Produse pentru alimente (121)

Producție Agricolă

Producție Agricolă

Agricultural Production
Sacoșe ventilate pentru produse proaspete - Destinate pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesită aerisire.

Sacoșe ventilate pentru produse proaspete - Destinate pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesită aerisire.

Aplicabilitate: Destinat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesita aerisire. Producție: Fabricat 100% automat din materii prime durabile. Personalizare: cel mai inalt nivel de calitate in pana la 10 culori si/sau policromi, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Opțiuni: fereastră de vizualizare a produsului cu o formă personalizată, poate fi sigilată cu folie PLA Biodegradabilă pentru a permite ambalarea produselor care necesită o atmosferă controlată, de exemplu biscuiți. Pot avea și mânere pentru un transport ușor. Material: hârtie specială impermeabilă cu fante de ventilație. Hârtie kraft albă sau natur, diferite grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Cele mai frecvente dimensiuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 și 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Capacitate de producție: peste 75 de milioane de bucăți anual.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Alkalmazhatóság: Szellőzést igénylő burgonya, hagyma, gyümölcsök csomagolásához. Termelés: Fenntartható nyersanyagokból 100%-ban automatizáltan gyártott. Személyre szabás: a legmagasabb minőségi szint, akár 10 színben és/vagy polikrómban, beleértve a különlegeseket: arany, fémezüst, ökológiai vízbázisú tintával. A nyomtatási felbontás könnyen elérheti a 300 dpi-t. Opciók: egyedi formájú terméknéző ablak, lezárható biológiailag lebomló PLA fóliával, hogy lehetővé tegye a szabályozott légkört igénylő termékek, pl. kekszek csomagolását. A könnyű szállítás érdekében fogantyúval is rendelkezhetnek. Anyag: speciális vízálló papír szellőzőnyílásokkal. Fehér vagy természetes erőspapír, különböző vastagságú (80-120 GSM), FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001 tanúsítvánnyal. A leggyakoribb méretek: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 és 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Termelési kapacitás: évente több mint 75 millió darab. Mintákat és árajánlatokat szeretne? Várjuk az Ön kérését.
Masă cu mașină de spălat-1 cadă 500x500mm-oțel inoxidabil, cu raft

Masă cu mașină de spălat-1 cadă 500x500mm-oțel inoxidabil, cu raft

Table with 4 legs, made of AISI304 satin stainless steel; Tank dimensions: 500mm*500mm*300mm; Table dimensions: Table length: from 800 mm to 2000 mm Table width: 700 mm Standard height: 850mm Standard height of ledge (mounting to the wall) washing machine: 100 mm; Sound-absorbing washing tub, cold pressed, with rounded corners; Positioning the tub on the left or right side of the countertop, as you choose; Washing top with pressed edges, 40 mm, and reinforced worktop with stainless steel profile Reinforced shelf with stainless steel profiles; Legs made of AISI 304 stainless steel rectangular tube, 40x40x1.5 mm, adjustable in height; Argon welded joints.
Masă de lucru din oțel inoxidabil cu margine și raft

Masă de lucru din oțel inoxidabil cu margine și raft

Table with 4 legs, made of AISI430 satin stainless steel; Work table dimensions: Variable length, from 600 mm to 2000 mm Variable width, from 600 mm to 700 mm Standard height: 850 mm Lower shelf reinforced with stainless steel profile; Standard height of work table edge: 50 mm; 40 mm stainless steel worktop, reinforced with a stainless steel profile Legs made of AISI 430 stainless steel rectangular tube, 40x40x1.5 mm, adjustable in height; Made in ROMANIA.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Destinat ambalării cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Destinat ambalării cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație

Applicabilità: Destinato al confezionamento di patate, cipolle, frutta che richiedono ventilazione. Produzione: Prodotto automatizzato al 100% da materie prime sostenibili. Personalizzazione: altissimo livello di qualità fino a 10 colori e/o policromie, compresi quelli speciali: oro, argento metallizzato con inchiostro ecologico a base acqua. La risoluzione di stampa può facilmente raggiungere i 300 dpi. Opzioni: finestra di visualizzazione del prodotto con forma personalizzata, sigillabile con film in PLA biodegradabile per consentire il confezionamento di prodotti che richiedono atmosfera controllata, ad esempio biscotti. Possono anche avere maniglie per un facile trasporto. Materiale: carta speciale impermeabile con fessure di ventilazione. Carta kraft bianca o naturale, vari spessori (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Le dimensioni più comuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 e 260 x 160 x 550 mm.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Destinat ambalării cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Destinat ambalării cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Aplicabilidad: Destinado al envasado de patatas, cebollas, frutas que requieran ventilación. Producción: Fabricación 100% automatizada a partir de materias primas sostenibles. Personalización: Máximo nivel de calidad en hasta 10 colores y/o policromías, incluidas las especiales: oro, plata metálica con tinta ecológica al agua. La resolución de impresión puede alcanzar fácilmente los 300 ppp. Opciones: ventana de visualización del producto con forma personalizada, puede sellarse con película de PLA biodegradable para permitir el envasado de productos que requieren una atmósfera controlada, por ejemplo, galletas. También pueden tener asas para facilitar su transporte. Material: papel especial impermeable con ranuras de ventilación. Papel kraft blanco o natural, varios grosores (80-120 GSM), certificado FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Los tamaños más habituales: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 y 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Capacidad de producción: más de 75 millones de piezas al año.
Foi de hârtie de ambalare

Foi de hârtie de ambalare

За опаковане на готови продукти за бързо хранене или хранителни и сладкарски про - Приложимост: използва се главно в ресторанти за бързо хранене и магазини за хранителни стоки или в сладкарници и магазини за захарни изделия. Производство: произвеждат се 100% автоматизирано при строги условия за безопасност на храните. Персонализация: могат да бъдат отпечатани с най-високо ниво на качество в до 10 линейни цвята и/или полихроми, включително специалните: злато, сребро металик с екологично мастило на водна основа за контакт с храни. Разделителната способност на печата може лесно да достигне 300 dpi. Материал: бяла необработена хартия или естествен крафт, или с определен процент рециклирани влакна, различни дебелини (25-100 GSM), сертифицирана по FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001. Също така хартията може да бъде устойчива на мазнини, водоустойчива с парафин или с полиетиленов слой. Размери: Произвеждаме размера, които са "най-продаваните" на пазарите в ЕС и САЩ, но те могат да бъдат нарязани до всеки размер, от който се нуждаете.
Foi de hârtie de împachetat

Foi de hârtie de împachetat

Για τη συσκευασία παρασκευασμένων προϊόντων γρήγορου φαγητού, ειδών παντοπωλείου - Εφαρμογή: χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως σε εστιατόρια γρήγορου φαγητού και παντοπωλεία ή σε καταστήματα ζαχαροπλαστικής και ζαχαροπλαστικής. Παραγωγή: κατασκευάζονται 100% αυτοματοποιημένα υπό αυστηρές συνθήκες ασφάλειας τροφίμων. Εξατομίκευση: μπορούν να τυπωθούν στο υψηλότερο επίπεδο ποιότητας σε έως και 10 γραμμικά χρώματα ή/και πολυχρωμίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ειδικών: χρυσό, μεταλλικό ασημί με οικολογικό μελάνι με βάση το νερό για επαφή με τρόφιμα. Η ανάλυση εκτύπωσης μπορεί εύκολα να φτάσει τα 300 dpi. Υλικό: λευκό παρθένο χαρτί ή φυσικό κραφτ, ή με ορισμένο ποσοστό ανακυκλωμένων ινών, διάφορα πάχη (25-100 GSM), πιστοποιημένο FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001. Επίσης, το χαρτί μπορεί να είναι ανθεκτικό στα λίπη, αδιαβροχοποιημένο με παραφίνη ή με στρώμα πολυαιθυλενίου. Μεγέθη: Παράγουμε συνήθως δέκα μεγέθη που είναι "best sellers" τόσο στην αγορά της ΕΕ όσο και στις ΗΠΑ, αλλά μπορούν να κοπούν σχεδόν σε οποιοδήποτε μέγεθος χρειάζεστε. Παραγωγική ικανότητα: περισσότεροι από 200 τόνοι ετησίως.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Proiectat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete - Proiectat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei și fructelor care necesită ventilație.

Zastosowanie: Przeznaczone do pakowania ziemniaków, cebuli, owoców wymagających wentylacji. Produkcja: Wyprodukowane w 100% automatycznie ze zrównoważonych surowców. Personalizacja: najwyższy poziom jakości w maksymalnie 10 kolorach i/lub polichromiach, w tym specjalnych: złotym, metalicznym srebrnym z ekologicznym tuszem na bazie wody. Rozdzielczość druku może z łatwością osiągnąć 300 dpi. Opcje: okienko do podglądu produktu o niestandardowym kształcie, może być uszczelnione biodegradowalną folią PLA, aby umożliwić pakowanie produktów wymagających kontrolowanej atmosfery, np. herbatników. Mogą również posiadać uchwyty ułatwiające transport. Materiał: specjalny wodoodporny papier z otworami wentylacyjnymi. Biały lub naturalny papier kraft, różne grubości (80-120 GSM), certyfikowany FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Najpopularniejsze rozmiary: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 i 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Zdolność produkcyjna: ponad 75 milionów sztuk rocznie.
Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete

Sac ventilat pentru produse proaspete

Προορίζεται για τη συσκευασία πατάτας, κρεμμυδιών, φρούτων που απαιτούν εξαερισμ - Εφαρμογή: Για τη συσκευασία πατάτας, κρεμμυδιών, φρούτων που απαιτούν εξαερισμό. Παραγωγή: από βιώσιμες πρώτες ύλες. Εξατομίκευση: Υψηλότερο επίπεδο ποιότητας σε έως και 10 χρώματα ή/και πολυχρωμίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ειδικών: χρυσό, μεταλλικό ασήμι με οικολογικό μελάνι με βάση το νερό. Η ανάλυση εκτύπωσης μπορεί εύκολα να φτάσει τα 300 dpi. Επιλογές: παράθυρο προβολής προϊόντων με προσαρμοσμένο σχήμα, μπορεί να σφραγιστεί με βιοδιασπώμενο φιλμ PLA για να επιτρέψει τη συσκευασία προϊόντων που απαιτούν ελεγχόμενη ατμόσφαιρα, π.χ. μπισκότα. Μπορούν επίσης να διαθέτουν χειρολαβές για εύκολη μεταφορά. Υλικό: ειδικό αδιάβροχο χαρτί με σχισμές εξαερισμού. Λευκό ή φυσικό χαρτί κραφτ, διάφορα πάχη (80-120 GSM), πιστοποιημένο FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Τα πιο συνηθισμένα μεγέθη: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 και 260 x 160 x 550 mm. Παραγωγική ικανότητα: περισσότερα από 75 εκατομμύρια τεμάχια ετησίως. Θέλετε δείγματα και τιμές; Περιμένουμε το αίτημά σας.
baza de legume - amestec legume

baza de legume - amestec legume

legume uscate- mix amestec pentru mancare
Găleată Fast Food 2797cc / 94,5 Oz - Găleată Fast Food 2797cc / 94,5 Oz Personalizabilă - Cel mai bun preț garantat în Europa!

Găleată Fast Food 2797cc / 94,5 Oz - Găleată Fast Food 2797cc / 94,5 Oz Personalizabilă - Cel mai bun preț garantat în Europa!

Grease proof -Paper Bucket Bowl + Lids ØB:145 ØT:178 H:145 Capacity- 2797cc/94.5 Oz-Customizable-MOQ 5,880 pcs(2 pallets) MEAL BOX:B2850 2850cc/94.5 Oz:2850cc Ø B: 145 Ø T: 188 H: 148
Pachet Inteligent de Fast Food B:150x120 T:150x120 H:50 - Personalizabil și Redimensionabil-B:150x120 T:150x120 H:50

Pachet Inteligent de Fast Food B:150x120 T:150x120 H:50 - Personalizabil și Redimensionabil-B:150x120 T:150x120 H:50

Customizable and Resizable-B:150x120 T:150x120 H:50 Services offered by Urspack- - offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier; - customize with polychrome logo and graphics - we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types. - we are the only producers  from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market. - we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers. - producer prices, personalized discounts. - discover the range of products in the attached catalog. MEAL BOX:SSPB01
Gama Asia Box - Ambalaj pentru bucătăria asiatică autentică - Fabricăm o gamă extinsă de cutii din hârtie pentru alimente asiatice.

Gama Asia Box - Ambalaj pentru bucătăria asiatică autentică - Fabricăm o gamă extinsă de cutii din hârtie pentru alimente asiatice.

Customization Options: Our Asia Boxes can be personalized with your logo and design, allowing you to promote and differentiate your brand. Creating an Authentic Experience: We can add specific cultural elements such as writings, symbols, or traditional Asian images to create an authentic experience for customers. Urspack can create the perfect packaging for your business according to your specifications! Personalized Consultation: Our team can provide consultation to help you choose the right size, shape, and design for your customized Asia Boxes based on your restaurant's needs! Preservation of Freshness and Flavor: Our Asia Boxes are designed to keep Asian food fresh and flavorful, ensuring an authentic culinary experience. Quality and Durability: Our high-quality and durable materials ensure that the packaging remains solid and secure, protecting the food during transportation. Intelligent Compartmentalization: Our Asia Boxes can be designed with multiple compartments. Grease proof - Take Away Box B:100x100 T:110x110 H:45 Capacity- 493cc/16,6 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:60x54 T:93x81 H:94 Capacity- 485cc/16.3 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:100x100 T:115x115 H:65 Capacity- 550cc/18.5 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:90x80 T:105x95 H:60 Capacity- 509cc/17.2 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:100x83 T:118x108 H:65 Capacity- 672cc/22.7 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:140x110 T:158x123 H:70 Capacity- 1206cc/40.7 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B.220x120T.235x135H-50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box-3 compartment B.220x120T.235x135H50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizab:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B.220x120T.235x135H-50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT Grease proof - Take Away Box B:140x110 T:158x123 H:70 Capacity- 1206cc/40.7 Oz-Customizable:Pallet Weight-100 kg(+- 10) /MOQ 2 PALLETS/PRODUCT
Colorant Alimentar Gel Comestibil

Colorant Alimentar Gel Comestibil

Food Colouring Gel Lumea Colours is the ideal colouring gel for your creative creations. Over 25 vibrant shades in a tube of magic. Easy to use, just one drop will colour any: cream, marzipan, fondant, royal icing, whipped cream and many other edible products. Experience the colours by combining them together as a painter. Be surprised by these intense colours and enjoy your wonderful, colourful creations.
Bol din hârtie tip găleată 1035cc / 34,9 Oz - Personalizabil - Bol de supă Hototay / Găleată de fast food

Bol din hârtie tip găleată 1035cc / 34,9 Oz - Personalizabil - Bol de supă Hototay / Găleată de fast food

Grease proof -Paper Bucket Bowl + Lids ØB:103 ØT:117 H:117 Capacity- 1035cc/34.9 Oz-Customizable Preserve Freshness and Flavor with Our Bowl Boxes Our Bowl Boxes are designed to maintain the freshness and quality of food during transportation.With the help of the cardboard support invented by Urspack, the food reaches your customers safely. High-Quality Materials: We use eco-friendly and durable materials to manufacture our Bowl Boxes, protecting the environment and providing safe food packaging. Versatility: Our Bowl Boxes are suitable for various types of meals, such as soups, salads, pastas, or bucket meals. They are easy to use and transport. Customization Options: Our Bowl Boxes can be personalized with your logo and design, allowing you to promote and differentiate your brand. MEAL BOX:B1110
Cutie pentru Prânz la Pachet 45 Oz - Cutie de Mâncare din Hârtie Deșabilă Personalizată cu Separator

Cutie pentru Prânz la Pachet 45 Oz - Cutie de Mâncare din Hârtie Deșabilă Personalizată cu Separator

Grease proof - Take Away Box B.220x120T.235x135H-50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable Biodegradable Hot and Cold Take Out Food Container Providing competitive producer prices and personalized discounts. MEAL BOX:A1300
Ambalaj din carton biodegradabil pentru fast food - Personalizat cu grafica ta

Ambalaj din carton biodegradabil pentru fast food - Personalizat cu grafica ta

Specializing in biodegradable cardboard packaging, Urspack Romania produces a wide range of packaging for restaurants, fast foods, catering, confectioneries and patisseries,and we are the main packaging supplier to all restaurant chains in our country. That is why we propose and have the ability to: - offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier; - customize with polychrome logo and graphics - we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types. - we are the only producers in Romania and in Europe for many of the packaging on the European market. - we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers. - producer prices, personalized discounts. We are at your disposal with great love! With great appreciation, Petrache Paul Cassian WWW.URSPACK.COM +40742 107 091 FAST FOOD BOX:A TAKE AWAY BOX:S FAST FOOD PAPER BOX:S
Drojdii inactive de bere - substitut natural de polen 5kg

Drojdii inactive de bere - substitut natural de polen 5kg

Inactive brewer's yeast serves as an excellent natural substitute for pollen, providing a rich source of nutrients essential for animal health. This product is particularly beneficial for livestock, as it offers a high protein content and a variety of vitamins and minerals that support growth and development. The unique formulation of inactive brewer's yeast helps in enhancing the overall diet of animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal performance. With its pleasant aroma and taste, this product is easily accepted by various livestock species. Incorporating inactive brewer's yeast into animal diets can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. It acts as a natural prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and enhancing overall gut health. Additionally, this product supports the immune system, helping to prevent common health issues in livestock. By choosing inactive brewer's yeast as a natural pollen substitute, farmers can ensure their animals thrive, leading to better productivity and profitability in their operations.
Furaj drojdie de bere 20kg

Furaj drojdie de bere 20kg

Feed brewer's yeast 20kg is a high-quality product intended for animal feed. this yeast is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, with a protein content of 45%. brewer's yeast helps stabilize intestinal flora, improves digestion, and supports the immune system of animals. its use in animal feed contributes to overall health improvement and enhanced productive performance. it is an essential ingredient for farmers who want to ensure optimal nutrition for their animals.
Larve întregi uscate 30g

Larve întregi uscate 30g

Dried whole larvae are a nutritious feed supplement designed to enhance the diets of various livestock. This product is rich in protein and essential nutrients, making it an excellent choice for improving animal health and productivity. The unique formulation of dried whole larvae provides a natural source of nutrients that support growth, reproduction, and overall well-being in livestock. With its palatable taste and aroma, this product is easily accepted by animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrition for optimal performance. Incorporating dried whole larvae into animal diets can lead to significant improvements in feed efficiency and animal performance. This product supports the immune system, helping to prevent common health issues in livestock. Additionally, it enhances digestion and nutrient absorption, ensuring animals receive the maximum benefit from their feed. By choosing dried whole larvae as a feed supplement, farmers can enhance the productivity and well-being of their livestock, ensuring a successful farming operation.
Aliment de calciu cu drojdie de bere 5kg

Aliment de calciu cu drojdie de bere 5kg

Calcium feed with brewer's yeast is a high-quality nutritional supplement designed to enhance the diet of livestock. This product combines the benefits of calcium with the nutritional properties of brewer's yeast, providing essential minerals and vitamins that support animal health and productivity. The unique formulation helps in improving the overall well-being of animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and development. With a protein content of 45% and low moisture levels, this feed is perfect for maintaining a balanced diet in various livestock species. Incorporating calcium feed with brewer's yeast into your animal's diet can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. This product is particularly beneficial for dairy cows, as it can enhance milk production and quality. Additionally, it supports the immune system, helping to prevent common health issues in livestock. By choosing this calcium feed, farmers can ensure their animals thrive, leading to better productivity and profitability in their operations.
Sac cu larve uscate și măcinate 100g

Sac cu larve uscate și măcinate 100g

Ground dried larvae are a versatile and highly nutritious feed option for a variety of animals. This product is made from premium quality larvae that have been dried and ground into a fine powder, making it easy to mix into feed formulations. Ground dried larvae are rich in protein, essential amino acids, and vitamins, providing a complete nutritional profile for pets and livestock. This product is particularly beneficial for animals that require a high-protein diet, such as poultry, fish, and reptiles. Incorporating ground dried larvae into animal diets can enhance growth rates, improve feed efficiency, and support overall health. This product can be used as a supplement in commercial feeds or offered as a standalone treat. By choosing ground dried larvae, farmers and pet owners can ensure their animals receive a high-quality source of nutrition that promotes optimal health and performance.
Furaje de calciu cu drojdie de bere 10kg

Furaje de calciu cu drojdie de bere 10kg

Calcium feed with brewer's yeast in a 10kg package is designed to provide livestock with essential nutrients for optimal health. This product combines the benefits of calcium with the nutritional properties of brewer's yeast, which is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The formulation helps to improve the overall health and productivity of animals, making it an essential addition to their diet. By providing essential nutrients, this feed supports bone development and metabolic functions in livestock, ensuring they remain healthy and productive. Incorporating calcium feed with brewer's yeast into your livestock's diet can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. The brewer's yeast component not only enhances the flavor of the feed but also stimulates appetite, encouraging animals to consume more. This product is particularly beneficial for dairy cows, as it can help increase milk production and improve milk quality. With its balanced formulation, this feed is suitable for various types of livestock, making it a versatile choice for farmers looking to optimize their animal nutrition.
Drojdia de bere pentru animale 20kg

Drojdia de bere pentru animale 20kg

Brewer's yeast for animals is a versatile supplement that enhances the nutritional value of animal feed. This product is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, making it an essential addition to the diets of various livestock species. The use of brewer's yeast can lead to improved digestion, better weight gain, and enhanced overall health in animals. Farmers can incorporate this product into their feeding programs to ensure that their livestock receive the necessary nutrients for optimal performance. It is a reliable choice for those looking to improve the quality of their animal nutrition.
Drojdia de bere și nămol de furaj 2kg

Drojdia de bere și nămol de furaj 2kg

Brewer's yeast and pomace feed in a 2kg package is a nutritious supplement designed to enhance the diets of livestock. This product combines the benefits of brewer's yeast, which is rich in proteins and vitamins, with pomace, a byproduct of the brewing process that adds fiber and additional nutrients. This unique blend supports digestive health and overall well-being in animals, making it an ideal choice for farmers looking to optimize their livestock's nutrition. Using brewer's yeast and pomace feed can lead to improved growth rates, better feed conversion, and enhanced milk production in dairy cows. The fiber content aids in digestion, promoting a healthy gut environment. Additionally, this feed supports the immune system and helps prevent common health issues in livestock. By incorporating this product into their feeding strategies, farmers can ensure their animals thrive and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural system.
Sticlă cu larve uscate și măcinate de 35g

Sticlă cu larve uscate și măcinate de 35g

Dried and ground larvae in a 35g bottle are a nutritious and protein-rich feed option for various animals, including poultry, fish, and reptiles. This product is made from high-quality larvae that have been carefully dried and ground to preserve their nutritional value. Dried larvae are an excellent source of protein, essential fatty acids, and vitamins, making them an ideal supplement for enhancing the diet of pets and livestock. They can be easily incorporated into feed formulations or offered as a treat to boost the overall health and vitality of animals. In addition to their nutritional benefits, dried and ground larvae can stimulate natural foraging behaviors in animals, promoting mental stimulation and engagement. This product is particularly beneficial for poultry, as it can enhance egg production and improve feather quality. By including dried and ground larvae in their feeding regimen, farmers and pet owners can provide a natural and wholesome source of nutrition that supports the health and well-being of their animals.
Drojdia de bere și nămol de furaj 1,5 kg

Drojdia de bere și nămol de furaj 1,5 kg

Brewer's yeast and feed mash 1.5kg is an innovative product that combines brewer's yeast with the mash resulting from the fermentation process. this mixture offers a rich source of protein and essential nutrients for animals. brewer's yeast is known for its ability to improve digestion and support intestinal health, while the mash provides additional fiber. the use of this product in animal feed contributes to increased productive performance and reduced digestive problems. it is ideal for ruminants, poultry, and other farm animals.
Alimentație cu calciu cu drojdie de bere 2kg

Alimentație cu calciu cu drojdie de bere 2kg

Feed calcium with brewer's yeast 2kg is a nutritional supplement intended for animals, combining essential calcium with brewer's yeast. this product is ideal for supporting the health of animals' bones and teeth, while brewer's yeast contributes to better digestion and more efficient nutrient absorption. calcium is vital for the healthy development and maintenance of animals, and this product offers a practical and effective solution for farmers. its regular use can improve the overall health of animals and contribute to increased milk and meat production.