Produse pentru alimente (291)

Fulgi de nucă de cocos

Fulgi de nucă de cocos

Coconut flakes are among the most popular, bestselling products available from August Töpfer & Co. The high nutritional value, amount of easily digestible protein as well as the vitamins, minerals and trace elements make coconut flesh a valuable source of nutrition and energy. The fat content of coconut flakes is around 60 percent. Although these are saturated fatty acids, moderate consumption of coconut products and coconut oil is still considered beneficial to health.
Melasă de sfeclă de zahăr organică

Melasă de sfeclă de zahăr organică

Sugarbeet molasses is an almost black, viscous liquid obtained during the process of refining beet sugar
Fulgi de malț

Fulgi de malț

Malt flakes are suitable as a topping for baked goods. In contrast to flour, the flakes affect the structure and dough yield of bread and baked goods in addition to the flavour.
Nucile de alun

Nucile de alun

Hazelnuts are used both whole and processed for a wide number of applications – both sweet and savoury.They are characterised in particular by their high vitamin E content.
Eritritol + Stevia

Eritritol + Stevia

Erythrit-Stevia - kalorienfreie Süße ohne Stevia-Nachgeschmack
Nuci pecan

Nuci pecan

Originally from North America, pecan nut kernels are characterised by their high mineral and vitamin content. The pecan nut is particularly rich in minerals and vitamins and is ideal as a healthy source of energy.
Pudră de extract de malț

Pudră de extract de malț

Dried malt powder is highly versatile. It is especially important in home brewing and baking. Due to high maltose content, dried malt extract is a natural sugar alternative for food such as confectionery, cereals, muesli or chocolate. In addition, very dark malt extracts provide an alternative to caramel and are free from Enumbers.
Zahăr din trestie

Zahăr din trestie

Cane sugar refers to a refined white sugar. Raw cane sugar is partially refined and contains around 0.3 to one percent molasses, which is mixed with sugar crystals.
Zahăr Naturland

Zahăr Naturland

Naturland has developed special standards for organic agriculture and awards its label to those products which are produced in harmony with nature and the environment according to these criteria. The raw material for Naturland sugar, sugarcane, requires temperatures above 20 °C in order to grow and is therefore only cultivated in countries with a tropical or subtropical climate. This makes it all the more important to monitor compliance with defined standards and conditions under which the raw material is cultivated. Naturland sugar is subject to stricter criteria than conventional organic products.


TRÜFFEL / Truffle / Truffe / Trufa / Brigadeiro / Tartufo / Alkama'a / Truffel Wir beliefern Großhandel und Industrie mit Tuber aestivum Vitt. — Sommer-Trüffel (ital. Scorzone) und Tuber uncinatum - Burgundertrüffel. Frisch oder in Scheiben getrocknet, Liefermenge ab 20 Kilo.
Xilitol Bio

Xilitol Bio

Bio Xylit - der kalorienreduzierte Zuckerersatz Bio-Xylit ist ideal für die ganze Familie: Kalorienreduziert, natürlich und in zertifizierter Bio-Qualität. Bio-Xylit stellt eine natürliche Alternative zu künstlichen Süßstoffen dar. Die kristalline Struktur gleicht der von Zucker mit der selben Süßkraft. Es ist zahnfreundlich, da der Verzehr von Bio-Xylit zur Erhaltung der Zahnmineralisierung* beiträgt (* gem. Art. 10 Abs. 1 VO (EG) Nr. 1924/2004 i.V.m. Anh. VO (EU) Nr. 432/2012). Fakten: ✔ natürliche Süße ✔ geschmacklich wie Zucker ✔ Kalorienreduziert ✔ in zertifizierter Bioqualität ✔ ideal zum Kochen und Backen ✔ vegan Kann bei übermäßigem Verzehr abführend wirken.
Nuci caju

Nuci caju

Cashew kernels are rich in many essential nutrients and are highly popular for their mild, nutty flavour and their delicate consistency.
zahăr Demeter

zahăr Demeter

The criteria for Demeter certification relate to both the cultivation and processing of the products. One particularly important criterion for Demeter sugar is the omission of chemical, synthetic fertilisers and plant protection agents. In contrast to the standards of the EU Eco directive, this label also requires the improved soil quality using special compost and field sprays. 


Fructose - der Fruchtzucker
Produse din nucă de cocos

Produse din nucă de cocos

Kokoschips, Raspeln, natives Kokosöl, Snack chips, Kokosblütenzucker und andere alles aus der Kokosnuss Papiersack: Chips weiß: 10 kg Karton
Zahăr din trestie de zahăr organic

Zahăr din trestie de zahăr organic

The main commonality between organic cane sugar and raw cane sugar is the raw material used. Demerara is a special raw cane sugar that is also available in organic quality. Organic demerara is a type of raw cane sugar that has a lightbrown colour and a molasses content between two and three percent. What’s special about this sugar variety are the particularly large crystals. The flavour of this organic cane sugar is considered especially aromatic and is associated with malt and caramel.


Treacle is a highly viscous syrup with a darkbrown to black colour. As a raw material for the food industry, treacle provides a characteristic liquoricelike, bittersweet flavour and natural colouring – all without the use of Enumbers
Glicerina brută

Glicerina brută

Crude glycerine is distinguished by its brown colour and saltysweet flavour which animals enjoy. The applications of crude glycerine include highenergy individual feed and the optimisation of feed rations. Moreover, it acts as a binding agent for floury feeds and as a pelleting agent. As a feed, it promotes feed intake.Feed law stipulates that crude glycerine (GMOfree) may be used for its intended purpose as a feed supplement or individual feed. It provides energy, since its glycerine content is similar to pure starch. It is also recommended for preventing ketosis and stabilising metabolism.


Maltit - kalorienreduzierter Zuckerersatz Maltit (E965) ist ein kalorienreduzierter Zuckeraustauschstoff, der ähnlich wie Zucker schmeckt. Mit einer Süßkraft von etwa 90% wie Zucker kann Maltit nahezu 1:1 gegen Zucker ersetzt werden. Der Verzehr von Maltit bewirkt einen nur sehr geringen Anstieg des Blutzucker- und Insulinspiegels und enthält nur etwa halb so viele Kalorien wie Zucker. Maltit wird u.a. verwendet für die Herstellung von Bonbons, Keksen, Schokolade, Desserts aller Art, Speiseeis, Marmeladen, Kaugummi, etc.. Bei Tagesdosen von mehr als 30-50 g für Erwachsene kann eine abführende Wirkung auftreten. Deshalb wird ein täglicher Verzehr von max. 30-50 g empfohlen.


Erythrit - Ihr Zuckerersatz zum Süßen Ihrer Speisen