking and freezing.
Ambalaj de protecție din polipropilenă tip fagure

Ambalaj de protecție din polipropilenă tip fagure

Du contact direct alimentaire certifié à l’intercalaire simple, les plaques alvéolaires Diplast couvrent un vaste domaine d’emballage de protection. Intercalaire noir Composé essentiellement de PP recyclé, c’est l’intercalaire le meilleur marché et le plus écologique pour protéger aussi bien le bas que le haut des palettes. En fond de palette, il protège des remontées d’humidité, de la saleté et des coups de fourche de transpalette. Intercalaire de couleur et disques Un intercalaire ou une protection latérale selon vos spécificités techniques ? La plaque alvéolaire peut être livrée avec des coins arrondis ou coupés, ou la forme de votre choix jusqu’à des découpes de 2,4 m de diamètre. En plus des couleurs standards Distriplast, à partir de deux tonnes de plaques, la plupart des couleurs RAL peuvent être contretypées. Les autres traitements Corona, anti-UV, ignifuges, antistatique, ESD, VCI sont possibles.
24 cutii metalice - VW Combi Maro/Bej

24 cutii metalice - VW Combi Maro/Bej

Boîte métal, fidèle reproduction du légendaire combi T1 VW (alias Bully) des années 60. Idéale pour conditionner vos gâteaux, biscuits, chocolats, bonbons, … Licence officielle Volkswagen Reproduction parfaite du combi T1 VW Peut être remplie de gâteaux, biscuits, chocolats, bonbons, ... Matériau:fer blanc Dimensions:environ 22 x 8,5 x 10 cm couvercle:environ 22 x 8 x 2 cm Poids net:environ 210 grammes
Trufă deshidratată Tuber Melanosporum - Trufă neagră uscată

Trufă deshidratată Tuber Melanosporum - Trufă neagră uscată

Wild Winter Truffle (Tuber Melanosporum Vitt) for food industry professionals dedicated to truffle products.
PLANTUS MEN - Supliment Dietetic

PLANTUS MEN - Supliment Dietetic

İÇERİK BİLGİSİ Cüce palmiye (Serenoa repens) Bal kabağı (Cucurbita sp.) Isırgan (Urtica sp.)
Feliator 305

Feliator 305

The Weber Slicer 305 is the entry-level model for state-of-the-art slicing technology. Thanks to the intuitive Weber Power Control, Slicer 305 is easy to operate. The programmable touch screen assures rapid product changeovers, and the shear bar and side limit stop can be configured for the product width. Weber hygienic design ensures that the system is easy to clean. Option: Stack lowering device Interleaver, Interleaver Speed Plus Pivotable blade safety cover Further options available. We will happily provide you with more information. Slicing speed (rpm): max. 400 Product throat height (mm):125/135/150 Product throat width (mm):250 Product length (mm):800 Slicing system: Circular blade Cutting thickness (mm):0,5 - 50 Loading (automatic/manual):manually Height (mm):2065 Width (mm):960 Length (mm):2353 Weight (kg):950
cremă de caju - sos de cremă de nuci de caju african 100% organic

cremă de caju - sos de cremă de nuci de caju african 100% organic

K2 Garden propose une crème naturelle à base de noix de cajou transformées dans sa propre usine. Les noix de cajou sélectionnées, crues et décortiquées rendent notre crème épaisse, lui confèrent un goût crémeux neutre, 100% naturel et végétal. Incroyablement polyvalente, la crème de cajou peut être utilisée dans la plupart des recettes. Cette crème « sans produits laitiers » est une excellente alternative pour ceux qui n'aiment pas le lactose, le lait de coco ou pour ceux qui recherchent de nouveaux goûts sains, en remplacement des crèmes et sauces traditionnelles lourdes et grasses, pour ceux qui choisissent le meilleur de la nature. assure notre santé. La crème de cajou est riche en vitamines, minéraux, antioxydants et est bonne pour la santé et l'immunité. Produit entièrement végétarien, diététique, enrichi, 100% naturel.
Linie de producție pentru sortarea culorilor - Linie de producție pentru procesare

Linie de producție pentru sortarea culorilor - Linie de producție pentru procesare

It involves a great deal of preparation to have a beautifully decorated design. We start with measuring the workshop area to get its length, width and height, then according to the entrance or exit of workshop, we are to plan the starter in the processing line. That includes how the materials are to be fed, pit making or feeding platform, and storage tank for materials reserving or processing directly. We need to consider how many materials would you be processing? And what is the degree of quality that you need? Where is the proper place for storage finished products? Where is the good exit for finished products transportation by truck? When all these information are gathered then we will be contributing to processing equipment.
Conveyor cu Bandă - Conveyor cu Bandă Dreaptă

Conveyor cu Bandă - Conveyor cu Bandă Dreaptă

Le convoyeur droit à bande, est le classique du convoyage par bande transporteuse. Le principe de fonctionnement d’un tel convoyeur consiste à mettre en mouvement une bande transporteuse sur une sole de glissement, un enroulement motorisé et un enroulement libre.


Premium honey from Greece


Delphinol® ist ein innovativer Inhaltsstoff für strahlende Haut. Klinische und vorklinische Daten deuten darauf hin, dass Delphinol® zu einem lebendigen Hautton beiträgt, die Anzahl roter Stellen reduziert und die Straffheit und Elastizität der Haut unterstützt. Darüber hinaus deuten vorklinische Daten darauf hin, dass Delphinol® die Fähigkeit besitzt, die Telomere zu schützen, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Zellteilung und Alterung spielen. Unique Features - Natürliche Lösung für gesund aussehende und lebendige Haut durch orale Einnahme - Verzögerung zellulärer Alterungsprozesse durch den Schutz der Telomere - Verhindert den Abbau von Kollagenfasern und hilft so, die Elastizität und Straffheit der Haut zu erhalten Qualität Delphinol® wird aus ausgewählten frischen Maqui-Beeren unter strengen GMP-Bedingungen hergestellt. Der Extrakt ist so standardisiert, dass er mindestens 25 % Delphinidine und mindestens 35 % Anthocyane enthält.
Hrișcă prăjită Polonia - Hrișcă prăjită

Hrișcă prăjită Polonia - Hrișcă prăjită

Kasza gryczana powstaje z ołuskanych nasion gryki zwyczajnej. Ziarna kaszy gryczanej palonej mają charakterystyczny ciemnobrązowy odcień, który jest wynikiem obróbki termicznej. Kasza gryczana palona jest mniej wartościowa od kaszy niepalonej, ale za to ma bardziej wyrazisty smak. Kasza gryczana jest cennym źródłem składników i substancji odżywczych. Szczególnie duże znaczenie mają białka, polifenole, polisacharydy oraz składniki mineralne. Gryka charakteryzuje się dużą zawartością składników mineralnych, takich jak potas, magnez, żelazo oraz witamin. Może być samodzielnym daniem, dodatkiem do mięs lub warzyw, może być podstawą obiadu czy kolacji. Kasza gryczana palona i kasza gryczana prażona to znaczy to samo. Obie kasze są poddawane obróbce termicznej.
Mașină de Curățat Ananas

Mașină de Curățat Ananas

Ananas Soyma makineleri; restoran, otel, eğlence ve alışveriş merkezleri, yurtlar, üniversiteler, büfeler, manav tezgahları gibi mekânlarda, çok fazla güç gerektirmeden meyveyi kabuğundan ve çekirdeğinden ayırmak için dizayn edilmiştir. Sökülüp takılabilen 304 kalite paslanmaz bıçak sayesinde hijyenik ve güvenlikli bir makinadır. Ayrıca piston sayesinde kesme işlemi bittikten sonra otomatik olarak kol yukarı kalmaktadır. Kullanımı çok kolaydır.
Hunkar Maraslim Tăiere Simplă 4 Piese Înghețată

Hunkar Maraslim Tăiere Simplă 4 Piese Înghețată

Hunkar Maraslim Plain Cut 4 Piece Ice Cream Taste: Distinguished by its plain and intense milk taste. Produced by a thick milk texture alongside milk's natural tastes. Presents a fresh and natural milk taste with every piece. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim Plain Cut 4 Piece Ice Cream, can be served as cut practically. The pieces, on preference, can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging. Production Process: Hunkar Maraslim ice creams are made from utmost quality ingredients in modern production facilities under hygienic conditions.
Mașină de Sigilare a Tavilor TSS125 - Sigilatoare Semiautomată pentru Tavi

Mașină de Sigilare a Tavilor TSS125 - Sigilatoare Semiautomată pentru Tavi

Der halbautomatische pneumatische Schalensiegler TSS125 ist eine Maschine mit Wagen für die Verpackung in MAP (Gasspülung). Alle Versiegelungsparameter sind personalisierbar, und es können bis zu 10 verschiedene Programme gespeichert werden. Die Maschine zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität aus: Es kann zwischen verschiedenen Versiegelungsmodi (Siegelung, Vakuum und MAP) gewählt werden, gleichzeitig können die Formen individuell angepasst werden. Dank der gestanzten Form ist das Endergebnis eine Schale, die sich perfekt für die Regale der Supermärkte eignet und ein stets frisches und einladendes Produkt bietet. Maße: 590 mm x 750 mm x 1.440 mm Gewicht: Ca. 170 kg Maximale Höhe der Schalen: 100 (optional 150) mm Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs: 420 mm x 280 mm Maximale Filmgröße: Ø 250 mm x 470 mm Zyklen pro Minute: 3 - 8 Luftverbrauch: 6 Nl/c Pneumatische Versorgung: 6 - 8 bar Gasversorgung: 3 bar Leistung: ca. 3,5 kW Stromversorgung: 380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A Maße:590 mm x 750 mm x 1.440 mm Gewicht:ca. 170 kg Maximale Höhe der Schalen:100 (optional 150) mm Größe des Siegelwerkzeugs:420 mm x 280 mm Maximale Filmgröße:Ø 250 mm x 470 mm Zyklen pro Minute:3 - 8 Luftverbrauch:6 Nl/c Pneumatische Versorgung:6 - 8 bar Gasversorgung:3 bar Leistungsaufnahme:ca. 3,5 kW Stromversorgung:380 V 3 P + N + T 16 A
RAFT LARG FLUTURE L.120 X P.51 X H.220 - Rafturi

RAFT LARG FLUTURE L.120 X P.51 X H.220 - Rafturi

Paiement sécurisé Livraison à domicile Echange ou remboursement Référence:PAP120201
Capre Boer

Capre Boer

Introducing the Majestic Boer Goat – Where Elegance Meets Endurance! Prepare to be captivated by the unparalleled allure of the Boer Goat, a breed that epitomizes both grace and resilience. With its striking appearance and remarkable adaptability, these magnificent creatures have carved a place in the hearts of goat enthusiasts worldwide. Draped in a lustrous coat, their regal stature and symmetrical features exude a sense of nobility, making them an enchanting sight to behold. Large, soulful eyes mirror their gentle disposition, while their perfectly proportioned body showcases strength and vigor. Boer Goats possess an inborn tenacity that is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Originating from the rugged landscapes of South Africa, they have evolved to thrive in diverse environments, conquering challenging terrains with effortless ease. Their incredible ability to flourish in harsh conditions highlights their unyielding spirit and adaptability, making them an ideal choice for farmers


Complément alimentaire pour soutenir la fonction articulaire. Cassis ipowder®, (Ribes nigrum), vitamine C et manganèse. Etui de 2 blisters de 15 gélules taille 0. Le cassis supporte la fonction articulaire. La vitamine C contribue à la formation normale du collagène pour assurer la fonction normale des cartilages et des os. Le manganèse contribue au maintien d'une ossature normale et à la formation normale des tissus conjonctifs.
cutie de descoperire - Cutie de colecție

cutie de descoperire - Cutie de colecție

L’ensemble des fruits secs et graines proposés par L’Arbre Persan réunis dans un seul coffret ! Le coffret découverte est un assortiment de tous les fruits secs proposés par L’Arbre Persan : 20 produits ! Ce coffret est parfait notamment si vous hésitez parmi tous les fruits secs et graines. Il vous permettra ainsi de tester chaque produit et de découvrir chacune des saveurs ! A découvrir ou à offrir !
Acidul Alfa Lipoic: Antioxidantul Superior - Excipienți

Acidul Alfa Lipoic: Antioxidantul Superior - Excipienți

Alpha lipoic acid, also known as lipoic acid, is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in small amounts in certain foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid is unique in that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate all parts of the body. It can easily cross cell membranes and enter cells, including those in the brain. This versatility makes it an effective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the aqueous and lipid fractions of cells. Other Name:Alpha Lipoic Acid Spec./ Purity:99% Purity CAS Number:1077-28-7 Appearance:Slightly yellow powder or granular Main function:Powerful antioxidant, supports cellular energy production, promotes healthy blood sugar levels Test Method:HPLC Identification:Positive Odor&Taste:Characteristic Assay(Dried basis):99.0%~101.5% Loss on Drying:≤0.20% Melting Point:60~62°C Particle Size:90% pass 20 mesh Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm Lead:NMT0.2ppm Cadmium:NMT0.5ppm Mercury:NMT0.1ppm Cadmium:NMT0.2ppm Total Plate Count:NMT3,000cfu/g Total Yeast & Mold:NMT300cfu/g E.coli:Negative
Rață cu smochine VPF

Rață cu smochine VPF

Terrine de canard aux figues VPF en 180g - Jean Brunet
Liposcore™ Glutation Lipozomal

Liposcore™ Glutation Lipozomal

For our Liposomal Glutathione, we used the customs-made Phosphatidyl Choline from Sunflower (allergen free) to enclose the L-Glutathione reduced through homogenization and post-preparation treatments, which could reach maximum 20% encapsulation efficiency and much better than other products using the conventional technology in the market. Attached please find the morphology by TEM. Now we mainly provide Liposomal Glutathione 70% and Liposomal Glutathione 50%, the product characteristics could be customized according to your formulation. Attached please find our detailed brochure.